The Holistic Health Show with Carl O. Helvie teaches you how using Mind, Body & Spirit, Relationship, Environment, and Political Interventions.
Dr Carl O. Helvie, R.N. received a B.S. (NYU), M.S. (U of California), M.P.H. and Dr.P.H. (Johns Hopkins U). Advanced degrees are in public health and wellness. He has over 60 years experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher and received national recognitions including the Distinguished Career Award from the American Public Health Association and listings in Wikipedia. Carl has author of 10 books, contributor to 3 others, has over 100 peer reviewed articles and presented research papers around
the United States and Europe.
While in academia he developed a theory of nursing and health that is used internationally and received national funding for and administered a health care program for homeless and low income individuals and families. He has been interviewed on over 200 radio and television shows over the years. At age 87 Carl is still the active hosts of the Holistic Health Show on BBS Radio and is President/CEO of the Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation.
As the founder of the Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation (HCF) his interest in using a holistic natural approach for health problems including cancer began when he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1974 and that has never wavered. Back then Carl was offered chemotherapy and surgery and given just 6 months to live by conventional medicine. By Following prayer and meditation it was clear that he should avoid chemotherapy, surgery and cure his cancer using the Holistic Approach.
In addition, as a registered nurse with two masters and doctorate in public health. Carl had learned through his own experience that health and illnesses are processes resulting from the interaction of multiple factors in man, its agents they come into contact with and the environment and from this perspective he feels there should be multiple factors involved in the treatment and resolution of cancer and other disease processes.
Carl knew IF he treated his cancer with surgery and chemotherapy. As a registered nurse with two masters’ degrees and a doctorate in public health, Carl knew that he would need to address multiple aspects of his life in order to heal. With this knowledge, as well as a lot of prayer and meditation, Carl decided to use a natural, holistic approach to try and cure his cancer rather than extending his life by a mere six months with chemotherapy and surgery. His logic was that he wasn’t feeling bad when he was diagnosed, so if he was going to die, he certainly didn’t want to be debilitated by chemotherapy during his final six months of life.
Instead of dying, Carl spent over two years working with an alternative medicine practitioner to fully heal his body and has remained cancer-free ever since, living healthily for another 45 years to date. His cure consisted of a combination of nutrition, exercise and mental/spiritual interventions.
The Successful Use of the Holistic Approach for Cancer.
Nutrition —
Carl’s alternative doctor prescribed many natural, non-invasive physical interventions, including but not limited to:
A vegan diet consisting of 75% mostly raw fruits and vegetables, nuts (except peanuts) and some grains
Laetrile (Vitamin B17) and apricot kernels
Pancreatic enzymes
High dose Vitamin A
Exercise —
Carl stresses the importance of exercise as research indicates daily exercise
will reduce cancer risk by 50%.
Mental/Spiritual —
Carl added his own regimen of mental and spiritual interventions, which he says were just as important for his lung cancer recovery as the dietary changes and supplements prescribed by his alternative doctor.
Positivity: Carl worked hard to not only change all his negative thoughts to positive ones, but also to make others around him more positive so they wouldn’t influence him negatively.
Faith: Carl has a very strong faith in God. In fact, his diagnosis was a result of a dream telling him to go for a chest x-ray, which he believes was God’s way of guiding him. Carl took comfort in God being with him and looking over him.
Purpose / Helping Others: Since Carl’s alternative cancer treatments caused no pain or side effects, he continued teaching as a university faculty member, working with students, writing and doing research. This kept him very busy, and he had little time to wallow in his disease. Today Carl recommends helping others as another intervention to keep us healthy, because it provides a sense of purpose and joy while distracting us from negative thoughts.
Emotional Support: While initially Carl’s family, friends and colleagues expressed doubt about his decision to forego surgery and chemotherapy, they did provide him with emotional support during and after his two-years of recovery. Emotional support from those around him was so important to remain positive, optimistic and not allow fear to creep into his thoughts.
Meditation: Carl mediated daily during his cancer recovery and still meditates to this day. According to Carl, there is research to support patients who meditate have 31% lower stress symptoms, and 67% fewer mood disturbances
Visualization: Visualizing himself being well and healthy had profound effects on Carl’s mind-body connection and also aided in improving his immune function.
Carl sees fear of anything as the opposite of faith. During his cancer experience, his optimism far outweighed any possibility of succumbing to the disease. ALL THESE YEARS LATER, Carl says he has never even thought about a recurrence,
because his faith and optimism are so strong.
Giving Back —
Although Carl is partial to alternative & holistic cancer treatments, he supports any decision a patient makes about their own treatment. He does stress the importance of researching ALL treatment options and allowing the cancer patient to choose the one that is right for him/her. Part of healing is taking back control of one’s health, and making your own decision about cancer treatment is the first step in this process.
In order to help others, Carl established The Carl O. Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation to educate people on alternative cancer treatments. This gives people with cancer the opportunity to pause and research all their options, as well as short and long-term side effects, before leaping into any particular approach.
When going through cancer, Carl says there is ALWAYS hope, despite what your well-meaning doctor may say. It is important to remember that decisions about your life are yours. His recommendation is to “ask your doctor for all of the information you need to make decisions about care… [Then] collect as many health care helpers as you need to implement the plan, but you should remain the captain of the team who makes the major decisions.”
Additional information on Carl’s story and his foundation can be found at
The Carl O. Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation (www.HolisticCancerFoundation.com)
and in his books:
You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions
Reducing Your Cancer Risk (A Holistic Approach)
Healthy, Holistic Aging; A Blueprint for Success
Bottom line:
A few years before Carl was diagnosed with lung cancer Carl had been learning about Edgar Cayce and his healing of people with different medical/health conditions using a holistic approach. Thus, it was natural for him to add mental, spiritual, relationship, environmental and political components to the natural non-invasive physical interventions prescribed for me by my alternative doctor for life challenging lung cancer. After seeing that the approach was successful for cancer and equally successful for other health problems occurring as I aged,
I wanted to share this information through my books and articles, hosting a radio show on holistic health for the past six years and now through this foundation.
A holistic approach consists of combining physical, mental and spiritual modalities as well as considering the environment, relationships and politics because all of these elements influence health and wellness (cancer and recovery) and may need to be assessed
and included in any treatment plan.
An important part of any cancer program is education for those who have cancer or want
to prevent it as well as lawmakers who influence cancer programs and public access to these programs through the decisions they make. Likewise, because we evolve in a dynamic environment cancer causation changes over time and consequently ongoing research is needed to identify and find solutions to these changing causes.
In today’s world where harsh invasive drugs and procedures that often compromise the immune system have evolved as the treatment of choice for most medical conditions including cancer, medical coverage is often denied those who wish to find treatment outside the conventional realm. These cancer patients are subsequently often required and frequently unable to pay for their treatment of choice. This gap provides a rationale for both funding patient care and involvement in the political process to bring about necessary changes in cancer care and funding.
Last October: I had the Honor of visiting with Carl at his home along the Chesapeake Bay in Hampton Virginia. then in May of this year the privilege of being Interviewed with Carl on the Holistic Health Show. In our (my rare interview) Carl mentions that he found all parts of his protocol extremely important and not one proponent can be done without the other. Carl believes faith and optimism, affirmations, and visualization were all important in his recovery from lung cancer. As well as the physical aspects of laetrile, pancreatic enzymes, vitamin A and other modalities prescribed by his alternative doctors.
I myself hope you will get as excited as I am about the value of a holistic approach in the resolution of cancer and other health conditions.
This is a Link to Carl O’ Helvie Interviews
This show could save your life by providing you with comprehensive holistic interventions for staying well and overcoming illnesses.
Staying healthy and overcoming illnesses involve a combination of body-mind-spirit-environment-
relationship-political interventions. I believe these should be the most effective ones available and also the least caustic and invasive. Go to the Holistic Health Show
Something Within Your Heart!!!