Metamorphosis A change in the form and often habits of an animal during normal development after the embryonic stage. Metamorphosis includes, in insects, and the transformation of a maggot into an adult fly, a caterpillar into a butterfly, and also in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog.
The new year is like an empty book of 365 pages. Make every day a masterpiece, use all the colors of life, listen to the sound of silence and smile always. While writing your future through the present. Write every day with the feelings and intentions of love that springs from the depths of your being.
<3 Happiness depends on the interior, not the circumstances
Rainbows are a universal symbol of pride, love, hope, and a brand new day and usually come out after a storm and sunshine prism meet head on.
We are in a crucial time for humanity, we live the now, the present, intensely in peace, love and unity, we are one! Miedo12 believes fear paralyzes and keep our real being outside…. a single path, a single vibration love, love, love! We must face our fears to go where we want to go, because the darkness is nothing but the hidden light! <3 Namaste
“Nothingness More than Infinite” is the name of his new mural and you can see the wild affinity MIEDO 12 has for the letter form – and where it comes from. “ It embodies the learning, the experiences, the life of the creator,” he says, “and all of this is necessary to generate the whisper of the clouds that originate the letters.” “Just like a drop of water is the origin of everything, here the spray is the one that, with its effluvium, originates the clouds of inspiration,” says MIEDO 12, is a famous graffiti writer from Valencia, Spain.
How should we love each other?
We’re still searching inside. And once we complete the acceptance, we begin to discover that love has it inside and that love is God.
That way and being on that vibration will come to our life the couple who are on the same frequency and that’s the one that’ll make you happy.
Love! Love unites while Fear divides. We are all one although some remain immersed in the dream of this matrix manipulated by fear and division.
Wake up! Love LIfe!
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
The Creator warned us of worshiping man made creations. If you see peace, then you shall seek truth, when you find truth you will find love, and love is the Lords Power.
If you understand our Heavenly Father then you will not be deceived dark origins of Hinduism.
Its one thing to practice the understanding of the spirit and to miss out of the human experience, but no degree of study will grand you to the promise land of home that which you came from. I know this will challenge your beliefs, but no teaching of a fallen angel is truth. #JustBelieve
In the Musicvideo by Robin Thicke I see Leighton Meester performing Somebody To Love. I see sexy Leighton, I also see a limo, there’s only one open question? I wonder if she regrets singing with him now!!! Her makeup is flawless! Leighton Meester in the back of a limo…You are walking a dangerous path ️
Namaste: Yo honro el lugar dentro de ti donde el Universo entero reside. Yo honro el lugar dentro de ti de amor y luz, de verdad, y paz. Yo honro el lugar dentro de ti donde cuando tú estás en ese punto tuyo, y yo estoy en ese punto mío, somos sólo Uno. . . . (from the Spanish to English version.)
I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides. I honor the place within you of love and light, of truth, and peace. I honor the place within you where when you are at that point of yours, and I am at that point of mine, we are only One!!
– Jessica Biscardi – Breast Cancer Survivor Stage IV
“THE INCURABLES” – Jessica Biscardi – Breast Cancer Survivor Stage IV A remarkable story of personal triumph! (DVD Veria TV Productions – 30 minutes) JESSICA BISCARDI’S story is a dramatic journey from Stage 4 cancer, being given less than three months to live, she never gave up hope and faith despite all of the constant pain, discomforts and disappointments, her whole world was interrupted and falling apart. The emotional impact and sorrow of a cancer diagnosis is never easy and especially difficult in her situation with everyone fearing for her life if she did not take the traditional cut, poison and burn approach. ” I wanted to take the challenge to beat the cancer with every bit of strength, knowledge and research.” Jessica knew in her heart to search for other remedies and options and this led to a greater insight into the alternative world of powerful and effective Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies responsible for her complete recovery by her tremendous Cancer Team and Doctors found through the Cancer Control Society. Jessica has survived against all odds and has completed an arduous journey! In addition to being a Hollywood Celebrity Print Agent, Documentary Film Producer and Red Carpet Correspondent, Jessica devotes her time and has a passion for helping and sharing with those facing cancer challenges and has been inspired to become certified as a Life Coach Practitioner. Jessica believes that “Cancer can be a scary word but not to those who will get in the trenches and fight, fight, fight and stay positive and affirm that you will get better, be informed, do as much research as you can, you are not alone.” What would you do if your doctor told you there was no cure for your illness? Three words: never give up. Follow the real-life inspiring stories of people who beat the odds, turning to alternative methods to heal from their chronic, often life-threatening illness. |

Preview Jessica – Dr. Bernardo’s Proof Breast Cancer can be beat!
Preview Jessica’s Story “The Incurables”