A man saw an old woman stooped over on a beach covered with starfish. He asked her what she was doing, to which she replied, “I am throwing the starfish back into the sea – if I don’t, they will dry up and die.”
Laughing, the man said, “But Old Woman, there are so many starfish on the beach, you can’t possibly make a difference.”
She picked up a starfish and threw it back into the sea. Then looking at the man, she said, “I just did to that one.”
The next day, the old woman visited the beach to check on the starfish. She saw the same man and his children throwing the starfish back into the sea. “Hello, Old Woman,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. “We are here to make a difference to a few more starfish.” Adapted from The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley 1907 – 1977

Making a difference can seem overwhelming, especially if you view your actions to be inconsequential. But if enough individuals impact just one other person, then collectively we can impact the world.
On a much smaller scale, in the Knowledge Management sphere, start sharing knowledge yourself – don’t wait for everyone else – you may wait for ever!
The moral of the story sums up my point about wanting to make a difference. We can make a difference to individuals, even to groups of people. A rare few of us may even influence whole communities and societies. But to change the world outright? To throw thousands of starfishes into the ocean single-handedly? I’m afraid this isn’t possible.
Why isn’t this possible? Part of it is because of the nature of the world right now – there are many global aids and charities in effect today, and they have made significant and important strides towards solving the world’s ailments. But, no matter how much more work they achieve, I fear that the ailments will still exist. There will still be problems. Remove a corrupt leading group, and another one springs up in its place. Lift up a third-world country from poverty, and another one falls back into it. Save a species from being hunted, and the hunters find another species to kill.
But there’s another, bigger reason. The other reason why changing the world isn’t possible, and I believe this is the main reason, is because we need to change ourselves first.
This is the defining element of change – change begins within.
We Can Only Change Ourselves
Do you remember the Mother Teresa quote? It goes something like this:
“If everyone only cleaned their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.”
What does this say to you? To me, it says that we can only change ourselves, and our first priority should be changing our ways and beliefs, cleaning our own doorsteps.
How can I lead others if I can’t lead myself? How can others trust me, or I trust others, if I first can’t trust myself? How can I love others if I can’t love myself? All these require change within to achieve.
Remember this, it’s not the world that needs to change, it’s ourselves.
If you change the people within the world, the world then changes as a result – it’s not the other way round. I admire the great charities of this world for doing what they do, and for what they’ve accomplished, but ultimately it’s pointless UNLESS those involved change themselves first.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi
How To Change
Over the months and years I’ve made some changes in my life, and it has made my surrounding environment a much better place to live in. I believe this is testament to the thinking I’ve offered in this post, and I believe you can do the same with your own lives.
Here are two ways that you can change yourself, and change the world as a result. I only offer these as my own interpretation – feel free to use both, or just one of these ways:
1. Practice Forgiveness
All of the conflict in this world has been due to misunderstandings, which have been due to a lack of communication, which has been due to fear. Fear of losing out, fear of being controlled, fear of looking weak.
Just think, by changing ourselves to being more forgiving, we could do a lot of good. If we could practice forgiveness more often, and forgive the person who has wronged us rather than seek to cause conflict, this would reduce the amount of conflict in the world.
To help us practice forgiveness, here’s how to speak with a kind heart.
2. Go One Day Without Complaining
We all know of the world’s problems – global warming, terrorism, recessions, etc. But what are we actually doing about it? For the majority of us, all we do is complain.
The simple fact is that complaining will get us nowhere. As much as it may seem to be enjoyable and relieving, all it does in the long term is to make us complain more, and become more run-down and depressed. Complaining leads to more complaining, the spiral runs on, and nothing ever gets done.
So why not go one day without complaining? Tomorrow, make a vow to stop complaining, and get on with the day. Sure, there will be problems, but instead of complaining about them, focus on solving the problem. Or if you can’t solve it, move on. Just don’t complain about it.
To help us be happier in life and complain less, here’s 31 ways to bliss and lightness
So what can YOU do to change yourself?
I love the quote from Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We must be the change first. To move in that direction of inner change and transformation, we must begin with awareness. We must be willing to look at ourselves honestly and see that which is limiting us and that which no longer serves us in this world.
When we are able to do that and dig deep, we can begin to take those first steps towards change. As others see the transformation in us, and we begin to live it, it becomes a ripple effect of change. https://www.arvinddevalia.com/
Please bear in mind that I never said that we ‘can’t’ change the world – we can only do so by changing ourselves first. As you said, it’s a ripple effect that flows outward from ourselves and affects the world around us.
It’s entirely possible to change the world, but we have to view ‘changing ourselves’ as the main priority !!
By changing ourselves we are changing the world. We are ripples. Our thoughts and our actions have an outward effect on the world. I have to disagree with the fact — we cannot change the world. We do, we can and we do everyday. Change begins with us; and if we wish to change the world in which we exist, we need to be that change.
Oh… and I want to highlight something you said so profoundly and subtly: “…change within to achieve”. I believe that it is important for us to follow that path of change.
This path allows us to be at the most excellent state for any particular time. From this one phrase, I do not see in any way you suggesting that we need to be perfect first before we help others or the world in general. You only state that we need to seek or develop the excellence within us; and in doing so, as we, our “selves” interact with “others” we create experiences in which we all benefit…. in which we all grow… or “change”.
“Stop seeking perfection, settle for excellence…”
If we wait until we could develop the ability to throw all of the proverbial starfish into the ocean, we would never be a factor of change in this world; conversely, we if strive to successfully get at least one starfish back in the ocean, we have just demonstrated our excellence in achieving change.
Trying to change the world first won’t work out – instead, change yourself, and become a better person. This will then have a ripple effect which influences the world, starting with those around you.
The mindset you’re laying out in this post is basically the only way to live. If you insist on changing the world, you can make it far too easy to not bother improving yourself.
But one thing I think you’re forgetting, the changes you’re proposing will change the world. You will be a happier more enjoyable person. And that doesn’t just make you more likable – it makes the people around you happier as well.
And it can so easily spread like a wave. That’s a great way of looking at things – as soon as we realize we need to change, then the change will start to happen. No-one else will make that change happen for us, we must bring it about ourselves.
I think “changing ourselves” is one of the biggest secrets, which many people don’t know or know but don’t practice. In either cases, results are same. People blame the whole world for their problems, they fill their hearts with negative feelings and spread the negativity even around them.
Changing ourselves instead of expecting the world around to change, is so simple yet powerful. Once our internal transformation begins, the world around us amazingly changes (world is mirror of ours) and a wonderful life begins.
The sooner, one realizes that he needs to change, the faster he will on his way to a amazingly satisfying life.
Now, what would I do to change the world?
Change in the world begins with me. So to change the world, I would:-
• Eat less, exercise more
• Sleep less, write more
• Accumulate less stuff, share much more
• Stop seeking perfection, settle for excellence
• Surf the internet less, meet more real people
• Think less, speak more and share my wisdom
• Stop wasting time, create more special moments
And I would eat more ice-cream and do things that really bring me a lot of joy! Because when I am joyous and my vibration is high, good things happen to me and those around me:-)
That sounds wonderful do which raises your energy levels, and this will bring out the joy in you!
After all, joy is infectious
I believe that changing the world is possible as long as we have the faith to believe in it. Only in such a state will the positive energy and vibrations affect others enough to cause a major change for the better. If we think that we can make a difference, than we are actually sending out a mentality to the universe. But if we have the faith that our eventual action will make a difference,
Thoughts changes things and to make that change we must change ourselves first. It is the most powerful force we can give for the good of the people. When we change we lead by example and others will follow.
I hear what you’re saying – our actions and energy can make a difference in the world. But I’ve found that all the change in the world has been a direct or indirect result of the change in ourselves.
We can’t try to force the world to change, but we can force ourselves to change.
We don’t have to physically make those changes happen. The real leverage comes from when we take the energy path, which does create real change. So, while we can make a difference with our actions, we can change the world with our energy. We can inspire millions, we can line up with peace, we can line up with a safe, whole, healthy earth and happy, joyful, passionate people. You do not need other people to line up with this vision in order to experience it. All it takes is you.
More Inspiration from Gandhiji to Help you Be the Change:-
Now please check out these inspirational blog articles written by me and inspired by Mahatma Gandhi:-
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