It’s October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month! October 15, 2011, marked 8-YEARS: the official day of my pet scan confirming I was cancer-free, NED, CURED. I knew I was healed even a couple months prior in August because I didn’t hurt! My bones did not feel broken anymore and I could breathe freely! One of my tumors had infiltrated an air passage.
I had to go to the ER for that one because it felt like I had inhaled a pebble! Well, hello October! Everyone’s still running for the cure! We have to make money for more research, mammograms, et… cetera. There are people out there getting well conventionally.
BUT that’s not the only way successful or unsuccessful results are happening. People are responding favorably to alternative treatments as well. I get asked all the time where did you get the courage to choose alternative cancer treatment at stage four?
Why would you refuse conventional treatment from a reputable hospital such as UCLA? What made you cross the border go to CMN Hospital? I couldn’t get there fast enough!
My intuition served me well and I think we all need to trust that tug more often to do something that feels like the answer, it feels right even if it goes against what others want for you.
Trust that tug. I call them Angel Nudges from God.
That question never stops baffling me because I know I am not the only one in my generation who grew up hearing about a loved who got cancer And linking that word to eminent death. Why? I’m not a morbid person. I naturally associated cancer with bald heads, vomiting burns, weight loss and quite frankly it scared the living daylights out of me. I watched some loved ones go through it and not make it.
I hated the funerals and that’s what scared me.
I have always been afraid of cancer and conventional treatments. I’m a big baby! When I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and was told I only had 3-12 months I had anxiety attacks and started sleeping with the light on. Crazy, I know. I had to try something else (people think that was brave of me). No, no, no, let me tell you, I have seen the brave who did not cross a border to Mexico.
The brave are walking into the infusion rooms and most are having to go through those side effects. Especially the chemo cocktail like “Red Devil” (That’s the word they use for it and many have braved through every round even knowing it had no guarantee of curing them). I had neither guarantee either at CMN with alternative, however, what did I have to lose by trying something healthy? But Shannon knew that by staying that first night in Mesa, Arizona and having CMN Hospital Uber her across the border to the hospital made it a safe decision.
So, in Feb 2011, I marched myself, fearful yet courageous across the border to CMN Hospital to try something healing that would not put me through “hell” physically.
I knew that chemotherapy would always be there waiting for me. I was blessed my immune system responded to every treatment and by October 15, 2011 my paperwork showed I was cancer-free. I never used the word remission, I told everyone I was cured and I still say I am cured!
Years later. People are still to this day blown away because they don’t understand how having stage 4 breast cancer in all lobes of my lungs and bones can disappear! It’s hard for them to understand that some of us will have an immune system that responds to healthy cancer treatment choices. Obviously, there’s no guarantee for whatever we choose.
Thank you, God, for what you provided us here on this planet to heal our bodies. Thank you, Dr. Payan and everyone at CMN Hospital! I have been given the grace and gift of 8 years of incredible health! I knew that I was going to get healthier in one way or another and if God had that in the plan. Why not go to His pharmacy first and boost my immune system! It was hard for me growing up in modern America and trying to understand the standard approach to treating cancer.
When I was younger I thought the ONLY way to treat cancer was chemo, surgery and radiation. I never saw anything healthy being prescribed to my loved ones, so I thought cancer was the worse thing you could get. Now that I have a better understanding of what actually exists for treating cancer in a less barbaric way just beyond the US border in Mexico. I keep wondering why advanced America won’t allow it and why it has been proven to be just as successful as conventional. Why isn’t it covered with health insurance?
We should be able to use sensible healthy treatments options such as the ones I did and not just for cancer. Many health disorders can heal from what I did. My life depended on the choice I made and taking time out to do that treatment was not going to make me any sicker — but it could buy me time. It just felt like common sense to me and a wise choice.
Eight years later still cancer-free when UCLA only gave me 3 to 12 months prognosis.
We need to accept it now as a way to approach treating cancer both conventional and alternative and integrative. We must be aware that by using both have proven effective and also proven ineffective with some people.
Summarizing Shannon’s Story: In 2006 she had her first diagnosis of stage three and a stage 4 recurrence in 2010. University of Washington recommended chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Tamoxifen was recommended to prevent recurrence.
Shannon accepted the surgery recommendation and had a bilateral mastectomy October 2006 with her first diagnosis. But when faced with stage 4 recurrence in 2010 the cancer came back aggressively spreading to all lobes of her lungs, ribs, sternum and also lymph nodes. UCLA recommended 40 radiation sessions to her sternum to prevent paralysis and she began immediately.
Shannon was only able to complete 22 radiations due to severe infection and her cancer worsening. At her next appointment UCLA delivered the frightening news she only had three to maybe 12 months to live. She had a strong intuition that said do not give up.
This also caused her to seek a healthier approach with alternative cancer treatment at CMN Hospital’s Alternative Cancer Treatment in San Luis, Rio Colorado Mexico. Choosing oxygen therapies, healthy IV treatments, Dendritic cell, bone marrow stem cell transplant all seemed like a healthier choice for an already compromised immune system instead of destroying it. https://www.cmnalternativecancertreatment.com/treatment-summary
We have an innate ability to know what is best for our healing. We just need to quiet our minds and to be in tuned to what our soul is telling us. Today Shannon is devoted to leading individuals who endured emotional trauma and are also facing a diagnosis of cancer to a place of empowerment and shines a light for all to see. Shannon is a certified life coach with her focus on “The Emotional Connection to Healing Cancer”. Shannon shares her story — on how cancer physically, emotionally and mentally affected her.
Over time she learned that there was a lot of emotional trauma that led to her illness. Shannon was a victim of stalking and sexual assault. She learned how to cope and heal physically, emotionally and mentally. When Shannon was diagnosed — with a stage four recurrence of breast cancer and given only months to a year to live she realized that illness was simply a call to action for her to slow down ~ take notice of unresolved emotional pain and how to find gratitude for everyday blessings that went unnoticed. Her hardships only deepened her empathy and compassion for all who are facing a cancer diagnosis.
She relates to the monumental decision of deciding how to save your life. She teaches self-compassion and self-trust, Shannon helps individuals gain new insight and perspective and how to listen to their God-given intuition when deciding what treatment is best for their body. With the choice on which treatment is a very personal one and most of the time people have the answer already within them.
Shannon is a noted author, a certified life coach for women, a keynote speaker and appears as a guest on radio, film and documentary. Shannon is a two-time breast cancer survivor who faced it twice. Her cancer type is one of the more common types. In fact 80% who are diagnosed get have her type, IDC (Invasive ductal carcinoma). She was ER+ (95% Estrogen + ) PR+ (90%Progesterone positive ) and she was (Negative for HER 2).
If God wants you to be a leader, warrior or change angel, what kind of training do you think that would require?
Think about it” The most extraordinary people I know are ones who have a story of overcoming the most trying circumstances. Not once or twice. Oh no…YEARS OF TRAINING IN THE MAKING.
You are the chosen ones.
I am grateful for all the Advocates, Counselors, Volunteers, and Good Leaders because most of them know the pain and are stronger because of having gone through such great adversities. I have never been counseled well by anyone who never went through hell first.
I am grateful to God for all the struggles that came my way. How else would I develop empathy, compassion, and understanding? Struggles shape us or fool us into believing we got the short end of the stick in life. Our perception is our truth and you can change in an instant. Life will bring adversity and it will be ugly and painful sometimes but how you handle it matters.
I’ve had excellent training and am grateful to feel more for others because of it. She remembers walking into the oncologist’s office to get the breast cancer diagnosis in 2006 and being handed a water bottle with a pink label on it. Again, in 2010, I received the news of breast cancer recurrence, stage 4, and being handed yet another pink promo item – a black canvas bag with a pink ribbon logo on it. The ribbon remains, I’m at stage four now at this point… yet still no cure! Yikes! I’m freaking out!
I had a bone and lung biopsy that confirmed cancer had spread to all lobes of my lungs and bones. I was in serious trouble! After doing the required surgeries to get my diagnosis, I was left sick with pneumonia and staph infection to do the recommended chemotherapy. At the end of their realm of treatment options, UCLA gave me 3-12 months to live. I did what many people think is scary, or even unthinkable, and I went to Mexico so I could try alternative cancer treatment. I refused to give up!
It took my loved ones and me. . . FIVE months to raise the money needed to leave my home country in order to receive non-toxic treatments. had no side effects or a promise to heal me. That’s the truth of the matter: no doctor can guarantee an outcome of successful healing, and if a doctor does, then you better run! Let’s call it for what it is – GOOD MARKETING A CANCER CURE DOES NOT MAKE!
When someone is diagnosed with breast cancer they are often given armfuls of pink propaganda to set them on a course designed to make them feel like a fool if they choose anything other than conventional cancer treatment. Coming from a place of love and good intentions, I was gifted a brand new accessories closet full of pink and I threw away all of the items (Sorry mom, auntie, and friends) because it triggered me – made me sick to my stomach because we are not allowed to believe there is a cure at stage 4.
Once we raised the money I needed, I went to Mexico (CMN Hospital in San Luis, MX) in February 2011. I completed treatment with no ill side effects, and I have been cancer-free ever since October 15th, 2011, with a clear PET Scan. Miracle or science? Eight years later, in 2019, I am grateful as I was 8 years ago to be alive. I am thankful that my fighting spirit and my faith allowed me to step outside my comfort zone and try other healing modalities.
Thank you, Dr. Payan. Thank you, CMN Hospital, and all the other holistic healing facilities trying a healthier approach to heal cancer and give hope to their patients! My twin sister was also diagnosed with breast cancer and went straight to CMN Hospital. Make no mistake about it: I use the word “cure” deliberately because it’s a powerful word and leaves no room for skepticism, worry, or doubt. Our thoughts are influential when it comes to healing. Saying remission sounds temporary to me as if I should constantly be concerned that cancer might come back.
I’m CURED and many people are afraid to claim it. What if claiming it was beneficial to stay healed. It is something to think about for sure — I pray for everyone’s healing from cancer, regardless of the choices made to try and get well. Choosing is not easy, and it is very personal. It takes a lot of thought, faith, hope, and trust. I wish all of you the best on your healing journeys, even if they are different from mine. What works for one person may not work for another, also I pray to God that you find peace and healing no matter what you choose.
Would it be tough? Would it hurt? Would it push you to the edge where you begin to discover abilities you never knew you had? Or would you be pushed to the limit where you feel like throwing in the towel?
When conventional medicine failed her, Shannon discovered alternative healing at an Alternative Cancer Hospital in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico. It was because of her courage to go on searching for the alternative cancer treatment that she is alive today. She survived! The death sentence hanging over her head has been removed for over five years. Shannon is also now a cancer advocate and certified life coach who has assisted many survivors who struggle with the emotional issues connected with cancer.
Shannon has deep empathy for all cancer warriors and understands what an individual goes through once they learn of a cancer diagnosis. She can relate with having to choose treatment and how difficult it is deciding how to save your own life. . . . especially if your doctor has given you only so much time to live. Shannon Knight is a survivor and thriver. Having survived breast cancer twice, including stage 4, she was faced with the challenge and fear of how to save her life. She refused chemotherapy did some radiation and had a mastectomy.
When conventional medicine failed, she discovered alternative healing at a hospital in Mexico. It was because of her courage and willingness to go on searching for alternative cancer treatment that she is alive today. I have been cured for 8 years. Others are cured, too. I want to be a warrior – not a victim — I want my faith to be stronger during trying times. We are not ever abandoned by God. Thank you – God, for your grace! I still have faith in healing therapies and always will.
Get your free consultation – www.onewildflower.com
~Shannon Knight~~~ www.shannonknight.com