Statement from T T A.C. Episode 1 Asian Tour!!!
Dr Tetsuo Muneta explains that ketones are made of fat. If you consume lots of sugar or grains, ketone bodies will not be produced. But if you decrease sugar intake, and have a low carbohydrate diet. Ketones will be produced. On a keto diet your diet should consist of lots of good fat, meat, eggs and cheese. Some examples of “good fat” are saturated fats from animal sources, coconut oil with MCT’s which are medium chain triglycerides. The advantage of the keto diet is that the energy is not sugar so it starves cancer cells. While at the same time. . . giving energy to the healthy cells.
This is why keto diets works for cancer.
The mitochondria are the energy generators for the cells in our body as they use sugar or fat for energy. However, the cells we typical see damaged mitochondria/ or inactive mitochondria. As a result to damage or being inactive in the cancer cells. They begin fermenting sugar “glycolysis” and they are not able to utilize the ketones for energy. Cancer cells are not able to live without sugar to provide energy. Thus, the ketogenic diet works by reducing sugar intake and starve the cancer cells to death. Dr. Tetsuo states if I would be Dx. with cancer I would utilize the keto diet.
Alyzah Nagar, 53 years old, has a lifetime of experience with how emotions unhealed, wounds left unattended influence our health. During her time as a mother, wife, and nurse she learned the medical world doesn’t always offer life giving options. When her heart began to have electrical issues & she was diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome she began to see the benefits of natural options. She gave up her nursing career in May 2008 to pursue her health.
During this journey. . . .she has tried many things, many ways of eating and etc. In this article she shares her thoughts about Vegan Keto and a favorite recipe.. She calls Searcy, Arkansas home, loves fresh, home grown food and creating beautiful, healthy dishes in the kitchen. April 1, 2019 her left kidney was removed due to Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma. I look forward to the responses to this article and welcomes your questions.
I was asked to write about my experience, my studies and etc with this lifestyle. At first, I was like no way. As hours and days passed, I felt the tug of my Father to do so. I’ve not written like this in almost 2 years so please prepare to give me mercy. I hope you noticed the word lifestyle. Vegan Keto (VK) is not for the rapid weight loss, fad diet we often hear about. It is about healing from the inside out. It is about living a lifestyle which promotes the cleansing of our bodies or temples.
Much of the information available makes it seem nigh unto impossible to use this way to gain health because it seems so restrictive at first. So, let’s discuss those first. I am gluten free (gf) because of the stomach issues I have with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), brain fog and etc.
I am dairy free (df) because of the increased mucous and increased respiratory issues. I tell you this because I was these things for a few years before going vegan. I started out raw vegan-low fat and swapped to vegan-low fat. I found myself always hungry. My skin was dry, my hair fell out, my nails were brittle.
A years ago this month I had two stents placed in my heart. Afterwards, when they told me how ridiculous my triglycerides and cholesterol numbers were, I knew I had to find a better way. I began researching Keto. Within a short time I began to see Keto was all about consuming animal products. I am not vegan because I can’t kill or eat animals. I was raised on a farm and LOVE a good steak. I started this for my health.
With 2 years being vegan and being told my numbers were through the roof, I had to rethink things. So with my search, after discovering the animal base, I thought well that is a no go. I then stumbled upon a Vegan Keto group on Facebook (FB). I didn’t join, but I started researching more. I discovered that plant based keto was being studied for use in many disease processes. Cancer was just one. IBS, Cholesterol, Diabetes, and others which are autoimmunity related. Considering that I was a diabetic as well, who fought HARD to be prescription free, my attention was caught.
When we consume things like spinach, kale, watercress, wheat-grass, spirulina, sprouts, micro-greens and etc we are giving our body some of the BEST super-foods available. All of the minerals, vitamins and disease fighters in these things are what I call little brooms. They are sweeping out the damaged cells so the beautiful cells can thrive. S0 Why do we weed our gardens? So the weeds are not eating up the nutrients and also choking out the plants we WANT to grow!
You ask, “What about protein?”
Protein is another overrated part of eating. You must think about it like this: Meat was never a staple in history. It was almost a luxury. If you had it, great. If not, other foods were grown or forged. Maybe a chicken on Sunday or lamb on Sabbath, but it wasn’t served in ordinary houses on a daily basis. Remember who seemed to be the fattest in the land. The ones also with more money and the royal. They weren’t healthier either. Protein sources come from some super foods as well. This is a link of veggies high in protein,
Then we can add these super choices: Chia Seeds, Almond Butter, Flax seeds, sprouts and etc. There is not a limit per se but there is a matter of best choices. Fat is NOT the enemy but it is not our best friend either. Avocados, on the protein list, packed with nutrients and wonderful things to fight disease is a favorite way to get my fats. Also cold pressed, extra virgin, olive oil (EVOO) and even coconut oil (I use in place of butter a lot.) I use as needed to season and cook but if I am feeling hungry when I shouldn’t, I will grab a tsp of almond butter.
Notice, I did not mention fat bombs. I discovered those were addictive and lethal. We have no need to load on fat if we are wanting to lose fat. What if you don’t want to lose? You just eat more food and add a few non-processed or sugar loaded carbs. Just adding fruit will stop it, too. Also Intermittent fasting (IF), I do this almost every day. I set a time to stop eating and won’t eat again from 12 but mostly 16-20 hours later. I drink lots of water. There is all manner of research showing the positive effects and how it helps the body recharge. Is it easy, no not really at first.
Then something changes and your window of eating is perfect. Eating nutrient dense foods is crucial if doing IF. If not, you won’t get what you actually need. I have seen where feeding my body what it needs on an IF schedule has also helped with cravings and etc. They just don’t happen. I crave only good for my options now when I do crave. One is Dinosaur Kale. No other kale does it for me like that does!! So you must stay in tune with your body and its needs.
VK, IF, are both becoming big with the cancer survival tips. Actually, I am not surviving it, I am beating it…to a pulp! When we starve our bodies of things which harm it in any way or feed the altered cells in our body, we support natural healing. All effective plans are loaded with good for you, real food. VF is no different and IF is actually a support of cell apoptosis.
We want bad and good cells to die as they are scheduled to die. So if the apoptosis (dying off) process is hindered we then see cells look like a huge traffic jam. The problem is they usually are the altered ones we WANT to move along nicely and not jam up somewhere in our body. So, after two years it feels good to write again. After left kidney nephrectomy and other things in the past 1+ year, I am glad I found VK and IF! I am open to questions and discussions.
lyzah Nagar, 53 years old, has a lifetime of experience with how emotions unhealed, wounds left unattended influence our health. During her time as a mother, wife, and nurse she learned the medical world does not always offer life giving options. When her heart began to have electrical issues and she was diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome she began to see the benefits of natural options. She gave up her nursing career in May 2008 to pursue her health.
During this journey she has tried many things, many ways of eating and etc. In this article she shares her thoughts about Vegan Keto and a favorite recipe.. She calls Searcy, Arkansas home, loves fresh, home grown food and creating beautiful, healthy dishes in the kitchen. April 1, 2019 her left kidney was removed due to Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma. She looks forward to the responses to this article and welcomes your questions.
I was asked to write about my experience, my studies and etc with this lifestyle. At first, I was like no way. As hours and days passed, I felt the tug of my Father to do so. I’ve not written like this in almost 2 years so please prepare to give me mercy. I hope you noticed the word lifestyle. Vegan Keto (VK) is not for the rapid weight loss, fad diet we often hear about. It is about healing from the inside out. It is about living a lifestyle which promotes the cleansing of our bodies or temples.
Much of the information available makes it seem nigh unto impossible to use this way to gain health because it seems so restrictive at first. So, let’s discuss those first. I am gluten free (gf) because of the stomach issues. I have with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), brain fog and etc. I am dairy free (df) because of the increased mucous and increased respiratory issues. I will tell you this because I was these things for a few years before going vegan. I started out raw vegan-low fat and swapped to vegan-low fat. I found myself always hungry. My skin was dry, my hair fell out, my nails were brittle.
A years ago this month I had two stents placed in my heart. Afterwards, when they told me how ridiculous my triglycerides and cholesterol numbers were, I knew I had to find a better way. I began researching Keto. Within a short time I began to see Keto was all about consuming animal products. I am not vegan because I can’t kill or eat animals. I was raised on a farm and LOVE a good steak. I started this for my health.
With 2 years being vegan and being told my numbers were through the roof, I had to rethink things. So with my search, after discovering the animal base, I thought well that is a no go. I then stumbled upon a Vegan Keto group on Facebook (FB). I didn’t join, I started researching more. I discovered a plant based keto was being studied for use in many disease processes. Cancer was just one. IBS, Cholesterol, Diabetes, and others which are autoimmunity related. Considering I was a diabetic as well, who had fought HARD to be prescription free, my attention was caught.
When we consume things like spinach, kale, watercress, wheat-grass, spirulina, sprouts, micro-greens and etc we are giving our body some of the BEST super-foods available. All of the minerals, vitamins and disease fighters in these things are what I call little brooms. They are sweeping out the damaged cells so the beautiful cells can thrive. S0 Why do we weed our gardens? So the weeds are not eating up the nutrients and also choking out the plants we WANT to grow!
You ask, “What about protein?”
Protein is another overrated part of eating. You must think about it like this: Meat was never a staple in history. It was almost a luxury. If you had it, great. If not, other foods were grown or forged. Maybe a chicken on Sunday or lamb on Sabbath, but it wasn’t served in ordinary houses on a daily basis. Remember who seemed to be the fattest in the land. The ones with more money and the royal. They weren’t healthier either and Protein sources come from some super foods. This is a link of veggies high in protein.
Then we can add these super choices: Chia Seeds, Almond Butter, Flax seeds, sprouts and etc. There is not a limit per se but there is a matter of best choices. Fat is NOT the enemy but it is not our best friend either. Avocados, on the protein list, packed with nutrients and wonderful things to fight disease is a favorite way to get my fats. Also cold pressed, extra virgin, olive oil (EVOO) and even coconut oil (I use in place of butter a lot.) I use as needed to season and cook but if I am feeling hungry when I shouldn’t, I will grab a tsp of almond butter.
Notice, I did not mention fat bombs. I discovered those were addictive and lethal. We have no need to load on fat if we are wanting to lose fat. What if you don’t want to lose? You just eat more food and add a few non-processed or sugar loaded carbs. Just adding fruit will stop it, too. Also Intermittent fasting (IF), I do this almost every day. I set a time to stop eating and won’t eat again from 12 but mostly 16-20 hours later. I drink lots of water. There is all manner of research showing the positive effects and how it helps the body recharge. Is it easy, no not really at first.
Then something changes and your window of eating is perfect. Eating nutrient dense foods is crucial if doing IF. If not, you won’t get what you actually need. I have seen where feeding my body what it needs on an IF schedule has also helped with cravings and etc. They just don’t happen. I crave only good for me options now when I do crave. One is Dinosaur Kale. No other kale does it for me like that does!! So you must stay in tune with your body and its needs.
VK, IF, are both becoming big with the cancer survival tips. Actually, I am not surviving it, I am beating it….to a pulp! When we starve our bodies of things which harm it in any way or feed also the altered cells in our body, we support natural healing. All effective plans are loaded with good for you, real food. VF is no different and IF is actually a support of cell apoptosis.
We want bad and good cells to die as they are scheduled to die. So if the apoptosis (dying off) process is hindered we then see cells look like a huge traffic jam. The problem is they usually are the altered ones we WANT to move along nicely and not jam up somewhere in our body. So, after 2 years it feels good to write again. After left kidney nephrectomy and other things in the past 1+ year, I am glad I found VK and IF! I am open to questions and discussions.
Here is a favorite keto recipe if interested.
Vegan “fish or shrimp” Taco
Use tortillas of choice. I made homemade flax ones.
“Shrimp” Marinade:
· juice of one lime
· teaspoon salt
· 1/2 teaspoon fresh black pepper, cracked
· pinch thyme
· pinch oregano
· 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, chopped
I used heart palms, artichoke hearts and roasted unsalted cashews for “shrimp” averaging about 2lbs.
Note: I added kelp for seasoning and Nori sheet to the marinade for a fish smell/taste.
Vegetable Mixture:
· 1/2 cup radish, shredded
· 1/2 cup green cabbage, shredded
· 1/2 cup red onion, finely diced
· 1/2 cup cilantro, finely diced
(Combine ingredients)
· 2 medium avocado, mashed
· 1 tablespoon vegan yogurt
· 1 tablespoon Cholula hot sauce
· Garlic salt to taste (about 1 teaspoon)
· Pepper to taste (about 1/4 teaspoon)
· 1 tablespoon Italian dressing (I use a bit of EVOO, Italian seasoning and a splash of white vinegar)
· Squeeze of lemon
(Blend together, top with Vegan Grated Parmesan Cheese & refrigerate until ready to serve.)
Place the “shrimp” and the marinade in a hot sauté pan with 2 tablespoons vegetable oil over high heat and cook for 1½ minutes.
Remove the shrimp mixture from pan and set aside.
Spoon cooked “shrimp” into 10 6-inch corn tortillas (heated). Then add vegetable mixture. ***Add guacamole.