Jen Elyse Feldman is an all around success that specializes in holistic health, immunity, energy, mood & aesthetic makeovers, including fat loss, body reshaping, skin clarity & also hair care. She is also the creator of “Rescue Bites” “ Healthy Munchies” & “Living The Life!” and has certifications from IIN, NASM, AFAA, Balanced Body Pilates Reformer & Mat, TRX, Kettlebells, Silver Sneakers Yoga, Jungstin Warrior and has Mastered Reiki Level 2, BA Psychology, and The American University.
One of the highlights of my career was:
Hosting National Kidney Foundation’s Annual Kidney Walk Preshow with a few words of motivation, a joke, and a warmup workout
Thank you NKF for having me host for 4 consecutive years
This meant the world to me, because my dad’s dad passed away from an extraordinary rare kidney disease, amyloidosis. His brain, his desire to cure my grandma’s cancer, his attention to detail & artistry, his work for New York as chief of NYC Fire Department, & his wishes for my wellbeing & success are the reason why I Try My Personal Best! Before acting, I ask myself, “would my ancestors approve of this?!?” Luckily, my family has a wild sense of humor!!!!!! —
“Living The Life!” transformation plans treat Mood, Immunity, Energy and Aesthetic Issues. I strategically use Food as Medicineà a precise prescription type, dosage, and also timing is formulated to achieve specific results. Influenced by both ancient, eastern healing techniques & trendy, American wellness protocols, Jen guides individuals under her care through highly-effective protocols, to achieve dramatic results. Jen’s Prescription focuses on the journey and destination to Live The Life!
Jen has successfully relieved these issues: excess body fat, debilitating back pain, acne, cellulite, chronic fatigue, arthritis pain, heart disease, hypothyroid, white blood cell insufficiencies, adrenal fatigue, weak kidneys, food addiction & food cravings, drug addiction, food & relationship codependency, bipolar, suicidality, relationship issues, loneliness, food & alcohol addiction, low motivation, depressed mood, lack of focus, anxiety, insomnia, flatulence, bloating, constipation, stress, managing health in individuals with low white blood cell counts, anemia…..
Common results: fat loss, dramatic weight loss (more than a few of her clients have lost 20+ pounds, after only 1 Health Counseling Session), the addition of lean muscle, less bloating & flatulence, increased energy & motivation, high resistance to illness (less medications, avoiding antibiotics & also decreased Doctor visits), quicker cognitive processing, disappearance of arthritis & fibromyalgia pains, acne disappears, increased mood and productivity, increased self-esteem, your rear ends are firmed & lifted, with healthier stress management….
How Jen Gets Results:
Step 1: I analyze my client’s completed Health Analysis Form
Step 2. I write an extremely detailed “Keys to Live The Life” Guidebook for the client. This 80+ page guidebook, contains precise protocol to achieve requested goals. Long-Distance clients receive their “Keys to Live The Life” by mail.
Step 3: I create a personalized counseling & training session to move the client from their starting point to their final destination, meeting all wellness goals. During the 60+-minute meeting, the client gains full understanding how to use my protocol (provided in the “Keys to Live The Life” guidebook) to efficiently achieve results.
Step 4: Try 1-5 Keys from the guidebook, every week.
1 meeting plus the written plan is enough for clients to get through 1-6 months, continuously achieving results. The goal is to accomplish as much as possible in 1 meeting.
My Health Analysis Forms allow me to intuitively analyze:
1. Who You Are (past, present, obstacles currently blocking your goals, ingested items, exercise, cognition, etc.)
2. Your Specific Goals: What you want to change, achieve, and overcome
Without a functional blood test, the extensive information provided in your health analysis allows me to create a results-driven transformation plan addressing your specific goals and issues. Please list all energy, mood, immunity, and aesthetic goals and problem areas, such as “getting enough energy to work out”, “conquering insomnia”, “avoiding antibiotics”, and “eliminating food addictions”. Specific goals allows me to give precise guidelines that will work for you. Details that seem irrelevant are surprisingly critical.
For example: waking up every night and turning on the lights on the way to the bathroom disrupts melatonin secretion. This might be responsible for poor recovery, high stress levels, anxiety, reduced energy levels, and fat gain/storage.
In just one session, clients have lost 20+ pounds. One productive session can do wonders.
Be sure to fill out your current diet VERY THOROUGHLY (everything counts: a cigarette, gum, water, mints, alcohol, chewing on toothpicks). Include all “problems”, even if it seems negligible (hiccups, flatulence, increased energy in the evenings, etc.). Include ALL goals, even the smallest ones. Every detail matters, and the results have been miraculous: demand the best from yourself and me.
Fill out your Health Analysis Form:
MY Credentials & Titles: Certified Reiki Master, licensed Cosmetologist, New York State certified Makeup Artist, trained actress & improv comedian, film writer & also producer, published model, actress, creator of “The Keys to Live The Life” Guidebook for optimal moods, immunity, energy & Aesthetics –“Funny” Skits by me (me as alter egos, me as a man, “Juan Rivera.)”
What I Do: Acting, Modeling, TV & Event Hosting, Holistic Health Seminars, Private & Group Fitness & Health Teaching, Live Reporting/Interviews, Comedy, I do Intuitive Holistic Health Makeovers for individuals focusing on the umbrella topics of Immunity, Energy and Body Composition Transformations at my private fitness studio and by videophone.
and teach people how to stay healthy..
“Get Well Soon Checklist”
Stop! Try this list before taking antibiotics & trying treatments with known side-effects….
Immunity Boosters & Immediate Healing
Focus on boosting the immune system to an effective state and eliminating the problematic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and/or parasites with natural but extremely potent ANTIVIRALS, ANTIBACTERIALS, ANTIFUNGALS, & ANTISEPTICS.
Used effectively, these items eliminate serious infections & illnesses with little damage to the body. Try using combinations of these items before considering antibiotics. These items have eliminated serious infections, when antibiotics failed! Impressive. These items should be treated like prescribed medication. Please use with extreme care & also ask for assistance, if needed. Keep in mind, there can be synergistic reactions between items, and “overdose”-like reactions can occur, if too much or too many items are used at once.
Commentary: Provided is a broad item list to solve a myriad of health issues from “the common cold”, to lessening symptoms from viral infections, to alleviating internal & external infections in individuals with compromised immune systems. Not all items are suitable for you. Consult with me or another well-informed wellness guide that is educated in the “Food Is Medicine” protocol + food/herb interactions.
When it comes to using potent foods as medicine, dosage is very important!
Be very mindful of dosage, use frequency, duration, and possible interactions.
I have found myself in very precarious situations just from eating too much cacao & garlic-these two are extremely powerful! Some of these items should only be used for a limited time. The items in bold, are my top choices! I could easily write a 10-100 page essay on these items; these are just Cliff notes to give you ideas.
Please try this (with my guidance, or another wellness professional) before even considering antibiotics. If you feel slightly run down & notice a few signs of immune weakness, adopt this protocol immediately!
The food choices, including coconut oil, can be daily. Supplements should not be daily. However, notice how a serving of chia seeds makes an excellent natural, unprocessed, omega & magnesium “supplement”. View your Food as your medication!!!!
Notice a trend here? Fruit, vegetables & herbs= MEDICINE. A direct relationship has been established between antibiotic usage and cancer. Antibiotics destroy healthy flora, and this could potentially disrupt healthy gut & brain activities. The brain & gut greatly control our well-being, so maintaining healthy bacteria is crucial! I made this list so you can avoid life-altering, deadly drugs.
AVOID: food coloring, preservatives, high-temp (above 120 degrees) cooked food, sugar, bread, wheat, gluten, most dairy, big portions of meat (more than 4 oz), binge eating, caffeine & other stimulants (including chocolate)
Drink 8-30 ounces warm water as soon as u wake: with lemon & ginger – Only drink water for the first 1-2 hours, upon waking
-Focus on raw & lightly cooked fruits & vegetables. Drink lots of warm-hot water, 30 minutes after/before meals.
Oregano oil: 1-4 drops in water, soup, sauce, or dressing
Garlic. Mince into salad dressing or sauce. Eat with raw vegetables of choice. Garlic blends very nicely into marinara, fra diavolo, pesto, shrimp cocktail & vodka sauce. Then I pour this over spaghetti squash, zucchini pasta, sautéed onions & mushrooms…
ONIONS & GARLIC: sulfur compounds=potent anti-pathogen (prevent & relieve staph infections), antifungal, & combat free radicals in the body (cancer prevention & cure?)
Sauteed mushrooms, onions & garlic. Add 2-5 cloves garlic minced into marinara, fra diavolo or pesto, for flavor. Pour mushroom, onion & garlic mix over spaghetti squash or “zucchini noodles”
Fermented Foods (see “Eat Fermented Foods”)***: 2-4 tbsp Sauerkraut every day, kimchi, kombucha (less sugar the better), cultured/fermented coconut water, kefir, fermented pickles, fermented olives, greek yogurt (when eating a low carb diet, this helps with hunger pangs), Zana fermented drink (Dr. B Well carries it)
Quality Bone Broth (helps to heal gut lining -80%+ of our health is based on our gut health)
For sore throat: GARGLE 3-10x/day with this mixture: salt, pepper (black and/or cayenne), water (extra credit: add coconut oil, oregano oil, garlic & turmeric, if you dare!)
–eat 1-2 tbsp coconut oil & put on open wounds
-1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in 5-8 oz. water (do this 1-4x/day)
Green Tea (early in the am, so the stimulant effect wears off before bedtime)
Fresh Mint: add to salads/smoothies/juices
Horseradish, thyme, basil, cinnamon, sage, chervil, rosemary, lemon balm, oregano, cumin, tarragon, cloves, bay leaf, chili peppers, marjoram, caraway seed, coriander, dill, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, anise, fennel, mustard, parsley
-No lights (salt lamp/fire/candlelight ok) or lighted electronic devices (phone, computer, bright tv) after 8:30pm, or 1 hour before bed. Bed by sundown/10/11pm latest
-Sleep generously
-Avoid thoughts & activities that shift your body into emergency mode, anxiety, fight/flight mode. Think calming & loving thoughts (thinking of my 2 favorite dogs, true friends & family help bring me into a positive mental state necessary for healing)
-1-3 6 oz. servings of mostly greens juice or smoothie (50%+ low-sugar items)
-1-3 of this juice daily: cucumber, celery, kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, cilantro, ginger, lemon, lime, ½ apple, mint (pick 4 or all items)
-½ Grapefruit in the am, on an empty stomach (depending upon medications)
– ½ cantaloupe for breakfast or lunch (or both)
–Rutabega -antifungal
–pumpkin seeds (zinc), Brazil Nuts (selenium-3-5/day)
Chia seeds (major boost of omega fatty acids & magnesium!)
–lime, lemon,
watermelon, cranberry, cucumbers: hydration & kidney cleansing
gojis, ginger, banana (use spoon to scrape and eat the inner peel),
pineapple & papaya (enzymes help decrease systemic inflammation, digestion & elimination of toxins)
Apple (eat the seeds), yams/sweet potatoes, kiwis, red peppers
Elderberry (fresh or frozen)
-Drink 2 oz. cherry juice (pure, unsweetened) 30 minutes before bed. This is high in melatonin, and provides ample antioxidants for overnight repair
Optional SUPPLEMENT IDEAS: Umcka cold care, Zinc Elderberry chewable tablets for a minor sore throat/cold symptoms (been effective!), herbal Adrenal Support pills, Oregano Oil, Sage leaves in boiled water, sage oil, olive leaf, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, goldenseal, palmetto, rutabaga, Turmeric, Frozen Acai Berry Packs, Camu Camu Berry Powder, Wheatgrass: fresh or frozen shots, Phresh Greens Powder, Zinc, Omega3, Magnesium, Colloidal Silver, thyme (fresh herbs and/or oil), linden leaves, fresh mint leaves blended in water.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Cranberry juice (unsweetened), frozen or fresh whole, unsweetened cranberries blended in water, Cranberry pills, Uva Ursi, Garlic, D-Mannose, Goldenseal, drink acv diluted in water, green tea, oregano oil, garlic, soak in bath/sitz bath with proper ratios of acv & garlic
Candida Overgrowth:
Avoid these triggers that spike candida levels: antibiotics (even 1 dose/year), antibiotics found in animal products, sucralose, aspartame, alcohol, wine, sugary drinks, high-sugar fruit, gluten, refined carbohydrates including crackers & cookies, and also many animal products, corn, wheat, margarine & most “fake butters,” spelt, kamut, spelt, barley, oats, flour, most breads, stress, birth control pills, IUD, chlorine, fluoride. These items hurt the immune system, the sugar feeds candida overgrowth, and items like alcohol, antibiotics, fluoride & sucralose destroy beneficial gut flora that lines the gut lining, and also allowing “bad bacteria” & unwanted fungi to outnumber the “good bacteria”
Consume these to reduce candida overgrowth by strengthening your immune system & full body processes: eggs, coconut oil, raw nuts & seeds (see “Eat Fat To Burn Fat”), onions, seaweed, ginger, pink Himalayan salt, celtic sea salt, rutabaga, quality olive oil (helps to stabilize blood sugar & antifungal), lemon water (blend the lemon with the white pith & seeds), chlorella, vitamin c, vitamin b, vitamin d
Consume these to reduce candida by killing the candida: garlic, olive leaf extract, pau d’arco, oregano oil, raw apple cider vinegar,
“Eat Fermented Foods” Daily to restore the entire digestive system & increase beneficial gut flora
Take probiotic stored in a refrigerator in a dark bottle with at least 500 billion organisms per gram
Eliminate toxins through the skin with foam rolling, fascia blasting, dry brushing, saunas/steam rooms, Epsom salt bath…
To gain Jen’s full purpose for mood, immunity, energy & Aesthetics transformations. You must have 1 session allowing her to explain the system & personalized plan to you is required… Clients don’t know how to utilize the guidebook unless they have meeting with Jen.
Jenergy: it’s about Comedy & Laughing, Living & Loving Life