I’m an independent trucker and have been doing the therapy on the road in my semi- truck for over five years. I’m in my truck five days a week running from my home in Northern Idaho to Southern California and back through Spokane, Washington.
Like you, when I first learned of the Gerson Therapy. I KNEW this was God’s way to heal the body that He created and that I’m only a steward of.
Due to my tight schedule: hauling perishable salad dressings and fresh produce. I knew I had to do a modified version of the therapy. I do about 1 coffee enema per day and drink about seven or eight juices total. With most of them taken within three hours of my coffee break (knowing the coffee-induced liver enhancement lasts about that long.)
I bring the produce home most weeks and my wife makes the juices for each 5 day period and the meal prep except for the oatmeal that I cook in a five quart covered glass dish that fits in my 12-volt travel stove. I also use this to heat up the food my wife makes. I have two ice coolers that I keep the food in. One cooler is just for the juice which we pour into half gallon jars and then place in the cooler with the ice.
Oh, the coffee breaks? Let me just say like you probably said, “where there’s a will there’s a way.” Suffice to say that the task is accomplished in the proper Gerson manner whether there’s a bathroom nearby to walk to after the 15 minutes or not. No mishaps so far!
I’m 60 years old now and in 2013. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer through needle biopsy. The result was 6 of 12 cores positive, and Gleason 6 (not as fast-spreading as some). After doing my modified protocol. . . I got a second biopsy 21 months later that showed an almost 90% reduction in the cancer detected with only 1 core positive out of twelve (I’ll post these biopsies at the end.)
That’s an introduction – What follows is a longer Facebook comment I made a few months ago which may be redundant for some in this group but I’ll include here for the benefit of so many new members: Thanks to all!
In Today’s World with cancer rampant compared to 120 years ago it’s obvious we’ve been doing something wrong. Our bodies and immune systems are compromised from dealing with impure food, water, and often air (especially indoor air) not to mention alcohol/drug abuse, etc. Another major problem is the sodium/potassium ratio. Virtually everyone has too much sodium and not enough potassium which results in cellular edema.
Sodium (or table salt) is added to almost every processed food there is. This cellular edema severely inhibits energy production and metabolism by restricting entry of sugar and oxygen to the cells. In this state of cellular disruption it’s only natural to see so many debilitating conditions or “diseases,” especially diabetes and cancer plus about 50 other common things we’ve all heard of or experienced.
The Gerson Therapy slowly reverses this by taking away the cause of most of the problems in the first place. The therapy consists of a radical change in diet. Plus also other non-drug protocols (yes, coffee enemas for enhanced detoxification through the liver) and natural nutritional supplements including a special 3 part type of potassium compound.
The diet is vegetarian (easily digestible & high in potassium) but not entirely vegan and takes at least 18 months to 2 years to restore proper cellular function and most importantly to rebuild the liver. The full therapy may include as much as 20-23 lbs. of organic produce (!) mostly in the form of freshly-pressed juices and about 2-3 lbs. cooked plus raw salads, etc.
My protocol is modified. Instead of thirteen 8 ounce juices per day I have 7 or 8.
My Urologist is no longer recommending I have my prostate removed but “keep an eye on things” through ongoing tests, etc. But he’s still not quite sure what to make of it all. I’ve always emphasized hard work but in my case I tend to overwork and always have. The trouble is this activity (yes often prideful) is bad for the immune system.
So if you’re like me you think you can get away with not following all the rules.
For me the main one is not getting enough sleep. On top of that, after the first year or so you feel so good you start to think you’re invincible… again. So for people like me the risk is to not get enough rest and sleep. Had I done so I don’t think I would have still had some cancer present 21 months into the therapy. So now I’m slowing things down to allow my immune system to catch up.
Nonetheless, I’ve experienced huge progress not just in the cancer department –
1) My right arm strength had deteriorated down to less than half that of my left arm. Dystrophy? After about 8 months on the therapy it was back to normal.
2) Chronic underlying cough was gone in first 5 or 6 months.
3) Hemorrhoids gone in first 5 or 6 weeks
4) Then I noticed last spring when tilling the garden all day I didn’t get the usual sunburn as in every year before! (I found out later that all the beta carotene in the juices is a natural sunscreen).
5) Energy! I wanted to see if what I was feeling was real or not. When fully rested I felt like I could run 5 miles! So recently I did just that, I had my son take me out 5 miles from home and drop me off. I also ran home nonstop in just under 50 min, not the greatest but pretty good for not having run except for a mile or two a couple of times. . . in the 16 years since I retired from the Army. My upper legs were sore, however, my breathing and heart rate were fine.
6) Now notice- Five years later (2018) still on the same protocol, my right knee re-healed stronger than ever from ACL/MCL surgery ten years earlier. My left (stiff) shoulder also healed soon after this. To be fully successful this therapy must necessarily change your lifestyle for the rest of your life. I still eat 90-95% Gerson (but all organic) and continue with 1 CE and 5-6 juices per day. Had I not continued after the first 2 years I don’t think I would have experienced the healing in my knee and shoulder.
Ken, Here’s the most important part to add to my story. You have the “Before” biopsy which shows 6 out of 12 needle cores positive for prostate cancer. This is the “After” biopsy that shows 1 of 12 positive. Thanks
I’m now looking at a comprehensive cancer blood test called CA Profile (look up Dr. Schandl in Florida) as maintenance. Yes, the therapy works in most cases if you actually follow it and even in about 50% of terminal cases as documented in Dr. Gerson’s book, “A Cancer Therapy: results of 50 cases.”
When I foolishly tore up my knee (ACL, MCL, meniscus) in a dumb logging accident in 2008 I didn’t hesitate to have it surgically repaired. But in the case of debilitating conditions and cancer let’s not rush fearfully into destructive “treatments” but treat our bodies as our Creator would have us do and help it to heal itself as He intended.
“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but “nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.” Ephesians 5:29 ~ Alan Galloway.