It’s my 59th Birthday today; and it was in October 1990 that my father had his first bout with Bladder Cancer which he fought for the next 14 years. Three times he was pronounce cancer free, however, the fourth time they told him it was a rare “Leiomyosarcoma.” And he might have a year. So its safe to say, “half my life has been thinking about, how NOT to get cancer and if you do get it HOW to fight it off.” I am never tire of hearing stories about people who survive cancer against the odds or hearing new quotes.
We sacrifice our health in order to make wealth, then we sacrifice our wealth in order to get back our health.” – Dalai Lama
S0 it was last October: when I went to visit with Carl O Helvie in Hampton, Virginia which I deem the highlight of my 58th year in this life time. While I was there talking to Carl, 0ne thing that sticks out in my mind the most was when he stated, Ken if I had to do it all over again. I would do my protocol because each item used served a purpose to help the other item kill the cancer and compared to all other protocols its something everybody can afford to implement.
You don’t read about these stories in medical journals. You’re more likely to find them in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book, or on a blog. In rare cases, you will find collections of these “miraculous” stories gathered together in a book (such as, “From Incurable to Incredible,” by Tami Boehmer). But it’s not the stuff that science or modern medicine is made of. After all, if a doctor TELLS you that you have six months left to live, he is not going to shout it from the roof tops when you are alive 38 years later!
Such is the case of Dr. Carl O’ Helvie cancer protocol.
What A Lung Cancer Survivor Can Teach Us About Lung Cancer Survival.
Some life lessons Carl has taught me through 0ur connection through Facebook:
When you do this consistently, you will never lose focus. Humility is about knowing life would not be as it is without the help of God. Acknowledging God Grace is the humility in every aspect of life and of the core wisdom and belief 0f Christian humility.
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law….
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I (Paul the Apostle) tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such there is no law. If we live in that Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Galatians 5:18-26
Dr. Carl O Helvie ((b. August 13, 1932) grew up in Gouverneur, New York and functioned as a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher for 60 years. Most of his degrees and practice have been in public health and wellness.
During his years in academia, he wrote ten books and book chapters, over 55 articles, contributing 57 research papers around the United States and also Europe, developed a nursing theory and received funding and established a nursing center that provided primary care for homeless and low-income individuals and families.
If you were given a diagnosis of lung cancer and told you had 6 months to live – that’s pretty much a death sentence! When Dr. Carl O. Helvie was given that very diagnosis 45 years ago. Dr. O. Helvie decided his last months would be without the debilitating effects of traditional medicine. Now, at age 86, he’s not only free of chronic illnesses & prescribed medications but is the longest living lung cancer survivor in the world!
Also In his book, You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions (Ayni Books), which is one of the most comprehensive books on alternative treatment for lung cancer available today. We have been conditioned to believe surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are the only way to fight cancer but, according to Helvie, “this could not be more wrong!”
Interestingly, a team of researchers in Washington state recently discovered by ‘accident’ that chemotherapy does not treat or cure cancer at all but rather fuels the growth of cancer cells, making it even more difficult to destroy the second time around. Dr. Carl O. Helvie is not surprised by the findings of a team of researchers. . . .in Washington State who found, purely by accident, chemotherapy actually fuels the growth of cancer cells, making it more difficult to destroy the second time around.
A registered nurse with 2 masters and a doctorate in public health and wellness, Dr. Carl Helvie has decades of experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He is the recipient of numerous awards with listings in Who’s Who In American Nursing, Men of Achievement, American Men and Women of Science, just to name a few. He also has eight published books as – well – as being a contributor to others, and has published or presented internationally over 100 papers and articles.
My Cancer Journey
I volunteered during the summers as the nurse for the Edgar Cayce Summer Camp in the western part of Virginia for a few years beginning in 1970 and thereafter, used Cayce holistic interventions with clients when needed. At the same time, I was part of a Cayce Search for God group and learned to meditate daily and to include spirituality in my life. When I was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1974. I remembered the pain and suffering of patients in my care who received traditional treatment over the past years.
In July, 1974: I had a dream that told me to go for a chest x-ray. I pay attention to dreams because believe this is one way God speaks with us if we listen. After the doctor consented to x-rays and the results were returned he called me and said there was a spot that had not been there previously and he wanted a biopsy which I consented to.
The biopsy was positive for lung cancer and the doctor told me I had six months to live and he was prescribing chemotherapy and surgery. I told him I don’t make snap decisions and was going home, think about it, pray, and make a rational decision. Ultimately, Carl eschewed the traditional route and took a holistic pathway. . . that he now credits with his survival. Based upon my previous experience with cancer patients as a registered nurse and my prayers I decided against traditional care and used all an natural holistic protocol.
In addition, when the doctor said surgery and chemotherapy would give me 6 months to live I then decided I did not want that discomfort for my last 6 months of life. A friend offered to help me apply. . .the Cayce concepts of holism and referred me to a doctor who prescribed alternative treatments. Thus, It seemed natural to follow an alternative holistic treatment plan despite doubts by my family, colleagues, and doctor.
Through that friend. . . I found a doctor who prescribed physical things to do and I added mental/spiritual interventions. This doctor also reconfirmed the diagnoses and prescribed laetrile 2,000 mg daily (that was illegal) and told me where to purchase it. Laetrile also has cyanide in that is activated by the enzymes in cancer cells but does not have those enzymes in normal so it kills cancer cells but does not affect normal cells. Pancreatic enzymes were required to soften the cancer cells so the laetrile could enter and also zinc was required as a carrier of the laetrile to the cancer cells.
High dose vitamin A was prescribed for a short time followed by 50,000 IU for a year and as the reader may know the daily recommended dose is 5,000 IU. Hi dose vitamin E was also prescribed to reduce the toxicity of the vitamin A. Both are fat soluble vitamins so excess is stored in the body. Research about five years ago conformed what my doctor had told me and that is that vitamin A converts precancerous cells to normal cells.
Other vitamins and supplements were recommended. In addition, a vegan diet of 75 % raw fruit, vegetables with some additional cooked ones and limited nuts and grains was prescribed. Peanuts that are high in protein were not allowed. . . .because of the toxins in them. However, a supplemental protein was prescribed. This again was very progressive and doctors whom I have interviewed on my radio show. Most recently, that are in fields of cardiology, cancer, multiple sclerosis and other areas of diseases are recommending a vegan diet because of its effect on specific diseases.
As a nurse with an interest in holistic health, in time, I added the mental/spiritual interventions such as prayer, meditation, affirmations, visualization, optimism, faith, gratitude and others. Back in 1974, there was almost no research in this area of health. But they were recommended by Edgar Cayce in his readings that I had volunteered at their camp in western Virginia and found these practices beneficial. In addition, to my background in public health that was holistically oriented I felt this approach seemed natural.
I followed progress every six months with my primary doctor who thought we were in a wait and see mode because I had not shared with him what I was doing because of his conservative background. However, after 2 years he said the spot was gone and another physician friend who I had worked with at Duke University asked to see the biopsy, lab and other reports because of his concern. After reviewing everything: he also confirmed that it had definitely been cancer and was now gone. That was 44 years ago and I never had a recurrence which I attribute to the holistic protocol.
Why is it Important to Use a Holistic Approach?
Although there is no research to support mental/spiritual interventions toward killing cancer cells. There is now research to show the supplemental role thereby, Reduced blood pressure, heart & breathing rates, improving memory. While increasing DHEA, a hormone that reduces aging and decreasing cortisol by 23%, which also increases happiness and self esteem, improves immune functioning.
Which improves tolerance to aches & pains, reduces stress, improves quality of life and others. Specifically. Cancer patients with a sense of purpose have an increased life spam, and those who are spiritual have less pain and a higher quality of life. Also patients who meditate have a 31% lower stress symptoms, and 67% less mood disturbances. There is also studies that state music can lower patients anxiety, pain, heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure. Visualization can improve immune functioning.
Why did you decide to write the book?
I originally wrote the content for a section on my cancer website that included content on prevention, diagnosing, selected interventions, and reducing side effects. S0 I decided t0 make it available to more people other than only those viewing the website. MY goals became: 1) to help people learn ways to prevent cancer that statistic now show that 1 of every 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime, 2) to make people more aware of the cancer foundation and its content, 3) to make some money for the cancer foundation (all funds received from the book go to the foundation).
Like many cancer survivors, I developed a passion to help others overcome cancer without harmful side effects. For many years after recovery and while continuing my career in academia. I talked with students about alternative holistic ways to deal with cancer and other diseases and also applied these interventions in my own life. After I retired I continued these activities with neighbors and anyone I met who would listen.
In order to reach more people, I began hosting a radio show on holistic health 10 years ago with an emphasis on all diseases but especially cancer. I then wrote a book about my lung cancer experience, founded a cancer foundation, and wrote Reducing Your Cancer Risk as a way to inform the public about simple ways to reduce their cancer risk, to make some money for my cancer foundation that receives all money from book sales, and also to make the public aware of information on my cancer foundation website.
Being diagnosed with a terminal illness can have a detrimental effect on your mental health. My diagnosis was a result of a dream telling me go for a chest x-ray and I believe this is one way God speaks to us if we listen. Thus, there was comfort in believing God was with me and looking over me. In addition, because there was no pain I continued teaching and working with students, writing and doing research.
This kept me very busy and I had little time to think about myself. I have since learned that helping others takes your mind off yourself and is a healing intervention that I call helping others and that helps keep us healthy because of the joy of helping & caring for others. In addition, through mental/spiritual interventions and the emotional support of others helps to keep me positive.
It has been said that we all carry cancer genes. It’s best to eat healthy to keep cancer dormant. Of all physical activities in my protocol for overcoming cancer. Nutrition and exercise were two of the most important. Research now shows that nutrition can reduce your risk of cancer by 35% and exercise by 50%.
-By following a regular exercise program, I can reduce my risk of having a cancer recurrence by as much as 40%.
-By eating a mainly whole food, plant based diet, I can reduce my risk of recurrence by a whopping 30%.
Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and breast cancer. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. I live in Virginia and people who live in northern climates are at high risk of being deficient in this vitamin, which in turn puts them at risk of developing breast cancer. To reduce the risk, take a supplement (new studies show that you should take K2 along with D3, taking K2 helps D3 absorb more readily into your blood stream.)
To repeat the highlights of what I learned: When diagnosed I consulted an alternative doctor who highlighted to me the physical interventions and nutrition was an important one. He placed me on a vegan diet with 75% raw fruit and vegetables with some addition cooked ones. This was in the days before juicing — S0 there were lots of salads for me. In addition, I could have all the nuts all wanted except peanuts that are high in protein, but have high levels of Aflatoxin B 1.
He also states I could eat some whole grains, however, be weary of genetically modified organisms, pesticides, growth hormones in meat and other pollutants and he highly stated recommended that organic fruit and vegetables (avoid pesticides.) Eating healthy includes supplementing vitamin A that prevents precancerous cells from converting to cancer cells and turmeric that does the same and also prevents cancer in animal studies.
Good nutrition also includes anti-inflammatory foods and antioxidants. Some doctors believe that avoiding inflammation will reduce or eliminate diseases, and it is also known that antioxidants help balance free radicals given off in waste products from cells and that causes inflammation and can be a precursor to diseases such as cancer. Although the body provides some antioxidants it is not possible for the body. . . .to keep up with needs in our current environment.
In my protocol: I subsequently used all natural holistic interventions including laetrile, pancreatic enzymes, digestive aids, therapeutic doses of vitamins, minerals, and a vegan type diet. I also used prayer, meditation, visualization, affirmations, service to others and additional mental and spiritual interventions. While also following. . . a modified lifestyle plan after overcoming cancer, I never had a recurrence and at age 86 I am free of chronic diseases and prescribed medications. Video courtesy of the Cancer Control Society in Los Angeles, California.
Using holistic natural interventions of supplements, herbs, enzymes, prayer, meditation, visualization and a healthy diet, Dr. Helvie. not only, overcame his cancer but prevented a recurrence. So, considering only 11% of Americans over age 65 are free of chronic illnesses, and by age 75 the average is three chronic illnesses and five prescribed medications.
A holistic lifestyle has continued to produce results for him. He is healthy and takes no prescription drugs, while 89% of Americans over age 65 have some form of chronic illness. Dr. Carl O. Helvie remains active in his retirement. Since being has written two additional books and has been the host of the holistic health radio show for the past 11 years. With all of his current work focusing on natural interventions for health problems. While applying these concepts to life.
Bottom line: people believe what they want to believe, and for the most part, they don’t want to hear the bad news about their bad habits. It takes guts to make lifestyle changes, and change is not for the faint of heart. So are you ready for a change?
MY Two Favorite Holistic Health Care Interviews Are:
Dr. Francisco Contreras ~ Sunday, October 11th, 2015
Klaus Nigel Pertl ~ Sunday, September 25th, 2016
Helvie, C (2017) Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A holistic approach.
To learn more, please visit
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Wobe mugos goes by the brand name Wobenzym N Systemic Enzymes, and I believe it has Chymotrypsin, Trypsin and Papain in it !!! Chymotrypsin, is important in your cancer battle!!!