When we are living in a peaceful and loving state of mind, we will influence the world around us, for sure. The universe is absorbing every vibration we are creating, no matter bad or good, and it will echo.
Furthermore, if we collect all the vibration around the world, we will have obtained the whole human consciousness. In the internal state of human origins, we can see war, aggravation, famine, scarcity, violence, hatred, frustration, etc., so we can find them in the world too.
On the other hand, every day, we might be witnesses of the vibration of growth, love, kindness, expansion, forgiveness, having fun with others and change. These vibrations are made from the bottom of our souls and will return to the natural state, so we can continue living our lives in a brighter future and prosperity. This process is called energetic awakening, and it is happening on the planet now.
Human Consciousness and Earth Dynamics
Only by understanding the universe, we can change our world. Seeing and understanding nature will change your way of thinking. The real change will start with comprehension of the principles of the universe and the ones to our life. The function of this information is to awake us all and tell us that we are all some sort of energy, spreading uniquely.
Each thing in the universe is a vibration of energy. Each atom, each molecule, and all of the objects that we think they are in solid form are literary made of 99.9% space. The physical and material world that we are dealing with is neither physical nor material. Basically, it is something far more complicated than that. This theory has been proved by many physicists, winners of the Nobel Prize, including Niels Bohr who was a Danish physicist to whom we are grateful for the understanding of atomic structure and development of the quantum theory. “If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. “–Niels Bohr.
All around us is energy, and we ourselves are energy. When you start believing this and perceive yourself as a spiritual being that hasn’t been touched by the space and the time, the barricades around you will begin to fade. The best ways to understand the information above are through meditation and self-contemplation. After each noticed frequency, our body produces vibrations. In case your frequency in on a high level, it means that you are in a positive state of mind, and the negativity won’t influence you. But, in case you are stressed, depressed, you will have low and slow vibration, which will allow the negative energy to influence you even more.
The human body is part of the soul of planet earth.
We each individualize ourselves that the soul which consists of four lower bodies representing the elements of the planet which are, fire, air, water, and earth. Every one of our interpretations is based exclusively on our “inner map” of reality, but not the real truth. Our “inner maps” are a result of the collective experience of our personal lives. Our thoughts are also associated with this invisible energy and they also determine what form it is going to take. They can change the universe “particle after particle,” creating our 3D life. They have proved that our thoughts are responsible for holding this ever-changing energy field together in the form, as well as the shape of the objects that we know.
You should look around you.
Everything that you can see in our physical world starts as an idea that kept growing until it materialized into a physical object through a series of steps.
So, why do we see a person, as a human life form instead of flashing clusters of energy?
You should think of a film roll. A fill is a collection of about 24 frames per second. Each of the frames is separated from the other by a small space. In comparison to the speed these frames change with, our eyes are tricked and see them as a continuous film. Also, you should think about television. The cathode tube is just a simple tube that has a bunch of electrons hitting the screen in some way, making an illusion of shape and movement. Anyway, this is how all the objects are actually made. Every person has five physical senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
Each of them has a specific range, for instance, a dog hears a different range of sound that people do; snakes see a different spectrum of light than us and so on. In other words, our senses actually perceive the energy from a certain fixed point of view, and that is how they create images and form our perception.
Everything that you can see in our physical world starts as an idea that kept growing until it materialized into a physical object through a series of steps.
You literally turn into your most frequent thoughts.
Your life has become what you imagined, as well as believed in.
Our world is literally our mirror which permits us to experience everything that we believe to be true in this 3D plane…until we change it.
Quantum physics actually tells us that the world is not a constant as it may appear to be.
Instead of that, it is a place of a constant motion that our individual and collective thoughts keep building, as well as tearing down and rebuilding.
It is a Perpetuum mobile. What we actually believe to be true is an illusion which is almost tragic.
Luckily, we begin exposing the illusion and, what is most important we are learning how to change it.
Everything is Electricity
Here, we will give you a simple explanation. What are the components of our body?
The human body is comprised of nine systems, which include the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary system. And, what actually makes these systems? Tissues and organs. So what are tissues and organs made of? Cells. So what actually makes the cells? Molecules. What makes a molecule? Atoms. What makes an atom? Sub-atomic particles. What makes a subatomic particle? Energy!
So, we are an energy light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration.
The energy which constantly changes under the surface and all of this… is controlled by our powerful minds.
If you have the capability to see it under a strong electronic microscope, as well as do some other experiments on it, you would see that you are made of clusters of forever changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, protons and other sub-atomic particles too. So is everything else that surrounds you. Quantum physics also tells us — that the act of observing the object – is actually the one which causes the object to be there. The object does not exist individually of its observer. So, as you can notice, during observation, your attention is focused only on something and your intention literally creates that certain thing.
That has been scientifically proven. Your world consists of soul, mind, and body. Each of them has a unique function. What we can actually see with our eyes and experience with our body is the physical world, which is called the BODY. It is an effect which is created by a cause. And that cause is called THOUGHT. The body cannot produce, but it can only experience and be experienced. It is a unique capability. On the other hand, the thoughts cannot experience, but it can only make, as well as create and interpret. It needs a world of relativity in order to be experienced.
Our soul is everything, and it gives life thought and human embodiment. The body has no power to create, even though it gives the illusion that it does.
So, this illusion is actually the reason behind so many frustrations. The body is a pure effect, and it has no power to cause, as well as to create.
What is the soul?
Everything that exists is a vibration of energy which includes the soul. Many speak of the soul without really knowing what the soul is. The human body is part of the soul of planet earth and we each individualize that soul consists of four lower bodies representing the elements of the planet which are, fire, air, water, and earth. The soul consists of unique vibrations of energy, respectively, of the identity body (fire), the mental body (air), the emotion body (water), and the physical body (earth). The four lower bodies interact with each other and the energies of each can become unbalanced in the material realm resulting in karma.
All souls (persons) are subject to the law of cause and effect based on thoughts and actions which becomes karma. Karma is neither good nor bad but provides the opportunity to learn the truth about oneself. The identity body represents the super-conscious mind. It is how we identify ourselves in the material realm regardless of the name given at birth. It is the higher mind that links to higher realizations and provides guidance for the conscious mind.
The mental body represents the conscious mind; it is how we think in order to conduct ourselves in the material realm of form, time and space, and linear thinking.
The emotion body represents the sub-conscious mind; it is the seat of memory, desire, and feeling, and causes action.
The physical body represents the unconscious mind which operates the body functions such as the heartbeat, breathing, digestion, and the healing of cuts and wounds, etc.
When life leaves the body upon so-called death, the mental, emotion, and the physical bodies decompose.
The patterns of the mental, emotion, and physical body of the lifetime is stored in the identity body to be used for reincarnation of the soul. In most cases,
the soul is allowed to reincarnate until the life stream makes the ascension to a higher realm with no need for a material body that needs a soul. The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.
Composition of Soul:-
Soul is anti-matter which is required for any energy transaction, transfer, creation, sustenance and destruction. Its effect is consciousness which flows through matters and causes everything. It is covered by subtle senses by choice which makes it isolated and limited from other soul and Super soul but it is by choice. Soul reaches, perceives, communicates and acts by the network of its consciousness. It’s made of emotion. The “soul” is the “feeler”, it is the source of all human emotions.
It is the source of all love and beauty, but also all hatred and ugliness. It is also sometimes called Atman, “consciousness” or “God”. It is ephemeral, non-physical. In self-realization one often takes the identity of the soul and literally “becomes” consciousness. One could then say “I am not my body, I am consciousness” or “I am a soul in a body”. The soul is the source of the feeling of “I am”.
It is usually discovered when the egoic identity falls away. Once discovered, the soul begins to suffer, which is why after self-realization people can become very sensitive, naked, emotional. Everything hurts. Tears out of the blue. All of that comes out. It is the soul’s ultimate destiny to completely surrender to The Absolute and become non-existent along with the ego. But you could also say that both constitute ego and in self-realization only the core of it is gone, and throughout the successive journey to enlightenment the rest of it goes away.
Then you don’t need a special term for “soul”.
Both interpretations would be correct, it doesn’t matter.
Asking what a thing is “made up of” refers to the material dimension of a being, whereas what a thing is “made into” is more properly the formal dimension.
WE ALL KNOW that atoms and cells may be said to be what a human being is “made of”, i.e. the material dimension, but the soul refers to the kind of life-form that it is, i.e. the formal dimension. The soul is the formal principle behind living things (not just human beings), which gives a particular life-form its continual identity, since matter does not provide differentiating identities.
For example, cats and dogs are “made up of” same kind of matter, but are very distinct species. Also, the cells in one’s body are completely replaced in certain cycles, yet one remains the same person. The soul is not as ridiculous a notion as some would believe; it’s a philosophically necessary factor in accounting for distinct living beings (if such distinctions are real), and the qualitative difference between a living thing and a dead one (if such a difference is recognized at all).
The alternatives usually end up with a form of Monism (“there’s only ever one kind of thing, in the end”), which contradicts both common sense (which upholds the two distinctions mentioned above) and common conduct (which acts based on those two distinctions). Everything Around Us is Energy, and We Have the Ability to Control it With the Power of Our Thoughts Without any doubt. The Nobel Prize awardees in physics proved that the physical world is one big ocean of energy which materializes and dematerializes in a split second, over and over again.
Everything is energy that the 5 human senses cannot fully perceive. Both the nonphysical and physical aspects of our universe are made up of energy and intelligence that vibrates. Nothing rest still…. The difference between physical matter that we can perceive with our senses and the unseen … Some call this The Unified Field or The Matrix. Others talk about pure potentiality – all being energy. To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy!!
Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy – Scientists Explain The World of Quantum Physics. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” Each and every one of us brings energy to our co-workers, loved ones, and even the stranger in line behind us at the grocery store.
It would serve us all well to realize that the energy we radiate affects others’ lives, and we need to be responsible for it.
— Everything around us is made up of Energy.. Be the Energy you want to attract..
You Attract the Energy that you give off. Spread good Vibes.
They’re all around us: People who suck all the positive energy out of us to fuel their relentless hunger for negativity, leaving us drained, exhausted, and unhappy. Whatever you call them—energy vampires – whatever. “Rage — whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders’ insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us — is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.” Everything around us is made up of energy. To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy
What Is Human Aura – By Nishant Sharma Since ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of different spiritual leaders across various traditions but one thing that is common among all of them is the aura that surrounds their head which is known as the energy field. https://www.bing.com/videos/
Here’s a simplified explanation of quantum physics and how much of what goes on around us in the world is beyond what our limited senses can perceive, but yet still exists.
Energy Around Us uses the concept of energy to help us describe how and why things behave the way they do. We talk about solar energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, et cetera. If you apply a force to an object, you may change its energy. This means that everything and everyone around us, even us – everything is energetically entangled. Moreover, this energy that all existence is made up of, possesses all the information of all there was, is and will be.
E = mc 2 E = mc 2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein ’s theory of special relativity. That expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other. Energy comes to us in different forms. The chair you’re sitting on, the music you’re listening to, or the book you just finished reading, all provoke some sort of reaction within you.
MC is us and everything around us and E is Energy and we are all energy made up of the same thing = square 2.
Energy is a bit of a mystery. Most of the time we can’t see it, yet it is everywhere around us. Revving car engines burn energy, hot cups of coffee hold energy, street lights that shine at night are using energy, sleeping dogs are using energy too—absolutely everything you can think of is using energy in one way or another. Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.
Energetic healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself. Energetic healing can also help identify “issues” before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality.
Energetic healing takes a holistic approach that looks beyond the physical to manipulating the subtle energy systems (meridians, auric bodies, chakras, nadis) where the cause of the dis-ease can be located. https://blog.mindvalley.com/negative-energy/ Through the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Dr. Emoto also hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures.
The results were nothing short of remarkable..
ALL YOU HAVE TO Remember —
Everything Is Energy and…
Energy is Everything!!!!