Dr. Bernie Siegal is a cancer surgeon who, when treating cancer patients, found some that should survive – did not and others that he thought would not make it – lived and recovered. He researched this and determined that there are other forces that affect ones health. He has written at least 2 books, made many relaxation tapes, and travels giving lectures that focus on all phases of dealing with cancer (or any other terminal illness). Thank God and Thank Gerson – Jean Griswold
Bernie’s focus is on attitude and healing powers within each of us. This is not a religious focus at all. He is a medical person and his approach is medical with a lot of compassion and love thrown in. I don’t normally like emotional approaches to major life crisis – I’m more logical and factual.
As far as being concern about your friend you should be concerned – that is what friends are for. If you think they made a bad decision all you can do is tell them that and present them with all the options you are aware of. Help them to choose if that is what they want. Otherwise, give them space to make their own choices and stand by whatever they decide. Bernie believes in a holistic approach.
Some of the non-physical approaches include imaging (seeing yourself as well, imagining your little white cells killing cancer cells), and a positive outlook on life. Unless his views have changed, I don’t think that he advocates abandoning traditional medical treatment, but feels that there is more than just the radiation and drugs to help fight cancer.
Bernie believes when people get cancer their are those 15 to 20% that just give up and die refusing to get caught up in the death trap. Then he surmises between 60 0r 70% would rather have the doctor decide for them going the traditional route. Lastly, he believes that between 15 or 20% will refuse to accept what their doctors tell them.
They do their own research and know for themselves and ask the prudent questions. These are the one’s that believe in themselves and always do well. The warrior spirit ignites their immune system and they weather the storm.
In the book: Healing The Gerson Way. I have learned that this therapy will eliminate toxins – will keep it that away and will boost your immune system and metabolism so that the body heals itself. For instance the combination of supplements and juicing produces desired conditions in your body that produce a healing organism (The juicing mixed with liver capsules produces vitamin A.)
This potent agent also causes cancer cells to differentiate, forcing them to turn back to a non-cancerous state.” So vitamin A seems to induce positive, healthy, cell changes. Indeed, this is why vitamin A derivatives are already in wide use to fight cancer.
Mar 24, 2015 · The combination treatment of histone deacetylase inhibitors SL142 or SL325 with retinoic acids exerts a significant anti-tumor activity and is a promising therapeutic candidate to treat human lung cancer and also shows anti-tumor effect in neuroblastoma. While synthetic retinoids are generally promising for cancer treatment, only few of them are FDA-approved or currently undergoing clinical trials for cancer therapy.
Another item I learned in Healing The Gerson Way is the part that backs my theory. Stress doesn’t cause cancer, however, it sure can produce a condition that suppresses the immune system to make cancer flourish and Metastasize.
This Journey 0f understanding started mid day. . . for me on October 4, 2014 when Rosa Parkin introduced herself to me inbox on Facebook with a question about my favorite herb Aloe Vera. As we began chatting it nearly felt I knew Rosa immediately from her home in Brighton U.K. with her effervescence.
When Rosa came into our Facebook group she was bedridden with a 8cm tumor in her uterus. Through HOPE & excitement of learning new therapies and treatments she came out of her despair as she witness her tumor shrink. It wasn’t until 9 months later she flew to Portland, Oregon to meet with me and see firsthand her life goal of seeing the Coastline of the United States on Memorial Day Weekend 2015.
Rosa found herself caught in between what she was told by doctors that she had 2 years to live and a frantic search for the right source of cannabis. Frantic feelings was producing a steady decline in which she feared of being deprived a chance to watch her Son “Manu” to grow into an adult. That stress was providing her cancer a chance to spread and Rosa Passed September 5th, 2015.
My belief is stress may not cause cancer, however, if you have cancer …stress will impede the healing process. Thereby, enter Kathryn Alexander D.Th.D., Adv. Dip. Naturopathy, Gerson Therapist. Kathryn is also an internationally acknowledged expert in the field of detoxification and dietary healing, holding twenty years experience since qualifying as a dietary therapist in 1987.
Having studied under Dr. Lawrence Plaskett at the College of Dietary Therapy, London. Dietary Healing communicates the truly thrilling concepts of healing through naturopathic nutrition. Too often we end up treating the symptoms of the polluted body — rather than resolving the pollution itself. Genuine healing programs always involve detoxification. By restoring and enabling the cells to replenish with nutrients and oxygen we provide the conditions for the healing to occur. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Gersonsupport/