What Rosa feared the most was the swelling she experienced when she was doing any new type of cancer treatment including chemotherapy. With best explanation being: With any treatment initially the tumor swells do to inflammation and then starts to breakdown. Also when it starts to breakdown it can release toxins in your body which can cause fever and pain as the tumor decreased in size. Many doctors should prescribed allopurinol to alleviate lactic acid when it dies. . . . to eliminate the pain you feel.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
How important is shrinking tumors?
Inflammation is closely linked to cancer, and many anti-cancer agents are used to treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, chronic inflammation increases the risk for various cancers, indicating that eliminating inflammation may represent a valid strategy for cancer prevention and therapy.
This article explores the relationship between inflammation and cancer with an emphasis on epidemiological evidence, summarizes the current use of anti-inflammatory agents for cancer prevention and therapy, and describes the mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer effects of anti-inflammatory agents.
Since monotherapy is generally insufficient for treating cancer, the combined use of anti-inflammatory agents and conventional cancer therapy is also a focal point in discussion. In addition, we also briefly describe future directions that should be explored for anti-cancer anti-inflammatory agents.
In many cases, it is critical to the survival of a cancer patient to shrink their tumors. However in many other cases, it is not life-threatening to leave a tumor alone and concentrate on stopping the spread of cancer.
Modern medicine, with its firm grasp of the art of making huge amounts of profits, has totally brainwashed the public into thinking that the size of every tumor is important in a cancer treatment. In many cases shrinking the tumor is critical.
However, orthodox medicine frequently shrinks tumors which are irrelevant to the survival of the patient. Here is a quote by Dr. Philip Binzel, M.D.:
- “When a patient is found to have a tumor, the only thing the doctor discusses with that patient is what he intends to do about the tumor. If a patient with a tumor is receiving radiation or chemotherapy, the only question that is asked is, “How is the tumor doing?” No one ever asks how the patient is doing.
- In my medical training, I remember well seeing patients who were getting radiation and/or chemotherapy. The tumor would get smaller and smaller, however, patients would be getting sicker and sicker. At autopsy we would hear, “Isn’t that marvelous! The tumor is gone!” Yes, it was, but so was the patient. How many millions of times are we going to have to repeat these scenarios before we realize we are treating the wrong thing?
Preview How Does Cancer Occur In Human Body?

There is nothing in surgery that will prevent the spread of cancer.
There is nothing in radiation that will prevent the spread of the disease.
There is nothing in chemotherapy that will prevent the spread of the disease.
How do we know? Just look at the statistics. There is a statistic known as survival time. Survival time is defined as that interval of time between when the diagnosis of cancer is first made in a given patient and when that patient dies from his disease.
In the past 50 years, tremendous progress has been made in the early diagnosis of cancer. In that period of time, tremendous progress had been made in the surgical ability to remove tumors. Tremendous progress has been made in the use of radiation and chemotherapy in their ability to shrink or destroy tumors. But, the survival time of the cancer patient today is no greater than it was 50 years ago. What does this mean? It obviously means that we are treating the wrong thing.
Philip Binzel, M.D., Alive and Well, Chapter 14
While there are some alternative cancer treatments that do shrink tumors, and this article is about those products, the focus on alternative cancer treatments is generally on targeting and killing cancer cells, or reverting cancer cells into becoming normal cells. Shrinking tumors is generally secondary to alternative cancer treatments.
But again, in some cases the tumor is life-threatening.
For example, in some cases the tumor is pressing on a vital organ, causing pain, obstructing the flow of fluids, or for some other reason needs to be eliminated from the body. If the problem is life-threatening the solution is frequently solved with surgery because of the urgency of the situation.
It is important to understand that there is no alternative cancer treatment that is guaranteed to shrink tumors significantly in a short amount of time. Tumors are very complex and there is nothing that will work every time.
Not all alternative cancer treatments that shrink tumors are listed here, but the major treatments that have a history of shrinking tumors are listed here.
When the size of a tumor is critical, it can be assumed you do not want to swell the tumor any more than it has already swollen. Most alternative cancer treatments will cause a tumor to swell temporarily, then it may start to shrink.
Conventional Cures vs. Natural Cancer Cures
Conventional treatment for cancer is expensive. Expensive, because those that provide the resources for this sort of care know that it is human nature to spend anything just to make sure that our loved ones don’t die, even if it means mortgaging the house, spending the children’s college funds, spending all your savings etc.
And then along come alternative, natural cancer cures that cost virtually nothing, by comparison. The cancer industry goes into a spin. I also want to say, that if I were diagnosed with cancer, I would not opt for surgery, radiation or chemotherapy as a first resort. Unless it is an aggressive cancer proven after testing?
Preview YouTube video Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy

The problem with radiation is the more you are exposed to radiation the more chance you have of getting cancer. It is a fact that radiologists, years ago, had to wear lead jackets to protect themselves from the harmful rays.
Nowadays, they are given a small booth to screen themselves from the radiation taking place. The walls of the room used for this treatment are lined with lead to prevent the radiation from leaking.
With chemotherapy the side-effects can be horrendous from losing one’s hair, to feeling weak and nauseous, among other things.
What do we know about Cancer Today?
Preview Animated Introduction to Cancer Biology

Family History and Cancer
There are certain cancers that seem to “run in the family”. Some types of breast cancer and colon cancers seem to by typical of this. No one seems to know why, but perhaps it could be again diet related, as we often eat the same foods that we were given as a child. Just a thought.
Casein and Cancer
It is the casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein promotes all stages of the cancer process. Therefore, one should avoid all dairy products such as milk, cream, ice cream, butter, cheese.
Foci, are precursor clusters of cells that have the ability to become tumors. And although most foci do not become full-blown tumors, their presence is indicative of potential tumor development. It was found that there is a direct correlation between how much protein was eaten and foci cell development.
The more protein eaten, the more presence of foci cells. It has been found that prostrate cancer has been linked to a diet high in dairy. Those who have this sort of diet are twice to four times likely to get prostrate cancer than those who don’t.
Sugar and Cancer…. Sugar feeds cancer, it’s like throwing wood on a fire 
Sugar when it enters the bloodstream upsets the balance of the pH level of the blood. For us to be free of disease, we need to have a pH in our blood of 7.35 to 7.45 which is a fairly narrow range. When we eat certain foods, it can either make our blood more acidic or more alkaline. It is the foods that will make our blood more acidic that we have to watch, because it is in this environment that causes cancers to form. Sugar is one of cancer’s best feeders. https://www.oncologynutrition.org/erfc/healthy-nutrition-now/sugar-and-cancer/
In our bodies we often have the fungus candida albicans. It is this fungus that feeds on sugary foods. It is also this fungus, that an Italian oncologist, Dr. Tullio Simoncini has earmarked as the cause of cancer, and he says that cancer is nothing more than a fungus.
Cancer is a Fungus

The science on fasting is pretty exciting. DrNasha Winters discusses how simply fasting for 12 or more hours at night can reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.
Nutrition and Wellness #3 Extreme Blood and Urine Test Panel
Includes Complete Blood Count (CBC), Lipid Panel, Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP-14), Urinalysis with Complete Microscopic Examination, Iron w/TIBC, Vitamin D 25-hydroxy, Prealbumin, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B12, Folate (Folic Acid), Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C. https://www.walkinlab.com/
The importance of liver flushes
Another key issue with regards to shrinking tumors is that microbes and parasites inside the organs must be killed in order to strengthen the immune system to ensure the tumor will not return after it has been shrunk. The root cause of a weak immune system is microbes and parasites in the organs.
Killing these microbes and parasites is what a liver flush is designed to do.
Liver flushes should always be used with any natural cancer treatment.
See the Reference Manual and look for the heading: “#3) Kill microbes and/or parasites in the organs (e.g. liver, pancreas)”:
Reference Manual
For your Liver Milk Thistle and Glutathione!!!
Preview Remove Dead Cancer Cells |

People sometimes tell me that they were perfectly healthy until the cancer suddenly appeared. I point out that they were not really healthy. They had viral infections, toxic metals, parasites, infections in tooth sockets, radiation stress, bowel toxicity, chemical toxicity and possibly mold toxicity. There may have been a metabolic imbalance.
In other words, things that cause cancer. The things that have to go away so they can get well. http://www.royalrife.com/cance
What Is IGF-1?
IGF-1 stands for “insulin-like growth factor 1”, and as the name implies, it performs a similar sort of job as insulin. Most people know that insulin is related to blood glucose, and maybe that insulin helps the body move that glucose into different organs (such as the muscles or the fat).
We usually think of insulin being released in relation to a high-carbohydrate meal, but in reality both carbohydrates and protein are well-capable of raising insulin. IGF-1 release is more complicated, with multiple interactions with other hormones such as growth hormone, but ultimately it appears to be correlated with animal protein intake (particularly dairy) and also fat intake.
Since carbohydrates can increase insulin, and insulin can affect IGF-1, there is some correlation with carbohydrates, but overall it doesn’t appear to be as strong as the correlation between animal protein and fats. http://www.saragottfriedmd.com
What most people don’t realize is that insulin is actually our body’s #1 most important anabolic hormone! Briefly, we can divide our body’s metabolism into two camps: anabolic reactions, or reactions that build something, and catabolic reactions, or reactions that break something down. We need both of them, and depending on the context, both can be highly positive or incredibly damaging.
We can’t say that insulin or IGF-1 are completely good or completely bad–depending on the context, they can be extremely helpful or potentially harmful hormones.The growth factor, known as insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1, is necessary for proper growth in children, but studies of men and women more than 40 years old raise the possibility that it contributes to the growth of tumors. These studies were conducted at Channing Laboratory in Boston, a joint facility of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Also what has been learned is Methionine plays a role in many steps within the carcinogenic processes. Methionine is necessary for protein and RNA synthesis in all cells. Another role is as the substrate for S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe), which acts as an essential methyl donor for numerous molecules within cells, including methylation of DNA in the nucleus..Global hypomethylation (ie, reduced methylation that is genome-wide) is implicated in various cancers and results in chromosomal instability.Hypermethylation of promotor regions of tumor suppressor genes can effectively turn off the expression of those genes. These epigenetic changes of carcinogenesis are influenced by the microenvironment of the tumor, including the availability of methyl groups from the methionine/folate cycle..(This review will not include methionine’s role in carcinogenesis per se. Rather the effects of methionine, and its deprivation, on existing cancer are the scope of this review.)Methionine is needed for the production of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine), which are involved in cellular division and are found in higher concentration in tumors. Polyamines decrease apoptosis, increase proliferation, and are involved in tumorigenesis. Their inhibition has been proposed as a means of reducing cancer risk..Preliminary trials limiting polyamines (through diet and gut ecology manipulation) in men with metastatic prostate cancer suggest such deprivation may significantly delay cancer-related mortality. While hypothetical, methionine restriction is expected to result in less polyamine production intracellularly.A recent study of breast cancer cells found that methionine deprivation reduced growth of tumor-initiating cells (TICs) (ie, the stem cell niche). The authors propose since methionine is required for protein synthesis, its deprivation serves as a block to necessary anabolic processes. The authors conclude, “Our results may also explain the anti-cancer health benefits of caloric restriction, intermittent fasting and the vegetarian diet, by systemically reducing protein synthesis in TICs.”