I believe there is many great Alternative Treatments out there if you believe in them with all your heart. And the information I display within this blog post are the options…. that I gravitate within my heart if I had cancer!!! It’s important to test to see if supplements are working within your body’s chemistry makeup
Feeling empowered can make a huge difference in fighting this battle. Many people, Rich people, who could buy anything in this world have not been able to save their loved ones from this beast we call Cancer. It’s always important to get your cancer graded and typed with regard to how aggressive it may be. Brett Hudson stating that what he did may have been Farrah Fawett best option before she went the conventional route?
Paul McCartney – couldn’t save Linda from breast cancer, nor could Jackie Kennedy Onassis save herself from Lymphoma and Farah Fawcett gave an interview also some footage of the films made of — Farrah in Germany — taking painful treatments. They did not help. In the past, Barbara Walters interviewed Patrick Swayze and his wife about his Pancreatic cancer. During that interview Patrick said, (perhaps not in his exact words) “if anyone tells you they have a cure for cancer. . .don’t believe it, because if they did, they would be RICH and Famous.”
Some get lucky and the cancer is found early. Some are not as lucky, perhaps ignore warning signs. Sometimes you catch bronchitis and it doesn’t go away too quickly, you have a Personal Care Physician that sends you for an x-ray. Then, you get the shock of your life!! With cancer being, “The Great Deceiver” it’s a crap shoot. Sure, there are things you can do to help yourself. Don’t Smoke, don’t be around second hand smoke or chemicals if you can help it. If you have to paint – or – use a mask around chemicals. They make them. Exercise, eat a balanced diet and stay away from food preservative that will kill you.
They say a positive attitude helps to fight cancer. I believe that — There are MANY people that have positive attitudes and have come a heck of a lot farther. . .than their doctors ever dreamed they would. We all have to follow our own path and if you think and feel a certain treatment is for you, then go for it. I gravitate toward the Budwig & Carl O. Helvie Protocol with Bill Henderson Supplements involved. The Budwig Protocol will not be very effective if a person continues to eat a diet with a lot of saturated fats (meats), hydrogenated oils, processed foods, etc. It is a small cog in the wheel of nutrition.
The Budwig Protocol will not be very effective if a person continues to eat a diet with a lot of saturated fats (meats), hydrogenated oils, processed foods, etc. It is a small cog in the wheel of nutrition. Hydrogenated oils are very bad for you per Dr. Budwig. Also for example, regular peanut butter is loaded with them. These chemically altered oils clog up your cellular and lymphatic systems. The cottage cheese/flaxseed oil helps to unclog these systems but if you keep putting these products back in there is only so much the protocol can do. When you start reading labels: hydrogenated oils are in most big selling items.
Surprisingly, these type of products are becoming increasingly available at regular supermarkets and the organic and natural products can be quite pricey. One more thing to add. I believe in the benefits of the Budwig Protocol.
I read all the testimonials and bought Dr. Budwig’s books.
She actually took dying people from hospitals and basically brought them back to life using her protocol. The Budwig Diet protocol harnesses the unique properties of highly unsaturated fatty acids and sulfurated amino acids. . . . to allow the cancer cells to start “breathing” again. The Budwig Diet’s focus. . . on increasing the body’s absorption and utilization of oxygen aligns well with the High pH Therapy cesium chloride protocol.
Mushroom extract, AHCC, helpful in treating HPV!!!
I think the Budwig protocol and taking AHCC to boost your immune system is a big step to feeling better with the blood type diet…as a key to some. Some foods act as medicines and when you incorporate them into your diet you heal. I found a website that shows the Budwig diet & full plan on videos. You can watch the flax oil – cottage cheese recipe being made as well as recipes for the rest of the diet. There’s one on the importance of getting sunlight & one on relaxation techniques.
In 1978, Richard A. Bloch (the “R” in H&R Block) was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and told that he had 3 months to live. Instead of accepting a death sentence, he fought back. He found an oncologist who treated him aggressively and two years later, Bloch was declared cancer free. He devoted the rest of his life (until his death as a result of heart failure in 2004) to helping people fight—and beat—cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2794629/
Luckily he sought a second opinion and, after two years of arduous treatment, he was completely cured. This book was written for and dedicated to the people with cancer who want to do everything in their power to help themselves and their doctor so they will have the best chance of beating their disease. This book is a product of Dick & Annette Bloch’s own experience with cancer.
The overriding message was that cancer patients must utilize all available information to seek out the best possible care and do everything they can to maximize their chances for therapeutic success is a vital one. This is a strong personal statement about striving for life. It should motivate many cancer patients to obtain state-of-the-art treatment and to play an active part in increasing their own chances being among the growing number of survivors.
If what I write offends please accept my apologies. Nutrition is very important as is a positive attitude. Richard Bloch who received a terminal lung cancer diagnosis lived 23 years after being diagnosed and he gave most of the credit to having a positive attitude.
Johanna Budwig (30 September 1908 – 19 May 2003) was a German biochemist and author Dr. Budwig was a pharmacist & held a doctorate degrees in physics and chemistry. [1] Based on her research on fatty acids . . . Supposedly as a biochemist. . .she treated over 2500 cancer patients with a 90% cure rate. The basis of the diet is modifying dietary fats.[1] It is rich in flaxseed oil, mixed with German Quark meals high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber and avoids sugar, animal fats, salad oil, meats, butter, especially margarine.
Budwig also claimed that within three months, some patients on this diet had smaller tumors, some had no tumors left, and all felt better over with her treatment of cancer & purported anti-cancer diet, However, there is no reliable evidence supporting Budwig’s claims, and no scientific evidence that the Budwig diet helps people with cancer. There is no indication for using anti cancer diets and they can cause adverse effects.
People with cancer who delay or forgo effective treatments as a result of using diets such as the Budwig Diet might suffer relapse, may experience unnecessary disease progression, and experience continuing cancer-related symptoms.
While working as a researcher at the German Federal Health Office she noted many cancer drugs being evaluated in the 1950s contained sulphydryl groups. Budwig also believed sulphydryl compounds – were important to cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. Budwig researched the theory that also a low oxygen environment would develop in the absence of sulphydryl groups and/or fatty acid partners that would encourage the proliferation of cancerous cells.
With assistance from H.P. Kaufmann, Dr. Budwig developed paper chromatography techniques to identify and quantify fatty acids. Johanna used. . . these techniques to compare the fatty acid profiles of sick and healthy individuals. This made her one of the first scientists to consider the health implications of fat consumption, according to Mannion et al. in a 2010 paper in the Nutrients (journal).
I just wanted to share what I seen on the Budwig videos. It also has a lot of recent testimonials from people who belong to their forum. If what your doing seems right for you stay on the right track.
I started the diet with my friend who has breast cancer. The videos helped a lot. In the first week, my vascular headaches stopped. I usually get them almost daily, but I’m on my 15th day of the diet & I haven’t had a headache for a week which hasn’t happened in years. My friend feels more energy than she had before. Hopefully she will respond really well to this because she quit chemo after only a few treatments. She couldn’t tolerate it. It was making her too sick. Anyway, here’s the website if anyone is interested.
Gene Wei is an expert in the well known anti-cancer Budwig Diet. He discusses its origin and history as well as the foundation of it’s health benefits. Find out the reasons behind it’s success as an anti-cancer protocol and why so many people try it. Finally understand the anti-cancer Budwig Diet! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jji43EXD4vU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6fEPZwQrtc
Breast Cancer Effectively Treated with Budwig Protocol Lloyd Jenkins*1 1 Naturopath, Budwig Cancer Clinic in Malaga, Spain. At Utopia Wellness, I tell patients that cancer is a multifactorial chronic illness, which includes a lack of cellular oxygenation that results in excessive intracellular acidity, a compromised immune system, systemic toxicity from poorly functioning detoxifying organs (liver, colon, kidneys), emotional issues and poor nutritional sources, especially once cancer has taken hold.
We are not winning the war on cancer. In fact, every day about 1,630 people die from cancer and as of March 2017, there are more than 3.1 million women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S. alone. Not everyone is losing the war on cancer however. The Budwig protocol has proven to be one of the best therapies, not only, for breast cancer but all types of cancer for more than 70 years Here are 7 ways that the Budwig diet and program can help prevent cancer and effectively restore health – for those who are on a cancer healing journey. https://budwig-videos.com/budwig-diet-protocol-lifestyle-plan-in-detail/
Seven Ways the Budwig Diet Helps with Breast Cancer: Flaxseeds balance hormones Dr. Budwig added freshly ground flaxseeds to her famous mixture often called ‘muesli’. In Cancer Letters by Dabrosin study done in November 2002 found that: “The women who eat the most flax lowered their risk of getting breast cancer by 62% compared to women who do not eat it [1].” Figure 1.
In the November 2004 issue of Clinical Cancer Research, a study was done combining flaxseed with tamoxifen alone. The study reported: “They used mice with human breast cancer tumors with and without supplemental estrogen. At low estrogen levels, predictive of a woman in menopause, tumors in the flaxseed fed mice shrunk 74% [1]. The tamoxifen produced an effect similar to the flaxseed shrinking the tumors initially, however, by the end of the experiment, those using only tamoxifen had tumors return to their initial size. Combining tamoxifen and flaxseed shrunk the tumor half again as much as tamoxifen alone did. In the mice kept at high estrogen levels, modeling a premenopausal breast cancer patient, the flaxseed alone inhibited tumor growth by 22%. The tamoxifen alone inhibited tumor growth by 41% and both together by 50% — Sunbathing and melatonin needed:
Dr. Budwig had all her patients sunbathing because she understood the importance of Vitamin D production and the benefit from photons you receive from the sun. After 20 minutes of direct sun exposure on as much of the skin as possible, she would then move her patients out of the direct sun but still leave them outdoors. She said the “sicker you are the more you need to be outdoors”. Figure 2.
When you cannot get out in the sun a natural vitamin D supplement is recommended. Dr. Budwig was ahead of her time in many ways. Now several decades later, scientist discovered that sunlight activates the production of melatonin. “Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. This is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. At night, dark lighting cues trigger the brain. . . . to make another hormone called melatonin. This hormone is responsible for helping a person feel sleepy and go to sleep. Without enough sunlight exposure, a person’s serotonin levels can dip low [2].”
Melatonin also helps regulates levels of human estrogen and growth hormone in the body, two critical hormones in the cancer process, and it has been found to have epigenetic (cancer-correcting) properties. Melatonin: has also been found to affect estrogen receptor sites in the body, modifying them so that ´bad´ estrogen (human and chemical) cannot bind to them [2]. In addition to sunbathing, women with breast cancer can take melatonin 1 to 1 ½ hours before bedtime, daily. Start off at a lower dosage of 3 mg of melatonin. Then increase to 6 mg, then 9mg or more in stages. Some of our patients do take 20 mg without problems. Plant extracts that disable cancer stem cells: Budwig Center Protocol Disables Cancer Stem Cells You probably have never heard in the middle of every cancer cell there are cancer stem cells (CSC’s) and they are very difficult to annihilate [3]. Figure 3.
In fact, many scientists are now concluding that the reason cancers come back even after intensive chemotherapy and radiation is because they have not been able to destroy the (CSC’s) cancer stem cells. Some researchers have called them “master cells” because they decide what the rest of the tumor cells are going to do. Yes, these deadly stem cells are in control of how fast cancer will spread and in addition, how it manages to grow and even resist harsh treatments over and over again.
In laboratory studies using mice they discovered that just a few of these cancer stem cells can cause the tumor to grow right back again, whereas countless other cancer cells could not do that [4].
Even though these cancer stem cells make up less than 1% of the tumors mass they have a clever way of escaping conventional chemotherapy and radiation, target rapidly dividing cancer cells [5]. These master cancer stem cells divide very slowly, therefore they also pass right through and around the chemotherapy and even intensive radiation in many cases. And to make matters worse, these cancer stem cells if they do take in some of the chemotherapy drugs they have in built-in defense mechanism that causes it to quickly expel the chemical drugs right out of the cell leaving it unharmed. To date the researchers have found three plant extracts, that when combined can disable these cancer stem cells, which we use as part of the Budwig protocol in our cancer clinic.
Budwig food choices help control cancer:
Dr Budwig encouraged the generous consumption of cruciferous vegetables as they are rich in nutrients, including several carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin); vitamins C, E, and K; folate; and minerals. They also are a good fiber source. Cruciferous vegetables also contain sulfur-containing chemicals called glucosinolates. When these are eaten they form active compounds such as indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates, and isothiocyanates. As you may know, indole-3carbinol (an indole) and sulforaphane (an isothiocyanate) have been most frequently examined for their anticancer effects. In fact, indoles and isothiocyanates have been found to inhibit the development of cancer in several organs in rats and mice, including the bladder, breast, colon, liver, lung, and stomach [5,6]. At the Budwig Center Kitchen we teach our patients and especially those with estrogen driven breast cancer to also consume plenty of cruciferous vegetables such as: arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and radishes.
Hyperthermia for breast cancer tumors:
Hyperthermia creates heat and initiates a fever-like state, which is a natural and vital defense reaction against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. watch video Hippocrates made the statement that “illness not cured by heat is incurable.” In 1927, Julius Wagner Jauregg received a Nobel Prize in medicine for his work involving the application of hyperthermia. Fever has long been a misunderstood, but now many modern Cancer clinics and hospitals are starting to offer this hyperthermia heat therapy to their cancer patients.
“In July 2013, The Lancet Oncology published an article on the beneficial effects of hyperthermia (heat therapy). A team of clinicians headed by Rüdiger Wessalowski, MD of the University of Düsseldorf, showed that conventional treatment that included deep tissue heating produced better results than generally achieved with surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy alone [6,7].
There were 5 major findings: • An objective response (i.e., tumor shrinkage) was also seen in 30 out of 35 patients, or 86 percent. • Sixteen of these 30 patients had a complete remission and 14 of the 30 having a partial remission. • Ten patients who still had tumors after treatment then received additional radiotherapy: 8 of these 10 then had complete and durable remissions (“cures”) . • The probability of 5-year event-free survival was 62 % and the five-year overall survival rate was 72 % • Among those who received chemotherapy + hyperthermia as a salvage therapy. . . the overall five – year survival rate was 78 percent • Immediate pain reduction and with the elimination of the need for pain medications • No nausea, no discomfort, rapid improvement will be seen even after ! session and improved immune system response Switch from a regular bra – to a sport-type bra: A bra with a lift type support that will restrict the lymphatic system, which is our body’s ‘garbage disposal’ system.
Toxins thereafter stay trapped in the fatty tissues in the breast area. Toxins are the main cause of all cancers and need to be continually eliminated from the body by using a mini trampoline, which the Budwig Center places in all the rooms of its patients. At the Budwig Center we encourage all our female patients. . .to switch to a comfortable fitting sport type bra. As there are more and more studies indicating the dangers of EMF’s with cell (mobile) phones, it would be very unwise to carry these phones in your bra. Find out more how the Budwig Diet can effectively prevent cancer and restore your health and that of your loved ones with cancer by downloading our Free Budwig Guide at: www.BudwigCenter.com
For 20 years Lothar Hirneise has been traveling throughout the world looking for the most successful cancer therapies, and he has been explaining to people that there is much more available than just chemotherapy and irradiation. Recognized internationally as Europe’s leading specialist in this area, he describes the results of his years of research here in our centre. The 3E program… is based on the analysis of case histories of thousands of people who have survived late stage cancer. Now you can learn why so many people die of cancer, and why so many others do not. We can help you to find your own way to cure cancer through the 3E program.
Is important to also know!!!
The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920’s that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body’s ability to heal itself. According to the Gerson Institute, “Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called “incurable” diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.”
Gerson Therapy involves 3 important steps that have to be performed simultaneously.
– The first step is detoxification by coffee enemas.
– The second step is the Gerson Diet that supplies the essential nutrients including enzymes from 13 glasses daily of fresh vegetable and fruit juice.
– The third step is the supplement of deficient nutrients, particularly potassium, iodine, and thyroid hormones. Additional supplements are used that include niacin, pancreatin, flaxseed oil, castor oil, coenzyme Q10, Wobe-Mugos enzyme products, laetrile, crude liver or vitamin B12 injection, and gastrointestinal enzyme products. The therapy aims to restore the diseased cells in the body back to normal.
After the initial 6-12 week intensive treatment, the Gerson Therapy Program requires the cancer patient to adhere to a maintenance diet of low-salt, low-sugar, low-animal protein and high-potassium diet. All types of fresh and organic vegetables and fruits are encouraged. Tobacco, alcohol, canned, frozen, and other processed foods are discouraged. Salt and sugar are to be minimized or avoided completely – they should come from the natural foods, not from refined sources. The detoxification of the liver and the production of thyroid hormones to regulate the immune system are crucial to cancer recovery. Liver detoxification with coffee enema is a very important procedure in Gerson Therapy. It lowers the quantity of blood serum toxins, cleaning the poison out of the fluid nourishing normal cells. Coffee enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, facilitating excretion of dead cancer cells by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall. The Gerson Therapy program requires dedication and discipline and hourly juicing – it simply will NOT WORK if you do not adhere to it completely, or if you cut corners and eat a few wrong foods here and there. It is ideally suited to the cancer survivor who is highly disciple to adhere to the strict regime.
Why Dr. Budwig said ‘No’ to Synthetic Vitamins and Minerals. Associated with the intravenous administration of vitamin C that interferes too much. with the action of the flax oil within the membranes of cancer cells. vitamin C regime. comes to act like an antioxidant in addition to a pro-oxidant. Anti oxidants can nullify the. benefits of the Budwig protocol.
Cancer Fighting & Preventive Foods and Supplements
Father Romano Zago was born on 11/04/1932 in Lajeado, Brazil. He is a priest of Italian origin, belonging to the Franciscan friars. When he was just 11 years old, he started the “San Francesco” Serafico seminary in Taquari where he completed his studies, becoming a novice in 1952.
Father Romano Zago studied philosophy at Daltro Filho and Theology at Divinipolis, in Mato Grosso, where he was then named priest in the order of the Minor Friars. Later he was appointed professor at the Taquari seminar and in 1971 he graduated in literature and began teaching languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin) in the various houses of his order. In 1991 Father Romano Zago moved to Israel, where he continued teaching to young people.
Currently he works and lives in Brazil, his country of origin, where he returned after completing his mission in the Holy Land.
The discovery of Father Romano Zago. In his book “Cancer can be cured“, the Brazilian friar says he made an important discovery, a discovery that can cure cancer. It is a simple juice made with three natural products: Aloe Arborescens leaves, organic honey and distillate.
That’s all.
Actually, he points out that the discovery is not his own merit. Others before him had already conceived and successfully used this Aloe juice.
The merit of the friar is exclusively that of having spread this recipe all over the world, through word of mouth and above all by writing and publishing his book “Cancer can be cured”, where besides illustrating precisely the right method for the preparation of the juice, he reports witnesses of cancer patients, healed thanks to the intake of the juice made of Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate.
One of these witnesses, through which Father Zago testifies the efficacy of the juice for the first time, is by Mr. Giovanni Mariani, who was suffering from advanced prostate cancer and to whom the doctors had given a week of life. The friar tells in his book how, after a few weeks, the patient has recovered completely from his disease, returning to his normal daily life healthyer than ever.
The Brazilian friar had then other opportunities to test the efficacy of the Aloe juice. In particular, when he was transferred to Israel, he continued his work of disseminating his knowledge, taking care of numerous patients suffering from cancer. In these years the research of Father Zago caused quite a stir and was also published in the magazine “Terra Santa” and in some specialized magazines.
Returning to Brazil in 1995, Friar Zago continued to divulge his recipe based on Aloe Arborescens, honey and grappa, starting to devote himself more and more to the care of cancer patients. Finally, moved by the great number of “miraculous” healings, he decided to collect his findings and his witnesses in the book “Cancer can be cured”, with the aim of sharing his recipe with the entire world.
Who is the real creator of Aloe recipes?
Nobody knows, not even Father Zago.
What the friar knows is that this recipe has existed for years in the Rio Grande poor slums.
A mix able to cure cancer and many other diseases, for poor people who have no other way to heal themselves, if not to draw from what nature has made available to them.
Through another priest, Father Romano Zago became aware of this “miraculous” recipe. The friar in question is Father Arno Reckziegel, who had served in the village of Noivado-Mar the year before.
Father Arno Reckziegel, constantly in contact with the sick, had witnessed incredible healing in person, including cancer patients. He had thus learned of the recipe based on leaves of Aloe Arborescens, honey and spirit, with which these people were treated, without using medicines, for them too expensive.
This is how Father Romano Zago became aware of the anti-cancer recipe.
From then on, Zago started to test over and over this recipe, which to his amazement was almost always successful, taking care of most of the cases of cancer that he encountered the following days and years.
Dr. Shamsuddin recommends 2 capsules IP6 Health twice a day as prophylaxis for otherwise HEALTHY people (that’s what he has been taking everyday since 1998) and 8-12 capsules thrice a day for therapy. One can go even higher than that as the composition is quite safe orally. Please keep in mind that in the absence of a dose determination (Phase I) clinical trial, this recommendation also is based on extrapolation of data from laboratory experiments; and the preceding. . . . is not to be considered medical advice for which you should consult your health-care professional(s). By the way, do not be surprised if you feel more energetic, have fewer or no attacks of common cold or flu, healthier nails and hair etc!
Enzymatic Therapy Cell Forte IP-6 & Inositol, gluten-free
For a chronic disease like cancer, you have to take more than the label claims. Very good product. I’m thinking of incorporating it again, if my pocket lets me. If you’re taking it for preventative measure, the dosage on the label would do, if you have cancer or any chronic disease, people take up to 8 caps two times a day. That’s how much I took for that mass to melt away 2 yrs ago. That’s what makes it expensive. From the testimonials, a lot of people took it until they were clear and then backed down to maintenance dose. I would e-mail Dr. Shamsuddin He patented the ip6. his team they are pretty good at responding with all the info you need. Go the “contact us” @ www.ip-6.net and ask your questions. I hope this helps. Listen to him here!!!
Econugenics is the only scientifically studied brand of MCP. It’s pricey, but it’s the only brand clinically proven to inhibit cancer metastasis. Pecta Sol C . . . is found on Amazon. Developed by Dr. Isaac Eliaz, and it has studies behind it. Prevents metastasis. Dr. Eliaz, who has prescribed powder form for many1/5 scoops twice daily, once on getting up and last before bedtime. With that lime flavor being most flavorful without the bland taste of stevia that is in the supplement.
If you find yourself hungry by mid-morning, add Hemp Hearts to your breakfast. Hemp Hearts are shelled hemp seeds and are one of the best sources of protein, essential fats, vitamins and enzymes available. They also provide needed fiber to your diet.
Eating the recommended amount of Hemp Hearts each morning can help to provide you with energy for much of the rest of the day, help the body to expel wastes after every meal and reduce or eliminate hunger for as much as 8 hours. The daily recommended serving is 4-5 tablespoons of Hemp Hearts eaten with fruit and yogurt (vegetables for diabetics). A 1-pound container is equivalent to about 41 tablespoons.
Dr Oz: Anti-Cancer Supplements:
Dr Oz did a show about Stomach Cancer and did a segment on an Anti-Stomach Cancer Diet followed by this discussion of supplements that prevent Cancer. Want to know how to beat cancer in its tracks? In this segment, Dr. Oz gives you 3 surprising supplements that may help you fight cancer. Vanessa, and audience member, stated that she had two aunts diagnosed with cancer, so therefore it was a definite concern of hers. When Doctor Oz asked her if she took any supplements, she stated that she was a big advocate of fish oil and multivitamins. (She did admit to having no idea which supplements were in her multivitamin.)
Dr. Oz: Zinc Breast Cancer Supplement
1. Zinc for breast cancer-free radicals go into the cells and into DNA and zinc helps knock it out. Zinc supplements help repair the cells so the cancer cannot grow. Zinc also helps your immune system find cancer cells and acts as an anti-oxidant. To get the full benefits of a zinc supplement, take 8 mg per day. Dr Oz noted that zinc is contained in many multivitamins but check the label to be sure.
Dr. Oz: Calcium Colon Cancer Supplement
2. Calcium for colon and rectal cancer- Studies show that people who have calcium supplements have a 24 percent less chance of colon and rectal cancer. So getting the maximum benefits with calcium supplements by taking 600 mg 2Xs per day.
To eliminate constipation, Doctor Oz suggested taking the 600 mg. calcium supplement with 400 mg of magnesium.
Dr. Oz: Omega 3 Skin Cancer Supplement
3. Omega 3 for skin cancer- Take 600 mg of omega 3 per day to help your body beat bad cancer cells. Doctor Oz Fans already know Omega 3 is also great for pain and inflammation as well as better brain function. Pick up a bottle today
Black Raspberry Protects Against Esophageal and Cervical Cancers.
Dr. Oz said that he wasn’t even aware of black raspberry supplements. Dr. Duncan said that black raspberry supplementation is helpful in protecting you against esophageal and cervical cancer. Just one capsule is equal to 4 cups of black raspberries. He said that you should look for this supplement in a freeze dried form. The micronutrients found in the pigment that gives black raspberries their dark color – is what helps protects you against cancer. Dr. Lindsey Duncan takes black raspberry supplements every day. I found Black Raspberry Supplements online for only 11 bucks. They are marked down from 20 dollars! Yes, they are the fresh freeze dried capsules that was recommended on today’s show!
Cimetidine (Tagamet®) is a drug historically used to reduce stomach acid production. Published research dating back more than 20 years shows this drug might make a greater impact in medicine if used as a cancer therapy rather than . . . . as a treatment for gastric disorders. Cimetidine is known as a H2 blocker that reduces stomach acid secretion, its role in cancer treatment has been grossly overlooked.
I have read that iron acts like a Trojan horse to open up cancer so other meds can attack those cells. My nutritionist said instead of iron supplements which can cause problems in some, to take Ferrum Phos (cell salt) which helps your body to absorb iron more efficiently from the foods you eat. This helps to activate artemisinin in the right combination to get into your cancer cells.
Has anyone tried Avemar? I am introducing this fermented wheat germ supplement to my mom I have read a lot about it helping to prevent the glucose uptake – by cancer cells from the blood stream. Many healthy foods are derived from wheat germ. The molecular composition of these products, however, greatly differs as shown by normal-phase HPLC-mass spectrometry analysis. Avemar is also a nontoxic wheat germ extract registered as a special nutriment for cancer patients in Hungary. It shows potent anticancer activity on cell lines by deeply interfering with glucose metabolism and affecting expressions of several kinases.
In in vivo experimental models, Avemar is also effective by enhancing the activity of the immune system — such as stimulating NK cell activity (by reducing MHC I molecule expression), enhancing TNF secretion of the macrophages, increasing ICAM 1 molecule expression on the vascular endothelial cells. All of these lead to apoptosis of tumor cells. The wide range of biological activity of Avemar probably cannot be explained by only one active ingredient. Since there are numerous experimental data and the clinical benefit repeatedly confirmed Avemar can be one of the most potent and best researched food supplements available for cancer patients. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20155632
While also taking curcumin 1300 mg twice daily.
Nothing ever takes away from eating right!!!