And crucially, not waiting for someone else to fix it. The Age of Aquarius is about making the most of our freedom while bearing the responsibilities for our own lives, too.
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change.
I am changing the things I cannot accept.”
When you seek solitude and can’t find it in your own mind.
You are an infinite being with infinite possibilities and infinite potential: In the philosophy of anthroposophy (introduced by the philosopher, Rudolf Steiner, 1861-1925), both soul and spirit are defined and worked with, in the triumvirate of body, soul, and spirit. The human body has two aspects, a.) the physical substances such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, iron, and much more, ordered by b.) an astonishing divinely-inspired plan or design of the human body.
The middle realm is soul, whose workshop is relationship. The themes of soul are, in contrast to the spirit’s light and freedom, darkness, and constraint. The soul is where we wake up in the morning saying, “I am here, time for another day.” Whether in that first moment of the dawning day we say “it’s another terrible day with terrible people in it giving me a hard time” or “another opportunity to meet the challenges, to learn, to develop the heart, to enjoy this beautiful place”—that is the work of the soul. In the soul we have the tools of thinking (cognition), feeling (affection), and willing (doing, volition). We use those tools in our engagements with others through sacred relationship.
With so much in transition, what can you do to future-proof ourselves? ‘The person who’s adaptable and trained to work in a number of settings will survive changes best, as will those who take responsibility without being asked,’ says Shelley. ‘If there is any quality essential for this new age, it’s retaining a youthful inquisitiveness about work and life.’ Transformation may not be tidy, but it’s full of opportunities. Whether you are a tech-loving rational thinker, or a new age hippy, consider whether you want to close your mind to the new world,
When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.- so if you don’t like the world you are living in then change the pattern of it one thought at a time. We are fundamentally mirrors for each other. And in our relational agreements, we can learn how to serve each other in a more conscious and neutral manner, in order that our intimate relationships can be more valuable vessels for spiritual growth. Without this understanding, and the tools necessary to craft such a relationship, we will often see the love and commitment of couples turn to spite and resentment.
Elaine Cantin’s Ketogenic Remedy
Published on Aug 31, 2012
Elaine Cantin was diagnosed with breast cancer and within one week was rushed into have a surgical lumpectomy. Doctors wanted to immediately begin ‘aggressive’ radiation and chemotherapy and this idea frightened Elaine, as she had seen many family members and friends die. Elaine said, “I thought that if I had to go, I would not be going that way.” Within six months the tumor had regrown in the original spot to the size of a small egg.
Elaine did exte…nsive research and testing with the ketogentic diet used at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center. She modified the diet…. to exclude dairy and other allergens, and once on this modified version of the diet, her tumor shrunk to the size of a chickpea in only two weeks. A biopsy of the ‘tumor’ revealed cancer cells were no longer present.
Recently Elaine has been given a clean bill of health as she is considered in remission.
Preview Ketogenic Diet, Cancer Metabolism &
The Warburg Effect w/ Angela Poff

Elyn’s Potions and Motions
Hello I am Elyn Jacobs and I am about: Healing Cancer Naturally: Crystal Healing bracelets and Cancer, EFT Tapping and Cancer, Emotion Code and Cancer, Emotions and Cancer, Also Energy Healers, healing cancer naturally, Oil Pulling and Cancer, Psychotherapy and Cancer, Reiki and Cancer
In Cancer, Energy Healers, Healing Cancer Naturally on October 16, 2015 at 8:42 amWorking at my desk, I suddenly get the urge to feel under my arm—the lump. Distinct and concerning, Round two begins, September, 2014.
While my first instinct was to decline the biopsy, I decided that maybe I did need to know, that maybe it would help me to know how aggressive I needed to be in resolving the ‘situation’. Plus, without the biopsy, I am told, there was no way to know if this was a new cancer or recurrence (new cancer at stage one vs recurrence at stage three–but as it turns out, the biopsy was inconclusive) I was also inclined to decline the surgery, knowing this was not a good option (note to self—go with your gut in the future, it is smarter than the brain).
My surgeon agreed that opting out was a very good option. While it does seem like common sense that the removal of cancerous lymph nodes would improve survival rates, the evidence shows this is not the case and it causes far too much harm, further damaging an already sluggish lymphatic system—which can lead to lymphedema and more cancer. But then in further discussions, he said he could just remove that tiny spot, no need to put me to sleep, and that perhaps removal would help me sleep as I am the type of person who will remain awake, thinking, and thinking.
Lillian McDermott Radio Show Published on Apr 27, 2018
Through Our Dark Times

My father John David Olifent and mother Sheila June Olifent, both died with cancer in May and June 2008. During my parent’s illnesses and that of my uncle too, who later died with cancer, I witnessed some disturbing and seriously contradictory practices within conventional ‘standard of care’ cancer. I poured literally thousands of hours of research in and I amassed a large body of knowledge in traditional medical healthcare, alternative therapies, nutritional books, literature and various CD/DVD lectures and teaching.
The more knowledge I gained, the clearer the picture became as to what we in western society are doing to ourselves nutritionally and through our lifestyles. The information contained within our book ‘Do You Want to Know What we Did to Beat Cancer?’is inarguably the basis of what we chose to do when my wife was faced with cancer and was written off by the medical establishment in 2011. My wife Sue no longer has cancer following the significant nutritional and lifestyle changes that we put into practice.
Time For Change
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Hello, I am very concerned when I see and read daily posts of people suffering and dying of cancer. It is hard when it affects you personally as to watch your family members go through this very same tragedy, so many I cannot count by hand.
I remember almost six years ago today that I was told that I had breast cancer and the protocol they spoke to me about. I had to stop and think and say to myself there has got to be a better way to fix this issue. Through several hours of research by my husband and myself, we realized there are other options out there; however, they are not covered by insurance.
Per the insurance companies the options are experimental and are not proven. I bid them wrong, for there are studies out there regarding the type of treatments I have had, however, the FDA does not want to see them. To me the drugs and trials they are using are experimental and are affecting people with side effects.
Allison Kashon, from Longport, is all smiles before launching the Gilda’s Club Dragon Boat from the John Holland Boathouse in Ventnor City. Photo/Dave Griffin
Brings new life for survivors!!!
LONGPORT, N.J. (AP) – Two years ago, Allison Kashon tried to hit the gym three times a week. She rode her bike regularly and got her cardio in on treadmills and ellipticals.
All the stuff to keep a body healthy, she says.
But in December of 2013, the Longport resident had to look at her health in a whole new way.
She was diagnosed with stage1B triple negative breast cancer, and underwent a double mastectomy. Hardcore chemotherapy from March to mid-September left her body weak.
“I went in for my surgery, and after that I couldn’t lift my arms,” Kashon, 45, who went through a year of treatments, told The Press of Atlantic City ( ). “With the treatments, the doctors told me I would feel like I got hit by a truck. That’s a gross understatement,” she said. “I felt like I got hit by a freight train.”
Let’s Clear the Air

Question: “What does it mean to have mustard seed faith?”
Answer: Faith is so vital to the Christian life that Scripture tells us that, without it, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Yet our faith is such a powerful gift from God (Ephesians 2:8–9) Christ told His disciples, with just a tiny measure of it, the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains. So, what does it mean to have “mustard seed faith”?“Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move; Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:14–20).
Empower your Evolution with Consciousness
2017 will see the greatest happiness and celebration for us all! For everyone that has come through the darkness into the light in 2016!!! I promise you 2017 will see you triumph and reach your destiny and all your dreams unfold! 2016 has been the toughest for the greatest shining stars! Now is your time to be proud and see your hard work come into fruition

God is with us! Faith love and achieving our dreams! That’s what 2017 will shine on us! I am already sparkling

A week ago on November 21st. Darryl Anne Mooney checked back into Marinus Klinik for her follow up !!!
Christmas has arrived at the clinic
We live in a world that is so fast paced. There can be so much fear, worry and stress.
Love this! 
Loretta Wilkins

Hi Ken – everyone. As requested, and as is my mission, I’ll briefly summarize and share my journey. Prior to my cancer diagnosis I always had major Work and financial stress. They are still there. They are the only reason that it’s still there. That and I have been single for almost seven years and am a person who is happy in a relationship. I left a toxic relationship with the intention of being happy. To be clear – work, finance and loneliness are the only reasons my tumour is still there. It’s stays the same size and it hasn’t grown.
I am trying to start my business to earn enough to quit my job and move to a little cottage on a Peaceful lake in Ontario. In September, 2014 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Multifocal (two tumours that feel like one). Stage 2-3 due to the combined size (approximately 4 cm at their widest – combined). However, No metastasis. I had my first and last mammogram, CT scan, ultrasound and bone scan. I refused biopsy due to risk of metastasis. They were convinced it was malignant.
Faith, Life & The Journey

My name is Sabrina Gauer.
First and foremost, my life belongs to Jesus.
I started this blog in 2014 without a clear direction, but it has become a place of conversation, reflection, and spiritual insight. We were meant to do this together – and hope my words continue to inspire and encourage others in their faith, life, and journey.
I am a stage IV cancer survivor/thriver, health coach-in-training, co-founder of Going Rogue Collective (launching soon!), singer/songwriter/worship leader, traveler, creative freelancer…among many other things. Check out my music on Spotify! Peruse through my writing, and connect on social media.
Teresa’s Story

The following was posted by Teresa Levi on October 7, 2017:
So with the permission of Kathleen Blake and Teresa from the Gerson Support Group:
I Bring You Teresa’s Story.
Today is the expiration date given to me by my first oncologist 2 years ago. Since I have no intention of expiring, I thought I would share the good news with you all on this date in particular.
No More METs! No NED! (No Evidence of Disease)
You know this healing process has it’s ups and downs. With the last 3 weeks being down from dealing with the pre and post hurricane Irma mess and limitations from lack of electricity with difficulty following the Gerson therapy it’s nice to have the up side to it.
I Found My True Love!
I have spent a good 20 years of my life getting progressively sicker.
As a health- conscious individual, I always took care of myself by eating relatively well, exercising daily, and making a point of getting an annual physical the results of which I kept and analyzed.
I first noticed a problem due to my decreasing performance in athletic activities.
I played soccer in my teens and 20s and became a runner and biker in my 30s. Slowly over time, I noticed that I didn’t have the energy to maintain my preferred pace. I would run out of steam and just muscle my way through. I also started experiencing various aches and pains throughout my body, which I attributed to something I ate. At the age of 38, I decided to look at my blood work over time. That’s when I noticed that all my numbers were moving in a negative direction toward the low end of normal. Of course, my doctor didn’t think anything of it since I was still within the normal range, but I was worried.
When I became anemic, I pushed him to investigate further. I needed a long nap just to get through the evening and my aches and pains now extended to my sleep. I developed debilitating migraines and took Relpax for relief. Overall, I just did not feel right and knew something was wrong. I took iron pills for months, but there was no change in my blood work. Next my doctor recommended an iron infusion, but I went into anaphylactic shock.
Preview The Age of Aquarius: What it REALLY Means