Autumn Magic

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The landscape shows many clear features of glaciation which is the forming, existence      or movement of glaciers over the surface of the earth.

I found this article about the goiter belt to be quite interesting—what it is and what causes it.

The medical world has known about this belt for over 50 years,  and they have attributed it to low  iodine content in the soil. A lack of iodine in the diet causes low thyroid and goiter, which is simply swelling the thyroid gland.

The problem with this old hypothesis about the connection between iodine and goiter        is that the United States has required for years … that all salt in the Great Lakes Region contain supplemental iodine, yet the incidences of low thyroid across the US … have not dropped as significantly as expected. Hypothyroidism is still a prevalent problem across the entire US and not only in the goiter belt. There must be some or many other factors contributing to this problem.


Researchers most recently blame two things for the hypothyroidism epidemic: chemicals/toxins in the water and soil and low content of other essential minerals like selenium in our soil.Over the years, we’ve either released (through mining and other practices harmful to the earth) or disposed of harmful chemicals into our soil and water. Coal-mining produces dihydroxybenoic acids that lower thyroid function. Any water and soil in areas of the US near coal mines probably contains these toxins (Stephen E. Langer, Solved the Riddle of Illness).
The CDC has done studies showing that perchlorate, a toxin from (of all things) rocket fuel is showing up in the soil of California primarily in higher than safe concentrations. This toxin actually damages the thyroid. Fire-repellant/retardant causes thyroid problems in cats, and probably in humans as well although I haven’t found a study to support it. In the end, it’s really hard to diagnose what is causing the thyroid problems because it could be any number of chemicals from any number of sources. Sometimes, it’s simply necessary to take medication to counteract the effects of these and other unknown toxins.
The second blaming factor for hypothyroidism in the US is the lack of other essential minerals and vitamins in our soil and our diets that make it impossible for our bodies to convert T4 into T3 and other usable forms of thyroid hormone. Dr. David Brownstein     gives a short list of these in his book Overcoming Thyroid Disorders: some of the lacking minerals and vitamins are iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12.
As much as the FDA doesn’t like the idea of people using vitamin supplements, in some regions of the country, it may be necessary to make up for soil depletion.
If you’d read Dr. Brownstein’s book on iodine you will find information on how many of the thyroid damaging chemicals we have surrounded ourselves with are ones that contain bromides (flame retardants for instance), fluorides and chlorides which compete for iodine receptors. In other words, they make us more iodine deficient.
I wish there was an easy way to find out which vitamins and minerals your soil is lacking, but I don’t think there is. It might be best just to supplement, but look up the problems associated with taking too much of any one of these vitamins/minerals and notice if you start having any of those symptoms.
Remember, taking too much of any vitamin or mineral is as bad as not having enough. Too much iodine can actually cause thyroiditis. How close a correlation is there between the identified area know as the goiter belt and the limit of the last era of glaciation? Could it be that the glaciers had some thing to do with the level of minerals in the soil?

Also, why does the map shown not include the areas of Canada that also lie within the affected zone? I was always told that the lack of iodine in the diet was highest around the Great Lakes and that the cause was due to a dependence on fresh water fish in the diet which have little or no iodine as opposed to sea water fish that contain iodine.

 “Why do we need iodine in our food intake” you ask? Iodine is the ingredient that activates the thyroid and makes it work. Your thyroid can malfunction by being hyper active or hypoactive. Under, or over active. Either of these is bad. There are many visible cues that tell us that a thyroid is malfunctioning. Doctors tend to notice it more in men than in women, in part because when they see the symptoms and then take blood tests to measure, the blood tests are normed entirely for men and not for women.

So a woman’s score will be the same as if she is a man. This leads to many problems because women tend to store iodine in their breast tissue. The breast are intense receptor sites for iodine and it tends to go to them and not to the rest of the body. Therefore the thyroid does not get enough, for many women, even if they are taking supplements or eating iodine enriched foods.

There are also issues with the “chemistry set” manipulations of whole health thinking.

We add fluoride and chlorine to our water for health reasons.   These are important considerations,  but these ingredients will counteract the iodine supplements that people obtain to make their thyroids work properly. It is complex and needs to be discussed with your physician. Listen to our podcast to get some information you may need and then see if you need to talk to your own doctor about your thyroid.

At what age do women usually start developing breast cancer….?

I went to the American cancer societies web page Cancer Facts & Figures 2017 and you can see cancer rates by state  and site of cancer.

Breast cancer in Ohio
incident – 129.9 per 100,000 women
Mortality – 27.8 per 100,000 women

Incident – 111.9
Mortality – 24.8

Most alarming, the state of Ohio ranks 4th in the nation in breast cancer mortality, with a rate of 24.8 per 100,000 individuals, but both the state and local rates are higher than the national average of 22.6.

Cancer comes in many different forms – with different problems accompanying each!

We have spent over 30 years searching for natural answers that can help cancer, or a particular types of cancer.  Medical has also looked for a magic bullet that will help all cancers.  Alas, so far that hasn’t happened.

That is, of course, until we found Dr. Li’s research that inspired our blend of extracts, enzymes and nutrients in our AngioGenesis Factor supplement.  It has been designed to fight ALL types of tumors by helping the body dissolve the blood vessels that feeds the cancer tumors.  We have been extremely happy with it and you can also read about it in   Cancer Protocol.

However, the topic of this article is the role of Iodine in the fight against some specific cancers.

Take Iodine for Breast, Prostate or Thyroid Cancer!

(If not, you may be missing a very helpful and very inexpensive aid.)

We like to base recommendations on clinical studies.  In this case, the evidence is not direct proof – but there is a substantial amount of indirect evidence for taking iodine to fight these cancers.

It does makes sense.  Iodine is an essential trace element. Since the body cannot make elements, we must get iodine from food and drinking water.  The ocean, of course, is the largest source because a lot of iodine has been leached out of the land into the ocean.  In fact, even land far removed from the oceans can have low iodine levels (such as the “goiter belt” in the U.S. Midwest).

This geographical association of the prevalence of goiters and reproductive cancer problems was addressed a long time ago by adding iodine to table salt.  This is especially true regarding one of the most serious forms of cancer there is – thyroid cancer!

If you’re over 60 years old, you might be interested to know that autopsy studies have shown that up to 100% of men and women over 60 have thyroid cancer!  Fortunately,   the overwhelming majority of these cancers are benign.  They rarely cause a problem     and are often only accidentally discovered.

One reason is that thyroid cancer comes in several different forms. The most common    and least dangerous form is papillary carcinoma.  The potentially dangerous forms are the follicular and the anaplastic carcinomas.

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What We Know About Iodine and Thyroid Cancer

One review article says this about the most dangerous forms of thyroid cancer (follicular and the anaplastic carcinomas):

“Circumstances and conditions which cause iodine deficiency, through suboptimal  intake in water and food… have been associated to increased risk of thyroid cancer, most notably follicular and anaplastic carcinomas…. At least in some countries (Switzerland), a favorable impact of the introduction of iodized salt on mortality from thyroid cancer has been reported.”

In another paper, the author states,

“Animal experiments have demonstrated a clear increase in incidence of thyroid epithelial cell carcinomas after prolonged iodine deficiency …. However,  the overall incidence of differentiated thyroid carcinoma is generally not considered to be influenced by the iodine intake of a population, whereas the distribution of the types of thyroid carcinoma seems to be related to the intake of iodine, with fewer of the more aggressive follicular and anaplastic carcinomas and more papillary carcinomas in iodine rich areas.”

Studies show iodine does what lutein, zeaxanthin and beta carotene cannot do. This is implying that taking more iodine,  not so much in prevent the benign forms of thyroid cancer, but in possibly helping prevent the aggressive, dangerous forms!

Since all of us over 60 already have thyroid cancer, all we need to really be concerned about is whether or not the cancer we have is the aggressive kind or not.

Here is How it Works

   Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, enzymes and is involved in numerous biochemical pathways. Insufficient iodine intake can cause abnormal neuronal development, mental retardation, congenital abnormalities, spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, congenital hypothyroidism, infertility, goiter, and as well appears to increase the risk of thyroid, breast, prostate, and gastric cancer.  

   For example, after the Chernobyl disaster, thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine was enhanced by an iodine deficiency.  Now, large doses of potassium iodide are considered the best protection for the thyroid in the event of exposure to radioactive iodine. Some individuals living downwind from nuclear power stations actually keep a bottle of high-dose potassium iodide on hand in case there is an accident.
  • Iodine is critical for the formation of thyroid hormones.
  • And thyroid hormones are essential for life.

They are the hormones that specifically tell the cells to do what they are supposed to do.  So when you’re iodine deficient, your cells stop working and things start falling apart.

The brain then registers this and sends stimulating signals to the thyroid to produce the hormones the body needs so badly. This causes the thyroid to overwork, and eventually the over stimulation of the thyroid gland can result in the formation of an aggressive thyroid cancer.

The best form of iodine is called Lugol’s Solution.  It was developed way back in 1829 by, of course, Dr. Lugol.  It is a mixture of potassium iodide and elemental iodine. You can buy it at Amazon in either a liquid or a tablet but the tablet form is the best way to take it.


Most adults take one 12.5 mg tablet per day (which is considerably more than most multivitamins include).  This 12.5 mg is the average amount of iodine that Japanese  men and women get in their diets. (And the Japanese have much lower risks for both prostate and breast cancer.)

And here’s an interesting statistic. When Japanese men and women move to the U.S.     and adopt a Standard  American Diet S.A.D. (containing only a fraction of the iodine        in the traditional Japanese diet) they have the same cancer risks as Americans!

As early as 1976 it was postulated that iodine deficiency was associated with the risk          of prostate, endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer. This was based on geographical associations of the prevalence of goiter and the incidence of reproductive cancers.

All this suggests that a larger dosage of iodine than the “minimum” is worth considering

Preview  Iodine and Cancer…What they are not telling you!!!!

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