–Sykosis is nothing more then a material manifestation of the collective minds and thoughts of many. I’ve known many cancer patients that have died in my life time by the cut, burn & poison procedure
No one individual can be held accountable. . .nor responsible for any of the actions Preformed by the user. All opinions, thoughts, statements and ideas expressed by this user. . . are nothing more then a mere coincidental, incoherent, incomprehensible, fictitious rambling and should be treated as such.–
This is a giant ~ international game of Wack A Mole
Even the best strains of weed are debated given the variables and conditions they are grown under: https://www.marijuanadoctors.com/conditions/
Lab test on Naphtha cannabis oil
Deals in Mineral Oil, White Oil, Xylene, Naphtha, Cellulose Ethers, Resins, Benzene, Paraffin Oil…
“If you live in the USA then you won’t be getting the right Naphtha, “The correct naphtha is NOT sold in the U.S.A. Not at Tractor Supply or Home Depot or Lowes or even Sherwin Williams. All naphtha made in the USA can not be trusted because of the loose regulation on ingredients in this type of solvent. You will never get pure naphtha in the USA, even the vm&p can be completely inconsistent from one bottle to the next and isn’t even advertised as pure.
In Canada they make pure naphtha and it is the best solvent to use compared to ISO or Grain alcohol, don’t make a huge mistake and waste meds or even worse make yourself or someone else even more sick by using the wrong solvent. Be warned the naphtha in the USA will even make an oil that looks completely as it should but will make you very sick.” ~ Chase Abanatha
— The fact that pure aliphatic naphtha does not seem to be sold in the USA does not mean that pure aliphatic naphtha with CAS number 64742-49-0 and a boiling point around 60-80°C does not exist or that it does not produce a better oil than most other solvents, when used properly.
But I would still not give up – light naphtha or similar solvents are used to extract oils from plants, so I would check with vegetable oil producers and see what they use.
Where I live in Europe, I can buy the solvent in practically every hardware or paint store, it is one of the most common technical liquids I remember from my childhood, we used it to degrease bicycle chains etc., practically everyone had a bottle of it at home.
So this whole neverending debate about solvents seems a bit ridiculous to me. When you use the right light naphtha, there is no solvent residue one would have to be concerned about, maybe a few ppm, just like in most cheap vegetable oils that are often produced with almost exactly the same solvent as what we recommend. JB
Methods: They differ per Country, so maybe have people write what works?
If you cannot get pure light naphtha, 99% or even better 99.9% isopropyl alcohol would be our second choice. So Why not use 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol to get your oil extract? It is anhydrous and will boil off easy in a crock pot, with a fan blowing across the top to keep the vapors down and bam you got Cannabis Hemp oil.
Can someone explain exactly why ISO is so toxic? I don’t ask this to be combative, it is because anything over 75% is unavailable for 1000 miles from here and can’t be shipped, except ISO which is 99%. The process itself, if done properly, should vaporize 99% or more of the ISO and decarbing should remove all but the smallest trace.
Furthermore, according wikipedia, ISO is far less toxic than methyl alcohol and it takes about 15g injested and untreated, to harm the average human and can be metabolized in small amounts. So I ask what is the harm considering it would be very difficult to get a toxic dose even if large quantities of RSO were ingested all at once.
I would like to say toxic compounds are used to extract legal cannabis ( food products) all the time … some examples are freon, propane, butane, hexane, isopropyl alcohol, peptane. None of these should be ingested or smoked. The consumer should be hyper aware but many are not. Ethanol is a non toxic solvent . . . . so is CO2, however, CO2 originates from petroleum refining (so it’s a petroleum product too). With toxicity and the environment in mind – only ethanol really makes sense to me as a scientist.
Ethanol is the solvent. It Extracts the components from the plant. The ethanol is boiled off. Most lab tests show undetectable levels. If people make a tincture of the cannabis oil, it is usually with olive or MCT oil, not alcohol. Also Ethanol extracted cannabis oil is full spectrum unlike a CO2 extraction. When you take cannabis oil, you are not consuming alcohol.
It’s actually supposed to be consumed with fats. Any kind of fat really, cause Cannabis is fat soluble, not water soluble. That said, some extracts, using high proof booze and other methods, don’t contain oil, so you would consume it with maybe toast with butter, or whatever. Coconut oil is a popular opinion, cause it works well. Fats also enhance the Cannabis oil absorption. Some edibles have this already in the recipes and it’s why they work well with Cannabis. Butter in Cookies, oil in brownies, that kind of thing. You can even make Cannabis infused cooking oils, wines, beers etc.
Preview Concentrate Basics: Shatter, Budder and Oil
Sorry friend. Rick Simpson is the “father” of the use of Cannabis for medicine in these times. I will not define my cannabis oil which I make myself any other way. Yes. I use a solvent and the Rick Simpson directions for making the medicine includes the technique for getting all the solvent out at the end of the process. I am in the process of killing cancer right now. I am using RSO that I made myself with a solvent. Loud and proud!
While he has used what we would think is toxic he suggested, using pure grain alcohol or even moonshine if you could get it. Everclear definitely works the best and wont hurt you and we should promote that and be happy and not speak badly of a guy who helped thousands of people and did it for free. If his oil was tested and the toxic stuff found in it and he hurt somebody with it then I could see it. I make mine from the video he made on YouTube.
I use Everclear because it works as an acceptable solvent and common sense told me that I would rather use grain alcohol. Rick Simpson is a pioneering or re pioneering cannabis advocate and to speak badly of him is petty and wrong. Just make it clear to use Everclear like he has suggested.
Has nothing to do with being P.C. and everything to do with choosing to not be ignorant. Calling something by the wrong title, knowing that there is a correct title is choosing to be ignorant and I believe that Is what is trying to be made the point here. It causes confusion amongst the group, and spreads misinformation (be it inadvertently) causing people who are not well versed in cannabinoid oils to seek out the wrong thing.
Its about the bigger picture people. One could look into RSO and see that the preferred method according to Rick Simpson is using naptha, which is indeed toxic, and not give Everclear a chance. . . . due to it not being the preferred method. It’s also about correct terminology and education of the different solvents than about being p.c.
Resource: Cannabis Oil Success Stories
“The Medicine Will Always Be There For Those Who Seek It”
“Take care of yourself. Do not let the winds of change blow away what is best in you, and time will serve you well. It can be all too easy to be swept up by the tide. Keep your powder dry and your vote in your back pocket, and you will be rewarded for your strength when we pass.” — Hiyo
Is acetone an acceptable substitute for naptha?
If you mean as non-polar solvent for the common teks, no, it is not. Acetone would pull more things than you want to pull.
How about just a standard paint thinner cause I know VM&P is basically paint thinner?
Natural Alternative Grain alcohol, Everclear, Spirytus vodka, https://organicalcohol.com/
Some people refuse Everclear because its made with GMO grain !!!
Learn more about alcohol’s effects on the body.
Dr. Andrew Katelaris is dedicated to helping those suffering from debilitating illness and disease utilizing healthy alternative plant based medicines. Studying the extraordinary benefits of phytonutrients and plant based therapies, Dr. Katelaris has documented many years of successful case studies and came up with:
Readers should seek their own professional medical and legal advice when considering these alternative treatments.
One popular supplement is called liposomal encapsulated vitamin C which is rather expensive commercially, but is comparatively cheap if made at home. The literature claims that taken orally, the efficacy of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C is comparable to IV administration. Of course it is also far more convenient. Proponents believe that it is the powerful action of the ultrasonic effect which changes the vitamin C from an expensive secretion, to one that largely bypasses the digestive system, so that it can be retained longer within the body’s tissues, to work its magic.
Preview How to make Deisha’s Oil
Sonicating Cannabis with MCT Oil!!!
Benefits of MCT Oil
MCT is Medium-chain triglyceride and it defined as medium or short length fatty acids with about twelve carbon atoms. The MCTs are quickly adsorbed and used by the body. Major sources of MCT oil include palm oil as well as coconut oil. The quick absorption and digestion of MCT oil leads to various health and physical benefits. https://www.cannabistech.com/articles/a-leap-forward-in-cannabinoid-extraction-with-ultrasonic-techniques/
1. Enhances the immune system
The MCT oil is quite beneficial for ensuring proper health of the immune system, including providing assistance to certain illnesses. The easy absorption of MCT oil assists to guard against inflammatory bowel diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. This oil kills all the microorganisms that invade the body and cause chronic inflammation of the intestines.
2. Diabetes
One of the vital benefits of MCT oil is that it balances out the levels of blood sugar. This is very useful for people with diabetes since it assists to sustain energy, which controls sugar levels. Aside from that, MCT oil promotes proper thyroid function through enhancing the metabolism. It is also used in the treatment of obesity, mal-absorption and cystic fibroids.
3. Boosts energy
MCT oil enhances a person’s energy without causing any of the side effects that other stimulants usually bring about. This is because this particular oil goes directly to the liver and thus provides instant energy without increasing the intake of food. This type of energy is great for bodybuilders and athletes which provides a significant calorie increase.
4. Increases endurance
MCT oil increases cellular energy and therefore it increases physical endurance as well. MCT oil can spare glucose and thus assists your glycogen stores to last longer, which delays fatigue.
Until your body adjusts to the use of MCT oil, it can cause uncomfortable stomach cramps. If you have a history of liver complications, then you are advised to steer away from MCT oil.
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What Is Decarboxylation, and Why Does Your Cannabis Need It?
All cannabinoids contained within the trichomes of raw cannabis flowers have an extra carboxyl ring or group (COOH) attached to their chain. For example, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is synthesized in prevalence within the trichome heads of freshly harvested cannabis flowers. In most regulated markets, cannabis distributed in dispensaries contains labels detailing the product’s cannabinoid contents.
THCA, in many cases, prevails as the highest cannabinoid present in items that have not been decarboxylated (e.g., cannabis flowers and concentrates). THCA has a number of known benefits when consumed, including having anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective qualities. But THCA is not intoxicating, and must be converted into THC through decarboxylation before any effects can be felt.
What Causes Decarboxylation?
What Is THCA and What Are the Benefits of This Cannabinoid?
The two main catalysts for decarboxylation to occur are heat and time. Drying and curing cannabis over time will cause a partial decarboxylation to occur. This is why cannabis flowers also test for a presence of small amounts of THC along with THCA. Smoking and vaporizing will instantaneously decarboxylate cannabinoids due to the extremely high temperatures present, making them instantly available for absorption through inhalation.
While decarboxylated cannabinoids in vapor form can be easily absorbed in our lungs, edibles require these cannabinoids present in what we consume in order for our bodies to absorb them throughout digestion. Heating cannabinoids at a lower temperature over time allows us to decarboxylate the cannabinoids while preserving the integrity of the material we use so that we may infuse it into what we consume.
At What Temperature Does Decarboxylation Occur?
The THCA in cannabis begins to decarboxylate at approximately 220 degrees Fahrenheit after around 30-45 minutes of exposure. Full decarboxylation may require more time to occur. Many people choose to decarboxylate their cannabis at slightly lower temperatures for a much longer period of time in attempts to preserve terpenes. Many mono and sesquiterpenes are volatile and will evaporate at higher temperatures, leaving potentially undesirable flavors and aromas behind. The integrity of both cannabinoids and terpenoids are compromised by using temperatures exceed 300 degrees F, which is why temperatures in the 200’s are recommended.
Heat and time can also cause other forms of cannabinoid degradation to occur. For an example, CBN (cannabinol) is formed through the degradation and oxidization of THC, a process that can occur alongside decarboxylation. CBN accounts for a much more sedative and less directly psychoactive experience.
How to Decarboxylate Cannabis at Home
In order to decarboxylate cannabis at home, all you need is some starting material, an oven set to 220-235 degrees F (depending on your location and oven model), some parchment paper, and a baking tray. Finely grind your cannabis until the material can be spread thin over parchment and placed on your baking sheet. Allow the cannabis to bake for 30-45 minutes, or longer if desired.
Cannabis can also be decarboxylated in a slow cooker by introducing solvents such as cooking oils or lecithin. These methods create infusions that can be used in a variety of cooking recipes, topicals, and even cannabis capsules. Since they contain decarboxylated cannabinoids, they will be effective any way you choose to consume them.
What Are Cannabis Flavonoids and What Do They Do?
hat Do They Do?https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-are-marijuana-flavonoids
How to Make Your Own Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil Capsules
Here is a little secret that science has recently discovered for the marijuana community: Eating fresh mangoes or even drinking a fresh mango smoothie one hour prior to ingesting cannabis oil will dramatically increase the euphoric feelings felt by marijuana and help medical marijuana patients to ease their pain even more so and bring out the cannabinoid .
This is because a chemical compound known as myrcene terpenes, which is most often used for fragrances, can be found within cannabis and marijuana as well as many other various plants such as lemon grass, hops, and of course mangoes. This is why these types of plants of such rare and unique types of odors and aromas. Once ingested the chemical compound, or myrcene terpenes, assists the psychoactive substance THC by allowing it to pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) at much faster speeds with much more efficiency. The time it takes for the THC to have an effect on the brain after inhalation is roughly seven seconds however, by eating a mango up to one hour prior to smoking the time it takes for THC to reach the brain and have an effect could be cut in half. As well as the length of the high and its time duration could be up to twice as long.
Individuals who have eaten a mango, digested it, and then ingest cannabis have noted that the euphoric feelings felt by marijuana are alarmingly much more intense. This is perfect for medical marijuana patients who would like an increased amount of pain relief. It is important to note the different speeds in metabolism for those who are attempting to try this experiment. This is because individuals who have faster metabolisms may need to ingest a bit more than those who do not have as fast of a metabolism as well as individuals with slower metabolisms may need to ingest a mango or mango smoothie up to an hour and a half prior to ingesting cannabis oil. This will help ensure that the myrcene terpenes found within mangoes have been properly digested and will have an effect.
What else is great about this interesting scientific fact is eating mangoes is another great way for the human body to receive additional amounts of vitamins and nutrition and it helps individuals avoid eating foods that are high in cholesterol or trans fats. Eating too many fatty foods when the ‘munchies’ occur can be harmful and even detrimental to an individual’s health. So be sure to stay healthy and to eat healthy whether smoking marijuana recreationally or medicinally.
. Check here for some more cannabis recipes. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/Cannabis-Blog
Green Tea is rich in catechins, and while they are not technically considered part of the cannabinoid family, they are what scientists call “cannabimimetic.”
That basically means they behave the same way cannabinoids do inside your body. A 2010 study found that green tea has an affinity for the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which will help clean and activate cannabinoid receptors. https://vimeo.com/111259664
Q: What is the endocannabinoid system (ECS)?
A: Discovered in the early ‘90s, The ECS is one of the most important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health.
The body actually contains numerous specialized cannabinoid receptors in the brain and other organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs, as well as in the immune and nervous systems. In addition, our bodies naturally produce cannabis-like compounds known as endocannabinoids. The cannabinoid receptors, along with our self-made endocannabinoids and the enzymes that regulate their production and degradation, collectively make up the ECS.
Endocannabinoids function as “messengers” that communicate via the cannabinoid receptors to regulate numerous physiological and mental processes including appetite, sensation to pain, mood, and memory. The system’s interconnectedness and regulation of so many crucial functions are believed responsible for its wide therapeutic potential.
The catechins in tea bind with receptors the same way cannabinoids from weed do.
As a result, tea has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective qualities—just like cannabis. Interestingly, cannabis isn’t the only plant that produces cannabinoids. There are a handful of plants other than cannabis that are high in healing cannabinoids. Many of them also have chemicals that behave exactly like cannabinoids.
Green tea leapfrogs & cannabis oil is an EXCELLENT combo. Plus, green tea brings you out of the drowsy weed comedown and gets rid of the eyelid drooping sleepiness, and then you just blaze again! Green tea it’s one of the healthiest things you can drink
Cannabinoids are transformation products what we have discovered so far only in cannabis. But further on we recognized they do not exist exclusively as Cannabinoids in Hemp. After we discovered those Cannabinoids and begin them to study, it was recognized that in the human body there are receptors for the Cannabinoids and so we discovered a part of our nervous system, and named it Endocannabinoid system.
The medicinal applications of CBD go way beyond pain relief. It has also been proven that cannabis and the CBD in hemp are highly effective in producing the neuroprotective effect. Not only does it offer the antioxidant capabilities, but the anti-inflammatory property of CBD is at least twice as strong as hydrocortisone, and as much as twenty times as compared to the effect of an over the counter pain reliever.
Soothes Muscle Pain, Stiffness, and Aches
Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis Pain
Provides Relief from Fibromyalgia & Nerve Pain
Relief from Chronic Pain
Tension Release
Decreases Cortisol
Increases Serotonin
Increases Dopamine
Provides Headache & Migraine Relief
Improves Sleep and Brain Function
Manages Anxiety, Depression, and other Mental Disorders
Alleviates PMS Symptoms
Settles Nausea and Upset Stomach
Eases Cancer Treatments
Relief from Chronic Skin Conditions
Fights Bacterial Skin Infections and Skin Cancers
Helps Heal Rashes and Burns
Replenishes and Revitalizes Skin
Eases Symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis
Great resources:
- CANCER (Breast)
- CANCER (Cervical)
- CANCER (Corolrectal)
- CANCER (Glioma/Brain/Head)
- CANCER (Leukemia)
- CANCER (Lung)
- CANCER (Lymphoma)
- CANCER (Melanoma)
- CANCER (Oral)
- CANCER (Pancreatic)
- CANCER (Prostate)
- CANCER (Risk, cannabis vs tobacco)
- CANCER (Skin)
- CANCER (Testicular)
- CANCER (Thyroid)
- CANCER (Various unnamed)
- CANNABICHROMENE (CBC) a natural cannabinoid
- CANNABIDIOL (CBD) a natural cannabinoid