What is human energy and how does it work?
When you truly remember on the deepest levels of your psyche that you are Source itself, there are no more feelings of heaviness, threats or dangers after that, you just see ways to further refine and master your way of meeting all things.
Being less positive creates un-wellness in our bodies. If you feel stressed , always anxious, emotionally drained, If you hold onto past traumas, then this can make you very unwell .
Eg — anger goes to your liver, fear – your kidneys, grief – our lungs, and hate – our heart.
What you think you are (how you view yourself) brings along with that, an entire spectrum of built-in reactions to things. Fears, doubts, worries and stresses are what you naturally do when you perceive what you are, wrongly. There is no way to live in perfect peace while misunderstanding what you actually are.
A gifted scientist named Fritz-Albert Popp, PhD discovered and found a way to measure energetic activity which occurs between each and every cell in the human body. It is not only a network of energy, but a network of “Pure Communication.” These Biophotons, are what he calls bursts of energy that travels through your brain and around your body at the speed of light. The Biophotons carry the pre-cursor messaging that accomplishes the successful function of each organ in your body.
Biophoton Communication: Can Cells Talk Using Light?
A growing body of evidence suggests that the molecular machinery of life emits and absorb photons. Now one biologist has evidence this light is a new form of cellular communication.
Whatever the mechanism, a growing number of biologists are convinced that when you switch off the lights, cells are bathed in the pale fireworks of a biophoton display.
This is not a bright phenomena. Biophotons are usually produced at the rate of dozens per second per square centimetre of cell culture.
That’s not many. And it’s why the notion that biophoton activity is actually a form of cellular communication is somewhat controversial.
Today, Sergey Mayburov at the Lebedev Institute of Physics in Moscow adds some extra evidence to the debate.
Mayburov has spent many hours in the dark watching fish eggs and recording the patterns of biophotons that these cells emit.
The question he aims to answer is whether the stream of photons has any discernible structure that would qualify it as a form of communication.
The answer is that is does, he says. Biophoton streams consist of short quasiperiodic bursts, which he says are remarkably similar to those used to send binary data over a noisy channel. That might help explain how cells can detect such low levels of radiation in a noisy environment.
Dr. Garjajev claims that this communication is not something that happens only inside the individual cells or between one cell and another. He claims organisms use this “light” to “talk” to other organisms and suggested that this could explain telepathy and ESP. It was like human beings already had their own wireless internet based on our DNA. Wow!
I tried to find a scientific journal that had this experiment. All I could find were blogs and other websites that carried the same story, word for word, without any references. That is until I stumbled on the work of Fritz-Albert Popp [right]. Then everything I had just read seemed very plausible.
It was 1970, Fritz-Albert Popp, Ph.D. a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany, had been teaching radiology — the interaction of electromagnetic (EM) radiation on biological systems.
In an old documentary film taken in the laboratory at the International Institute of Biophysics, Dr. Popp opens a chamber about the size of a bread box. He places a fresh cutting from a plant and a wooden match in a plastic container inside the dark chamber and closed the light proof door. Immediately he switches on the photo – multiplier and the image shows up on a computer screen. The match stick is black. . . while the green, glowing silhouette of the leaves is clearly visible.
Dr. Popp exclaims, “We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light.”
This is the “software” that controls everything. We all work with or receive benefits from networks of computers everyday. We all have a basic understanding of how that all comes together. Let’s take a moment to consider our body as a network of systems: we call them “organs” and a central computer that we will call the brain. You actually have the most complex information system in the world, inside your own body.
Most information systems are divided into two halves. Hardware, we call this “the body” and software, which we call “your energy”. Yes, energy not brain. The energy actually contains the information. It may begin in the brain, but the energy is the extension of the brain. The energy controls every single function of your body as a pre-cursor message.
How can we use this new information for better health?
Cancer – Datuk Dr Selvam Rengasamy!!!
Before we can answer that important question, let me begin with the immune system, during the testing procedures in lab, Scientist found infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi even large worms living and thriving inside people’s bodies. The question and curiosity here is; why doesn’t the immune system become active and eliminate these creatures and restore proper health? Unfortunately, we don’t know the answer to that question, however, their is a solution to this problem. The immune system doesn’t recognize the parasite, so it allows them to thrive inside your body.
Eventually it creates organ dysfunction and in a few years it will probably become known as a disease. Why does this happen? The answer is we have a corrupted software file in our immune system. The good news is we now have the technology to naturally “reboot” your immune system and provide it with the correct information. By understanding the benefits of “pre-cursor energetic messaging” we have the ability to naturally end a very high percentage of all immune system dysfunction.
The human body uses energy from food to fuel movement and essential body functions, but body cells don’t get energy directly from food, as food is digested, the carbohydrates, protein and fat break down into simple compounds — glucose, amino acids and fatty acids — which are absorbed into the blood and transported to various cells throughout the body. Within these cells, and from these energy sources, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed to provide fuel. The body uses 4 different systems to supply cells with the necessary ATP to fuel energy needs. Most of the body’s activities use a continuum of all four energy systems, working together to ensure a constant supply of energy.
There are several energy systems in the human body that produce energy for working muscles. If you are an athlete, or are training athletes, knowing about these systems, how they work, and how to develop them is vital for success. By energy systems we are referring to how the body produces energy for physical activity.
This information is important because which system of the body that is involved will also depend on the intensity and duration of the activity. Therefore, training needs to involve the development of these systems based on what is required in competition.
The Real Meaning of E=mc² | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
EINSTEINIUM E=mc^2 – An Explanation of the Basics and Units
Human being stores energy in form of glycogen storage and fat storage, which are used for body need. As far as medical science is concerned, no universally accepted criterion for maximum and minimum energy storage is available, as this issue is multifactorial. It depends on many factors from body side, where it is concerned with medical science, but on the other side, this issue is deeply concerned with physics also.
Let’s share few facets from physics side.
1. Energy is motion in matter. The moment you stop (or store) motion, it remains no more motion (it remains no more energy) Motion is energy and unless you bring it to non-motion state, unless you make it stagnant, you can’t store it.
Now, as you move from physical energy (like chemical, thermal, mechanical, solar, atomic etc.)to psychic energy, energy becomes more finer, more penetrating, stronger in it’s inherent action, more potent, less localized, less physical and least storable.(energy-motion-is slowed down in it’s motion can be taken as storage-a working understanding) Thus it becomes difficult to store psychic energy — but in very working way, very coarse energy like physical energy can be stored in form of glycogen and fat in human beings.
3. If you view cosmos, actually it is continually ongoing flow of energy with different speed (or motion). Where flow is sluggish, we call it matter and where flow is fast, we study it as energy. In a way, to stop (to store) this flow in itself is unnatural, hence science of energy storage doesn’t move or progress so fast. So called energy storage in human is not man made, it is by nature’s intelligence.
In addition, everyone will have a dominant energy producing system. Therefore, it would also be absolutely ridiculous to take a long distance runner and try and make them into a sprinter.
The first system is the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the immediate source for energy that is stored in muscle cells. As the phosphate is broken down (there are 3 of them for each molecule of ATP) this energy is released. This system is only good for very quick and powerful movements. Then, ATP runs out and much be re-synthesized so the process can be repeated. Oxygen is not required for this to work, there are no waste products, but it’s extremely short in duration. This system will last for about 0.5 minutes. Sprinters have a very well developed ATP system.
The second system is the PC (PC is phosphocreatine) is a molecule found in muscles cells. Once ATP is broken down it will become Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). At this point the PC will be broken down so the individual phosphates from the PC will join with the ADP to form ATP again. This is the re-synthesizing process of used up ATP. This system also requires no oxygen, and there are no waste products produced. But, it’s very short in duration. This system lasts for about 0.5 to 1.5 minutes.
The third system is called the Anaerobic Glycolysis (lactic acid) System. This energy is obtained by breaking down glucose (either stored in muscles or from the blood stream). Through this process lactic acid (which causes the burning sensation) is produced. If the activity is too intense, and there is no time for the body to clear out the lactic acid, then the activity can not be maintained. This system lasts for about 1.5 to 3 minutes. Sports, such as gymnastics where routines last for about 2-4 minutes have well developed anaerobic glycolytic systems.
The fourth system is the Aerobic Glycolytic “Oxygen” System.
The main source of energy for this system is carbohydrates (from those stores in muscles or from the blood stream) and fats (from stores). In order for this system to work there needs to be oxygen present, as it is part of the cycle. If oxygen is not present then this system simply will not work. The waste products are carbon dioxide (which we exhale) and water.
This system, if the activity is not too intense, can continue indefinitely (assuming the body has glucose, fat, and oxygen. However, if the acuity is too intense then glucose may run out, and the body will produce lactic acid. This is also referred to as oxygen deficit.
Marathon runners have well developed aerobic systems. Sprinters usually don’t, but they don’t need to. Systems which have short duration can be activated instantaneously and are very powerful. Where as the systems which last longer and take more time to be also activated and have less power. Knowing what an athletes come with (usually because of genetics) will help guide them into the right activities. Although you can develop the ATP system in a long distance runner it will never be as good as someone who is a natural sprinter. Also, no single system works by itself. All four systems are in play all the time no matter what you are doing. The duration and intensity of the activity will determine which system is the one used primarily, but they are all used to some extent.
Dr. Susan Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and pioneer in the field of human potential. In this podcast, Susan discusses her latest book, The Power of Auras: Tap Into Your Energy Field for Clarity, Peace of Mind and Well-Being.
The Power of Auras
What exactly is an aura?
Can we actually see someone’s aura? Can we feel someone’s energy? Why?
Can you see your own aura? How?
Do we all have an energy field? What are the layers?
What is a psychic sponge?
How can we use knowledge about auras to improve our lives?
To learn more about Dr. Susan Shumsky and all of her books, including The Power of Auras, please visit www.divinerevelation.org
This podcast: is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, is the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters!
Your Intuition is a Muscle. To Develop It, You Must Listen!!!
#AbrahamHicks: Powerful Explanation for Healers and Teachers
This is a powerful clip from a Abraham Hicks cruise where Abraham explains how teachers and healers can more quickly and easily affect change in their students and clients. The “hot seat” person asks the question that all healers would think to ask, “How can I more quickly and easily heal?” and Abraham explains in such a way as to really change your life. https://bit.ly/2mebJQn
Natural Healing For Your Body https://bit.ly/2keuPVN
#AbrahamHicks -Your intuition is helping you on choosing your path https://bit.ly/2mfo8nb
Abraham Hicks -Always do what your intuition says https://bit.ly/2r7HzO6
Where your intuition comes from https://bit.ly/2m7o8W6
Your Intuition & Inner Guidance – Explained by Abraham Hicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYaMw-gLBV0
It’s fairly rare that a full moon coincides with Friday the 13th — according to the Almanac, the last time it happened nationwide was in October 2000, and it won’t happen again till August 2049. I didn’t take it for granted… because I won’t see the next one..
Only one side of the Moon ever faces us because Earth’s force of gravity on it is not uniform. This is related to our ocean tides & lengthening of days on Earth. Duration: 7:58.