They are habits that can be broken when one has the desire to break them.
Even with the very addictive nature of alcohol and tobacco, the addiction can be broken when one is intent on doing so. That’s my personal belief, anyway.
I have never been to an AA meeting, but I do know one thing…… If you cater to a drunk, he’ll remain a drunk. That’s not a “disease” by any of the old standards. Cancer isn’t anything you can “catch” or should be cater to either it just happens. Even the normal process of cells splitting and dying to make room for a new cell, can go awry. If the dying cell isn’t removed by the immune system, it can begin to grow on it’s own, without control; Nothing but a malfunctioning or weakened immune system, would be the reason.. We can’t blame everything on a “disease”, and if/when they stop accessing blame to non-instrumental causes, perhaps they’ll find the cure for cancer.
For many cancer resulted from unhealthy lifestyle choices: toxic people in their life,
poor diet, prior excessive alcohol and tobacco use. Therefore, cancer is the result of environment and diet, though why we got it and not others under similar circumstances can never be explained……
If it were a simple illness we wouldn’t be still hoping for a cure. Its complexity, the innumerable pathways that it has to develop and spread, the various cells
it can mutate from….etc.
If survival of the fittest has any validity at the species level, surely it might too at the micro/nano level, with cancer cells competing against healthy cells as well as other cancer cells to survive and multiply-sort of like cock roaches…..they get used to one insecticide (chemo) after which you need an even stronger one (2nd,3rd line chemo)……
If cancer is not a disease, what is?
It’s genetically passed on as cancer CAN be. Not always, but it can be. Also, supposed someone worked with asbestos for years and developed cancer then did it just happen. Some things cause cancer, you can’t [well, maybe you can:-)] dispute that. I do agree with you that sometimes it just happens too.
Some people are born with a pre-disposition for certain things. Homosexuality, cancer or alcoholism to name a few. To say that they are not diseases really distances oneself from the situation I think.
Of course there are always exceptions.
As far as cancer? The reason some get cancer from all those carcinogenic things, while others do not, should be self-explanatory in a totally mundane way.
Sure, genetics can be a problem, why not?
But being vulnerable to cancer is due to the immune system not doing it’s job, and a genetic quirk could possibly (and probably) cause the cancer. While some immune systems falter and others do well. But there isn’t an oncologist or cancer specialist in the world, that would deny that the immune system is important in the fight against cancer. They won’t give chemotherapy to one with a compromised immune system, or one that’s already fighting a disease; the reason is evident.
The chemicals used in chemotherapy are all well known carcinogenic. Radiation is a carcinogenic. Some of us will get second, unrelated cancers from those “remedies”, while others will not. Some smoke all their lives and never get cancer, and others blame their cancer on second-hand or even third-hand smoke. Is it the “causes”, or is it just the immune system not doing the job it was intended to do?
Again, the answer should be evident.
And since every “type” of cancer survives by the same very basic process of life (fermentation), the banter about all “different kinds of cancer”, and all the necessary forms of drugs that are needed to kill cancer, is a real big drift from reality.
As the industry continues to baffle and obfuscate; they will do their best to tell you that it’s a complex matter that takes billions of dollars and years of research, yet never seems to resolve the real problem in any way, shape, or manner.
How can they? They’re not addressing the real problem.
You can call it what you want, but I don’t consider cancer a disease; I consider it an immune system problem….. And I’m among quite a few that feel strongly in that view; and some are well embedded in the field of cancer research.
I hope we all can find our remedy….. soon.
Just my point of view. One way to be healed, is that you need your cleansing regime to get your immune system working.
“Some people are born with a pre-disposition for certain things. Homosexuality, cancer, alcoholism to name a few.” This is the part (I think) that I meant to get across. I don’t think people choose to be gay. It certainly is NOT a disease.
Like I’ve said, cancer has many causes. Some you can control and some you can’t.
Some people swear the reason they live to be 104 years old is that they drank, smoked and ate fried foods. We’re all different so it’s hard to compare one person to another. These are the types of things that make cancer such a tough nut to crack. If there was only one cause of it I think it would be easier but it’s not like that.
Even the word “Dis`ease” has many definitions. I think we both can find one that defines cancer to make our own point. We can call it whatever we want. My Dad used to say “Just because you call a horse a cow, it doesn’t make it one” which I will add “if you step in poop does it matter who pooped?”
Another expletives, sunglasses are good if you are out in the bright sunshine a lot. But for those that seldom do, they are very susceptible to cancer. Wearing sunglasses prohibits the eyes from telling the brain that it’s daylight, subsequently, the body doesn’t prepare itself to absorb the vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is detrimental in the fight against cancer. Even though you’re taking 5000 units of it, you still maybe lacking in vitamin D3. So you need some sunshine.
Tumor forms itself in an attempt to hold all the bad cells that the immune system can’t destroy. If the immune system is weakened eventually the tumor cells travel through the lymph nodes to other organs. By feeding the right foods to the immune system, getting sun light, staying positive we can put up a good fight. We are all different and have different nutritional needs, we should all seek to naturally help our bodies.
“Another answer to cancer is an acidic environment causes cancer.”
Ok, “Life accordingly needs balance”:
For awhile, I was caught up in that PH thing too. The fact is, that the body maintains a near constant PH for your blood, and too much deviation from that can result in an untimely death. Your system will keep a near perfect balance, in spite of what you eat, or how much or little you eat. The idea of just eating a well balanced diet instead of
trying to control things with diet, is a pretty damned good idea, when you study the facts.
Your digestive system is more acidic than you can possibly imagine, and trying to make it more alkaline will end up causing you major digestive problems. Your system needs that acid to digest food, without it, you’re going to be tossing away an awful lot of good things that you are eating, every time you defecate. Cancer uses glucose at a faster rate than a normal healthy cell.
The cancer cell steals the glucose away from our system, so trying to starve a cancer cell by withholding glucose, will starve the good cell first, while that cancer cell will roll happily along. The cancer cell uses glucose in the fermentation process that it is using for it’s basic survival. The waste from a cancer cell, is lactic acid. Lactic acid is also converted to glucose by your liver… So does it make sense to believe that a cancer cell likes an acidic environment? I don’t think so…. If anything, it would love an alkaline environment. The cancer cell’s methods of survival causes the system to become a bit more acidic, and the liver does it’s best to correct that situation.
I really don’t understand why there’s so much misconception and misunderstanding, regarding cancer cells; it’s as if the confusion is being promoted by some multi-billion dollar industry… The cancer cell, once a good cell, is trying to stay alive. It’s lost it’s means to communicate with it’s host (like our normal cells do), and begins surviving on the most basic of life methods. There’s nothing complex about how a cancer cell starts, or stays alive.
Chemicals designed to kill the cancer cell will kill it just fine, but there isn’t a good and accurate method to deliver that dose. The best means to single out a cancer cell, is with the immune system. And ironically, the average immune system does just that, naturally. Some of us have a quirk; a malfunction with our immune system, and our system didn’t do the job it should have.
Researchers are now apparently figuring out that the immune system can “learn” what a cancer cell is, and it seemingly does in many cases after a bulk of cancer cells die. When living things die, they release compounds and chemicals that are usually kept contained; a cancer cell is no different. The immune system can be sensitized to the chemicals that are released, and begin to search for more of that chemical in an effort to remove it from the system.
If the research is correct, it would be an explanation why so many patients are having better results from a rapid and short chemo treatments that leaves the immune system healthy, instead of long, drawn out chemo treatments that damages the immune system and leaves it incapable of fighting for your life. So you tell me, does cancer really love an acidic environment?
Or is acid just a by-product of it’s survival, burdening our liver in it’s clean-up duties?
Myths are facts, but they don’t help solve the problem.
“When it doesn’t sound like it makes sense, it’s a good indication
that it doesn’t make sense.”
That’s my two centavos worth.
Stay healthy!!
To stay healthy Vitamin D is real important, and from all I’ve ever read, the best way to get it, is to sit in the sun for 15 minutes and let your body uses sunlight to make it’s own Vitamin D. The process the body uses to manufacturer Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, is unique and complex. Just taking vitamin supplements doesn’t do what happens when the body is making it, and isn’t as beneficial.
We can’t fool Momma Nature, well… not for long, anyway.
Most all vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc., are best received from their natural sources. This bologna about taking supplements, and having it added to everything we eat, is pure BS. It’s no wonder our systems malfunction. How can we have an immune system, a perfectly natural defense system, working the way it should if we only provide it phony manufactured substances to survive on.
I’ll leave you with this thought?
( I have to, my cheeseburgers are getting cold – haha.)
You best be Thinking Healthier than that~!
I would like to add this. I totally do believe that a compromised immune system is definitely a major and maybe the only risk factor for disease, whether it be cancer or another serious disease. I do believe it is a disease of the immune system so therefore disease is where
I would categorize cancer. I believe there are many many different things that will compromise our immune systems. Not only, negative emotions, personal problems, stress that causes, but also, chemicals, compounds, many environmental factors.
There is no known alternative remedy for this malady. only the knowledge and validation why you are always the first to catch a cold, or why you feel like crap so often.
There are many things that can cause a weakened immune system and stress is only one, so therefore my belief is that high stress individuals or those that don’t understand the importance of what stress does to the body.
Will end up taxing and already weakened immune system and run for the chemo drugs is indeed very frightening. Not to mention these same drugs are carcinoginic (sp) as well.
As the medical profession always made a big deal that my father was selenium deficient
but didn’t treat it or tell him lets get that treated.