because of extreme chemical sensitivities, she couldn’t do any conventional treatment. What she could do, however, was establish life style changes. Almost immediately she switched to an all organic, plant based diet. Additionally she incorporated up to 60 minutes of daily exercise and nutritional supplementation. She didn’t wait for things to get worse.
Since her initial diagnosis, Ann has had 25 tumors and every single one of them has grown slower than normal tumor cells. She attributes this to the changes she was able to make right away.
Started with metabolic enzyme therapy, changed eating to all organic, no meat, chicken or turkey. Occasional fish, no dairy but yogurt rarely.
Tried 714X (Nessons), had applied kinesiology, acupuncture, many supplements. Went to Gerson Therapy clinic in Mexico.
Never developed metastatic disease even after 5 years of tumors on the left side.
Used Maitake Mushroom D-Fraction Extract, high-dose vitamin A which both reduced tumors and also Eventually began taking (April 1999 – August 2001) Chinese herbs from Dr. George Wong. Never got another tumor, chemical sensitivity symptom changed immediately, and intensity reduced by (my estimate) 60%.
“It’s important to know that it really makes a difference,” Ann says. “Studies show that when children eat organic food for a week, the chemicals that we don’t want in their bodies come out. There are up to 200 chemicals in the umbilical chord that brand new babies get. So even in the womb, they get chemicals, because that’s the world we live in. That’s why we need to take precautions. Even if you don’t have cancer, it’s a good idea to make moves. But if you think that something is wrong and you’re about to get a scan or you’re scheduled for surgery, make your changes now.”
Ann believes that many cancer patients can feel “stuck” after their diagnosis and can sometimes do nothing, out of here. This lack of action she warns, can be deadly. Instead Ann preaches that patients take control of what they direct influence over….namely diet, mind set and attitude.
Below she has outlined 9 tips that she feels will help:
Ann’s 9 Tips To Your Success
1) Food Matters! This is the #1 thing Ann pointed out in the interview.
2) Eat organic whenever possible, no preservatives, artificial colors, and bring your own food when going to restaurants with loved ones.
3) Enjoy life! Don’t let the fear of cancer overwhelm you and focus on simple things, birds at the park or the
breeze by a lake to unwind.
4) Be Physically active! Walk around when you can. The body was designed to MOVE around.
5) Stay positive and share that positivity in group settings. Smiling is contagious
6) If you’re going to CHIPSA, go to the classes! The lectures and educational pieces are crucial.
7) Go with your gut feeling! Believe you can and will heal. The Power of the Mind cannot be overstated.
8) Detox! Ann still does coffee enemas 25 years later!
9) Stay committed, strong, and make it possible. Many have done it before you and it’s now your turn.
Ann E. Fonfa and Her Annie Appleseed Project
Ann E. Fonfa, is the creator and founder of the Annie Appleseed Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation which provides information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer and their families and friends who are interested in complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) and natural therapies from a patient’s perspective. has been free of breast cancer for 25 years.
What books, products, and supplements do you recommend?
I founded the Annie Appleseed Project, online since 1999. We’ve linked to thousands of useful pages, posted information for everyone regardless of what they are doing – complementary and alternative therapies.
You can view her Facebook page here:
Ann is a beacon of hope and light for those currently fighting cancer, whether naturally, conventionally, or both. There is a lot of other good information in her interview so please take a few minutes and watch the videos.