The Divine Life is about positive vibes that keeps us amped.
When you feel the positive vibes. . . your life is better for it.
Sometimes the aura around someone is so overwhelming, that a heaviness hovers in the room. This swirling black mass of invisible energy drains the very life force from those it frequents and leaves them devoid of substance, ambition, and motivation. At various points in life, most everyone endures difficulty in some way, shape or form. The trick is not how to avoid it, but how to deal with it effectively. Since adversity and privilege are opposite sides of the same coin, it makes sense that we would encounter them from time to time. Once you release the negatives, your body and soul become receptive to positive vibes. Find out how to bring good energy into your life.
‘The Divine Life’ tells us that energy is the source of all things, all life seen and unseen in the universe. The concept states: there is a constant, dynamic energy in the cosmos that takes subtle or gross form — whether a physical body or object, a plant or animal, or an idea or insight. This common energy flowing subtly and invisibly through the universe has as its source a spiritual Conscious-Force of the one Infinite Consciousness.
Though we are a product of that universal force, energy is not a static entity. For example, we humans can increase it at any time — whether it is physical, vital/emotional, mental, or spiritual energy. Increasing any of these will give us not only a greater power to accomplish, but a greater zest for life so we don’t feel dis~ease. Tis like a Great Golfer is it much better to be a Great Shot maker or a Great Walker. Sure you must make great shots to have a great round. But you have to have to have the energy to do so. . .once you walk up and hit the great shot.
Block energy flow is much like “white coat syndrome,” when I was younger and still do today. I always have this fear, concern was irritated and aggravated. Every time I had to go to the doctor and how much it would cost (thievery per minute and how much it would cost me.) Every time I would go it would raise my blood pressure and wonder why this would be possible.
Then one day while sitting there thinking about it in a waiting room. I realized maybe it had to do with the natural flow of the blood stream.
And its that fear, concern and being irritated, aggravated that may have something to do with interrupting that nature beat of your heart. All the while disturbing the energy flow of your body which creates this dis~ease. And quite possibly its this dis~ease that creates the diseases of the human body.
And quite possibly this blocked energy flow can be measured by a Electrocardiography— abbreviated as EKG or ECG — measures the electrical activity of the heart by using electrodes placed on the skin. For the heart to contract and pump blood, a series of coordinated electrical signals are sent to the heart by the autonomic nervous system — EKG or ECG — is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or “wave”) travels through the heart. This wave causes the muscle to squeeze and pump blood from the heart. A normal heartbeat on ECG will show the timing of the top and lower chambers.
An EKG measures your heart’s electrical activity, like how fast your heart beats and how well its chambers conduct energy. An abnormal EKG can just be a normal variation of your heart’s rhythm … This electrical activity causes the two upper chambers of the heart to contract. This electrical activity and can be recorded from the surface of the body as a “P” wave” on the patient’s EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram).
If this is so, then what can we do to increase our energy?
There are a number of practical approaches. One is to increase our level of aspiration in life. The more intense our aspiration to achieve a goal, the more our will is engaged, and thus the greater energy released. Another way to also maintain and build our energies is to maintain a positive attitude. Whereas negative attitudes tend or deplete our energies, even evoking instances of sudden ill fortune, positive ones — whether towards others, one’s self, one’s work, or life — tend to have the opposite effect.
Thus, the more we increase our energy, the more likely the forms that relate to our being will maintain themselves and avoid breaking down. If we lose physical, vital, or mental energy, those corresponding forms tend to whither. E.g. out body decays, our will depletes, and our understanding diminishes.
In the end, energy is the source of all accomplishment. It is energy that created, is creating the universe from a divine, Infinite consciousness. Likewise it is energy that also enables us create and achieve in life. The greater the consciousness, the greater the energy – physical, vital, mental, and spiritual, and thus the greater sustainability of the forms of our being and our capacity to thrive.
“But instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile.” ~Nikola Tesla
There are several energy systems in the human body that produce energy for working muscles. If you are an athlete, or are training athletes, knowing about these systems, how they work, and how to develop them is vital for success. By energy systems we are referring to how the body produces energy for physical activity.
This information is important because which system is involved will depend on the intensity and duration of the activity. Therefore, training needs to involve the development of these systems based on what is required in competition.
In addition, everyone will have a dominant energy producing system. Therefore, it would be absolutely ridiculous to take a long distance runner and try and make them into a sprinter.
The first system is the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the immediate source for energy that is stored in muscle cells. As the phosphate is broken down (there are 3 of them for each molecule of ATP) energy is released. This system is only good for very quick and powerful movements.
Then, ATP runs out and much be re-synthesized so the process can be repeated. Oxygen is not required for this to work, there are no waste products, but it is extremely short in duration. This system will last for about 0.5 minutes. Sprinters have a very well developed ATP system.
The second system is the PC (PC is phosphocreatine) is a molecule found in muscles cells. Once ATP is broken down it will become Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). At this point the PC will be broken down so the individual phosphates from the PC will join with the ADP to form ATP again. This is the re-synthesizing process of used up ATP. This system also requires no oxygen, and there are no waste products produced. However, it is very short in duration. This system lasts for about 0.5 to 1.5 minutes.
The third system is called the Anaerobic Glycolysis (lactic acid) System. This energy is obtained by breaking down glucose (either stored in muscles or from the blood stream). Through this process lactic acid (which causes the burning sensation) is produced. If the activity is too intense, and there is no time for the body to clear out the lactic acid, then the activity can not be maintained. This system lasts. . . .for about 1.5 to 3 minutes. Sports, such as gymnastics where routines last for about 2-4 minutes have well developed anaerobic glycolytic systems.
The fourth system is the Aerobic Glycolytic System, also called the Oxygen System. The main source of energy for this system is carbohydrates (from stores in muscles or from the blood stream) and fats (from stores). In order for this system to work there needs to be oxygen present, as it is part of the cycle. If oxygen is not present then this system simply will not work. The waste products are carbon dioxide (which we exhale) and water. This system, if the activity is not too intense, can continue indefinitely (assuming the body has glucose, fat, and oxygen. However, if the acuity is too intense then glucose may run out, and the body will produce lactic acid. This is referred to as oxygen deficit. Marathon runners have well developed aerobic systems. Sprinters usually don’t, but they don’t need to.
Systems which have short duration can be activated almost instantaneously and are very powerful. Where as the systems which last longer take more time to be activated and have less power.
Knowing what your athletes come with (usually because of genetics) will help guide them into the right activities. Although you can develop the ATP system in a long distance runner it will never be as good as someone who is a natural sprinter.
Also, no single system works by itself. All systems are in play all the time no matter what you are doing. The duration and intensity of the activity will determine which system is the one used primarily, but they are all used to some extent.
Interestingly Christian scriptures states, “that a man must be baptized with water and fire to feel the true presence of the Holy Spirit.”
Random question, why is fire an element?
There is no fire without air. All air, water, and earth, are a part of nature… fire was man made… and it was made from earth and air. It’s something I’ve been asking myself for a while. I’m a scientist and have a very mathematical brain and it just doesn’t add up. I know in the past when alchemy was starting out people didn’t see it this way but now we know all that I said above… so why do we consider Fire as one of the elements? The sun is magnified by sap or dew and starts fires.
If fire is man made what about nature Like volcano and lightning
Fire is natural. Just because man can make it doesn’t alter that fact. Science Behind Lightning ~ Lightening causes fire.
What Causes Thunder & Lightning
S0 Don’t be messing with my element…
We get Wild fires from lighting out west all the time.
Lighting strikes a tree and there’s a spark and a fire!
Fire is used by man but it was created by nature lightening, volcanos –
Lava flows and creates fire. FIRE is a vibration that creates and destroys.
Fire is made up of many different substances, so it is not an element. For the most part, fire is a mixture of hot gases.
Flames are the result of a chemical reaction, primarily between oxygen in the air and a fuel, such as wood or propane.
Well air is also made up of different gases and it’s not an element per science but we are talking about the 4 elements in alchemy… so if fire is more complex than air and earth as it is made by the two, why is it considered an element just like the two? It’s just kinda weird that nobody “updated” the alchemical basis I guess.
Fire will naturally occur with or without intervention. Just like a seed in the right soil will grow, the right static in the right environment will spark and burn. My understanding is that units of dual pairs come into play in the creation. There is paradox because the two polarizations don’t have the same qualities. For instance… We have mum and dad, sister and brother making the human family. Both are pairs of male and female. But brother and sister don’t have sex. So it is with fire and water. One is the foil of the other. Earth and air are the loci where fire and water reside. Interestingly, Christian scriptures say that a man must be baptized with fire and water.
Fire needs oxygen to exists and last time I checked there is no oxygen on the Sun, but ok I understand why all of you would confuse a bunch of gas reacting at very hot temperature for fire since that’s what it is here on earth, fire is hot gas, and it needs oxygen to burn, fire consists of both air and earth, so it is rather complex.
Still confused why it’s still considered an element if it is more complex than the rest of the elements… I’m sorry most of you misunderstood me. Fire is energy that occurs in nature. Like the sun’s energy that heats earth, volcanos and wild fires can display energy. Fire exists in nature’s energy. So Just think of Vulcans and a lightening striking a tree as a display of nature’s energy. Why these are the elements 0f Astrology?
Earth is waking up and slowly returning to her natural state where she is just more active. She has been napping for a very long time according to the geological records. For many years this resonance frequency. . . .has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz and sometimes even reaching 16.5 Hz. But nobody understands why!
Does Quantum Touch Tap Into This Field
Developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD., autonomic resonance testing (ART) is a comprehensive diagnostic system that uses changes in muscle tone as a primary indicator. It could be what you are saying, but with quantum touch, you could easily use a match stick or piece of paper to adjust the posture. I don’t mean to sound like this is a sales pitch for quantum touch. I am not affiliated with Quantum Touch. I have read the books and subscribed to the newsletters. People can read the books for more information. But with quantum touch, it even works on those who don’t know what to expect. If you have ten of the same objects but only one has been entangled with the intent, only that specific one will align your posture.
If you tap the person with the charged object and they are not aware that they were touched with it, they would still align. It’s the subconscious mind at work. It doesn’t matter what “ instrument” is used. There are lots of different therapies and therapists that purport to have special unique ways of working. However in the end any therapy or therapist has to convince your subconscious it wants and is ready for change.
Read “The Secret Nature of Matter” by Richard Gordan
Does anyone know what type of energy therapy this is – I brought my daughter to a ND recently and he put something in her hand – like a coin – and than watched her gait which was improved in an instant – what was that?
Your angelic voice is completely beautiful creates positive vibes. Every time I hear your voice I get chills and want to cry … Amazing ♥️♥️
Sonia, the part in the chorus where you say “changin” in the commercial is not long like in this version of the song. Just my opinion but I think most people fell in love with the commercial’s version of the chorus/song.
When I heard it on a commercial I JUST HAD TO FIND THE SINGER!! And after a few minutes I regretted nothing
Yes here name is Soneli Solorzano. The original is here on YouTube. For the commercial they added strings and chorus. Yes I agree it gives me chills. That is why I love music so much.
Best cover of this song I’ve ever heard. You hit it outta the park.
Btw, I like how you kept true to the original using the guitar, however, I think your voice paired beautifully with the piano in the commercial version. Would love to hear a full recording of that as well. I would buy it on iTunes Magical voice girl Thank you
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