Meet Minnesota Artist Bonnie Mohr.
Bonnie speaks about how she became an artist and her passion for art.
I AM: two of the most powerful words for what you put after them shapes your reality | Anonymous
Thoughts for today
♥️ Loving yourself isn’t Vanity
It is Sanity
The universe will take unbelievable care of you, if you will just allow it. It wants for you everything that you want for yourself. And it wants it just as much as you do. All you have to do is stop the resistance. And always know the cancer forums on the internet is where most people go 0nt0 to learn about others key experiences!!!
Steve Jobs dropped out of college so he could drop in to the classes that looked more interesting. Reed College offered the best calligraphy course in the country. In those classes Jobs learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, something with no practical application to his life at the time.
“But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college. . . the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them.
If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.”
I remember real well the day Steve Jobs Died: October 5, 2011, in Palo Alto, CA.
I was on the phone with a computer geek and shortly before he told me his charges for helping me to start a website would be $150 per hour he stated, did you hear that Steve Jobs passed away today. These words created more motivation for me as the man that also taught me how to How to live before you die | TED Talk was taken by this dreadful disease.
Like Steve Jobs I didn’t quit and began to discover?????????????????
Not once in Mr. Jobs’ famous Stanford commencement address did he tell the students that the previous four years was a complete waste of time. Instead he offered this advice: “Do what you love. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Successful people somehow already know what you truly want to become.” “These words inspire hope for people looking for a bright future. However living with pancreatic cancer. Jobs did fight, and go on, and do the things he wanted to do while living with this disease,” said Julie Fleshman, president and CEO of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, a Manhattan Beach, Calif. organization that advocates for pancreatic cancer research and patient and family support.
Still, “the fact someone with the kinds of resources that Steve Jobs had couldn’t fight this disease is a strong statement” about the disease’s deadliness. It should be noted that while there is a small chorus of high tech dropouts who suggest college is a waste of time, millions of other young people see the value of a college experience. Among them, Reed Jobs, Steve’s son. Reed attends Stanford with the stated intent of becoming an oncologist. Reed doesn’t seem to be misinterpreting his father’s advice.
I his guessing game: if Steve Jobs had suffered the more common form of pancreatic cancer, adenocarcinoma, chances are he would have died soon after his 2003 diagnosis. The median survival for untreated advanced pancreatic cancer is about 3 1/2 months; with some survivors living eight months, though some will live much longer nine, eleven and twelve year survivors. But as Jobs later revealed, he had an unusual form of pancreatic cancer known as a neuroendocrine tumor or islet cell carcinoma.
So if Steve Jobs would be alive today what would be his best bet.
Preview {LEARN ENGLISH} Steve Jobs: Stanford Commencement |
This information is from the
by westerja on Wed Dec 10, 2014 09:36 PM
I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer 1 year ago, 5 DEC 2013. I started chemo 17 DEC 2013. I have had 20 Rounds of chemo so far. My CA 19-9 has gone from 202,000 to 40 after 19 Rounds. I was told that I was terminal. My Doctor has never had a patient respond this well and I may achieve remission. You can read my story and follow my blog at I continue treatments to this day. Never give up hope!
In less than 2 months, my wife will be 2 years post diagnosis and 12 months post stopping all chemotherapy with no evidence of new or progressive metastatic disease and no tumor recurrence. Only treatment was Folfirinox from August 2011 to June 2012. He’s Currently working out at the local fitness center 5 days a week 3 hours per day doing cardiovascular, strength endurance and weight lift training and living life symptom free.
That’s the spirit Mary! Never give in, never give up. The mind and soul are powerful allies in the road to recovery. Your body will do as the mind/soul commands if you truly believe you will get better. Of course do the necessary medical things like surgery, chemo, anti-tumor supplements, fix your diet, etc., but if you deep down think you are going to live, you have a much better chance of living. So in the words of Red, “either get busy living or get busy dying.”
Drink at least 60 ounces of water the day of a two days following chemo. You want to flush it out ASAP. You get all the benifits immediatly, after that you get the bad stuff. Good advice on cleansing. Add foods like leafy greens that detox the liver. Alot of the yuk feeling after chemo is an overwhelmed liver.
Same here by Cancerkin on Thu May 23, 2013 12:29 PM …my dad diagnosed in July 2011 …had 6 cycles of chemo (gemcetabine and cisplatin)…..and den traceva for 3 months…no treatment since jan 2012… Only ayurvedic medicines and diet changes and healthy living….last scan in feb 2013 showed liver mets almost gone ( on diagnoses der wer many in both lobes as big as 4 Cms) …pancreatic tumour shrunk to 1.5* 0.8 cms ( 7* 5 Cms on diagnoses)…my dad leads a very active life…he has been working full tym after the first chemo cycle…he wud have his chemo at the day care…it wud take about 5 hours and den go to work…never lost any hair…and never had any side effects apart from a mouth ulcer during the last cycle…in fact chemo made him more active…now it’s been 1 and half years since stopping all conventional treatments….and we continue to live life normally…most days cancer is not even mentioned…cheers to life!!
One thing I feel is helping me is juicing. By juicing the nutrition is easily digested and I feel it helps maintain my weight and gives me strength to feel as normal as can be expected. I juice 4 pink lady apples in the morning with one half of beet. Afternoon, I juice one and a half of blueberries (immune system) and then at night 4 large carrots, handful of green lettuce, 3 oz of green beans, and three oz of Brussels sprouts. My juicer takes out the rinds and pulp.
I also take two tbls of bitter gourd/ melon a day. It helps use less insulin and studies show that it attacks and kills cancer cells. There are two types of bitter melon. One is long and strat like a cucumber. This one does not work as well as the bitter gourd originating from India that is shorter and had a very prickly type flesh. I can can get them fresh from an Indian market in Baton Rouge. Studies on this fruit have been done with positive results. Google bitter melon.
Debbie, their seems to be to types. One is like a cucumber and I did not find that one to very effective. The one I purchase and use is skinny on the ends and chubby in the middle. They are normally smaller in size. It has a very prickly type skin. If you google bitter melon there is a website that identifies the two different fruits. I believe the one I use is Indian and the cucumber type is from Asia/Japan. If there was a wat to attach a photo I would send it to you.
Also check Korean markets around you. and I know there are several Indian markets. they sell the indian bitter melon… it is very very bitter the way i mixed is 1 or 2 ounces of bitter melon juice (fresh, not cooked) with 1 lime, 1/2 lemon, salt, cayenne pinch, 1 recular cucumber, 1 or 2 garlic cloves, pinch of ginger fresh, 1/2 apple, blend or juice everything together. I would startwith 1 onz of bitter melon juice and then add up to 2.
There are two types of bitter melons, one the Chinese which is light green and more round and big then the Indian which is darker green in color, and uneven skin with small ‘picks’ just, remove the seed from inside and blend it with spring water. This one, the Indian, it is good for diabetics, lowers the sugar. I don’t know for what reason you want to take it. I didn’t read your previous message.
Phenolic acid, carotenoid composition, and antioxidant activity of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) at different maturation stages.
The website is pancratic / bitter melon. Studies you can also find by searching the web are studies by the univ of conn and maryland. I have been taking it since may. My current ca19 count is :48 down from 1100. This is also after 3 rounds / 8 sessions of abraxane / gemzar combo. I take 2 tBLS twice a day strait up. Bryan
You should see the videos.. about things you have in your home, like plastics etc.. can affect your cancer or possible cause it
NCI-National Cancer Institute. These are the facilities that will increase your potential for survivability. Studies have shown this. The University of Louisville is NOT one. I live in Louisville and was diagnosed in Feb. I was advised by more than one physician to, “Get out of town! Go to MD Anderson, Johns Hopkins, IU, Vanderbilt, but get out of Louisville.” Here is a link for all of the NCi facilities in the US.
Whipple versus Nanoknife?,61233,0.htm?mid=436045
I would agree with the advice to go to one of the NCI comprehensive cancer institutes. Dr. Robert Martin at University of Louisville is one of the few in the nation who is using IRE “nano knife” in an open surgery approach. My sister’s treatment has been thru Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fl. Dr. Gregory Springett medical oncologist, Dr. Sarah Hoffe radiation oncologist. After chemo and radiation, my sister’s tumor was still not surgically resectable in a traditional sense, thereby, the travel to Louisville for Dr. Martin’s modified Whipple surgery with the IRE. Treatment has been best when we’re engaged and seeking the best solutions for my sister, and it has not been all in one place. We made a trip to MD Anderson mid way thru first round of Fulfirinox and it was not a good fit. But, we were glad that we made the trip as it helped afirm the treatment options we were pursuing.
My sister, 42 at diagnosis, is closing in on 3 years of a similar diagnosis, although only 1-2 mets in the liver. 12 rounds of Fulfirinox, followed by high intensity stereotactic radiation, then the Nano knife. Dr. Springett at Moffitt in Tampa leads her medical oncology, Dr. Hoffe for radiology at Moffitt and Dr. Martin in Louisville for nano knife. Almost 2 years with no evidence of disease. Oct she’ll have a PET scan which she hasn’t had in awhile. There is hope. Get to a major cancer institute. I must say we had a 2nd opinion at MD Anderson and she chose not to follow their less aggressive advice. Read all of Phillip Jax’s posts here. His posts are a wealth of knowledge. If one chemo doesn’t work, try another. Hang in there. Let people help. It will be a wild ride for awhile. My sister talks to lots of folks thru Pan Can.
Hello! I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis. I would like to be able to bring you some Hope. I was diagnosis with inoperable adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer 4 years ago. I just had a Pet scan last month and they are not seeing any cancer. Hooray!!!!!
I went through 4 rounds of flofirinox, 25 rounds of radiation plus Gemzar, 6 rounds of Abraxane plus Gemzar, one more round of flofirinox and then a procedure called an I.R.E. Performed at the University of Louisiville, by Dr. Robert Martin.
I would highly recommend you seeing Dr. Martin, excellent doctor! Hopefully your husband can have the I.R.E done. In the short version, this procedure consist of them inserting probes into the tumor and then sending high volts of electricity into the tumor. This causes the pores of the tumor to open and then the tumor dies. I am alive because god gave me a miracle and somehow guided us to Dr. Martin. My journey was not easy, but now I am better than ever. My prayers are with you.
Hello TBreland, My tumor was to big the first time I went to see Dr. Martin, it was around 6cm. It needed to be 4cm or less. We went to see a dr. In TN, who put me on a lot some supplements, one, in which I feel may have helped shrink the tumor. He had me taking 5000mg of turmeric curcumin. It can upset your stomach, so you would need to take with food. Another one was selenium. I did have one more round of flofirinox, saw a faith healer and took these supplements and that is when my tumor shrank enough for Dr. Martin to perform the I.R.E. I did not have any liver mets. My tumor was tied up in the artery, so I was never a candidate for the Whipple. Curcumin is suppose to help reduce cancer cells. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, if you should need more information.
To who is interested in Nanokinfe, this is to share my personal experience with Nanoknife procedure. Google Dr. Robert Martin Louisville, Kentucky and you’ll get his contact info.
My wife was Stage III PC inoperable, we consulted Dr Watkins and Martin for Nanoknife surgery, but we chose Watkins because Stoney Brook Univ Med Ctr is close to our home. My wife had Nanoknife done by Dr. Watkins on April 30th. Originally he said the surgery will only last about 3-4 hours. But it took him 8 hours for the operation.
During the surgery, my wife had 2 unit blood transfusions due to severe blood loose.
After surgery, she developed severe infections and other complications like respiratory failure. She was unable to breath. Dr. Watkins had to re-open her again and they found the leaked bile in her quadrant. They had to re-wash her abdomen. After they finished the 2ndsurgery, wife was intubated at ICU for 1 week. Wife was hospitalized for 25 days. At the end, Dr. Watkins decided to send her for physical therapy because wife was unable to walk. So it basically took 3 months for my wife to get recovered to be able to walk by herself.
But then she developed DVT, and she had been on high dose of Blood Thinner. I requested the Surgical Report from Dr Watkins office and it said they accidentally made a hole and dropped it when attempting to remove her gallbladder, there was large amount of bile flew out to her quadrant which could be the cause of the infection. We planned to continue the Chemo after surgery but my wife was too weak to start and never had a chance to do Chemo.
About 4 months later, we did a CT scan at August, the scan showed her cancer has come back and spread to the liver. CT also showed the area of pancreatic tumor ablated by Nanoknife has enlarged. This is completely unexpected and we were so devastated! We called Dr Watkins and he said it’s not uncommon…Also, Dr. Waktins told me that he was unable to completely remove the stent in wife’s bile duct and part of it still left inside her bile duct close to her small intestine, but it should not affect anything and we shouldn’t worry about it.
However, by end of Oct, my wife has developed bile duct obstruction again, her bilirubin and ALP started shooting up. We wife’s stent was originally ERCPed by the surgeon at MSKCC, so we called them and had a CT again to see what’s going on. Her Dr at MSKCC said the stent is clapsed and clogged again. We asked if it can be replaced, but the surgeon said there is no way he can reach it since Nanoknife has completely changed wife’s biliary route (Double-bypass Grastric surgery)… We called Dr Watkins his opinion; he wanted us to send him the CT scan for review. We sent the CT images weeks ago and called him many times to follow up, but he never returned our call. What’s wrong with this guy??What did he do to my wife?? I felt very upset about this. They bascially cut you open , sewed you up and thru you out!?
So above is my wife’s Nanoknife journey, but I think everyone is individual and different, some had good experience and some had bad ones. We certainly didn’t have a good result with it. If just talking about Nanoknife, I think it’s a very unique and promising technic for medical industry such as surgery, however, put technology aside, the surgeon’s skills still plays the most important role in the surgery. You certainly want to have the most skillful surgeon operate on you and won’t risk your life in some unskillful people’s hands. This is not like you bought sth defect, you can ask for return! There is no return for a mistaken surgery. The problem is that there are not many top-notch surgeons using Nanokinfe especially for PC, that would make a few less experienced surgeon who utilizes Nanoknife as their only weapon more popular.
Being diagnosed has really made me a better listener to my body. As well as gave me a new prospective and appreciation to life. Keep looking for answers you’re comfortable with. You are clearly outside of the norm, and you need a doctor who is intellectually interested enough in what can be learned from your success to really analyze your situation. Good luck. Let us know what happens
This link shows how the Nano-Knife was used on me
Does anyone here have anything to share or information about the nanoknife IRE procedure for pancreatic cancer? My mom is 55 years old and was totally healthy and active before diagnosed with stage 3 locally advanced pancreatic cancer in June 2011.
Her cancer is inoperable because it has encased the artery. She did a round a 5-FU which her body did not tolerate well, then she did gemzar and targeted radiation and now she is just on gemzar. The radiation shrunk the tumor but not much and still not enough to operate.
I saw something on the news about this new procedure IRE/nanoknife and the news story made it sound great! It just happens to be at her hospital University of Maryland. I do not know why they never offered this to us but when I called the doctor from the news he went over her scans and set up a appointment leading us to believe things are promising.
I would appreciate ANY feedback on this . thank you !!!!
Tony Robbins – Your Mind Is The Key To Success
Thanks for watching this motivational video! I hope it inspires and motivates you to move forward to achieve more with your life.
For Pancreatic Cancer, first undertake Nanoknife (Irreversible Electroporation, IRE), then the Whipple Procedure.
For journal articles on IRE prospects see the publications list at the bottom of Although the publications describe intervention by Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), IRE may be expected to produce similar or better results. Thus A fine article on the workings of IRE:
Most IRE and RFA procedures are performed by interventional radiologists, not surgeons. It is better if you can find a surgical oncologist who utilizes the technology, because he will then be able to use it during open surgery as well, and he has better surgery perspectives. A related story is at Watkins’ profile is at
Do not waste your time on radiotherapy, such as Cyberknife. It is unlikely to gain any lasting benefit.
Much IRE work has been done at the following institutions:
- Baptist Health,Little Rock,AR: ;
- Valley Baptist,Harlingen,Texas 956-389-1854;
- University ofMiami,Sylvester Cancer Center,Florida,;
- PiedmontCancerCenter,Atlanta,GA, 404-425-7925,;
- Banner Health Good Samaritan,Phoenix,AZ, 602-839-2000
- Surgeon Kevin Watkins of Stony Brook Univesity,New York, is using IRE on pancreatic tumors. See
- Special consideration should be given to Robert Martin, MD, PhD, FACS at theUniversity of Louisville, 502-629-3355, who is an oncological surgeon.
- To Fred M Moeslein, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Diagnostic Radiology,University ofMaryland,School ofMedicine, who is an aggressive interventional radiologist.
- ToStephen B. Solomon, MD, Chief of the Interventional Radiology,MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCenter.
- ToSandeep Bagla,MD, CVIR Department,InovaAlexandriaHospital,Alexandria,Virginia, who is an interventional radiologist;
- ToSteven J Citron, MD, Radiology Associates of Atlanta, Atlanta,Georgia.
- The most IRE work on humans, though not Pancreatic, has been done by Dr Govindarajan Narayanan, Chief Vascular Interventional Radiology, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine.
Overall the best institution for Pancreatic Cancer care is MD AndersonCancerCenterinHouston,Texas, but it surprisingly does not utilize IRE as yet. Pancreatic Cancer will metastasize to the liver. Douglas B Evans, 713.794.4324, Fax: 713.745.4426, is the most skilled pancreatic oncological surgeon in the nation. Jeffrey Norton, of Stanford University, was the surgeon for Steve Jobs, and is known for the aggressiveness of his surgery (which is good).
And, Steven A Curley, MD, of MDACC is likely the best liver surgical oncologist in the nation. He is a developer of RFA techniques. RFA, as Dr Curley has recently shown, has a high cancer recurrence rate, which makes it surprising that MDACC has not acquired IRE (Nanoknife) equipment.
Do not hesitate to travel, thinking it inconvenient. Death is far more inconvenient. This cancer is a swiftly moving parade, one misstep, and one cannot go back to take a path forsaken earlier.
One final note: If you are accepted for therapy by an IRE practitioner, and he wishes to delay work to await the outcome of a previous procedure, do not wait. Have the IRE done immediately.