Nancy Hunt-Remick, 50 of Ellsworth Maine battled pain and fatigue for years — until she uncovered the sneaky culprit and fixes that restored her vitality.
For Nancy it all started two years earlier when the fatigue prevented her from being a full time (grand)mother. As Mark her husband has to pick up the slack and started to have to take their daughter McKenzie to dance class. Closing his business early which impacted them financially. As Nancy had to miss quality time with her grand children, as her oldest daughter knew she was struggling as she didn’t ask her to babysit.
The last straw was when my knee pain got so bad I could barely climb the stairs. Then one day I noticed a scab on my arm and thought nothing of it until it became sore and realized it was a tick. I went straight to the ER and the doctor ran a blood test for Lyme Disease which came back negative. I told him about the symptoms as he put me on a three day course of antibiotics just in case and told me not to worry.
Nancy states, she couldn’t help but feel nervous I am already sick and how much worse can it get if it’s Lyme Disease. Since answers hadn’t been easy through Western medicine she decided to see a Naturopath who treated a friend for Lyme. After talking for hours he decided the symptoms were so severe the tick bite was probably two years prior. I also felt lucky that I got the second tick bite because it led to a diagnosis and the right treatment.
My new doctor put me on a stronger antibiotic and high dose probiotics. Which he said would help the anti-biotic more effective and keep my gut healthy — is key to helping me heal. He also gave me vitamin D, fish oil and an iron infusion — his protocol to kill Lyme bacteria, ease pain, detoxify the body and boost immunity. Within the first few weeks the fatigue lifted and symptoms improved. But didn’t totally vanished, so he told me to try an infrared sauna.
He told me the sauna would break down the biofilm — the sticky coating protects’ Lyme Bacteria — plus helps clear out the toxins that are release as the bacteria are eliminated. Nancy used the sauna two to three times a week and immediately noticed a difference in her energy level and pain. She also did a detox diet which made her feel even better — as her hair grew back. Biofilms make Lyme disease 1000x’s harder to nix.
Antibiotics can quickly kill Lyme Bacteria not encased in this barrier protecting biofilm, so the quicker Lyme is diagnosed the better. To diagnose Lyme experts advise two test. The first C6 ELISA (which picks up all strains of Lyme) and a Western Blot (that test for antibodies in the blood. Dr. Richard Horowitz says the fatigue, joint pain, head aches and memory problems are caused by a reaction between the bacteria and toxins that lurk in our bodies.
Also a $28.00 natural cure can help when anti-biotics alone don’t work. Horowitz suggest Banderol from will break down these biofilms and kills Lyme Disease. Also he states a protocol including rifampin ( a drug that eradicates biofilms) and dapsone (to kill bacteria) has helped 100% of his patients. Despite the prevalence of Lyme disease sufferers: 85% don’t know they have it. Since fewer than 25% know they have it being blood test fail to diagnose the condition half- the-time.
Enter the infrared saunas, which experts state can triple the body’s detox abilities. “Infrared saunas stimulate lymphatic drainage, which removes toxins that contribute to Lyme symptoms out of your body. Dr. Horowitz recommends 20 minutes in an infrared sauna (
visit for locations 3 to 4 times a week. Dr. Horowitz recommends to consume and immune boosting diet (such as the Paleo/Mediterranean hybrid diet high in inflammatory produce and probiotic rich kimchi and yogurt.
As Nancy began living her life again — she began spending time with her grand children again. As her energy was restored she began doing the things she love to do and got more out of life. Dr. Richard Horowitz, M.D. author of Why Can’t I Get Better? says, studies show the production of the immune cell that fight Lyme declines with age. The risk is high presently for women born before 1977.
The infrared sauna at Coastal Health & Wellness Therapeutic Massage and Holistic Healing offers a “wonderful, natural warm feeling,” according to proprietor Nancy Hunt-Remick, COASTAL HEALTH & WELLNESS