Living in a Socialist country like Canada cost of living can exceed the mean. The tax rate in Canada are usually higher than in the United States. In Canada, tax revenue makes up 38.4 percent of the GDP, in the United States, our tax revenue makes up 28.2 percent. This is largely due to the differences in the way each government spends money. However, when your paying higher taxes you get better roads, educational system and health care. Because its universal and free of charge? However, from 2005 to 2015, the United States saw an average of 1,079,377 immigrants becoming permanent @ year where as in Canada they averaged 236,753 immigrants. Maybe we should invest in health care not a wall?
The United States approach is limited — in what it can offer patients and not all patients fall in the western medicine hole. If it works for you, fantastic. However, Our Government feels The US economy would crash if we had efficient health care. We have so many people employed in the system where we have to go to 10 appointments to try to get better. But if you actually became well with a few visits — then all those jobs would be unnecessary and they would loose jobs. When we get a 3 hour 10 minute knee scope that cost our insurance $10,300. Not to mention a MRI charges as little as $425 or as high as $13,259, depending on where you go and length of the scan.
No politician wants those type of medical practices — tied to their name — so they keep “claiming we will fix” the problem. Also Health care will NEVER be affordable unless we have health care that works. There isn’t the same quality of care for everyone because only a handful of the doctors are so far out in front of all the others with breakthrough research and knowledge. Much like chemo sensitivity testing that improves your odds when being treated with chemotherapy.
Also another thing that is quite obvious when it comes to prescriptions we have to pay astronomical prices for pays insurance refuse to pay for and end up getting a pill that’s not as effective. Brilanta versus Plavix. The cost for Brilinta oral tablet 60 mg is around $377 for a supply of 60 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Plavix cost around $200 for a month supply. The cost for Clopidogrel (generic) oral tablet 75 mg. is around $13 for a supply of 30 tablets, depending on the pharmacy/insurance you have with a retail price $102.26 to insurance. Our systems does not work so well and pays to shop around!!!
Within the entire system they’re sadly just masking symptoms at a greater cost to the whole. Because I seriously doubt that anyone goes into the field of medicine without the true passion to see people and animals regaining their true health. As we know, the key to getting better is to seek out the root cause and not treat symptoms. We have to figure out what is causing the symptoms in order to heal. The body wants to heal and given the right ingredients it will heal, so we have to put our investigator hat on to figure this out.
There’s a modality that treats root cause and addresses symptoms as well. Unfortunately, for those with chronic conditions like Lyme and mold toxicity, mainstream medicine also is pretty much useless, and integrative/functional medicine doctors most often don’t take insurance. S0 there’s a significant segment of the population that falls through the cracks. I’ve done alternative therapies, but I’m not familiar with energy medicine, per se. Can you explain a little?
The body is energy fundamentally and there is technology that can analyze the body’s energetic field to see imbalances and weaknesses and quantifies it. It is really amazing stuff to help people better understand what is going on in their bodies. This field is also advancing all the time. There are all kinds of therapies out there, However, you need to address the root cause of the issue and energy medicine helps with that. SensitivImago is absolutely amazing. The SI (which I experienced in the past) also shows emotional burdens. Financial stress, hardship, fear of self (suicidal) and feeling of weakness.
The SensitivImago shows the parts of the body that also becomes affected when stressed. It dramatically helps people to see how their emotional regulation and also focus on their thoughts affect how their bodies function. I’m glad that others are out there doing this and I also had many health issues, was losing the battles until I found this. Many people don’t want to know their psychological stresses — strangely. They’ll believe the physical energies but not how the emotional energies are part of the feedback loop.
We see all kinds of things compromising the immune system. Obviously, the immune system needs to be strong to deal with these opportunistic infections. It is all about the immune system doing its job. These things get out of hand when the immune system is not able to keep things in check. The issues are multi-factorial and energy medicine deals with the whole person. Emotions are very important is this whole process. You can do a great job in eliminating pathogens, but if the mind is not right it will be harder to heal so it is very complex the whole healing process.
The technology that have encompasses many areas in regards to healing including the emotional state of clients which is extremely important. There really is no one answer to these issues but needs to be approached from a whole body perspective. Mind, Body and Soul. I gained all this insight due to my own chronic illness and searching for answers to help me since western medicine could not help me but give me an anxiety pill. I knew there was a better way to heal than pharmacopoeia.
Enhancement of systemic immune function: if you have cancer you have a stressed Immune system, you have T cells not functioning properly, Job of GSH: The immune system works best if the lymphoid cells have properly balanced glutathione. The cloning of T-cells consumes large quantities of cysteine. Macrophages (type of white blood cells), which are only present in sufficient quintiles when there is sufficient glutathione, provide the cysteine for the T-cell cloning.
Glutathione regulates the binding, internalization, degradation and T-cell proliferation by increasing, as much as two times, the number of binding cellular receptors. Also more receptors equates to more T-cells being produced simultaneously (multiple T-cell cloning). Cellular GSH also affects the growth and replication of T-cells through growth stimulating cytokines. This is Pretty Important I would say, do you have adequate GSH? NOT unless you replenish on a daily basis.
The tips below will help keep your T Cells healthy and functioning to their optimum for YOU!!! Functions of T cells include direct attacks on bacteria, viruses and foreign tissues and producing substances called cytokines with direct responses and activities in other immune cells and cancer cells.
The human body is designed to defend against attacks all day long and to fend off germs, bacteria, and viruses. One of the biggest lines of defense is the immune system, and while it is designed to be self sufficient and does a great job most of the time, every now & then it needs a little extra boost. That is where these ten easy tips can come into play.
1. Eat lean protein once a day at the least. No one food can make you immune to cold, flu, or other viruses and bacteria, but lean meat can be a great food to start off your immune system kick start program. One of the most important reasons why…lean meat should be a part of your daily diet is that many meats are full of the powerful antibodies that help protect the body and these are often made up of protein. Many other immune-boosting nutrients can be found in all types of meats. Seafood is known to be high in the omega 3’s & other nutrients that can boost brain functions and regulate hormone levels that keep us healthy. Chicken and fish are full of protein, zinc, iron, and other essential nutrients that help keep the body functioning as it should. Nuts are also good sources of protein and many trace elements and minerals that are necessary to support a healthy immune system.
2. Cook with healthy oils instead of all the man made stuff. Natural olive and canola oils are the best ones that you can use in your daily menu planning. These oils are high in healthy fats, which ac as lubricants for cell structures and helps improve the relay of messages between cells. It is also thought to help with the develop of new cells and the repairing of sick and damaged cells. Be careful not to consume too much though. Just because it is healthier than other alternatives, consuming too much natural oils can still bog down your system and make you less able to fight off infections and illness.
3. Daily fruit and veggies is a must. Most health care professionals recommend that people try to get around 5 cups of veggies and fruit every day. Most veggies are good but the ones with bright green, deep red, and oranges are usually the best. Vitamin A is a common nutrient found in sweet potatoes and leafy greens and helps the body produce white blood cells and gives a boost to the body’s ability to fight off infections effectively. Citrus fruits as well as papayas, peppers, and broccoli are high in vitamin C, which has been shown to help the absorption of iron and boosts the immune system. The final vital nutrient the body needs from vitamins an fruits is vitamin E, most com only found in nuts and greens. Give your body and immune system the boost it needs by including fresh fruit and vegetables in every meal you eat during the day.
4. Limit the number of alcoholic drinks that you have. One serving size a day is usually fine for most people, and even two can be alright for some, however, drinking more than that in a day, over a period of time…. could suppress and weaken the immune system. New research has shown that consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can be very toxic to immune system cells that serve the body by seeking out, identifying, and targeting foreign cells such as germs, viruses, and bacteria. This can cause serious life — threatening medical conditions, damage to the body’s cells, allow infections to run rampant, and to slow down the process of healing.
5. Get enough vitamin D. If you are having a serious lack of energy or get up and go, you might want to have your levels of vitamin D checked out. About 50 nmol/L will be enough in most cases to keep your healthy and to power your body to maintain your overall health; less than 30 nmol/L signals low vitamin D levels and can pinpoint some issues of healthy and motivation. New research has been found that points to vitamin D being an important boost to the body’s immune response and low levels make someone more susceptible to seasonal colds and flu. Most people suffer from low levels and it is found in very few foods and through safe exposure to the sun; this is why many people need to increase Vitamin D levels with natural supplements.
6. Reduce the levels of stress that you put up with each day. 1 of the biggest immune system killers is stress levels. Many studies have shown that stress can greatly alter how well the body functions and how well your immune system can protect you and keep you healthy. Preliminary research has found that when stress levels flare up, something goes awry with the white blood cells levels and functions. This means the body’s immune system is less responsive to inflammation. Stress impacts every part of the body and raises a person’s risk of illness. Finding ways to relax and destress can go a long way in keeping you healthy- music, yoga, meditation, and walking are the most common ways to relieve stress.
7. Get up and moving for a few minutes throughout the day. Even if you work at a job that requires you to sit at a desk most of the day, you need to make sure you get up and walk for 5-10 minutes a few times a day. Getting up or just a minute or two every few hours is also important to your overall health. Getting around a 1/2 hour of physical activity each day — even just walking around the office — or getting up and doing some stretches or a short yoga exercise, is a huge boost to the effectiveness of your immune system. Exercise has been shown to help the antibodies and white blood cells moving in the blood stream and get them spread throughout you body faster. This can help your body detect warning signs of invasions by pathogens sooner and making your body can begin defensive measures sooner, therefore reducing your chances of getting sick. Keep the routines moderate, and tailored to your environment to get the maximum results.
8. Take care of your gut. The microbes that naturally occur living in your gut help to improve digestion and food absorption but they also play a role in hormone levels and the body’s ability to fight off a number of illnesses. It is thought that as much as 70 percent of your body’s naturally occurring immune system either starts, relies on, or is located in the gut. Probiotics are “good” bacteria and are necessary to keeping your entire body balanced and healthy, which is why eating fermented foods. . .because they contain these probiotics naturally. So with these healthy immune system boosters in mind. . . you can help fight off illnesses and infections before they even attack. Get your body in shape and back on track!
9. Grief Can Weigh Down Your Immune System. Experiencing the loss of a loved one takes a heavy toll on your emotional health, however, it doesn’t stop there. The extreme stress that results during bereavement affects you physically, too, and can manifest as both chronic disease and acute illness. Stress also plays a major role in your immune system, and can impact your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, brain chemistry, blood sugar levels, and hormonal balance. This disparity seems to be due to the balance of two stress hormones, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS), which respond differently to grief with age. In short, while the stress hormone cortisol is known to suppress the immunity, DHEAS is immune enhancing, so maintaining a relatively balanced ratio helps keep your immune system functioning properly. It is through this latter factor, hormonal balance that grief may leave you vulnerable to infections and other illness.
10. You Have to Excite Your Immune System. Doing fun stuff increases your levels of IgA, or immunoglobulin A. IgA has also been shown to increase resistance to sicknesses like colds. Studies show that by upping your heart rate once or twice a week leads to thirty percent higher levels of IgA. Through excitement and having fun or FAITH is giving your immune system a definite boost. Combine that with the fact. . . .it lowers your stress levels and generally makes you feel like a super star, you’ll be in the best position to smack down the your next cold and reduces your chances of succumbing a chronic illness.