Comments from those that have Lyme Disease: It’s not living it’s not even existing it’s like being slowly being murdered and being awake to watch. One things for sure if something isn’t working you should look into Taking another route. For your kids. That’s what I had to do. I had to give up here. I wasn’t getting better and my kids and my husband deserved more. So I said fuck it and saw a Dr. in Mexico.
He gave me my life back, my kids momma back and I’m a wife again.
Low dose naltrexone saved my life from Lyme induced autoimmune/neuro illnesses. I highly recommend you join an LDN group. There is no one size fits all approach. What worked best for my husband and I: we started at 1/2 mg at 3 pm. Dr. wanted us to take at bedtime but it initially gave us insomnia. Every two weeks we increased the dose 1/2 mg. I now take 3 mg at bedtime daily bcz my body adjusted to it. My husband takes 4 mg in morning daily. We are all different. You will know your magic dose by the way you feel. When I went above 3 mg I felt it wasn’t helping. My husband feels better at 4 mg. We started low and gradually increased.
So start low build on it and experiment that worked well for us. Some people start at 4.5 mg and can’t tolerate the side effects which subside after a few weeks. Then they quit taking and never achieve the full benefits. I feel it’s better to start low. My neuro gives it to me but most mainstream Drs aren’t keen on prescribing. So my husband gets from a telemedicine Dr from Wisconsin. Google: “Dr. Handler LDN.” High dose Vitamin C, glutathione, B Vitamins, Lysine, & trace minerals IVs have helped me so much. I’m still sick, but not bedridden and wanting to die. My mood has improved tremendously after 4 IVs. I know it’s not a cure, but it helps bring viral loads down so you have some relief. I’ve learned that there is an important way to living with this unexplainable disease and it is to not put too much thought into every feeling you have. We’re human and we feel pretty much everything. Try not to give this disease all of the power over why you are feeling a certain way. I know easier said than done, but part of getting well and feeling better is what you decide to focus on. Think positive!
Our kids and our faith is what keep us going.
No kids but my two dogs are truly sometimes the only reason I keep pushing on.
Once. a long time ago, I lived with that feeling. I even had a gun in my bedroom drawer with a plan to use it if life didn’t change. Then I woke up to a different realization and vowed never to find that low again. Search for reasons to be grateful and hopeful that you will feel better. Hugs
Doesn’t matter what it is that’s keeping you alive as long as you’re alive. If hanging on for your kids is all you can do, then do it. At bare minimum, you’ll have at least the hope of seeing graduations, proms, and achievement awards. For many reasons, being there for your kids is more than enough.
Yes but my severe hundred of ailments finally subsided a lot after an incidental dose of antibiotics. I can move now and things aren’t so flipping grim. So good luck and please hang in there.
Please don’t ever stop fighting. Lyme will take it’s toll but you can come out the other end. I was extremely sick for years and felt like you. It is a lonely treacherous illness. You will beat it and get your like back . It’s important to believe you can get better. ️
I know this might sound grim, please forgive me. Anyone else have kids and they’re the only reason you choose to stay alive? This disease is hell, the ruined relationships, the failed treatments, the fear of never getting your life back, constantly mourning your healthy self. I saw a few successful stories of curing Lyme naturally. Keep on fighting the good fight. I keep the faith and know I am all my kids literally have and I’m all they have. I have to believe God has a plan. I think the hardest part is the people u need to care don’t understand. I have differently lost a lot of people because of this. Don’t ever give up. There is hope. I pray a lot that’s all you can do really. Changing my diet helped so much.
I had those feelings before I was even diagnosed. Last summer was the worst one ever. And I said I don’t wanna die but I can’t imagine living the rest of my life like this. There were many nights I went to bed wondering if I would wake up in the morning. But thankfully with some amazing Nd guidance I am better than I was last year (not by much) but enough that I don’t have those feelings most days. Stay strong, will keep you in my prayers ️
I’m not feeling suicidal at the moment, but yes, during the years I did, it was the kids that kept me alive. I couldn’t do that to them. I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time. Keep talking as much as you need to to those that you need to talk to..
I have just been battling through it for 30 years. My family know I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia years ago but none ever talks about it. I smile through my pain to my kids I force myself through everything I feel so isolated in the Uk. I found out a few weeks ago its Lyme, however, I haven’t told anyone apart from my partner. There was a time in my life that my daughter was the only reason I chose to stay alive.
God brought me through the dark time and I’m so thankful He did! I don’t have kids but I get up to take care of my rescue dogs. They are the only reason I’m still here.. Suicidal depression is a symptom. It’s temporary if you treat. I had this and now it’s gone. My children are 100% the reason I keep fighting. My mother committed suicide Aug 2. I’m still in shock. Both of us having treated 50 year-old Lyme and Mold. She was 76.
I know how you feel: I’m battling chronic Lyme. I have a daughter age 3 and a son who is 14 and I’m married, so yes, it’s very hard to deal with. My son helps me a lot My husband didn’t understand at first so he was confused as to why I couldn’t do things anymore like I used to. So he would get mad at me when you have bad days and just have to nap when you have flareups. I totally understand how you feel but it’s manageable, Just keep your head up and be positive that’s what I tell myself everyday especially for your children!
I’m so sorry. For you and for her and the pain this illness brings. I have severe depression, anxiety, mood swings, personality changes from this hell. I’m so sorry. I’m Gutted. I’m also exhausted by the lack of awareness. I stay alive for my birds (I don’t have kids) — whatever it takes to find that strength, be grateful for it.
Also, there is a new treatment; disulfiram which is usually used for alcoholism, but it is the only drug so far that will break through the cyst that forms when you take antibiotics. It will bust that cyst open and kill the spirochete so that it doesn’t come back! I just try to remember that when you will wake up, you are still alive and that is a blessing! It could be so much worse. We are fighters.
The cure may be around the corner. Your solution may come tomorrow. Yes… all the time! I tried twice to end my life but learned… that ending my life… is NOT my choice. So…I’m stuck in hell on earth until God calls for me.
I share this with each of you as a reminder. A reminder to myself also as I am growing so tired of the fight. Yesterday I saw my Naturopath and after further testing I don’t have only 2 strains of babesia but 10. HUGE SIGH! 4 strains of Bartonella, mold, mycotoxins, parasites but my Lyme seems to be in remission after 16 months of treatment. So he also changed up my treatment and I am on 12 different things to fight and remove the rest of these pesky creatures from my system. KEEP ON FIGHTING!
I tried to end my life too. I had to make the decision to live. Now that all the reasons I told myself I had to live for have been stripped away, I have my sons eyes to look into. Even on my hardest days he the reason I am still here. I had so many reasons to live when I thought I didn’t. Now I have so little (yet so much) to live for.
Yup…my kiddos are my lifeline.. Without them I think I would take too many pills to off myself I have chosen to spend this life helping others and sharing what I have been learning along the way. I don’t want this wretched illness to take away any good purpose that I can leave behind.
My kids will also know me as a fighter which will give them hope and encourage them to be brave and tenacious and resourceful in their own lives! Also Never give up hope and enjoy every precious moment you are able. People do get well. Stay strong, learn as much as you can and give back freely. Understanding Lyme Disease. We are all in this together! So Keep fighting… we WILL win this.