With over 50 + types of sarcoma’s and grades of those types. Sarcoma’s can be a tough cancer to precisely diagnose. So its important to know your type of sarcoma and the best options to decide upon. For these 3 sarcoma survivors they decided which option was best for themselves. So Through it all live by the motto: “Don’t wait to live,” and after your cancer diagnosis, make the most of her life.
“Once I’ve reached a state of total relaxation during a meditation, I begin visualizing Energy in the form of a glittering purple Light as it goes through every system in my body – cleansing, healing, and empowering my immune system.” Jeannie Ross
My blog this month talks about Color Meditation for Healing and Balancing.
I believe that meditation is a VITAL component in the healing process. https://cancercompass.com/
Guided Imagery for Cancer PatientsThe mind-body connection is a major factor in healing from cancer. Don’t underestimate its importance in your recovery! Also soon as you receive a cancer diagnosis, your mind becomes overwhelmed by scary thoughts that produce strong stress hormones. Cortisol and adrenaline pump through your veins and suppress the function of your immune system at the very time you need it most. Unless you learn how to turn off these stress hormones, you leave yourself vulnerable to the spread of disease. When I was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer, I knew I had to find a way to calm myself down and be able to breathe again.
In 2008, I was diagnosed with uterine leiomyosarcoma. I was told I had a 50% chance of living two years, and a 20% chance of living five years. That’s enough to scare anybody! Well, it has been almost six years now, and I am completely healthy with absolutely no recurrence of the disease. My doctor says, “Remarkable! You’re remarkable! You give me hope. Keep doing what you are doing.” Part of my healing protocol has been to do guided imagery and meditation every single day. I knew from the start … that my mind was the battlefront, because every part of our being, including our cells, sympathizes or responds to the positive and negative states of our minds. For this reason, when we are diagnosed with cancer, we must find a way to alleviate mental and emotional stress in order to allow our mind to be free to instruct the body to heal itself. Stress produces hormones that can sabotage your entire healing program by interfering with the function of your natural killer cells, the ones that identify cancer cells and mark them for destruction. Your body chemistry reacts dramatically to your thoughts and your emotions. You may experience trouble sleeping, feel sick to your stomach, have difficulty thinking clearly, and suffer debilitating fatigue. Many health problems, especially cancer, do not permanently clear up unless the mental aspect is also addressed. The mind-body connection is powerful, and just as surely as your mind can make your body sick, it can make your body well. Listening to a guided meditation can shut off the mental chatter in your mind, bringing you to a place of peace and tranquility. It has the ability to reach deep into your subconscious and change your body’s chemistry, stopping the release of stress hormones and lowering the level of cortisol in your blood. There are many nice recordings on the market – in fact, I own most of them – but I found that none of them had everything I was looking for in one place. So I decided to produce my own guided meditations beginning with the first one entitled De-Stress and Relax with Jeannie. .
De-Stress and Relax with Jeannie is specifically designed to turn off stress hormones and restore your sense of well-being. Whether you are newly diagnosed, or on a lifelong journey to stay in remission, this first CD (audio download) will be invaluable to your recovery. It will teach you also how to turn off the negative mental chatter. . . that is so detrimental to your healing, and focus on the present moment, which is the practice of mindfulness*. .
The soothing sounds of ocean waves and beautiful meditative music send a signal to your brain that it is time to relax and heal. This is your time now, a time to let go of stress, anxiety, worry, depression, anger, resentment or fear. The more often you listen, the faster your body will enter the state of total relaxation and inner stillness, thereby activating your immune system and releasing dysfunctional energy.
You will empower yourself by learning to use your mind as a formidable force to make you well.
De-Stress and Relax with Jeannie will help you:
Blessings and healing energy to you! ~ Jeannie Preview YouTube video De-Stress & Relax with Jeannie ![]() ![]() ![]() De-Stress & Relax with Jeannie
*According to a long-term, control-group study by the University of California at Davis, mindfulness has the ability to STOP the release of stress hormones and lower the level of cortisol in the blood (Saron).
Jeanie Traub: A Recipe to be Cancer-Free – The Christian …
Jeanie had always taken good care of herself. Then after a visit to her doctor, she heard the word she never wanted to hear again – cancer. She was given four to six months to live. “I got a call from the doctor. They told me I had leiomyosarcoma. Leiomyosarcoma is a bone, muscle, and soft tissue cancer, and mine was was stage 3 high grade leiomyosarcoma. http://www1.cbn.com/700club/jeanie-traub-recipe-be-cancer-free
Sarcoma Story – Maggie Cupit-Link
Type of Sarcoma: Ewings Sarcoma
Diagnosed: 2010
All of Rein in Sarcoma’s “Sarcoma Scholars” begin the year with a desire to learn more about sarcoma and teach others what they have learned. As a Ewing’s Sarcoma survivor, Maggie Cupit-Link was been able to convey her sarcoma journey uniquely as she served as a 2015-2016 Sarcoma Scholar at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine. She related her story first hand both at a Rein in Sarcoma donor dinner and directly to her Mayo Clinic Medical School classmates.
Diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma at the end of her freshman year of college, now a third-year Mayo Clinic School of Medicine student, thus Maggie was uprooted from her life and began a year-long journey filled with pain, fear, resentment and doubt as her care team at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital worked to treat her cancer.
It’s a journey that filled Maggie with a sometimes toxic combination of emotions and internal questions about what she’d done to deserve such a fate. “If there was a God,” she often wondered as she lay vomiting uncontrollably from the side effects of chemotherapy treatments, “how could he or she allow such suffering?” Not only to her, but to anyone. Finding an acceptable answer to that question — and coming to terms with it — wasn’t easy for Maggie, who spoke with passion of her sarcoma journey at the RIS Donor dinner from which this video was produced. Recently, however, Maggie detailed the physical, emotional, and spiritual ups and downs in a “Spirituality Grand Rounds” presentation at Mayo Clinic’s Rochester campus titled, “Why God? Suffering Through Cancer into Faith.”
For nearly 60 minutes, Maggie shared it all, sometimes in emotional detail. She talked about how as a freshman at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, she’d finally felt like she’d found a place where she belonged, and how cancer took all of that away. She talked about how her growing anger and resentment toward her own Catholic faith became so strong that her mother made her sit down with a chaplain. And how that chaplain, after listening to Maggie vent her frustrations, told her it was OK to feel that way. “Getting that kind of permission, especially from a preacher,” Maggie told those who gathered to hear her speak, “was liberating.”
It helped her to, over time, look for and find evidence of a higher spiritual power in increasingly complicated places. Like in her doctor at St. Jude, who “instead of building walls to protect himself, built relationships” and “allowed himself to get close to his patients.” And also in another member of her care team who brought in Christmas decorations from home when Maggie was unexpectedly hospitalized over the holidays. And in the other young patients at St. Jude who had become close friends and helped each other cope. Especially the young boy named Odie who, during what would end up being their last conversation together, told Maggie, “having cancer was worth it, because I got to meet you.”
Maggie ended her recent presentation by saying that for everything cancer has taken from her, it’s given her something much more valuable in return: With A renewed perspective on suffering and spirituality. “The implications of this are huge when I think about my future patients,” she said. “As caregivers, we are given opportunities not only to tend to patients’ medical needs, but also to tend to their spiritual needs. … Suffering from illness cannot quench the spirit, not when we as health care providers give ourselves in love to our patients.”
You can read more about Maggie’s cancer journey and how it’s helped shape her into the physician she ultimately wants to become in her book with the same title as her Rein in Sarcoma and Mayo Grand Rounds presentation. Click here for a PDF of the full Grand Rounds presentation. We here at Rein in Sarcoma look forward to watching how Maggie uses what she learned from her sarcoma experience to help other patients with all kinds of cancer as she pursues her career. We wish Maggie a long and healthy life of helping others.
A long term survivor of a uterine leiomyosarcoma discusses the strategies which played a part in her total recovery. She has remained cancer free since November 2008. This video was made about 5 years into her recovery (2013/14) and uploaded as she approaches 9 years free and clear. She continues to get check-ups and scans to confirm her cancer-free diagnosis.