What I am finding so difficult in this cancer journey. . . . is the feeling that I am right in choosing something other than western medicine. I feel like: I spend a good deal of my time convincing people, justifying my choices. I know in my heart and in my gut Hoxsey is right for me. It just feels so ridiculous to me that choosing an option that won’t leave me hurting is so hard for people to understand. The doctor here has said that he believes that 6 weeks of radiation wi…ll be enough to treat this. So here’s my theory, if I could go and deal with this “easily” in six weeks with radiation because it will apparently respond well to radiation; then why do people scoff when I believe whole heartedly Hoxsey will be able to help just as easily?
Why do people think it’s ok for a 37 year old mom of four to radiate the heck out of her throat to the point of not being able to eat, potential for secondary cancers and potentially turning my vocal chords to leather – seems like a better option than changing my diet, and jumping all in to a holistic approach? Doesn’t this seem backwards?
My oncologist just told me this is the most important decision I’ll ever make in my life. I agree. My life is important. Residual effects are not what I’m looking for in my cancer care. I get to finally come to Hoxsey July 9th and this trip can’t come soon enough.
I need to hear what the Hoxsey doctors say so I can truly feel like I’ve got this with support. Sorry for the rant guys. Apparently I had a lot to say and that is to always trust your gut, it never lies. Only do what you think is best for you. Ask you friends and family to please respect my wishes and support me.
Sending Y’all Prayers, Healing Energy, Peace & LOVE BLESSINGS LIGHT
LOVE – Unconditional love
BLESSINGS – Abundant Blessings
LIGHT – Remember the light from which we came & will return to
WE ARE ONE !!! As told by members of a Hoxsey Facebook Group
The doctors in Mexico doesn’t believe in radiation, and a friend said 2 well-known integrative oncologists told her radiation leads to inflammation and inflammation leads to cancer. Too many bad side effects from radiation. I read where people got radiated on their breast and it permanently damaged their heart. It’s ok to feel all the different emotions you have.
Trust yourself only you live in your body and know what’s best for it. Everybody else thought I should stay here & have chemo. I had an amazingly positive experience in Mexico and do not regret my decision. For once I followed my gut and didn’t let the dollar be my deciding factor. Good luck and hugs in your decision
You are 100% making the right decision to go to the clinic!! What I feel about those who ridicule or have opinions: when they are in my same shoes, then they can possibly offer an opinion….until then, it is up to the patient and the family only.
Be strong and do not let others influence you, unless they are supportive of YOU!!!
Do not feel bad for your choices. Don’t let the words “oh your doing that discourage you.” If I would have my hubands wouldn’t be cancer free.
What he had before Hoxsey was grade three follicular lymphoma and after a stem cell transplant it spread all over his stomach to stage 4 after a stem cell procedure and after he started Hoxsey he started to come back to life in 3 months. With his hair was growing back, the color of his cheeks that were ash gray became normal again. When other People see that it helped him to heal. . . they will want you to tell your story. . so it can help others they know. Now that his family. . .are all on Hoxsey train. . .as is the oncologist that told him he would die if he went holistic?
Hoxseybiomedical is the best place to be. Just follow their instructions. I love them and support holistic healing percent !!! People don’t know what they are talking about cause these western medicine doctors have them brainwashed. As We took a leap of faith and I’m blessed we did. I have my husband back to normal, healthy and cancer free thanks to the Grace from God #Hoxseybiomedical
Western medicine is failing people everyday. S0 You are doing the right thing going to Hoxsey first. You can always go back and do radiation later if Hoxsey doesn’t get results for you. It’s not easy going against the status quo and you have to Stay strong — Follow your heart and your gut!
I don’t really talk to anyone about it. Because of the negativity. Ones I did mention it to I got responses like are you sure you want to do that? My surgeon Yes I was cut. Said that I need to chemo and radiation. Told me that I better go to Disneyland now because I won’t be here in two years! He also said don’t you want to see your grand children get married?
I told my if I was going to make this discussion that I don’t want to be scared into it. He said I’m not trying to scare you… so after that there are a few close friends that know but that is all. If anyone asks about losing weight or not being able to eat certain things. I tell them that I’m taking medication and there’s certain foods I cannot eat along with it.
Good luck in your journey. Hoxsey is a wonderful place and good people.
Follow your heart. Do what is right for you!
Some people will disagree with you on everything. You’ve done your research. So Focus on healing your cancer. Follow your gut! Do what’s right for you. Doctors are trained to scare-you into their treatment. Do what’s best for you. God is with you and he will help you!
Also at Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana they use 2 new supplements that are combined in your protocol….Modified Citrus Pectin & IP6+Inositol. When it comes to MCP, Econugenics is the only scientifically studied brand of MCP that is clinically proven to inhibit cancer.
PectaSol-C Modified Citrus Pectin
I would stick with what the clinic recommends. Cheaper brands may have fillers, etc. that may not be ideal for the treatment.
Betsy Lewis oh I don’t mean cheaper brands! I mean getting the exact same product from a different supplier with a lower price.
Avemar is a great example. The first time I ordered from the company the clinic told me about (in the US) & paid MUCH more than
if I had ordered it on eBay directly from Hungary. It’s exactly the same product. But the supplier in the US has a markup on it, of course.
Yes I use Pecta Sol C found on Amazon. Developed by a Dr. And it has studies behind it. Prevents metastasis. Same brand noted above.
I use it also – buy the lime infused it seems to dissolve better if you opt for the powder form.
Had a consultation with Dr. Isaac Eliaz, who was the original doc who developed this under his Econugenics brand. A wonderful, smart man!
you mean the lime flavor dissolves better than the other flavor? Is it really thick? Hard to drink?
I find it easier to take capsules than powdered drinks, but I think the powder probably gets into the body quicker.
yes, lime seems to dissolve quicker. put in room temp or slightly warm to get it to dissolve faster.
I usually put it all in a glass and stir several times, a couple of minutes apart. Once dissolved, easy to drink, not thick at all.
When I saw Dr. Eliaz, he prescribed powder form for me. The other flavor is bland, some people don’t like it.
Lime has stevia in it, which I am not crazy about, but at least the lime is more palatable.
My Rx…. is 1/5 scoops twice daily, once on getting up and last before bedtime.
Because I still have “plain” favor left, I use 1 scoop plain and 1/2 scoop lime – it still has the lime flavor, but less of the stevia hit.
At my last visit Dr. Giovanna recommended I add MCP to the IP6 I am taking.
She gave me a phone number to call and price check.
But when I looked on Amazon and Vitacost MCP was super expensive! I purchased some from
Vitacost but it’s like 1/16th the dose. Is PectaSol the brand Hoxsey recommends? Which bottle is recommended?
My dr said the brand wasn’t important as long as I felt like it was a good supplement, but based on Cassie’s comment above,
I ordered the EcoNugenics PectaSol. I ordered it from vitacost.
Thanks! Looks like it is around $100 a month?
What is IP6?
IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) is a naturally occurring compound found primarily in grains and legumes. The health benefits of a diet high in fiber… seem to be due to the high levels of IP6 in the fiber. Purified IP6 offers several advantages over dietary IP-6. Its rapid absorption compared to dietary IP6 ensures much superior bio availability. This in turn exerts significant benefits to the support of the immune system.
Several researchers theorized that when Inositol was properly combined with IP6, it formed two molecules of IP3 in the body through dephosphorylation. Although IP6 gets all the attention, it is really the IP3 that is doing all the work. IP3 plays an important role in cells by helping them grow, mature, replicate and communicate with other cells. Cells that are low in IP3 can become out of control, dividing uncontrollably. Studies confirm that the combination of IP6 with Inositol yields much greater effects than IP6 alone.
What is Avemar?
So…Avemar was just added to my protocol. I have a wheat intolerance. Anyone else taking Avemar with a wheat intolerance? If so, do you do OK with it?
I am SO totally willing to take whatever they tell me. However, if the Avemar affects my body (inflammation & digestive issues),
I’m not sure that it will be very effective at doing its job.
What is the Avemar is good for?
This from the Dr at BMC… “It’s comparable to high dose Vitamin C. It helps to strengthen your immune system and kill cancer cells.”
I recently read a discussion between people from all over the world about wheat sensitivities and the consensus was that it’s very
likely most of the people are actually having symptoms from the chemicals sprayed on the wheat and not the wheat itself.
100% of the people from Europe could eat bread made over there but could eat it when they came to USA.
I also just learned that only the wheat kernel had the gluten not the wheatgrass.
So I guess it depends on the source of wheat and what part of the plant they make it out of. Just food for thought and discussion.
Very good point. A healer I’m working with told me this yesterday.
She can eat wheat in Europe but not in the US & it’s because of the chemicals they use here. :-//
Yes. I’ve heard it said a lot recently that people are not “gluten intolerant” but “Round-Up (Glyphosate) intolerant”….Monsanto just got an indictment. I just looked it up… after reading this, why aren’t we all on it? I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be beneficial to everyone with cancer.
Avemar (wheat germ extract) in cancer prevention and treatment. – PubMed -…
What’s the best brand to get?
Laura Bose-Veisseh Kimberly this is the brand that the clinic told me to buy.
It’s my understanding there are some knock-off brands in the US. http://www.awgena.com/
I’m gonna ask the clinic why I’m not on it. you can buy it on Ebay much cheaper than the dealer that Hoxsey sends you to.
Check it out and pay less for same product. But I understand there are knock-offs of the original product. I don’t want the wheat grown in the US. :-//
I totally trust the Drs at the clinic & will buy the brands they recommend. I really cannot put a price on my life.
I use Ebay a lot to get better prices on brand-name stuff. Here is a link to Avemar on Ebay–(shipped from Hungary).
Just for information AND you can always pay more on Ebay too ! so you want to do your homework — always check
the seller’s standing but that is shown right on the page under “Seller Information…
Let Go and Let God handle it!!
What a perfect timely message when doubt and fear are creeping in the shadows. Listening to the moans of pain and the temperature of a loved one rising and the “lump” growing ever bigger and painful yet remaining steadfast and calm in what we see with our eyes. Confident. Confidence in God and that knowing in our weakness HE is made strong. Hebrews 11 Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. 2 For by this [kind of] faith the [a]men of old gained [divine] approval. Thank you, Lance, for this very timely reminder. God speed. Oldest patient on Hoxsey Facebook Group Page!!!
Lowell Picklyk Probably because this version is in the closed group. As soon as Lance puts it in their YouTube channel it becomes publicly available, if it’s going to be made public.
Hope you are well! See you in June!
Hope is abundant at Hoxsey Biomedical Center in Tijuana.
I want to share something with you. Lance Jordan is a health & wellness advocate and coach. I began adamantly studying health 7 years ago when my mother passed away of Alzheimer’s disease in 2013 my desire for information increased tenfold.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t until after she had passed that I began investigating why her brain had deteriorated at an accelerated pace at such a young age (69). My sister and I were told that my mother’s condition could only be treated with palliative care and that nothing could stop the progression of the disease. They were wrong. Through my search I discovered she had actually died of malnutrition and there were many things we could have done had we known.
Soon after Mom’s death I had several friends being affected by cancer and over the last several years. . .my focus has organically routed towards this disease. I want to make it clear that I am not a doctor, nor do I have any type of higher education certification in the health field. I am an independent researcher, self taught and not motivated by money. I feel fortunate that in my journey. I have avoided being indoctrinated by any one system or belief and have been free to peruse the truth about health.
Through my studies, conversations with doctors and patients it has become clear to me that we cannot poison a body back to health. You should know that I can say with absolute confidence.
A body struggling with cancer can be healed without the wrath & disfigurement of chemo, radiation and surgery. I say this because I have met so many that have conquered cancer naturally and the only side effects were better health. Many of these people were told by their own western medicine physicians that they had less than a month to live!
Lance Jordan states: A couple of years ago I investigated a “Cancer Clinic” in Tijuana and was overwhelmed at the amount of hope, care and personal attention that was being given at this particular facility. The clinic is called The Biomedical Center (BMC) but most people still call it Hoxsey, after Harry Hoxsey, the man that founded the protocol in the early 1900’s. I began interviewing patients about their journeys and have posted many of these interviews (with the patient’s permission) on my YouTube channel, Bonita Wellness.
Originally my sincerer hope was that these videos would reach my friends and help them gain confidence to look at natural options to treat their condition. Unfortunately very few of my friends took what I was doing to heart. But fortunately and unexpectedly. . .I began receiving calls from around the world with the YouTube exposure.
I am now contacted by people from every continent of the world on a daily basis with questions about the Biomedical Center in Tijuana. It gives me great pleasure to lift a person’s spirits and encourage them to rebuild their body at cellular level in an effort to reverse cancer and many other degenerative conditions.
All of the clinics you speak to in Tijuana will know of Hoxsey (Biomedical Center) as they were the first to set up shop across the border in 1963. Very few, if any, will have anything negative to say about BioMedical Center as it is a protocol. . .that has been proven to work for over 100 years. The BMC has been quietly healing bodies in crises in Tijuana for over fifty years and they have never advertised, yet their waiting room is rarely empty.
I recommend anyone investigating alternative treatments in Tijuana search YouTube for a documentary about the clinic called “The Quack Who Cured Cancer” to learn the full history of Hoxsey.
A day at the clinic.
The Biomedical Center handles all patients in one day.
The patient can be assessed using blood tests, scans, x-rays and ultrasounds performed at the clinic or the doctors can pursue their recommendations using the patient’s most recent medical documentation acquired at home. The consultation is about fifty minutes long and all questions are answered.
The patients are sent home with Hoxsey Tonic, a mixture of herbs and minerals that was created over a century ago in the United States and has remained effective and unchanged. The patient will also leave with some supplements provided by the clinic and prescriptions and suggestions to purchase other nutritional products from outside of the clinic. Patients can also sit in on a brief and simple lecture about diet changes.
There are just a few diet restrictions that absolutely must be followed; no alcohol, no tomatoes, no vinegar and no pork. There are also other suggestions to make the treatment more effective that are discussed during the lecture. A patient can expect to pay anywhere from $1500 – $2500 (US dollars) and asked to return in three to six months. Patients must arrive at the clinic before 9AM Monday through Friday and can expect. . .to be back across the border around 5PM, sometimes earlier, but plan for a full day. There is also a cafeteria on the property that serves breakfast and lunch for a minimal charge.
I believe a day at the Biomedical Clinic (Hoxsey) in Tijuana is nearly as powerful as the protocol they provide. Often patients arrive deflated and hopeless due to dismal diagnosis they have received in their own countries. In the waiting room you will find two patient registries filled with voluntary entries starting in 1998. One of my favorite down time activities is to sit and read all of the positive comments. During the day the patients connect with other patients exchanging information and often trade phone numbers while planning and coordinating their follow up visits to be reunited with new friends. Most feel empowered and leave beaming with enthusiasm. My nick name for the Biomedical Center is HOPE ON THE HILL, I can assure you there is nothing like it on earth.
For further information and to make an appointment: www.HoxseyBiomedical.com
I do not work for the Biomedical Center in Tijuana. I am passionate about what they do and am addicted to watching people defy the odds and live beyond expectations. I am available to answer or help find answers for those searching.
You can see patient testimonies at my Bonita Wellness Youtube Channel
You can contact Lance Jordan at BonitaWellnessInfo@gmail.com
I’ve have known about Hoxsey Biomed. my whole life. Friends and family have been – all still alive. My mom even went once, they kindly told her, “Dear, you don’t have cancer, you can go home”. So I know how honest Biomed is. So, I was diagnosed a few weeks ago. Grade one endometrial cancer, and I was given my indoctrination – by the Cancer Agency. It is such a money and soul sucker…..sorry, I can’t think of better words. Other facilities Have Big beautiful buildings.
Other places always has their hands out – give, give, give. Good and kind people donate, and “run” for cancer. But it’s a big black hole. I just can not and will not support them. I have to think and do for myself. I will not “listen” to the “wise” doctor. I have experience, the ability to do research, and make my own decision. In the end, I am responsible for my own health and no one else.
No canned foods https://www.facebook.com/lance.jordan.988/videos/10156586948601004/
Here’s to 2019 and all the success we will achieve and chatter about. Here’s to you!
May God bless you on your path and know that this is ultimately “YOUR” journey. Make well informed decisions and remember there is always Hope. Strive to be well. Jayna Brown went from fangirl to having a famous fan herself during her audition for America’s Got Talent, which aired Wednesday. The 14-year-old blew away judges and audience alike with her rendition of Andra Day’s “Rise Up” and received the coveted Golden Buzzer https://www.facebook.com/GodFruits/videos/1106264656134481/
God bless you all and Be Well!!
Denzil was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 30 years ago. Through three decades she has been handling cancer diagnosis with a tenacity and divine spirit that the world should hear. I was fortunate enough to befriend Denzil and her husband, Donkey, at the Hoxsey clinic in Tijuana. Several months later I was able to interview Denzil in Auckland, New Zealand. Enjoy.
Part 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euFBEUHN__Q
Part 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B14VhiCaHEo
Part 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oXlNRaV5H8
Part 4 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA4yRwJV6DI
Q & A – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_zSWO1r2ns
Getting there:
planning your check up visit to BMC. If I stay in San Diego, how long does it take to cross the border to and back from Tijuana?
Can I take an Uber from San Diego to cross the border to Tijuana and vice verse?
Lance Jordan is definitely the man in the know for crossing to the BMC.
You can stay at Best Western Americana Inn.
Call to make reservation or make reservation online and ask for the clinic rate (I think less than $130)
which includes free shuttle to/from BMC. The shuttle to the border is about 10-15 mins, then another 5-10 mins from border to BMC;
however, it could take longer time going back as there may be traffic at the border in the afternoon.
You can take Uber to/from San Diego airport to Best Western Americana Inn. I did it twice myself.
Here’s the address:
815 W San Ysidro Blvd, San Diego, CA 92173
(619) 428-5521
Since the shuttle buses from Best Americana and Lance have medical passes,
it is better to use their service, otherwise you will spend hours at the border on the way back.
Check with Lance at Bonita Wellness to shuttle you from San Diego to Tijuana
Lance or Best Western Americana shuttle are the easiest/best ways to get there.
Grimes James I stayed at the Hotel Pueblo Amigo in Tijuana.
It is cheaper than the Best Western Americana (where I always stayed at).
It is a five star hotel. It is a wonderful experience.
It didn’t take but a few minutes to cross the border both ways.
You will not be disappointed idle you stay there!
Janet DeGruttola Lancaster Grimes James Did you walk over|take a cab in TJ?
Grimes James Janet DeGruttola Lancaster, we drove over. Very easy.
The hotel provided free shuttle service too.