The other 90% are on the internet to find a good laugh from the evils of our world today. What I have learned through this time. I think we humans are animals that deeply believe they aren’t animals.
As a result, they aren’t raised, educated, and trained correctly to prevent nasty behavior. What’s worse, they are expected not to act on their instincts, however, never taught how, because humans are apparently supposed to (through some miracle) be able to control their instincts. (Of course, they can’t).
Evil? Why bother with a word like that? We don’t call other animals evil, even when they do the same nasty things less well-adjusted humans do. Humans deserve a bit of understanding.
If they would give up the hubris and learn how to cope with their own instincts instead of pretending they aren’t there, perhaps things wouldn’t be so bad. However, that’s a cultural thing, and cultures can be difficult to shift — in any species.
I believe that our lives are meant for struggle against the life itself but I don’t get the point of a country or a group of people calling themselves great when the entire life, people linger around ignoring issues and opression faced by the others of their own race.
Our greatness lies in reflecting the best of human interests
is in our significant actions toward each other !!!
Whatever might be the achievement, whatever might be the level of their authority, if they do not prioritize ending the human suffering then nothing they offer is worth value.
Humanity in character has to be absolute
It is not situational nor a matter of choice
The point is:
Our sense of kindness and need for collective progress for all is what makes us Human. We have lost it. We have lost the core value on which current systems are based on. We live in an era of cowards. They fear losing kinship to people or losing a false public image matters more rather than combating some actual suffering. Our goals and our ideals are corrupted by the desires and the need to fuel one’s self-esteem.
People are insecured and aimless about their lives more than ever. Emotional crimes are ignored in the name of privacy. People’s sympathies towards just causes have vanished because they want to avoid involvement; hear nothing and see nothing. There’s so much wrong with this race that no extra-terrestrial species would contact us because that would lead to wars and destruction rather than productive exchanges. They would see it ! Yet we cannot.
“What is wrong with the human race?”
Life is violent. Everywhere you look in nature you are going to find violence. We are not any different, some of us apex predators. We would not be where we were without our capacity for violence.
In history we just finished this whole nurture v. Nature argument
The nature v. nurture argument is bullshit. For most things, it’s actually nature + nurture.
and where human evil comes from,
Evil is an element of human storytelling.
It is a word we use when telling stories that let the listener know whether to root for or against specific characters without having to understand their motivations.
It is a simplification, one that we should be very careful with. When you decide to label someone as evil, it becomes very easy to dehumanize them.
and we learned of all these atrocities which humans have commited,
History is full of them because humans are violent animals.
and Las Vegas just had that big shooting, and it just makes me wonder, why do you guys thing humans do evil things?
When you decide that something is an “evil thing” you’ve pretty much given up on a real understanding of their motivation.
That gets to the another point I’m trying to make.
Human Knowledge, Human Endeavors, Human Evolution and Human Society have hardly achieved anything on the cosmic scale.
We are a pop-listening, suit-wearing and speech-giving group of monkeys on a planet that we don’t completely understand.
- We have 10000+ diseases and disorders that cause millions of deaths,
- Colonization on moon has not been possible as of now. Mars is still far
- Law and order is still a joke around in various countries. Religious fanaticism is a cherry on that cake
- Vices like Corruption, Violence Discrimination, cheating and Human rights violation occur frequently and are well-established as a reality
- Our energy requirements are increasing day by day meanwhile depleting the million year old oil reserves. Best thing is, we have no other effective alternative that can really make a difference.
- Government propelled agendas towards specific goals only highlight their own territorial situation. The entire world is not their business
- We are confused about the creation of human beings. Science has no proof of god’s inexistence and religion has no proof of god’s existence. Either way one doesn’t agree with the other.
- Grave Poverty & frequent Unemployment has broken our total capacity for development
- Religious conflicts have instilled the intolerance and inter-community hatred
- Living spaces like cities and water bodies are getting polluted without any measures for its reversal
- Our children are taught wrong principles and their free growth is curbed
- Inability of the world leaders to unite and drive the fate of mankind as a whole. Because for politicians only their tenure matters.
- We have achieved nothing more than the ability to communicate effectively and control several aspects of the civilization.
Preview There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings

We are the blessing we need !
Because the general public is so absorbed tending to their own needs that they ignore the bigger picture and therefore allow evil to go on in the world.
If you haven’t noticed, zombies have grown in popularity in the last decade. The enigma and horror behind the walking dead seems to entrance many, proof being the wide range of video games and movies that center around zombies, or more specifically, a zombie apocalypse.
I am by no means a fan of zombies or anything in that genre, but nonetheless, here I am with a seemingly irrelevant post concerning zombies.
Having a Facebook group, I see and hear things that have to do with zombies almost every day, like offhand jokes about preparing for the apocalypse or advertisements for a new zombie series. After some time of getting acquainted with one of society’s many foolish obsessions, I began seeing uncanny similarities between this made up species and our own.
Zombies are seen as emotionless, brainless, and violent, characteristics today’s society tries to abhor. Unknowingly, humans possess much of the same characteristics. With all of our advanced technology, our senses have dulled, our eyes have dimmed, and our ignorance has grown.
Now at this point, I can just see many of you rolling your eyes, but believe me when I say this; humanity is dying.
I know what I’m talking about, I really do.
And, as we all know, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t expect that just because Google doesn’t scream ‘ZOMBIE!’ at you doesn’t make it not true.
I’ve lost relation with hundreds of people just due to the fact that I don’t own the latest game system or own the newest phone. Because I don’t want to be a zombie. What have they lost? Life. What have they won as we lose the human race?
A high score on a video game?
Today, all around the world, you are likely to see people glued to their smartphones walking mindlessly, similar to a zombie. Just as zombies crave flesh, we crave to be content. We want just the right body, just the right friends, just the right house, we want everything to be ‘just right’.
But, thinking a little bigger, no one seems to want the world to be ‘just right’.
As the media shoves social norms and expectations down our throat just as fast as society drapes us in a blanket of ignorance, we all think it’s quite fine to be a zombie.
There’s nothing wrong with us, we’ve always been like this and we aren’t getting (substantially) better. Our human nature is what it is.
Most people are social, kind, loving and lovable, but there will always be people who are not (luckily a very small minority).
You might have the impression we are ‘derailing’ as a species, but in fact, societies and people are becoming less violent over the years. Steven Pinker wrote and extremely interesting (though long and rather boring) book about this phenomenon: The Better Angels of our Nature.
That said, there will always be ‘freeriders’ i.e. psychopaths or sociopaths, taking advantage of other people and/or societies without contributing. But they will always be a minority, since populations existing of a majority of ‘freeriders’ won’t last. They will collapse.
So my point is that there’s nothing wrong and that our societies are even evolving to become less violent.
From a deistic worldview, in the Christian faith, it all began near the beginning of time. God put his first man Adam and his first woman Eve on Earth. They were tempted by the devil who told them to eat forbidden fruit (which was forbidden by God) from a tree. They gave in and thus, sin was brought to Earth. Sin is the equilavent of death, pain and destruction, so because they brought sin onto the earth, the rest came in.
From an atheistic worldview, it does not have much to do with evolution. In a lot of situations, the people are psychopathic or have some other mental disorder which could remove empathy or bring the urge to kill (which is why I think background checks for owning guns should be much, much stricter).
In other situations, people are born and raised thinking that, for example, in Islamic extremism, that “all infidels must die.” (For the record, Islam is a very peaceful religion, only a tiny percentage of believers possess those beliefs.) So, it is embedded into their mind from a very young age that killing people who don’t share their beliefs is right – and that’s exactly what they do.
Aside from killing, we are absolutely shitting all over our planet. From emitting colossal amounts of greenhouse gasses to collapsing ecosystems all over the world, we are on a path that is going to need a global revolution to reverse. At the current rate we are going, conditions on Earth may be so unstable that, within the next two centuries, another mass extinction will almost definitely occur, and it would be completely anthropogenic. There will not be one way to fix this, let me tell you. We are going to need multiple very well-planned and well-executed solutions to reverse even half of the damage we’ve caused.
. Some of these can potentially be:
- Relying on the sun for energy. The sun alone provides as much energy in 14 1/2 seconds as the entirety of humanity uses in a day. Harnessing more solar power can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Educating the world on what we are doing to it. Many poor countries are driving climate change through things such as slash-and-burn agriculture and deforestation, yet they’ve never received proper education on how detrimental those effects can be on our planet. Also, overconsumption of animals and natural resources from nature collapses ecosystems, but how many people in fisheries, for example, from poor/ generally uneducated countries do you think know that they are destroying our oceans?
- Obviously, reserving large sanctuaries for wildlife across the world. Though this is clear, one thing that we can do which may not be as obvious is creating large sanctuaries that cross multiple countries. Connecting sanctuaries throughout our land will allow animals to migrate as the seasons change without having to go through human civilization, risking death and capture.