Fortunately, this website is more than just information about using cannabis:
U.S Drug Schedules
In the U.S., various drugs are placed into different schedules depending on the drug’s perceived acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential. There are 5 schedules. Schedule 5 drugs are considered to be low abuse and some are even sold over the counter in certain states.
As you climb the schedule the drugs begin to get more intense. Schedule 2 contains drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and fentanyl. Even these drugs are seen to have medical benefits.
Then there are the schedule 1 drugs. These drugs are considered to have no medical use and high levels of abuse. These drugs include cannabis, LSD, and heroin among others. That’s right, the U.S. Government classifies weed the same as heroin.
The statement created a firestorm of backlash, as the medical benefits and potentials of cannabis have been documented for years.
Now, people are learning that the government itself has acknowledged the medical value of cannabis, and long ago, even as its drug and law enforcement agencies continue to stand behind punitive criminalization for cannabis drug offenders more than a decade later.
Patenting Mother Nature
U.S. Patent 6630507 is specifically for a set of cannabinoid that were found to be “useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.”
National Cancer Institue
To add even more insult, in 2015 the National Cancer Institute released a statement on their website outlining several medical benefits of cannabis. Here are a few of the bullet points from the statement:
– The main active cannabinoid in Cannabis is delta-9-THC. Another cannabinoid is cannabidiol (CBD), which may relieve pain, lower inflammation, and will also decrease anxiety without causing the “high” of delta-9-THC.
– Cannabis and cannabinoids have been studied in the laboratory and the clinic for relief of pain, nausea and vomiting, anx
iety, and loss of appetite.
– Cannabis and cannabinoids may have benefits in treating the symptoms of cancer or the side effects of cancer therapies. There is growing interest in treating children for symptoms such as nausea…. with Cannabis and cannabinoids, although studies are limited.
– Cannabis has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory.
Let’s not forget the NCI is a government agency under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – the folks who own patent no. 6630507. So, why is it that our government can tout the healing powers of cannabis from the health department, we can’t make any headway in rescheduling the drug. The whole thing is just infuriating.
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds which exist in different quantities depending on the strain of marijuana. The two most prominent are CBD, cannabidiol, and THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that gets users “high.”
CBD especially has been found to be a potent medicine in treating neurological disorders like epilepsy, decreasing the frequency of seizures, and even treating traumatic brain injuries.
A Looming Patent War?
But the U.S. government isn’t the only one getting in on the game of patenting cannabis. In fact, just last year, US officials issued the first ever cannabis patent to breeders. That little snippet of cannabis history happened on August 4, 2015.
Patent 9,095,554 is a massive 145-page document that lays out a complex scientific analysis of a range of hybrid strains with high-THC ratios.
With the growing acceptance and legalization of medical and recreational cannabis, more breeders and growers are interesting in carving out their bit of intellectual property rights to hugely successful and innovative strains.
“It’s going to be a mess,” said Tim Blake, longtime grower and the activist who founded California’s annual Emerald Cup cannabis competition. Marijuana growers developing new varieties, he added, “are going to have to spend a lot of money on attorneys.”
Truth about Cancer: Cannabis
Meanwhile the colloquialism Down Younder in Australia!!!
Susannah Patch’s journey from Cancer to Wellness.
A LAKE Macquarie woman whose ‘‘aggressive’’ breast cancer spread to various parts of her body including her spine and lungs credits her remarkable recovery to cannabis oil. Awaba woman Susannah Patch, 44, is one of a growing number who have treated themselves using an underground network of cannabis oil suppliers. Although she had surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Ms. Patch says that most of her improvement has come since stopping chemotherapy against the advice of the cancer specialists and continuing with cannabis oil.
The state government is considering allowing the medical use of cannabis for pain relief, pending a clinical trial and a report on the findings…MORE (
There is still a long way to go, and more research is needed to determine the limits of cannabis extract medicine’s effectiveness as well as ways to maximize it. However, that’s not stopping some people from self-medicating. One woman, Susannah Patch, was also diagnosed in July 2011 with an invasive form of breast cancer. She was eventually pronounced terminal and began taking cannabis oil alongside chemotherapy. After a few months of the combination, she dropped the chemotherapy in favor of a cannabis-only treatment. After over six months, several metastatic areas had regressed or stayed stable, an impressive result for cancer that was pronounced terminal by her doctors.
Medical cannabis advocate Susannah Patch loses her life to breast cancer :'(
Unfortunately, Ms. Patch passed away on March 28, 2016. This was still far more time than she had been given, and in a world where new chemotherapy drugs are approved on the basis of extending life for a few additional months, it can still be said that cannabis offered real benefit. The article on her passing stated, “For what it’s worth, Susannah Patch believed that cannabis helped keep her cancer in remission for as long as it was. A friend said ‘it gave her hope’ in the face of a terminal prognosis in 2011.” Indeed, even when cannabis oil does not completely eliminate cancer, it often dramatically extends life and improves quality of life.
Join Dr Andrew Katalaris and Nikki Freeburn as they interview Susannah Patch and share her story from Cancer to Wellness using Cannabis Oil.
He has been arrested dozens of times and charged for a range of drug offenses, although the authorities seem to be leaving him alone, lately. Most people would say he sacrificed his career. He says that THIS IS HIS CAREER. Advancing the cause of medical cannabis. Saving lives. Helping families. He is a revolutionary, civilly disobedient; he felt that there was too much at stake to wait for the draconian drugs laws to change in Australia…too many children would die that could be saved if he stopped growing cannabis plants and making his oil.
In 2013, he obtained some CBD rich cannabis seeds from some colleagues in Spain and he started experimenting with the oil which successfully controlled epileptic seizures in children. He grows it in a secret location, behind a wardrobe, and he processes the oil in an ultra sonic cleaner. It takes 100 mg of plant material to produce 4mg of oil. He is a hero to dozens of families with children with epilepsy who had tried every other medical option before they tried cannabis oil. Because Dr. Kateralis was operating outside of the law, families were discovering this life saving treatment through word of mouth. Do you think Dr. Katelaris is a criminal or a hero for breaking the law?
Sources: September 30, 2015
Here’s is a video of Dr. Katelaris talking about his life’s passion: