As an adult I was a happy go lucky kind a person, always very energetic and full of life, I don’t get upset that easy and when I do. I just think about my wonderful parents. Specially my dad who was the most patience, loving, considerate person I’ve ever known in my life. When I graduated after college I decided to explore outside the Philippines and my first destination was Singapore.
Where I backpack all around Asia until I decided to go farther and
landed in Canada many moons ago.
While on working Visa, I met my ex-husband at the party Long story short, I get pregnant got married and decided to become a stay at home mom as we were blessed with 2 beautiful children (and one still born.) I took care of our kids while my husband were working until my daughter Shannon was nine and my son Granger seven.
My two children are the best thing to ever happen in my life. Although with so many obstacles and challenges and pain on the married side.
I decided to stay in the relationship because of the love I have to my children. It was always what upbringing by my parents taught me, ” once you bring children into this world, is not about you anymore — but your children ” that made me decide to raise and nourish them even though I was suffering from emotional problems. My kids always seen me as a happy mom whom always play with them and taught them how to handle life so does their dad. Our priority is our children and still.
Then the unthinkable occurred: My husband got laid off from his job in 2008. Then he became the stay at home dad and I went back to work.
That’s when the relationship started to turn sour and shit starts happened. We became like two roommates raising 2 beautiful kids. In 2014 , we decided to move to Vancouver island BC, Canada and that’s when shit starts getting worse and worse. Our children we had together are 13 and 11.
Then we bought a freight business which he manages.
My name wasn’t attached the business, but he bought a brand new truck and my name wasn’t attached to the truck and ( i thought that was a red flag ) yet all these bills was on my name. As he makes very little to almost no Contributions to paying the Bills. I had 3-4 jobs to juggle on my schedule and very little sleep and started eating unhealthy foods.
Before this I was big on eating healthy and organic whole foods. But I became engross with loads of bills to pay budgeting was my top priority. As I’m to tired to shop or cook, thereby In October 2017, my family doc asked me to get a mammogram and it was my first time ever. When I went to get the mammogram, then the ultrasound; they find a lump on my breast.
Then my doc sent me to biopsy and the results was I have breast cancer. IDC . On November 2nd 2017 I went through surgery (a mastectomy on my right breast.) Most of my family and friends didn’t know about this episodes of my life. Because i am very private person and I thought to myself they don’t need to know. Besides I don’t need to ask for help or talk to them about anything. Because it is me: I am the one dealing with the battle and wilI know exactly what I want and need to do. If I stay focus. on a positive side and I do not let other people to distract m from doing what I know will be right for me.
My dad used to say, no matter what happens in your life, only you can make it better, only you can make your own destiny
( before the breast cancer diagnosis I was always a bit confused about this fact of life.)
When diagnosed with breast cancer after a mammogram, Maria Fassbender from Campbell River British Columbia was given the usual options: chemo, radiation and surgery. She did have surgery but chose a natural route with cannabis after discovering cannabis health radio podcast and hearing about other breast cancer success stories. She decided she wanted to have a survivor story and not become just another casualty of cancer.
Most times cancer is imbalance That probably caused the conflict in your body?
Within this time in my life I lost my ex-husband, even though to this day is a good father to my kids. But I gained millions peace of mind, happiness and very healthy lifestyle. When I was in a very depressed emotion of my life, I went to a bridge and thought of suicide but then I heard Gods voice behind me say you aren’t alone. Then I ask GOD, do you think my life is worth living ” what did I do wrong? I sort of questioning God, then he gave me a sign. He told me shortly there will be someone who will show up in your life that will care and respect who you are. Then after few months I met a man of my dream who accepted me for the person that I am — without questions – who my children truly love and respect because they see how much he cares for us.
Within my illness: I’m so proud I did cannabis oil and I’m so proud of my research that brought me to cannabis health radio. Because if I didn’t do my research. I wouldn’t know those in my life who I met doing the research and would not have known about C.H.R. The universe loves me, I’m not a religious person and not a church going kind a person but I believe in God and knows the universe guides me. The universe also helps you find the people you need when you need them. You have to believe in the power of the universe and that it will find you…
The Universe “GOD” is great!!
Some people I found give sort of funny advice. But what I have learned is that I have become my best adviser. Because I’m the one feeling the battle and I’m the negotiator not a fighter kinda person. I don’t know which strain of cannabis they used. I received my cannabis package from Tilrey which is my prescription from my doctor in http://mcrci.com/. They make sure I do the right dosing. At first I got a little paranoid and called my doctor in tears saying it’s not working and he would always tell me be patient give it more time.
Also juicing is the rainbow of my life: Beets, water melon rind , carrots, kale, parsley, celery and lemon. I prefer more vegetables in my juice (80% vegetables juice to 20 % fruit juice.) I try to include Roy-G-Biv, all the colors of the spectrum into my juicing. It depends on my moods sometimes I mix them and experiment. Which one is the best mixed. It all depends what my taste buds want that day.
Happy taste buds, will create a happy body.
Most of my family and friends didn’t know about this episodes in my life. Because I am very private person and I thought to myself they don’t need to know this and besides I don’t need to ask for help or talk to them about it. I am the one dealing with the battle and I will know exactly what I want and need to do. So I focus on a positive side because I do not like distractions from anyone else.
Also I don’t like anybody feeling sorry or crying over me Because I had the disease. My dad used to say, no matter what happens in life, only you can make it better, you can make your own destiny ( I was a bit confused of that till this breast cancer came ) that means, I know I was so stressed and yet I don’t want to get out of the marriage so I made my own destiny?
( more of my story on the cannabis health radio on podcast)