Saint Philomena is the patron saint of priests, youth (especially babies and children), the afflicted and imprisoned, the suffering and sick, afflicted mothers who turn to her for material or spiritual aid for their children, also students and test-takers, young married couples, spiritual and temporal problems, and more.
She is the Protectress of the Children of Mary. It is said: “There is no case too trivial or unimportant to concern her.” Why is her intercession powerful?
Because she turns to the Blessed Mother! On one occasion, when she interceded on behalf of Mother Luisa (to whom she told the story of her life as mentioned earlier), Philomena then said to Luisa, “Have you seen how this was done? I asked the graces from Mary and, through Mary, they were granted to me.”
Now that you’ve “met” Philomena, why don’t you ask her to be your spiritual sister and intercessor? I am sure she will be more than happy to intercede for you. After all, like all our family in heaven, she wants you to one day be there with her and with her Divine Spouse!
Have you ever heard of Saint Philomena before?
If not, what do you think of her?
Thanks Shirley Boeckman 
When I think of the arrows. cloaks and daggers that Saint Philomena survived before she had her head de·cap·i·tated at such a young age because a tyrant viewed her as a adversary. And when I think of cancer: much like Saint Philomena and all she endured in her Term of endearment called Life.
A cancer patient must struggle to survive those same arrows, cloaks and daggers. Throughout my research of the last 12 years I have learned some great options that may help you survive the modern day tyrant we call cancer. Watching the what and who we come into contact would be the most obvious with all the chemicals we have in our food today and toxic people that causes us emotional conflicts.
In the medical profession where badgering by the doctors to make money and they feel time is money. And that time can’t be spent with mainly one patient and you have two minutes to explain yourself with them for the diagnose as they prescribe the medicine mainly in the form of a pill.
It was only two summers ago I had vertigo and they were demanding that Antivert would work… but the pill only made me more dizzy. And through a past experience and knowing from within. I seeked to buy Amber colored polarized sun glasses that did the trick after five weeks of thinking it would never get any better.
With that said doctors in their minds they feel that cut, burn and poison will work and the only result full hearty seen is fuller cemeteries. I feel that conventional treatments without supplementation is barbaric. I would like to display alternatives that I feel will work. Ozone Therapies, Intravenous of Vitamin C or Mistle Toe, Laetrile Injections and consuming apricots seeds with 3000 mg of B17 per day are producing great results.
However this blog isn’t about treatments that may work.
This blog is about Mind Body within Spirit and How Mind Over Matter may indeed heal the body ?
What is truth? Everything is true and real. Every reality is valid. You choose which reality you tune into. There are some truths that are very far from this current reality (e.g. You being extremely strong or wealthy). You can identify that as a lie and not real (e.g. you actually not being wealthy nor strong now), but you can focus on it so much that you can actually experience it. This works also for extreme things like transforming into a different being with four arms. That would surely take a Jesus-like level, however possible.
Everything has room to exist; everything has room to be true. And when you have faith in what you believe, you start to elicit proofs of that new belief. You start to attract that reality into you. And it will come faster if you believe in it and have big positive emotions about it. When you know something, it is simply believing strongly. Because even what you know can become a belief and later something you don’t see as true anymore.
So don’t let that science’s knowledge stops you from achieving that which you truly believe to be real and true, because it is! It could be close to you or far from you, but it exist! Your mind is like an antenna, it tunes into different realities, like channels.
So to change the mind is to switch channel and not trying to manipulate the current reality. Think about it, feel it, smell it, taste it, dream it; the more the better. And very soon you will start seeing that as true and real! But it really depends on how relevant to your reality that other reality in which you want to tune into is.
Do follow your heart and believe in what you feel. If you feel it, if you feel good about it, then it is very true. Align yourself to what you want. Choose to experience that which excites you the most. Fear will only disconnect you from yourself; do not focus in fear, focus in your truths and follow that with all your heart. It will lead you to the right path, always. But when you resist, thinking you are doing it wrong, being afraid, minding what people would think, etc, you miss-align and start to suffer. You can chose to not suffer at any given moment by simply aligning with what is true for you.
So do follow yourself; do choose to experience that which benefit all as a whole and make us grow in love and peace. Do choose unconditional love to everyone. A truly wonderful world exist right here if you focus on it. Peace becomes true when you tune into peace by not judging wars, violence or murder. Judging will pull you back to that which you judge. That is the way the universe will make you see it as real, by always bringing you to the situations in which you can judge.
But when you focus on another truths, the universe will align you with these truths!!
It is this simple, it always was and will be! So what should I believe, if all truth are valid? I’ll show you one of many beautiful ways of seeing life, if you allow me. There is nothing that I cannot be, do or have. I am limitless; I am part of the universe and the universe is expressing itself through me. Thus, I do what I truly want to experience. I allow everyone to become what they want even if I do not prefer that, because I know that if I go against them I will be calling these situations into my reality. So I look at everyone with respect and in an unconditionally loving way. For I know that love brings me so much content and joy that I choose to embody love as much as possible.
What I do depicts what I believe, thus my actions are always an expression of what I am. If in any given moment I feel something isn’t as I prefer to, I do not blame myself. . . nor others, I just switch to a new preferred belief in which it brings joy/fun/love to everyone. I know that life is now (and not tomorrow nor yesterday) thus I am delighted with each breath I take. The sole concentration of how my body feels, fills me up with positive-high-vibrations which increase my awareness and quality of life.
The most important part of life is to enjoy it, thus I prefer to do that which brings the most joy, without looking at fear nor what others will think about me. For I know that fear is only a dis-connector of who I am and only brings dis-eases (illnesses) to my body. And I love my body and I take care of it as much as my mind is aware, for I know what I believe about my body will affect it. So I choose to believe positive things about the food I give my body.
I choose to think positive affirmations to strengthen, change or heal myself, or because I know that whatever I think, I manifest. I prefer to lead my life and not have my life lead me by fear, for I know that the only way out of fear is unconditional love (and not fighting against fear). I choose to not pay attention to negativity for I know that when I focus on it I am opening doors for it to come, thereby, I pick my thoughts very carefully and fuel them with the most beautiful emotions I am able to feel. I imagine and dream big, I know that this universe has it all, so there is room for everyone to have everything they want. I know I deserve all I want, and everyone too! ~Yahya Guzman
A breakdown in one part of health is a breakdown in ALL aspects of health.
Do you think having trouble with your back, or your immune system, or fatigue, does not also mean you have trouble with digestion and mineral assimilation and therefore the ability to strengthen your body as a whole? or indicate the breakdown of your body as a whole?
No part of your body works alone. A breakdown or need in one place of your health equation, is a breakdown or deficiency in MANY places. It’s just that the weakest link presented itself to you first, and when or if you ignore it. Your body is going to kick it up a notch until you can not ignore it anymore.
That’s why drugs and surgeries are so popular. Most people ignore their symptoms and continue to let them go and kick the can down the line until their body refuses to be ignored anymore and an emergency surgery seems to be the only option.
And maybe that’s true. But YOU HAD WARNING SIGNS THAT YOU IGNORED. That’s also a fact.
Fatigue is not an isolated problem. Headaches are not an isolated problem. Indigestion and burping and farting are not isolated problems. Cavities in your teeth are not isolated problems. Insomnia is not an isolated problem. A little numbness here or there is not an isolated problem. Breathing problems are not an isolated problem. An infection in your big toe is not an isolated problem. Dehydration is not an isolated problem. Diabetes is not an isolated problem. Swollen ankles are not an isolated problem. Seizures are not an isolated problem. Blood sugar crashes are not an isolated problem. With also chest pains, constipation, allergies… those are not isolated problems either.
It’s your body talking to you in the only way it knows how, and it can either tell you early or late. Don’t ignore it… So You decide !!!
From a naturopathic standpoint, cancer is a deficiency disease.
When there is mineral deficiency, organs and systems become weak and are therefore not functioning effectively or efficiently, and so the trash that is taken away and circulated out by the blood and lymph. . . gets stuck. These dead and dying cells gather in the organs of weakness and become what is known as “tumors.”
For instance, in the reproductive areas, the deficiencies would be calcium, iodine and manganese… and what medical people would call a metastasis, naturopathic thinking would say, this is the body beginning to increase its attempts to take out the trash.
Western medicine would cut it out and radiate it and ‘kill’ it – killing your immune system, in the process. But from naturopathic perspective, it’s already dead cells that need to get out. Regimented distilled water to carry it out, lemon water to scrub it away, and minerals and vitamins to increase the body’s energy intake and therefore performance.
The body knows what to do if you just give it what it needs.
This is why, when you cut it out of one place… it’ll show up in another. It’s a mineral deficiency, it’s a circulation issue. How many people do each of us know where it has come back again and again? They haven’t changed what brought it there.
To those with the BRCA gene, who cut off their breasts… will they not get breast cancer? Perhaps not, but if the conditions are right for ‘cancer’ it’ll still show up and it’ll be called something else.
Certain tumors also secrete tumor suppression factors. These keep the metastasis quiet for a period of time. Removing the primary tumor (in these cases) eliminates the suppression of metastasis and you get a big flare.
Its the body, as part of its immune system, has something called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) that keeps those outlying cells that have ‘spread’, at bay. The body knows where all of those cells are and is keeping watch on them to be destroyed as soon as it has the energy to do so. Your body knows where cancer has “spread” to even when medical science can’t see it.
But you’re right… when the tumor is removed surgically by medical doctors who are thinking they’re getting rid of the problem, the TNF balance is disrupted and the body is completely thrown off.
That’s why they do chemo or radiation on almost everyone. THE DRUGS take the place of the TNF. Because they don’t believe in your body’s ability to produce it. My mom’s own oncologist told me this.
I know for a fact that ozone (oxygen) therapy boosts your own body’s TNF production. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in Medicine twice for this information. ALSO Mineral deficiency means oxygen deficiency. And you must have oxygen to take out the cellular debris.
Read a little publication called, The Curse Causeless, Shall Not Come. Makes perfect sense to me. Not to mention, the need to cut out negativity and stress, best as possible.
Thank you for sharing this information. I don’t have cancer, but I have chronic illness for the past 24 years. i was also deprived of vitamins, minerals, and good nutrition as a child. I would say this that you have a good source of your vitamins and minerals.
Many brands out there have fillers. My naturopathic doctor gives me Thorne brand products. I get them at CBCC dispensary.
It is so upsetting to me.
Susan Fink
My chiropractors uncle went to Dr. Van Merkle in Dayton for a blood test he corrected his deficiencies through diet and supplementation and his cancer went into remission !!!