Doris Parreno went to the doctor for a routine physical. On November, 2011, she had a mammogram and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Triple Positive, Estrogen Positive, High Grade, DCIS, Invasive, Aggressive Carcinoma. She was also prescribed a very heavy treatment which included Lumpectomy, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Herceptin and Tamoxifen for 5 years. She did get the lumpectomy. Side Note: is always important to test treatments and supplements so not to waste money for their effectiveness
The rest of the treatment was so scary considering it was referred to it as “preventive treatment”. Before her scheduled chemo date, she also did a lot of research as to various options but was hesitant to try anything else because she figured the hospitals know best. In the process of her research, she heard Suzanne Somers talk about ‘chemo sensitivity test’. Doris thought it made sense if she had to do chemo she better do that test. She did the test and discovered that the chemo that was going to be given had a very high chance of not working.
She had seen friends go through ‘chemotherapy’ that did not work; and it could have been recipe for disaster. So, she also asked her oncologist if she could have the chemo that was going to work based on the chemo sensitivity test. She told Doris. . they do not customize treatment for patients and what was offered is what she would have to take. The test also offered alternative therapies that were non toxic and seemed to work for the circulating tumor cells that Doris had. She had no choice but to go the alternative route. As soon as she started to follow that route she started to get better.
In one month her area of inflammation went down 75% and her numbers improved; so it was working and she didn’t have to compromise her immune system. She went on an intense program to fight the battle with cancer on intense IV therapy, supplements, needles, German acupuncture, Gerson Therapy and essential oils. Three years after her diagnosis, she can say that she is on her way to full healing. Doris now dedicates her time by telling others of this alternative route.
Are mistletoe extract injections the next big thing in cancer therapy?
In September 2008, Ivelisse Page, a 37-year-old mother of four, was diagnosed with colon cancer. Several weeks later, she had 15 inches of her colon and 28 lymph nodes removed. But in December of that same year, Page’s doctor, Luis Diaz, an associate professor of oncology in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, had to deliver the devastating news that the cancer had spread to her liver. He told her that she had just an 8 percent chance of surviving for more than two years.
Page had more surgery to remove 20 percent of her liver, but instead of undergoing conventional chemotherapy, she pondered the suggestion of another of her doctors, Peter Hinderberger of Baltimore’s Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center.
A specialist in using complementary therapies, Hinderberger had seen positive effects from injections of mistletoe extract. The liquid, derived from the poisonous, semi- parasitic mistletoe plant, has been a popular natural remedy in treating cancer in Europe for years, but Hinderberger is one of the few physicians nationwide who regularly use the therapy.
Page and Diaz had never heard of the treatment. Diaz, who is also the director of translational medicine at the Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics and Therapeutics at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, reviewed several European studies on the extract and some what reluctantly gave Page the green light. “I’m an oncologist who treats with chemotherapy and I’m really good at it—and here’s somebody who says not only do I not want chemotherapy, but I still want you to be my oncologist while I’m getting mistletoe,” Diaz says. “I reviewed the literature on mistletoe in other parts of the world and there is some acceptance of it. I was willing to work with her.”
The next time the doctor saw his patient, he was amazed. “The one thing I noticed was that as soon as she went on it, she started feeling better,” he recalls. “That’s a universal feature I’ve seen in all patients who get mistletoe. Their [color] improves; they have more energy.”
Page has been cancer-free since the operation on her liver and attributes her turnaround to a combination of surgery, diet and exercise, and the mistletoe. Now she’s made it her mission to bring the extract from its European manufacturers to the United States, where the Food and Drug Administration has yet to issue its stamp of approval. She knew Diaz could help establish the necessary clinical trials. “I told her that the trials would cost millions of dollars, which I thought would subdue her a bit, but it didn’t,” Diaz says.
“Instead, she went into overdrive.” Page and her husband, Jimmy, formed a nonprofit called Believe Big to connect cancer patients with doctors who use nonconventional therapies and also to raise funds for the three-stage clinical trials. Through many benefit dinners, fundraising walks, and donations, Believe Big has raised the $300,000 required for stage 1 testing, which could begin this summer. While Diaz says it’s not uncommon for a nonprofit to fund clinical work, it’s highly unusual for an individual to be the sole driving force.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins have been increasingly looking at naturally derived medicines to fight disease, Diaz notes. “Being at Hopkins rather than a private practice physician, my mission is to make things better, to improve treatments. I know that what we do for patients now isn’t what the finality will be once we get it figured out. I know that there needs to be new ideas.”
“Every new potential treatment, including natural products such as herbs, needs to be studied rigorously and go through all FDA-required testing before it can be given to a patient.”
“But I think people are becoming a little more open-minded. We don’t treat these natural products any differently than any other immunotherapy trial that we do. Every new potential treatment, including natural products such as herbs, needs to be studied rigorously and go through all FDA-required testing before it can be given to a patient.”
Diaz says that in Europe, clinical trials for mistletoe have produced “confusing and mixed” results. Some studies have demonstrated improvements in patients suffering from certain types of cancers, such as breast, colon, pancreatic, or melanoma, but other studies have shown the treatment to be ineffective in reducing tumor size or preventing the spread of the disease. Paller also says mistletoe’s primary benefit could lie in its ability to boost the immune system, as studies have revealed that it can help patients better withstand the side effects of chemotherapy. Mistletoe extract’s efficacy, safety, and dosage recommendations will all be thoroughly tested during the course of Hopkins’ multiyear study.
How Fiona healed leukemia, sarcoma and stage 4 cervical cancer!
In 1976, Fiona Shakeela Burns was diagnosed with leukemia and sarcoma at 11 years old, and was cured with Gerson Therapy.
31 years later, in 2007, she was diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer that had metastasized to her ovaries and brain. She refused conventional treatment and healed that too.
This interview was broken up into two sections to make them easier to watch and share:
her childhood cancer story (7 min) and her adult cancer story (36 min).
After surgery, Ivelisse began her prescribed protocol by her complementary and alternative doctor which included daily alternating injections of mistletoe and thymus, cimetidine, homeopathic remedies and additional supplements. Ivelisse beat the 8% survival rate of stage IV colon cancer and is completely cancer free today!
Preview MISTLETOE AND CANCER, a survivor’s tale.
Clive de Carle speaks Ivelisse Page