While working at my desk, I suddenly get the urge to feel under my arm— Distinct and concerning I find the lump, I have my husband feel it too.
Working at my desk, I suddenly get the urge to feel under my arm—the lump. Distinct and concerning, I have my husband feel it too. Round two begins, September, 2014.
While my first instinct was to decline the biopsy, I decided that maybe I did need to know, that maybe it would help me to know how aggressive I needed to be in resolving the ‘situation’. Plus, without the biopsy, I am told, there was no way to know if this was a new cancer or recurrence (new cancer at stage one vs recurrence at stage three–but as it turns out, the biopsy was inconclusive). I was also inclined to decline the surgery, knowing this was not a good option (note to self—go with your gut in the future, it is smarter than the brain).
My surgeon agreed that opting out was a very good option. While it does seem like common sense that the removal of cancerous lymph nodes would improve survival rates, the evidence shows this is not the case and it causes far too much harm, further damaging an already sluggish lymphatic system—which can lead to lymphedema and more cancer. But then in further discussions, he said he could just remove that tiny spot, no need to put me to sleep, and that perhaps removal would help me sleep as I am the type of person who will remain awake, thinking, and thinking.
As a family, we had much on our plate, so heading off to Germany or Mexico right then didn’t seem to be the best option (albeit a good one); we considered holding off until February when the timing was better. Then for some bizarre reason (okay, I started to doubt my healing plan). I decided I would have the surgery (big mistake).
To make a long story short, in November my surgeon removed ten nodes (note to all, never trust a surgeon, even a really good one!); five had cancer. Plus, I didn’t get much useful information from the pathology report, only that I was now stage three.
My well-meaning oncologist recommended chemo; my well-intentioned radiologist recommended radiation. I declined both.
Come January, I went for a follow-up sonogram, expecting to get the all-clear. Unfortunately, the radiologist found two more suspicious nodes nearby the excision. I declined the biopsy. I continued with my protocol and retested in April. The two nodes remained suspicious, but had not grown; an additional one was found. I declined the biopsy.
October 2015
Woo hoo! Sonogram shows that all nodes in the armpit are now clear! It seems my protocol is working.
I am incredibly grateful to all of my doctors and healers who while might not always agree with my choices, understand and support them. I will cherish the look on my radiologist’s face when she said, “Elyn, I was worried as you declined all recommendations, however, whatever you are doing, keep doing it, it’s amazing!”
Elyn’s Motions and Potions
The Motions
For the 7 years since my original diagnosis I researched everything about cancer—why it develops and how to reduce risk. I juiced and ate to beat cancer. Under the guidance of my oncologist, I took copious amounts of targeted supplements.
My oncologist also said I needed to reduce my stress—he said my life would depend on it. He said likely something happened to me when I was five years old that was driving my cancer. When I went for some coaching training, I learned even more about how powerful the mind is, including the damage past emotional traumas can inflict on the body. At the time I couldn’t get myself to meditate or do yoga (which for the most part does not agree with my body), but I forgave all that have caused me stress and trauma. Little did I know that my subconscious was not onboard, that forgiveness only goes so far.
Needless to say, in September 2014, it all changed. I now fully realized that the root cause of my cancer was indeed emotional and I needed help.
Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German physician and scientist, has studied and written much on how unresolved psycho-emotional trauma causes cancer. He also believes that cancer occurs when the individual suppresses for long periods toxic negative emotions (primarily anger, hate, resentment and grief).
This creates cell changes within the body leading to cancer. Other researchers have come up with similar theories supporting the idea that past traumas, including those of our ancestors, affect gene expression just like environmental factors, and also leaves molecular scars leading to cancer.
I wish I had known that beyond the field of white coats, is a world of healers, who for centuries before modern medicine, the true healers—people who can heal these scars.
The Power of Healers
That September, I met a Ki-Energy Healer at a conference. He told me I was absorbing too much negative energy from others and that he could heal me of the cancer. I liked him, but he was only available locally one day a week; healing required three. I met another healer, he said the same thing. I had so much confidence in Ki healing, and after each session, the lump would shrink; but then the darn thing kept growing back. I lost confidence, however, perhaps I should have stuck with it. Thinking back, I knew I could not manage the travel, so perhaps that was not meant to be my plan.
I also tried BioEnergetic Healing with Zev Koleman. I found this fascinating, but I did not notice a change. I did some EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) with Dr Thelma Jones, and found that very helpful in removing cancer-causing emotions. I worked with a psychotherapist, Dr Peter Resnik, for many months as we chopped through toxic emotions and through visualization and dream-analysis, worked on healing.
I practiced yoga with my friend and yoga instructor Yuliana Kim Grant,who also turned me on to Yoga Nidra (a form of meditation and guided relaxation).
Sometimes we have to try many healing modalities before we find the right one for us. I credit all of these amazing people for contributions made to my wellness and will keep up with the techniques I learned.
When I tried Reiki, it was love at first touch. My Reiki Master, Brian Brunius, is nothing short of amazing. My stress melted away as I melted into the table. I also stumbled across Holly Hallowell, another great healer who with her Emotion Code and Anahata expertise, helped me to remove ties to emotional traumas that were contributing to pain, and likely my cancer as well. (Anahata Codes are assisting frequencies which add the perfect blend of vibrations needed to unblock, release and elevate energy to a place of perfection.)
I also came across April Fontana (note to all, nothing happens by chance—always for a reason). April is an amazing clairvoyant psychic healer (The Oracle Method), and she has fixed my mind, body and soul. She has cleared my mind so I can think, opened my crown so I can sleep, and fixed so many physical issues I can’t count them all—but for example, this summer when I struggled with bouts of intense stomach pain and could not eat for weeks at a time, and my doctors could not find reason nor remedy, April repaired my raw stomach; problem solved.
April also recommended I wear crystal bracelets to protect myself from negative energy, radiation from technical devices and more. While all of my ‘motions’ were very helpful and clearly played a role in my healing, I knew I had to narrow down my team of healers. Brian, Holly and April are clearly my ‘A’ team–I don’t know what I would do without them.
Here’s the recap of the Motions that helped me heal: (Stay tuned for Part II, Potions)
- Energy Healing (The Oracle Method, Emotion Code,Ki, and BioEnergetic)
- Reiki
- Psychotherapy, visualization
- Rebounding
- EFT tapping
- Crystal healing bracelets
- Oil pulling to remove oral toxins and bacteria
- Yoga, meditation
- Frankincense oil, applied to my armpit and on the souls of my feet (more about this in Potions as I firmly believe this made a huge difference in my healing)
- Making Elyn a priority, spending more time with friends, and having more fun!
Remember, something works for everyone, but everything does not work for everyone…. I share with you my story to give you confidence that there are many ways to heal from cancer–and to heal the reasons for that cancer.
I am incredibly grateful to all of my doctors and healers who while might not always agree with my choices, understand and support them. I will forever cherish the look on my radiologist’s face when she said, “Elyn, I was worried as you declined all recommendations, but whatever you are doing, keep doing it, it’s amazing!”
What do I do now? I will never let my guard down; I will continue with my protocol for the rest of life, likely with a few tweaks along the way. I know I still have much to do, but I will have more fun; I will also laugh more and wear bright clothing (as suggested by team member Dr Resnik). I have forgiven myself (and my surgeon) for the choices made. I will continue to nourish my soul and not allow others to interfere with my happiness. I will never forget the importance of having a “Plan B”.
While I hope I never need it,
I know that it is important to have that in my pocket.
Life is good.
For more information about healers, including links to mine, please visit Alternative and Complementary Therapies
For Part II, read The Potions Behind the Motions: Healing Elyn