From this our Facebook Group we have lost Lisa Engelke, Leslie Fluegell, Holley Kitchen whose choice was natural treatment. (N` Cheryl Hodge decided chemo towards the end of her battle for Triple Negative Breast Cancer.) I also feel deeply that researching Joan Lunden’s Conventional Treatment and a detox after treatment is your best bet to beating this type cancer. However, one member in this group constantly astounds me.
And her Name is Valerie Woo.
Valerie Woo states: This is my advice to women with tnbc and part of my success treating it. Don’t get sucked into the fear of it. Fear causes cancer and makes it spread. Why? Fear lowers ur immune system, depletes nutrients, raises cortisol, causes hormonal imbalances etc. Then if you put a lot of toxic chemicals into ur body filled with fear it may not be very helpful. It is imp to do ur own research and surround urself with people who beat all odds with any cancer.
Hope is imp n unfortunately there is a lot of fear in our medical systems.
Also look at ur body type, sensitivities n ur other health conditions. I have often shook my head at how docs completely ignored this yet it is the basics of medicine. Chemo may make other health conditions worst or cause more havoc in a sensitive body making Tnbc spread quickly. Also explore nutrition, herbs as many cultures have been using them successfully treat C for centuries way before chemo. Unfortunately we have a system where greed has taken over n demonized many of this which is very sad.
Be aware of the greed n do not let doctors push u into a treatment that may not work for u. Yes u have the time to pull back n research n listen to ur inner guidance unless the tumour is affecting a major organ etc. Also another key to my success has been asking the universe for guidance. They r there n will…just ask. It is Never easy when ur dealing with bc but ask them to send clearer messages n give u strength to get thru it.
Ken what I’m doing is all natural except for a lumpectomy
and am doing well with tnbc. Just had my breast follow up ultrasound in December n all is good. Was diagnosed March 2017. The struggles I face now is I have had a lot of Herxing and trouble finding the right maintenance dosage for the cannabis oil n` Essiac Tea. So I have had unpleasant side effects, at times this has left me feeling drained. So any prayers you can send to me to recharge n help cover costs (been expensive as natural isn’t covered by insurance or my govt programs) will help as I would like to share my success story with others but need more energy to do that .
My body has healed so much it can no longer take a higher Thc or much Essiac anymore (n I’m no where near what I took during my intense treatment). Right now too much starts giving me hormonal imbalances. But that is good. . . . for it shows thru all my hard work — I’m regenerating cells in my body and yes the body can do that. Being part Chinese I practice Tao and it teaches there r no problems simply solutions and all is done thru the Tao (our creator). This thinking is well over 4000 plus years old and aligns with the real teachings of Jesus.
The biggest advice. . . I can give to women is stop buying into the fear. Fear/stress causes cancer n also makes it spread. Believing it is so bad will make it worse. The Tao teaches ur thoughts create things. I’ve had to pull away from the fear from the medical community at times to offset the negativity. I have used meditation n … feeling I’m healed which I highly recommend too. I’m not against chemo or radiation. However, one must also look at their tolerance to pharma meds n other health conditions. I couldn’t do either as it would turn another health condition into C.
Also if one goes with chemo or radiation. . . its also kills healthy cells so it’s important to take natural stuff to rebuild healthy cells n detox. Also it’s imp. taking a very good quality organic whole food supplement (the industry isn’t regulated and there is a lot of junk out there), juicing n make healthy diet changes Essiac Tea & cannabis oil are very good for tnbc. U will need a high thc to cbd can oil. If ur afraid of the highs there is a herbal formula called buzzkill that stops that.
I did lots of juicing n increased my whole food organic supplements. Was already gluten and dairy n white processed sugar free. But went vegan. Detoxifying is very important. Also mind, body work, stress reduction n releasing old negative emotions is important. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work shows us the scientific proof that there is no cancer gene. I highly recommend his work. One of the reasons I removed my first oncologist was she was trying to put a lot of fear in me n putting down anything I said about healing. I knew her energy would just make my diagnosis worst. One of things that I did to heal was mediate n affirm I was C free n I really felt it….very important to do in every healing protocol.
When I posted this blog back on January 6 2019.
I ask Valerie to critique this blog post for Jessica Thelen.
This was Valerie’s feedback!!
1) re article. Dr V is good. Her point about dense breasts is imp. Mammograms often do not detect C. I use ultrasounds as have dense breasts. My feedback to her would be to understand people’s budgets as costs add up with natural stuff n` tests n that puts stress on people. Unneeded stress which isn’t good for C. I’ve seen some of that in my support groups.
2) Video 1
I did a lot of research while making my decision. My first oncologist kept pushing a lot of chemo on me. . . . so I ran away very fast. I like the doctor in the video questioned how effective chemo was with TNBC if it was such an aggressive type of breast cancer and the survival rate wasn’t very good. Later – on In my support groups I have seen more success with those doing chemo if they also do natural things. I agree with the doc that everyone should question the effectiveness of chemo on their type of caner. N if going with a lower dosage n natural remedies is better then speak to their doc about it. I’m starting to see more docs starting to speak up about this. Also in Video 1 they mention that we r all unique. I fully agree with that and suggest to people to listen to their intuition or ask the uni for signs n guidance to help them make the best choices.
3) Video 2
I have to add here that C has been around for a long time cultures like the native Indians, Chinese etc… have healed it with nutrition/herbs/ energy work for eons. So the women in the video is correct to say focusing on the immune n digestive system is imp. That is what one does in natural healing. I would like to add it is imp to heal the central nervous system too. With radiation n chemo it’s even more imp since it is toxic (it’s chemicals) plus kills off good bacteria n healthy cells. So those doing chemo have to add even more nutrition etc to offset that. The one thing she doesn’t mention is the importance of the quality of supplements!!! Again there is a lot of junk out there n some that is even toxic for the body. Very imp to use a very good quality product. She also mentions coffee enemas. Yes they help with detoxifying. I’m sensitive to coffee so use wheatgrass n garlic. Also she is right that most conventional docs know little about nutrition.
Both videos do not address lifestyle changes n stress/fear (creates inflammation which is mentioned in Video 1) . Very imp. Our pace of life is so out of tune with nature. We r way too busy. We r also constantly bombarded by fear n live in constant fight or flight. In my opinion that is the main cause of disease. It in turns runs down the body n if ur adding junk back in u end up sick. Meditation, also deep breathing n making lifestyle changes helps with that. Also we need to put more joy, love , fun etc. in our lives.
Positive helps boost our immune system. N we need to stop letting GREED rule us!
I’m not sure what those TNBC used/did to try n heal their C naturally. I do know quite a few women who have had success going naturally. Then I know others who have had success doing both. I haven’t seen as many successful with just chemo n radiation. They may go in remission but then it comes back. My suggestion is stressing lifestyle changes, one needs to boost/heal the immune, digestive, central nervous systems, diet changes, detoxifying after radiation, chemo n rebuilding the body with nutrition, that cannabis helps treat tnbc very well.
Essiac is good. Reducing stress, meditation n mind work is important. Putting balance in ur life, eliminating toxic people. Looking at ur body type n picking the best treatment for it. Research n educating yourself is so imp. Also it’s imp not to let docs push u n put fear in u…if they r doing that find a better doc. I experienced that with my 1st oncologist and have heard too many horror stories from other women.
I’m part of a breast cancer support group of women who have gone all natural except in some cases they did surgery. N many r doing very well with their Tnbc. Many have had no reoccurrences n it’s lasted for years. Joan Lunden does a lot of natural things now to prevent a recurrence.
So I think just informing people of what people have done for success to treat tnbc will help those with it. I don’t think u have enough info to recommend what is the best route to go but u can say what u see has helped women. Dee Mani-Mitchell. . .went all natural except for a lumpectomy n wrote a book (which is doing quite well) called “My Way”.
Valerie Woo between Dee Mani-Mitchell and yourself tell me what approach one should consider to further help my good friend Jessica Thelen. She is post chemo? Dee Mani-Mitchell stated Ken oh shit! Who knows?? None of us do I can only hope and pray I beat this! 17 months now NED, I take a maintenance dose of feco & supplements along with a positive mental attitude, I believe stress is the killer, which is a contradiction when faced with cancer anyway! I truly believe stress brought on my diagnosis!
I live for today, never for tomorrow and never for next week, coz a cancer sufferer thinking about the future is toxic (my belief)!
Valerie Woo stated: I suggest Jessica watch the second video in the article u posted as it gives some good advice. It talks about what to do after chemo, rebuilding the immune system, digestive system etc. A good naturopath and ( my nutritionist also recommends all whole food organic products. . that has helped a lot and I’ve used to heal other health problems with. One success story is in a Canadian medical Journal ) can help her. One that specializes in Vitamin C. is Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, D.C. who is cancer coaches.
I recommend diet changes n cannabis oil. Not sure how the chemo has worked so far but a good cannabis doc (we have them here in Toronto, Canada) recommends a higher thc to cbd ratio. Dee is right that maintaining a positive attitude is important. Reducing Stress is imp n finding ways to manage stress better is a must I use meditation, working out n eliminating toxic people is so imp.
I’m a big fan of Dr Wayne Dyer n he cured his leukemia naturally n used his manifesting techniques to do it. So did Louise Hay and also so did Gregg Braden (Gregg did it by just manifesting it. His work is so interesting to follow) That has been the key to my healing. I highly recommend that. Some think manifesting is a joke but they don’t realize there is scientific evidence that supports it n they call it quantum physics. I highly suggest using the “I am” principles n meditations in Dr Joe Dispenza’s book “Becoming Supernatural”. People are healing from many illnesses using the techniques and Key to me healing tnbc. The Tao teaches it n is well over 4000 plus years old. Also Kris’s Carr’s videos, books & also is good for recipes & natural things to do etc.
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Nancy Yamin: I had triple negative in Feb. 2014, I did 2 rounds of chemo (out of 16) and decided it was not right for me. I had a lumpectomy and did 30 rounds of radiation. I didn’t know any better. Then In March 2015 I had a 3 cm tumor in my lung presumed mets (metastatic BC stage 4) but did not have a biopsy. I did IV vitamin C and the tumor resolved. I also did Dan Dials molecular enhancer every day, became vegan, eat organic, no wheat, soy, sugar, etc. removed toxins from in and out of the house/body, reduced stress, water filter on faucet and shower, and on and on. So now five years from original diagnosis am considered cured, I guess?
Rachelle Bisaillon stated I had surgery, no radiation, no chemo. Not late stage so not sure if this is helpful but here’s some info I discovered.
Root Canals and Mercury fillings are the first to be addressed. There are lymphatic lines that run straight to the breasts from the teeth. ALSO Use a Biological Dentist.
100% Raw Vegan diet. Organic. No bread, no sugar, no pasta. Just fruit and vegetables, preferably juiced. Coffee enemas and also iodine. Apricot seeds & Gerson Therapy