Awareness is Planning tasks Healing traumas Self validation Qi gong and EFT while also Listening to Eckhart Tolle state, “You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe,” an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself.. R U Interested in diving deeper into Eckhart Tolle’s work?
Yoga, dance, singing, laughing, being held by a loved one Exercising longer. Meditating longer. The serenity prayer-can you change it? No. Can you accept it? Yes. Live in the now. No thoughts of past or future. Live in the moment. Try dancing and music while you are anxious. Also being in nature, ask help to friends, breathing exercises, healthy food and 8h of sleep, journaling & trying for the first time Bach Flower Remedy Rescue Remedy – I’m impressed! Felt the effects very quickly .
Music… They did this study about anxiety and music and the results was amazing xoxo
Anxiety stems from not being present in the moment, and looking & worrying about the future all the time, so awareness of when you’re not present and bringing yourself back into the moment is key. Visualizing — feeling at ease in situations that one would like to associate with feeling at ease in. Getting outside, and the closer to nature (forest, oceans) the better. And bring the outside in – plants will help, water features, anything that helps ground you. Mindfulness: Find the root cause forgive and forget!!!
Diving right into it. Yay anxiety your here again so fuck off. Wonderful amazing. Let’s do the anxiety dance. What are you here to teach me. How will I feel when the anxiety leaves what will my life look like without anxiety. So Anticipate with joy, or don’t anticipate at all. Just Let It be .. Live in the present moment of the NOW and not of the future moments for they are only possibility not that of the now reality.
Five days centered around mastering the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method: breathing technique, cold exposure, and cultivating the mindset that allows you to incorporate these also into your daily life. A variety of engaging exercises will have you train your nervous-, immune-, and cardiovascular system & optimize energy flow, and find a natural balance.
Find the root cause forgive and forget!!!
I spin my buugeng. Check it out
You have definitely heard about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You may not know it, or you may not immediately assign meaning to those three letters placed side by side, however, there’s almost no doubt. . . . that you have at least a passing familiarity with CBT.. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Long slow deep breathing! Walking in nature. Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP, are regular conversations with a professional once a week, talking to yourself in front of the mirror, smiling to yourself in front of the mirror, music, dancing or anything that will make you get out of yourself and be busy. Understand yourself – and the moments before anxiety. Also know the patterns of yourself. Learn to love yourself and feel at peace with yourself and who you are.
The universe has patterns and we are a reflection of the universe.
Finding the root of it. Where does it come from? What event started it? Go inside and find the root Problem. This is how I did it and I have no anxiety attacks for over-a-year now…. Again Deep breathing, singing, focus on feeling excited about something rather than the anxious and essential oils. Its the fullmoon, its pretry intense , taking a bath or going for swim can help also.
Not reading this thread is a good start. Why’s That? Do this, do that, do this, do that… Intuitively we can choose which methods are resonating with his personality. He did it well to ask that’s how it’s possible to find a solution. Exercise. Get your body in shape. Run. Walk. Clean your house. Clean your mind of unwanted thoughts. Remember that anything which you cannot change – is not worth thinking about. You can control what you think about. Study things that make you feel good. Forgive Your parents.
To permanently get rid of that feeling you would need to identify the root cause and energetically remove it. This is usually stored in the subconscious. Anything else will change your frequency temporarily. However, if the root cause is still there it is likely to come back unfortunately. Shadow work, NLP, and hiring a coach who can teach it too you. Subconscious mind reorganizing.
Journaling. Exploring the contents of your own consciousness. This is the profound discovery of Freud and explored in considerable detail by Jung and others. It can also help if you have a very good close friend, to be able to engage in honest, open and deep conversation. Most, if not all of our communications . . .in the social context is entirely superficial. This is usually fixed by convention & protocol. It is a sort of “sacred space” in which we can explore our innermost and intimate thoughts. If it’s caused by trauma, there is a new therapy called TIR — Traumatic Incident Reduction and you might want to check out.
I fought anxiety a really long time, at times it was crippling and I still get to the point completely shut down at times.. what helped me more than anything is this, I tried to isolate what was causing it and removed it the best I could from my life what was left over was the struggles and stress of life itself… I kept myself away from environment or situations that could trigger any sort of reaction from me but to eliminate it totally would be next to impossible. However, I am telling you one of the best things… that I’ve ever done was to hit the reset button and fully process the day and decompresses from the world around me. Also Body Alignment by a Certified Chiropractor
EFT – you can learn it yourself and use it take the charge out of many of those incidents where you were made to feel unsafe. Peter Levines exercises and Cranial Sacral therapy. Imagine that God will take care of things. Let that force be anxious for sorting things out. Dialectical Behavior Therapy, the Release Technique, Ancestral Healing, and Ayurveda.
Again Shadow work, mindfulness practices (not just meditation) and paying attention to what foods and drinks you consume which could be adding to the anxiety. Interaction with like-minds, who are genuine and honest. We are humans and we are social beings —we need other people. Share your thoughts and experience with those who you trust and who share the same experience. Moral support & guidance are essentials to self-help and quicker recovery.
Radical acceptance & improved management of the Translanguaging of the imaginarium… Setting a positive intention or outcome is the key for me personally. That’s how I manifest what I want…. Translanguaging without a language is languaging that is . . . . conducted in circumstances where, for one reason or another and to whatever extent, it is impossible in some respects to grasp what an utterance is an utterance of, or what degrees & dimension of similarity between a given utterance.
IFS!!!! Connecting with the part of you. . . .that is using anxiety to protect you (that part’s positive intent. Losing oneself in a hobby while listening to either nature or music. Rufas Cappadocia is my latest obsession. Kundalini Yoga. Sometime ago someone said to me talk about things you need more then complain about things that bothered you, someone else said lookout for solutions in perfect love instead of shwiming in “the sea ” of problems, and many more. Fancy some distinct ideas follow my chanel on FB soon I will have some blog and vblog This video is pretty good:–z2MpEMoQg
Yoga, Qi Gong, Recapitulation, Kratom, cognitive behavior therapy, checking thoughts & skillfully choosing perspective. confronting your fears. Its exposure therapy, the more that you are exposed it the least scary anxieties are and the more you will realise that your anxiety was not rational and nothing bad will happen so eventually, your worry and fear fades away to be less powerful. Usually this is undertook with the help of a specialist, however, can be done alone and then reflecting afterwards. Also, try Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) and hypnotherapy… all effective therapies.
Anxiety is brought on by consumption. For GOD’s sake, stop consuming the garbage the media and the social media spoon feed you on a daily basis and start creating art!
Exercise in a group class, time in nature, acupuncture, healing my gut, diet, and going to connecting workshops are all important parts of my anxiety management. Eating in harmony with your anatomy and biochemical processes. Also… reprogram your mind with guided hypnosis, positive affirmations, I am affirmations or coloring.
Doing something constructive. . . . when your anxiety, like reading, drawing, painting, or coloring writing. What helped me was facing it, fully be present with it, invite it to show me how bad it could be, allow it…. It lost its power and I feel like I integrated it instead of trying to separate my self from it. For me it was like a side of me that constantly knocked on the door and wanted to come in, be seen and felt, and I didn’t understand it and tried everything to shut it out. While reading all of these suggestions: do pay attention to which resonates to the most with you. Which feels like the easiest or most exciting or least scary to do? do that
Holotropic Breathwork !
Feel your feelings. Anxiety is symptom of something else unacknowledged/suppressed/ unfelt. Allow feelings to surface and it’s terrifying but part of the process to fully awaken. Liberation lies in realizing those fears only exist in your mind and when confronted you will see fear for what it really is; wounds that want to be seen and healed.
Wim Hof The iceman. Funny guy, good exercise and breathing techniques I found this great book called Healing Ancestral Karma – for me this helped deal with many things that I wasn’t even aware of.
Meditation: 1st THING IN THE MORNING.
Also – check out – Abraham Hicks – YouTube audio – really. . . really helpful stuff. I like processing the underlining cause of your anxiety Dealing with what you can in the now, dealing with the emotions from what you cant solve now with relaxation until you can learn to take things as you go. I use Hertz frequencies for all different types of ailments, both physical and mental. I like to choose sleep music that plays for 8 hours. I play it softly so that I can barely hear it and then fall asleep to it. Good luck!
Breathing exercises will deal with anxiety and if you check your breathing patterns you will notice that it is not continuous; you hold your breath and go for the next one; check breathing techniques it will bring more oxygen to your brain — and more important will reduce tension; which means your cortisol level – goes down. Find the Fear or Trauma, other ways you will be only patching the symptom. Anxiety is an alarm, don’t just hit the buzz button Breathwork. Naps. Being in unspoiled nature, especially around trees and moving water. Hugs. Dancing. Thinking more of others, and less of self.
Karma is the result of your own imposition of guilt. . . .during your life, Yes forgive yourself, and ancestors and parents and ex-lovers and neighbors … and people who did damage to all of the other people that did something bad to people you love. You can do this in Meditation. If you have a developed consciousness. . . . you can use the power of your intention to clean it faster or ask someone who works with energy to help you. I find knitting therapeutic. If you have any hobbies, spending time doing something familiar can sometimes be beneficial.
Truama Release Exercies, EMDR, EFT, micro dosing, seeing a therapist coach, sound healing, understanding your needs and getting them meet, being in spaces with kind loving people, theta healing to understand and heal the root of the trauma. floating on safe water can greatly reduce the adrenal patterning of anxiety. also energy work from an experienced practitioner. Not being your moods, as they are a symptom!
The most effective tools against our fear and anxiety are not exercise neither meditation (the last, at least those which are using self analysis, self deconstruction, like Vipassana even can increase the anxiety)but regaining and reconstruction of lost sense of cohesion and fusion into social communion. Hiking works for me…going uphill and reaching that strenuous peak and releasing all the pent up emotion and breathing relief,
Stop feeding wrong bacteria in your body by eating dead food. Fresh means just killed/harvested. Try some gardening/eating real fresh food. Anxiety is the internal bacterial war projected outward.
Keeping yourself occupied overcomes Fear. I accomplished the thing by putting things in metaphysical perspective. The spirits have told me – with the fear and underlying anxiety can actually used as an energy Source to prepare and to prime oneself to manifest the present.
When we begin vibrating with anxiety dropping into desire to create something new and then consciously gathering the power in the vibration can help one ride this wave toward a preferred shore This principle of working with the energy of our emotions is key in these times of spiritual bypass or wallpapering.
I had a lot of deep-rooted fear of physical attack although no one was threatening me in present day. It was from my father beating me when I was powerless to defend myself and subsequent bullies. Learning aikido . . . has taught me I can defend myself, how to control energy of a would-be attacker and myself, and also being focused in the present moment. All things that will vastly improve the feeling of anxiety to confidence and safety. Practice feeling safety more than anxiety and it has no choice but to diminish. Anxiety is a learned fear state. You can unlearn it.
Being mindful, Breath work, tapping, grounding feet in earth, walk in forest, nature therapy, singing mantras. How mental tension can only be released through sound. Like sighs and load long moans or chants or humming. Improv. Look for a positive in every negative ying & yang. I definitely recommend the simple yet effective tool to heal everything you are upset about
Sun Therapy.. 15minutes per day. expose kidneys to sunlight, clears brain fog & naturally – subtly lifts your spirit. Vitamin D > stimulates Melanin > increases Serotonin + Dopamine levels.. Feels Good to Simply – Be Natural! Evidence suggests that the more time we spend outdoors, close to natural settings, the better we feel and function. Treat the natural world as if it were infused with consciousness…because it is.
This is brilliant and beautiful – and very effective – use headset <3
Check out Glenn Harrolds Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety, Stress and Relaxation
Qi gong and Taoist longevity breathing. Yoga, which is not exercise, but a whole lifestyle. Brain sensory integration exercises – like Brain Gym, are the quickest, most effective way to deal with anxiety. Surround yourself with waterfalls. You can heal through asking yourself why. Make peace with the higher power during the communion.
Establish what makes you feeling anxious and then ran away from that. Change place, change house, change country but change something and see what happens.
Question stress. Study stress. Learn all about stress. What is stress? Where does the word come from? Why do we experience it? (I overcame P.t.s.d.) in 20o6. I got sick of living the way I was and I decided to learn all about stress. It healed me 100% — get plenty of sleep, followed up with meditation and exercise
Connecting to the real self helps….. It’s the ego which sometimes get addicted to negative feelings. There are several types of pranayama — ( breathing exercises) that really can help. Check out sipping breath and Nadi Shodhana, Also connecting with nature. Barefoot walks on the beach or sitting in the woods. I don’t have anxiety but taking cold showers. . . .helps reduce anxiety with the Wim Hof breathing techniques…also by doing the alternative nasal breathing resets the nervous system very quickly… I would like to thank DR SAIZA for the wonderful work he did for me. I never in my life believed that shit really works.
Playing a Tibetan singing bowl.
Going with the flow and believe in spontaneity: I think the big thing is to face our primal fear of Death… If you dare to face it through deliberate Ego-death on psychedelics it would most likely change your anxiety…. However, You need to be brave in the moment! Look at Irene Lyon trauma and nervous system videos. . . to understand what is happening in your system. Is your anxiety, fear-based temper, or excitement for the anticipation of joy …? ️
Deep breathing exercises. Learn how on u tube!!! Do something with your hands when you are using your hands your mind is quiet! Blowing bubbles, when the going gets tough, the tough blow bubbles. That is Bubbleology, less coffee, focus on routine, steady schedule, three main meals, showering in the morning and brushing your teeth (after breakfast) and evening (before sleeping), daily words of inspirations, et…cetera ; wash, rinse, repeat.
Martial arts…Tai Chi or Tai kwon do. You learn discipline, focus, and awareness along with sureness about yourself and respect for others. Somatic experiencing,…. WTF is that?
Some fancy ass Psychiatric mumbo jumbo, does it require the participation of a qualified therapist? Will it cost $300/hr.? If you’re going to make a solution suggestion, it would be nice if you can define your terms and provide enough details to make it a useful comment.
Keep in mind anxiety is a state of extreme worry. Worry for which there is no apparent solution….. thus anxiety. Now, worry can be defined as an unresolved problem, a problem is fundamentally two opposing intentions. In order to resolve a problem one has to select (make a choice) about the circumstance and also the action associated. . .with said choice generally brings closure to the issue…..
One will tend to hang up on a problem and fail to reach a resolution. . . . simply because without problems to solve, life looses it’s meaning, i.e. we need problems in order to play the game of life so being without them one is very upset…… To solve this riddle one must asks themselves “to invent a problem” “then invent another and another.”
One must ask themselves (for each invented problem) to describe a person who can solve the problem. By giving into “these feelings” of having problems that are solvable one will feel much better about one’s self. This appears to be odd however it is a workable principle when put into action….. So, a worried man questions his ability to make a resolution, what I do about it is invent lots of imagined problems and then invent a person. . .who can solve each one. Do this many times till it makes you feel better. This “mind exercise” will elevate your confidence and confront level to position yourself where you can now feel superior to problems (i.e. able to face and calculate reasonable solutions) and can now select a course of action and reach a resolution.
Lars, ponder this a while then do the exercise, I hope it helps mate…
This link has a free video that shows you how to
Relax instantly
Keep a clear head no matter what’s going on
How to clear stress from your body
Let me know if you need more help..
Pranayama breathing exercise, yoga, source memory healing: finding and healing the root of your anxiety Pranayama.
If you are like me your adrenal gland might be overproducing cortisol. I also take a herbal supplement called Cortisol Manager under a functional medicine doctors guidance. I take it before bed or when my anxiety level is higher too. If you have chronic anxiety. . .it might help you. I take it before bed — to reduce cortisol levels while sleeping. It’s normal to have some cortisol in the day. It has changed my life but works best with really good sessions of daily meditation.
I think the main ingredient is Ashwaganda. Breathing and believing in yourself….loving yourself…x0x0. Looking into the mirror…and talking to your subconscious…telling her We are ok…we love each other…teaching each other to breathe it thru believing in each other.
Stay in your heart and Stay in the present!!!
Amazing food, massage, dance & restorative body work.
Sunshine and Nature walks to Connect with other life!!
Deep muscle tension release. Using CBT-hypnotherapy technique for 5 mins at least five times a day will really help. You can do it in your chair at work. Or anywhere. It will teach you how to recognize when your body is tense and how to recognize. . .the feeling of letting go. Over time you will start to let go automatically. It’s really worth trying this. It’s an easy technique to master. You can combine it with simple positive suggestion (Hypno), such as “I am calm, positive and relaxed”. DM if you’d like to talk more. You got this
Yoga is exercise that’s not really exercise just pulls spine and the meditation after wow. Nirvar Khalsa has tapes done at Alaska University that may help as well. Looking at these awesome ocean wave-inspired vases, it may not be a surprise to learn that they come from Kauai, Hawaii. Glass artists Paul DeSomma and Marsha Blaker have managed to capture the spirit of the ocean
Going toward the emotion. Going directly into it and asking it what it wants. Here’s to Good Cheers; enjoy today and everyday!