When any one of your chakras is blocked, nothing is going right in your world. That feeling is the single most prevalent problem with having blocked chakras. You can’t be successful and lead a life of abundance when your chakras are out of balance. You deserve joy and success, and you deserve to feel on top of the world.
You can easily learn how to heal your chakras. There are many effective methods of opening your chakras. Some might work better than others for you. The important thing is to find the things that work for you and do it regularly to keep your chakras open and functioning properly.
Each of the 7 chakras gets energized by seven musical notations.
In this video includes 7 tracks with subliminal and are as follows:
1. Root Chakra Note C: For Security http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-one/
2. Sacal Chakra Note D: For Creativity http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-two/
3. Solar Chakra Note E For Courage http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-three/
4. Heart Chakra Note F: For Love and Emotion http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-four/
5. Throat Chakra Note G: For Communication http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-five/
6. Brow Chakra Note A: For Intuition http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-six/
7. Crown Chakra Note B: For Spirit http://energymedicinedna.com/chakra-seven-power-of-consciousness/
Breast Cancer and the Heart Chakra: Learn About The Connection Between / By Lisa Lambson
The Heart Chakra
Many believe that there is a torn heart chakra in every patient that has breast cancer. Situations that occur in everyday life such as divorce, death, betrayal, abuse and neglect can wound the heart chakra and lead to disease.
The purpose of the heart chakra is emotional empowerment. It helps teach forgiveness, trust, compassion and unconditional love. Emotions like fear, hope, anger, jealousy and anger all center around the heart chakra which is directly related to the breast area of the body. These emotions and issues affect the health of a woman’s breasts. Over time, this damage to the heart chakra leads to disease and illness.
The Golden Flower Meditation
First, take a couple of deep breaths and empty your mind as much as possible. Focus your awareness on the golden flower, which is the area at the upper bridge of the nose that is even with both eyes for a couple of minutes.
Next, see your heart chakra gently opening with the help of the golden flower. See your heart chakra filling with white light. See this inner radiance entering and filling your heart chakra. It is normal to feel energy move within you during this meditation and you may be overcome with a new sense of well being. https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/for-breast-cancer-survivors-life-is-better-with-yoga.html
Ruby Rose
Ruby rose is a stone that when worn can establish a connection between your emotions and your physical body through your heart chakra. It will help keep your thoughts and emotions clear. Ruby rose will help heal your wounds by soothing and healing the heart chakra. It massages the chakra and allows it to let go of the negative emotions and relax. http://journeythroughcancer.org/InitiationOfTheHeart.html
How Chakras Can Reveal Cancer In Your Body
Cancer stems from emotional-psychic causes that remain unresolved over long periods of time, and emotional healing and meditative practices provide the best cancer treatments. Humans are very susceptible to the creation of lesions in the brain and organs. These lesions create a short-circuit in the brain if unresolved can give birth to cancerous tumors.
How Disease Occurs?
Physical diseases and pain in our lives are created due to negativity and trauma that cannot be released. These manifest as illness. A disease occurs in the energy bodies surrounding our physical body on the consciousness level. When there are adequate spiritual and emotional practices, these imbalances can be dissolved harmoniously. Intense negativity repeatedly generated in the energy bodies can eventually precipitate into the physical body causing various forms of pain and disease symptoms.
Chakras are energy vortexes in the body which are affected by how we interact with life around us. They are the medium through which you create health and balance in your body or destroy it.
Cancer And The Chakras
Cancer often manifests near the most imbalanced chakra that is affected by a core issue in the body. Emotional trauma being a prime cause of cancer was often met with considerable skepticism in the past. But recent studies are changing that view and are increasingly establishing the connection between cancer and emotional trauma.
An article in the European Journal of Cancer linked emotional stress with down-regulation of the immune system. It explored how depression could suppress killer T cell formation in the body, retard repair of damaged DNA and trigger apoptosis (cell death).
They concluded that “psychological or behavioral factors may influence the incidence or progression of cancer through psychosocial influences on immune function and other physiological pathways.”
German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered what he calls the “shock-conflict” causation of cancer and other major diseases. He proposed that cancer stems from emotional-psychic remain unresolved over long periods of time, emotional healing and meditative practices provide the best cancer treatments.
According to him, human beings are very susceptible to the creation of lesions in the brain and organs due to shock and trauma. These types of lesions create something like a short-circuit in the brain that if unresolved can give birth to cancerous tumors.
According to Dr. Hamer’s observations the body is able to heal itself of most cancers if:
1. The patient is given therapy and support for de-programming and releasing the harmful effects of the shock-conflict on her body.
2. The patient’s body is not interfered with by over-use of medical treatment. This rather bold view is based on the belief that many treatments given by oncologists interfere with the body’s self-healing process and aggravate the emotional causes of cancer by promoting fear and disempowerment.
The Heart Chakra And Cancer
Heart Chakra is concerned with unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and self-acceptance. It´s the chakra of our closest relationships – lovers and family. It is the chakra bound up with cancer as well as other immune problems. Those whose heart chakra spins too fast can be possessive, withholding in love, overly dramatic.
Characteristics of a blocked heart chakra include fear of rejection, feeling unworthy of love or loving too much. Blessed with a balanced heart chakra you will be nurturing. Love without condition and seek spiritual connections in lovemaking. Meditations for rebalancing the heart chakra contain important messages for cancer patients: believe that the universe will always provide for you; recognize that the more love you allow yourself to receive, the more love will be around for others.
The energetic component of cancer consists of unfinished or incomplete business. People with cancer tend to be more connected to the past than to the present. When energy is used to keep one’s past alive instead of in the present where it is needed to maintain cell tissue, malignancy develops. (The Creation of Health-Stillpoint 1988)
Every ailment including cancer can be healed as long as the impediments of living in the past, refusal to give up being a victim and fear of change are given up.
Directing thought and energy to the past diverts vital life force from existing cells and organs that need that energy to function and heal. Healing requires living in the present, taking one’s energy back from past traumas and hurts.
A refusal to forgive a past event or person leaks energy from the body. Forgiveness heals that leak. Healing also demands action. Eating properly, daily exercise, taking appropriate medicine are actions that support the physical body. Releasing the past, leaving stressful jobs or relationships, also honoring one’s own individual truth and meditation/spiritual practice are actions that support the energy body. What supports the one supports the other because the physical and energetic are inextricably linked. Even the process of dying, which we all face, can become a very healing act as old wounds are released and unfinished business with loved ones is resolved.
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. – Eleanor Roosevelt.
The physical symtoms of the heart chakra… and how to re-align RIGHT NOW!
The American Cancer Society recommends cancer survivors get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, which should include strength training at least 2 days a week.
THE CHAKRA TOPPINGS: Use your imagination. Our chakra system is a rainbow of energy wheels coursing throughout our bodies. Foods that are fresh, colorful and organic innervate our chakras and infuse our cells with the tools they need to thrive. Set up your toppings from root chakra to crown chakra as below for a beautiful, invigorating display.
*** https://crystaldreamsworld.com/the-7-major-chakras-their-meanings/
Louise Hay was a beautiful blessing and a saint. She had a beautiful soul and an endless amount of love, care and compassion for others!! Louise passing was August 30th 2017. She will always be a legendary inspiration for me and I’ll celebrate her every word that she wrote and spoke for the rest of my life. She lives on in all of our hearts. Sending U Soo Much She will never be forgotten. Love~Peace~Light And A Lifetime Of Thanks Louise ⚘⚘Infinity
Through Louise’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned how to create more of what they want in their lives, including more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits. Her personal philosophy was forged from her tormented upbringing. Her childhood was unstable and impoverished, and her teen years were marked by abuse.
Louise ran away from home and ended up in New York City, where she became a model and married a prosperous businessman. Although it appeared that her life had turned around, it was not until the marriage ended 14 years later that her healing really began.
Louise started what would become her life’s work in New York City in 1970.
She attended meetings at the Church of Religious Science and began training in the ministerial program. She became a popular speaker at the church, and soon found herself counseling clients. This work quickly blossomed into a full-time career. After several years, Louise compiled a reference guide detailing the mental causes of physical ailments, and developed positive thought patterns for reversing illness and creating health.
This compilation was the basis for Heal Your Body, known affectionately as “the little blue book.” She began traveling throughout the United States, lecturing and facilitating workshops on loving ourselves and healing our lives.
You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie, which is hosted by Louise, offers not only an intimate look into her moving and inspirational life story, but also a special segment devoted to helping you apply Louise’s affirmations and groundbreaking wisdom to heal your own life and the challenges that you face today.
This entertaining and inspirational movie based on the best-selling book is hosted by author and teacher Louise L. Hay. This film gives penetrating insights into Louise’s fascinating personal story; and shows how her views on self-esteem, abundance, and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed. It also reveals how she applied these concepts to her own emotional, spiritual, and professional life.
A number of luminaries in the fields of self-help, philosophy, health, spirituality, and New Thought join Louise, giving their take on success, happiness, and the myriad ways in which people can heal their own lives. And there are also gripping firsthand accounts from others who have been positively affected by Louise’s work. YOU CAN Heal Your Life: Full Movie Here.
Louise was able to put her philosophies into practice when she was diagnosed with cancer. She considered the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead developed an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. Within six months, she was completely healed of cancer.