The Gerson Therapy is a safe natural treatment …. developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920’s that uses organic foods…. juicing…. coffee enemas…. detoxification…. and natural supplements to activate the body’s ability to heal itself. According to the Gerson Institute, “Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have also used — Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called “incurable” diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.” Gerson Therapy involves 3 important steps that have to be performed simultaneously.
The first step is detoxification by coffee enemas.
The second step is the Gerson Diet that supplies the essential nutrients including enzymes from 13 glasses daily of fresh vegetable and fruit juice.
The third step is the supplement of deficient nutrients, particularly potassium, iodine, and thyroid hormones. Additional supplements are used that include niacin, pancreatin, flaxseed oil, castor oil, coenzyme Q10, Wobe-Mugos enzyme products, laetrile, crude liver or vitamin B12 injection, and gastrointestinal enzyme products.
The therapy aims to restore the diseased cells in the body back to normal.
After the initial 6-12 week intensive treatment, the Gerson Therapy Program requires the cancer patient to adhere to a maintenance diet of low-salt, low-sugar, low-animal protein and high-potassium diet. All types of fresh organic vegetables and fruits are encouraged. Tobacco, alcohol, canned, frozen, and other processed foods are also discouraged.
Salt and sugar are to be minimized or avoided completely – they should come from the natural foods, not from refined sources. The detoxification of the liver and the production of thyroid hormones to regulate the immune system are crucial to cancer recovery.
Liver detoxification with coffee enema is a very important procedure in Gerson Therapy. It lowers the quantity of blood serum toxins, cleaning poisons out of the fluid nourishing normal cells. Coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, facilitating excretion of dead cancer cells by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.
The Gerson Therapy program is restrictive and requires dedication and discipline and hourly juicing – it simply will NOT WORK if you do not adhere to it completely, or if you cut corners and eat a few wrong foods here and there. Its ideally suited for the cancer survivor who is highly disciple to adhere to the strict regime.
Clinic Epilogue – By Teresa Levi
Sorry to be so late in posting after my visit to the Gerson clinic in Mexico. I was home for a week and then out of town for a vacation with family.
The flight back was fine although we got home very late. I am back into my routine. I have not had any other healing reactions since I’ve gotten back from Mexico.
The institute gives you a lot of food to bring with you on the plane. Some patients take up to 24 hours to get home. The bag includes a canister of dry oatmeal, 2 sandwiches, large container of cooked veggies, 4 red potatoes, thermos of hot soup, different tea bags, napkins and utensils.
I want to let you know what kind of expenses we incurred with going to the clinic so you can know what to expect.
Here are the expenditures for our trip:
2 weeks stay for nutritional treatment $9,000
(I was a return visit patient so it cheaper than the first time)
Vitamin C treatment $980
Immunotherapy Treatment $5,500
Ultrasound Consultation $150
Laundry services ($5 per load) $15
Shuttle from San Diego and back $260
Lunch for trip back $35
Loaves of bread (6) $12
Air Flights for 2 $1970
Shuttle to and from Ft. Myers $190 ________ $18,112 total
I brought back bread from the local bakery the clinic uses but they do not ship. There are no preservatives in it so it wouldn’t last in shipping and go moldy.
The ultrasound consultation also included his review of my PET scan. This is another physician who comes into the clinic upon Dr. Cervantes’ referral.
14th day at the clinic – Last day of treatment with Vit. C. Glad to have the Heplock removed. Packing up, writing thank you cards for staff, and enjoying not having to cook!
My friend will come by on Tuesday after we shop to help clean food. It will help a lot since the fridge is completely empty.
Tonight we all were talking about the juicers we use, how we work out our schedule for the day, tips to make our time more efficient, making coffee, and when to throw out juicing clothes.
That’s one of the good things about this support group and being here at the clinic, that you can talk out the logistics of the different details of the Gerson therapy.
I feel it has been a successful stay and worth coming here. I’ll have monthly phone visits with Dr C until I come back in 3 months for another round of dendritic vaccines and circulating tumor cell test. This will check the amount of cancer cells in my blood and if it is lower than during this current visit.
Thanks for following my journey here at the clinic. When I get home, I’ll do an epilogue with the costs involved in this trip. I can’t wait to get home to our dogs and my bed! God bless you all and never give up!
13th day at the clinic – It’s all good in Mexico. We all had a lot of good conversations going on today. Sharing stories about life in general And our health issues. Also I try to encourage them in pursuing health with Gerson. I remind them of the things that have healed in me and they can do the same. Patience is a good virtue to make friends with.
The sun finally stayed out for some hours making it pleasant to sit outside.
I got the paperwork I need to use at the airport for my food and fluids and finalized the bill. We went over next visit’s prices also. I’ll share all that when I get home.
Dr C and I went over my hourly schedule of supplements for when I get home. He is stopping some things, changing others and adding one new one. He had written up the explanation of the immunotherapy and read it to me. And It sounds good.
We played cards today and spent the time each of us trying to remember the rules for gin! I’m still working on the jigsaw puzzle but don’t think I’ll get it done by tomorrow. Aw well. . .
Winding down and finishing this time here. I’m ready to pack up tomorrow and get my last IV Vit C. You all remember to not give up even when it doesn’t look good. This is a process and the body does sort itself out, give it time.
12th day at the clinic – I had my third vaccine shot with no reaction. It’s been a good day. Getting to know the other patients and talking out different details we’re dealing with with our diseases. We discussed the other supposed Gerson clinics — what differences are with the licensed one. We were also sharing life stories.
I spent time with the Gerson patient advocate and talked about the need for basic information about the immunotherapy be shared with those wanting to come to the clinic so they can make an informed decision. Dr C came up on our conversation in the courtyard. Afterwards when I had my consultation, he said he would write up something. Also the advocate was going to contact the chemist and ask her to help with it.
While I’ve been here, Dr C has changed my schedule to 9 juices and 2 CE’s. I do them at 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. The wide spread is to allow the vitamin C IV to work in my system for many hours before I detox again.
I’m drinking a lot of tea and gruel to help with this congestion in my lungs. I think it will clear in a couple of days.
It’s all going well and even though I don’t see the end from where I stand, I will stay tenacious to this walk.
I did an 11th day but can’t find it. Maybe listed as 10th or 12th day.
10th day at the clinic – I had another dendritic vaccine shot and I’ve had no reaction today. More patients coming in and others leaving. It’s good to get to meet new people for different perspectives.
We had a class via internet from one of the home set up trainers. They can come to your house and help you set up the kitchen, bathroom, eliminate chemicals. They’ll show you how to prepare the foods. She talked about RO and distilled water. Also, she went over the importance of not cheating and having everything ready for when we go home from the clinic.
Initially when I first learned of the Gerson back in 2011 for treating diabetes, it took me 6 weeks to get rid of chemicals and set up the kitchen. There are just so many details involved, you just work through the next day as to what maybe needed to add or change.
At dinner, another patient and I talk strategies to holiday gatherings. You just have to plan for it, there’s no other choice. You have to make the decision over and over even if people bemoan your choices or make fun of you.
We also talked about the costs involved with eating the Gerson way and Chemo/drugs. What is the price of life?
I love talking to people doing Gerson because we all are on the same age. Only here can you talk with the people around you about problems with enemas! Something not done in polite company!
Just want to remind all of you out there that you are the best, so Gers-on!
9th day at the clinic – well, Dr. C and I had a long discussion about yesterday’s healing reaction. I told him about the other healing reactions over these last 4 years. He was pleased about my reaction and so am I. He thinks because I’m so detoxed, that that’s why I had one so soon after the vaccine.
The other patients were asking about me and I told them I felt much better.
This process of healing is not easy or enjoyable at times but it is well worth all the effort put into it. It feels like when In my career as a physical therapist, I would have a patient and they would say, “Oh the doctor says I’ll never walk again”. I would say, “Oh really, well let’s see what we can do about that”. And with lots of work by the patient. . . .they would be back up and walking.
I guess that’s how I feel about the Gerson therapy. I’m not a rocket scientist, however, I understand basic biology and when the body has the right nutrients it starts fixing itself. Cells regenerate and tissue grows. I don’t know how long this process will take, but since they only gave me to 2017 to live, I’d say I’m doing really good for the odds!
8th day at the clinic – they started the dendritic vaccine shot. So she iced it for 5 min., then injected an anesthetic, then the vaccine in my right upper thigh. So Iced it 5 minutes, rest 10 minutes, then walked for 15 minutes. It was sensitive after….. but nothing major.
All afternoon It was like I couldn’t get warm even with jacket, pants and blanket on. Went to media room right before dinner. I was wheezing and couldn’t get relief and I felt full from lunch so I got small portions of dinner. I stopped eating and just talked. All of a sudden I started feeling really bad, nauseated, faint, like I was going to throw up and have diarrhea. I laid my head down on the table. Everyone around me were trying to talk to me. I just wanted to get on the floor to lay down. Somebody went and got the nurse and doctor. I knew I couldn’t get to my room. They took vitals and things were a little low. I guess after about 15 minutes, The nausea started going away. So they put a cold compress on my neck and went and got the wheelchair. I wasn’t as faint and was able to get in the wheelchair and the guys got me to my room. Finally felt better and mild headache. Talk about a healing reaction! I’ve had them before over these 4 years but rarely. This was a big one. Seven hours after the vaccine. The other patient who has had the vaccine here has had no reaction. Well I got what I asked for.
Ah, the joys of the Gerson Therapy!
7th day at the clinic – Not much happening today. Some good conversations with patients who will be leaving this week.
I’m over my having a meltdown. I get back on my feet and keep taking the next step forward.
Starting to plan our coming back in a few months and how we can make it efficient in getting started the first day with them drawing blood for the vaccine. I have to do liver shots when I get home so have to talk to ISHI about supplies. Hopefully they will ship instead of us taking it on the plane.
You know, you all are the best! It helps so much to have the love and support of this group to move through this process of healing, so thank you. Oh yeah, Kathleen Blake, I was telling the patients about the song your kids used to sing during your CE’s, they thought it was funny. Stay focused and move forward, y’all!
6th day at the clinic – The lab tech came out to start the immunotherapy with the expanded blood infusion. It took 15 min. I had 2 IV sites right wrist and elbow area. She put it in the elbow area and afterwards, she removed the site. Afterwards I walked to the nurse’s station for them to take vital signs. Then the nurse brought the Vitamin C bag to my room to set it up. She flushes before and after with saline. Well, the vein blew and the saline went under the skin. She looks at me and I was not a happy camper. I knew what she would have to do, set another site and it hurts more in the wrist area. We walked back to the nurse’s station into the examining room, lay down and she goes to work. I’m trying not to yell. She gets it in and taped. I sit up and start crying. I had met my breaking point in this process. She starts rubbing my back while I’m sitting there. I’m thinking, “I don’t even want to be here in Mexico. The Gerson was suppose heal all of these diseases. I didn’t cheat. It just doesn’t seem worth it to go through all of this.”
I go back to my room and cry some more. Some days are just hard! She comes back in and starts the Vit. C. I calm down. Rest a few minutes then roll the IV pole across the courtyard, down the hall, down the steps, through the dining room and over to the media room where the class on immunotherapy is starting.
A chemist went through the basics of how they make the dendritic vaccine and how it knows to attack the cancer. Dr C was there also and chimed in with info. It was excellent. She made it easy to understand. I believe my body is so detoxed from 4 years of enemas and with the good nutrition, that it should just kick this cancer out once it knows to attack the cancer.
Well some days in healing are just crummy. When Dr C and I talked after the class we agreed that this vaccine should knock the cancer down. He says that I don’t look like the typical bone Mets patient. I shouldn’t be up and walking around. Bone Mets causes pain that moves from place to place. Usually you have to go on narcotics to help get relief of it. The last time I had a Vicodin was in February after driving 13 hours. I just change positions or rest or take a coffee enema to help decrease the pain. You can break bones easily. It’s been 3 years since I broke a back bone. It is hard to believe I even have this disease. So I keep going!
5th day at the clinic – Continue 20 grams of IV Vit. C. they gave Cooking class on the Hippocrates soup ingredients, a potato salad they make and a salad dressing. Several of us sat with the teacher who helps run the clinic and went through stories of different people who have come to the clinic but don’t make the changes needed with the Gerson therapy. It’s hard to comprehend why someone would come all this way and just continue their old way of living. Ah, human nature, people have to make their own decisions for their health or disease.
We also talked about cheating and how needful it is to follow the regimen. When working with a Gerson doctor, they allow one patient other foods that you’re not able to have and you can’t see that as an option for you because each case is seen differently by the doctor. For me, I don’t have a problem with any restrictions I have in my diet. Whatever Dr C wants me to restrict or allow is okay. After 3 years I trust his judgement in this process. And that was a main reason for me coming to the clinic initially back in 2016, to have physician who could guide me in healing these diseases.
We also discussed immune systems and healing. We went over the fact that the Gerson therapy has healed diabetes and my thyroid function is normal and both of those issues involve the immune system so it should be able to knock out this cancer.
I’m hoping for a healing reaction during this next week of treatment. Tomorrow I have autologous target cell immunotherapy- LAK/NK done with my own blood having been extended and infused back into me by IV. It’s bright red blood. There are only 2 of us having the treatment. I think it only takes 20 minutes.
4th day at the clinic – I had another long visit with Dr. C. We discussed the need to control estrogen to limit the growth of lesions in my bones. Dr Alicia Melendez, she’s been associated with the clinic for 40+ years, was in the office and He talked to her regarding a supplement for it. I don’t want to confuse People – so I won’t name it. It’s not one of the basic Gerson supplements. He talked to the doctor making the vaccine & immunotherapy treatment about having it strong enough for bone mets. I like him taking his time with me to cover different issues.
More vit. C through IV. No class today. Watched a movie in the media room with my sister. Worked on a jigsaw puzzle with another patient. Had a great conversation with a patient regarding how to schedule the day and get help as she needs it when she goes home. Was able to spend time reading my Bible and pray.
Oh, yeah, I have a bidet and heated toilet seat, how fancy is that?!
I’ll start treatment on Saturday so tomorrow should be status quo. Yoga and cooking class will take up part of the day. It’s all good!
3rd day at the clinic – we’re doing the IV vit. C everyday. To day they took, I think a pint of blood from me to make the dendritic vaccine and also the cytokine-induced killer cells immunotherapy. Also did the CTC blood test- it measures how many cancer cells you have in your body. So I have a Heplock site in my Right wrist and elbow area so difficult to use my hand.
Dr C and I had another long talk about politics, football, and healing strategies! He is getting patients that are very severe and wanting the immunotherapy. We went over how needful it is to detox the body so that the immunotherapy will be more effective. There is no guarantee that this will get rid of the cancer completely and that is disappointing , but I’m determined to beat the odds. My family is supportive of me and that helps.
In talking to other patients, they talk about getting around the rules like still adding a little salt because it’s hard to do without. I tell them straight that you can’t risk your life by cheating. You have to stay on target to heal properly. So we talked about doing recipes with ingredients we’re allowed to have to add variety.
We had a class on making the juices and different juicers so it was a good review for me.
I try to give tips in getting through the day’s schedule. Those I’ve talked to are less than 4 months on Gerson, so it’s still overwhelming and they’re just doing the basics because of all the work it requires.
Thanks for following this journey with me.
2nd day at the clinic – A colleague of Dr. C came and looked my PET dvd. There are many more lesions in my bones than the report here in the states. Places in my sternum & ribs. His theory is that they were just hitting the highlights of the cancer. I’m looking at the screen with him and seeing the lighting of these other areas and afterwards, Dr C said he had asked if I was able to walk into the office. I guess things don’t look so good but I’m still getting around well. He said one good thing. Because I have osteoporosis in my spine and cancer doesn’t like that. It looks for good blood supply areas and so that indicates the vertebrae — are much less likely to compress and put pressure on the spinal cord causing paralysis. Mixed blessing for me. It was an extensive consultation and we went through every level of my spine, ribs, and pelvis. Also I had an extensive visit with Dr. C. Talked about all these diseases and problems that I no longer have because of the Gerson therapy. How, even if this cancer looks bad on screen, Dr. Gerson always said, how is the patient bedside? I feel good, not having symptoms of where these lesions are, bloodwork is good, rarely take meds for pain. For bone Mets pain is usually a main complaint. The last time that I took a Vicodin was one night in Feb. When I had pain long enough and could endure no more after driving 13 hours. I’d say that is very good.
Doing Vitamin C IV again. The class today was a psychologist giving info on changing our thinking on dealing with our situations. Very good. Rested the afternoon
1st day at the clinic – we’re getting settled in to the clinic. Good to see nurses and staff that we saw the last time, 3 years ago. Immediately they got started with drawing blood and hep lock placement so they can do blood draws & treatment.
Ooh it’s cooler than expected but came with clothes for both ends of the spectrum. Had to go shopping at Walmart: because TSA had taken out my sister’s toiletries in their inspection and didn’t miss them until we got to Denver, oops. Speaking of which, I brought the special form they have so I could bring all my food/drinks for lunch and dinner. They of course got bothered by it but I reminded them that I was following their rules with the form. I had also emailed them the day before the flight to confirm. I had four people looking at my form and the supervisor said to do their procedure. It is a litmus test for vapors held over the opening. Ah, the joys of traveling!
Dr. C saw me and we discussed where we are at and where we need to go with treatment. We did Vit. C treatment by the afternoon. A new nurse was going to teach me to do my first CE since I was a new pt. I told her that I had been doing them for 4 years. . .so I felt confident about it. Here they do 8 oz. coffee concentrate, 8 oz. chamomile tea, and 16oz. of water, so you get 3 thermoses to keep in your room .
We met other patients at dinner and had good conversation over different aspects of the Gerson, especially healing reactions. I spoke to another patient from Brazil and we both were rusty on our Spanish but could say enough words to tell our stories and encourage each other.
I think the food tastes somewhat better than at home because I don’t have to cook it! Glad for the break. My Heplock in my Right wrist & was having treatment so my sister had to help get my food for me and cut up my potato, how’s that for dependency?! Thank God for the companions! Watch the Science of Gerson Here..