When I think of Life Entanglement: I think of the gnarled images of the juniper trees in Sedona, Arizona and especially near the healing vortex. These trees are twisted and wound in patterns uncommon to the species and are proof of Sedona’s vortex energy. The stronger the energy, the more twisted the branches of the juniper trees. And the energy of the vortexes causes the branches to grow in an axel twist — rather than in straight lines.
Did you know that disturbing energy can be bad for your health? Emotions such as anger, frustration, anxiety and even jealousy can manifest in the physical body and end up as ulcers, allergies, migraines and even back pain, if not more.
This is one of the reasons that simple practices such as yoga, tai-chi and even chi-gong can be so restorative for the mind, body and spirit.
Everything is energy, and the truth of the matter is that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. If you believe in this theory, you begin to see that hurtful emotions can often transform into illness and disease.
Physics tells us that if you match the frequency of the reality you want that you cannot help but get that reality.
If this statement is true, then if you choose to focus on healing, then healing will come.
Well-being encompasses all of your parts, not just your physical body. When your emotions are in turmoil and you are continually anxious and stressed, you aren’t really doing yourself any favors when it comes to healing.
A wonderful way to heal the body and spirit is through physical practices such as yoga, tai chi and chi-gong.
– Yoga
The ancient practice of yoga has been around for more than 5.000 years. Most Westernized yoga classes focus on physical poses, which are called asanas.
Many cultures practiced some kind of yoga, dating back as far as the mid-third millennium BC.
Yoga is not only beneficial for strengthening the physical body, but it also helps one heal the mind and spirit through its meditative focus.
Yoga has many benefits, including helping to decrease depression and lower your anxiety, and it can even help with sleep disorders and help you better manage pain.
Yoga is described as a general term that represents the physical, mental and spiritual disciplines that originated in ancient India. Yoga is actually one of six schools of the Hindu philosophy.
Most forms of yoga include some form of breathing technique and even some kind of meditative technique. While some forms of yoga focus purely on relaxation, others focus on core strength, muscle toning, balance and flexibility.
– Tai Chi
Tai chi, which is an ancient Chinese tradition, is practiced as a very graceful form of exercise. It involves a slow, focused series of movements that are also accompanied by deep breathing.
Tai chi has also been called tai chi chuan, and it is a non competitive very traditional form of exercise and movement. Poses are performed at one’s own pace. with each pose flowing gracefully into the next.
There are many different styles of tai chi, each with its own subtle variety.
Research has shown that tai chi may have some health benefits in addition to its mental benefits, as some studies indicate favorable effects on balance control, flexibility and even cardiovascular fitness.
Studies also show that tai chi can help reduce the risk of falls in elderly patients and those who are recovering from heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.
Tai chi may also be quite beneficial for stress relief, in addition to mental health, with one study suggesting that one hour to one year of regular practice can increase psychological well-being while reducing stress, depression and anxiety.
Tai chi can also help in enhancing the mood, so it is beneficial to both the body and the spirit.
– Chi-Gong
The ancient practice of chi-gong is based on the idea that chi is energy that flows through the body.
The energy pathways can get blocked at any point in the body, creating illness and disease.
When you engage in a practice such as chi-gong, the theory is that you free up these energetic pathways, increasing the flow of chi, which can help you improve your health and your spirit.
Chi-gong involves different movements that can be done in different orders. You may choose to use chi-gong to improve posture, coordination, endurance or even flexibility.
The practice also helps one maintain good health and improve the quality of life. According to the theory of yin and yang, a Chinese based principle, these types of gentle movements can help balance the body’s yin and yang forces.
Everything is energy
Any way you put it, these kinds of gentle exercises can help you in many ways because they are not only beneficial for restoring physical health, they are also beneficial in restoring and maintaining good mental health.
When it comes to simple ways to heal the body and spirit, these ancient practices can give you a lot of bang for your buck. Source:
A Blocked Heart Chakra May Cause Breast Cancer!!!
Many believe that there is a torn heart chakra in every patient that has breast cancer. Situations that occur in everyday life such as divorce, death, betrayal, abuse and neglect can wound the heart chakra and lead to disease. The heart chakra is all about emotional empowerment. It helps to teach forgiveness, trust, compassion and unconditional love. Emotions like fear, hope, anger, jealousy and anger all center around the heart chakra which is directly related to the breast area of the body. These emotions and issues affect the health of a woman’s breasts. Over time, this damage to the heart chakra leads to disease and illness.
To help prevent breast cancer due to a damaged heart chakra, the golden flower chakra meditation is also recommended. The golden flower chakra meditation will open the heart chakra, and allow you to experience feeling whole again and bring an over all sense of well being to you. This simple method can be used anytime and anywhere with practice. It will also help to heal past traumas, but may bring emotional release with it. Be prepared for this release at first and allow it to happen.
Chakras are “Hot Spots” of energy where matter and consciousness meet. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. Energy passes through the chakras to your etheric energy field or aura and onto the outside world, and from the outside world. . . back through your auric layers to and through your chakras to your body.
A healthy diet and regular exercise are needed to maintain chakra balance and keep energy flowing. But there can be times where a healthy lifestyle just isn’t enough. Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHAxGMUIFh4 Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngezu-lj5eQ
The Healing Power A Fun Loving Family! By Carrie Crary
When coming from a place of love there is endless possibilities.
Love breads hope, security, strength and wellness, whereas fear breads worry, self-doubt and loss. When negative thoughts appear, be mindful and replace with thoughts of love.
Love breads hope, security, strength and wellness, whereas the fear of living breeds worry, self-doubt and loss. When negative thoughts appear, be mindful and replace those thoughts of love. My mom took a loan on her truck to help fund my trip. She has been amazing.
May 2013- This month was the icing on the cake of a very rough 2 years in my life. The lump in my left breast I had felt for four years prior to that day and assumed to be an “inflamed lymph node”, was finally concerning enough for a biopsy. At age 37, I had lost 4 family members and gone through a very difficult divorce after 17 years of marriage. I was still working, studying for my Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and trying to sell the house that I was still living in after my divorce.
The timing could not have been more difficult, yet I realize now this is when Cancer make an entrance. Most people who have cancer can tell you of tragedy or trauma in the near past. As I now know, Cancer and many other dis ease processes start with dis ease, and emotional and spiritual healing is what must be addressed to combat cancer. Many of us do not realize we are distressed emotionally, because we spend all our time trying to “keep it together”.
June 2013- After a couple of months of nonstop physician visits I was scheduled for a lumpectomy. Shortly after surgery I was expected to start radiation and chemotherapy. My daughter who just graduated had to stay home from college to help care for me in case the chemo made me too sick to be alone.
Cancer in young women generally means a very aggressive and ugly disease. Much to everyone’s surprise, testing on the tumor graded it as very slow growing and a very low likelihood to reoccur. So, chemo was not recommended!!! I can not tell you the relief that was to me after seeing what chemo did to people as a nurse.
I completed radiation in October of 2013 and proceeded to put that part of my life behind me as quickly as possible. I rarely discussed those terrifying months and did not accept it as my reality.
September 2018- I had gotten through the toughest times and had moved to the Phoenix area in hopes of a new start. In the 5 years since my cancer and divorce I remained alone and very lonely. I was constantly chasing a new purpose, only to have it fade or not pan out. I started my master’s degree, and then stopped. I got my California state RN license in hopes that another move would be a break through for forward movement in my life.
I even completed a course to teach English as a second language hoping for opportunity to increase my travel time and income. Then one day at work I asked for an MRI. I work in a nuclear medicine department and my coworkers would do them from time to time when they needed to create a new protocol on the machine. At this time. . . . I had been experiencing some bloating, so they scanned my abdomen, which was clear. Then they decided to scan my lungs and found a nodule.
I decided to go on a pre-planned vacation to Peru the following week and hiked Machu Picchu. I was sure that my lungs were just fine since I had no symptoms. Upon returning my oncologist ordered a PET scan. The day of the scan has become the hardest day of my life. . . thus far. The scan came back showing metastasis throughout my left lung, sternum, and right neck lymph nodes. A biopsy 2 weeks later confirmed the cancer was back and had mutated to a much more aggressive form of breast cancer (triple positive).
I spent the next few days getting my affairs in order; my life insurance, and living will, disability retirement, and FMLA. At age 42 I was navigating a death sentence alone and looking at a very short life. It was just me……..and then He was there. God was with me and as I cried and prayed in the bath tub one night, He took this burden from me in an instant.
God began to reveal His plan to me day by day. He told me it was His plan and showed me the way. He was snatching me from the dry desert I was walking in, through Cancer. Everywhere I went He was talking to me. I was fasting, praying, crying out loud to Him on a regular basis. He loves to hear us. Through events, people, and His word He led me to research alternative cancer treatments. I had random encounters with people daily that pointed me to the success of these therapies and lifestyle changes.
Even my physician the Mayo Clinic began pointing me to supplements and alternative care to compliment the medications he would start me on. Once again, to my unbelief, he was not asking me to do Chemo…..yet.
November 2018- My hours of research led me to start a home routine that included a plant based alkaline diet and multiple natural supplements. Also 0ne day, a massage therapist and friend of mine contacted me and said a man she had worked on was asking to take me to dinner. I agreed and at dinner we were both surprised by the gift of 40k he offered to help fund seeing an alternative care physician since insurance did not cover it. As I continued to research God led me to Hope 4 Cancer and this gift would fund my trip to Mexico to get treatment there.
I knew this is where He wanted me to go and upon arrival in November I was 100% sure God was in that clinic. I was surrounded by His love there–as I received so many natural life saving therapies. I spent the month of November there and could feel God working in amazing ways with all the patients and staff. I owe my life to Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D., N.D., C.N.C. For over 30 years, Dr. Antonio Jimenez has traveled the world learning and researching new approaches to cancer treatment, with the dream in mind of opening an alternative clinic capable of providing any method to give patients their best chance of recovery.
December 2018- After returning home from Hope 4 Cancer and receiving 4 treatments at the Mayo clinic in the previous 3 months, I had my first repeat PET Scan to check for progress. My daughter was in town to spend December with me all the way from Sweden knowing we may have limited time together. On December 14, 2018 I had the scan and we were together to get the results. After only 3 months and a month at Hope 4 Cancer my scan was completely clean!!! NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE IN MY BODY!
I won’t lie, I could not digest that first scan and the miracle that God gave me, but every repeat clean scan since has given me more and more confidence. I have become involved with advocating and teaching others in any capacity I can about what I have learned and what God did for me. Hope 4 Cancer is a one of a kind clinic and the expertise of the providers there is remarkable. The love and emotional/spiritual healing they provide along with the physical healing is so huge and necessary.
August 2019- I remain No Evidence of Disease (NED) and continue to follow my new life purpose given to me by God. I just returned from filming a new doc u series with Hope 4 Cancer called ‘Eight Days’ with award winning producer Charles Mattocks (Bob Marley’s nephew). The show follows “five patients fighting cancer” and the hard decisions and life saving therapies that have made us successful.
The show will air in January 2020 and will change how we see this disease. God took this traumatic event and showed me purpose. I do not have question how GOD wants to use me now, I only submit to His path. I never turn down a call, text, or email from someone that is fighting. My first question is always “have you asked God to show you the path to healing?” Our healing is as different as our cancers are. He is the ultimate physician and He knows how to heal you!!!