She Beat Cancer Twice without CHEMO!
Learn how Shannon Knight listened to her body and knew that beating cancer with alternative methods was the right choice for her.
Preview How to beat cancer NATURALLY without CHEMO!

Descriptions of the show: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Nikki Jencen interviews Shannon Knight a two time breast cancer survivor.
Learn how she overcame breast cancer without utilizing conventional medicines.
About the show: Nikki Jencen is a philanthropist with an inquisitive mind who is always seeking to interview experts who want to make a difference in our world.
She is the host of The Nikki Jencen Show, and Mega Wellness Summit (2015/2016) where she interviewed over 100 experts in the health and wellness field. Nikki who is a former gluten-free and Paleo chef, and Health Coach. Nikki shifted her career to help Moms, and families find their way through this crazy awesome life.
About the guest: Shannon Knight survived breast cancer twice, including stage four. Like millions of others, she was faced with the challenge of deciding how to save her life. She refused chemotherapy and did some radiation and mastectomy. When conventional medicine failed, her she discovered alternative healing at a CMN Hospital in San Luis Rio Colorado Mexico.
Dr Payan is confident and gives patients confidence, he tries to understand what patients are feeling and ex…periencing, physically and emotionally, and communicates that he “understands”
He is caring, compassionate, and kind and shows he is personally interested in you as a patient by interacting with you and remembering you as an individual.”
He is forthright and tells you what you need to know. He is very respectful and takes your input seriously and works with you.” He is conscientious and persistent.”
He successfully healed me and my twin sister from breast cancer!
My twin sis successfully treated for breast cancer over a year ago and in 2011, I was healed from advanced stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to the bones, all lobes of my lungs and lymph nodes.
Click on the link below to meet him.
( Dr. Payan relies on God first with healing. ) Dr. Payan’s words will inspire you.
There is advanced treatment at CMN but most of all there is compassion, values, standards and work ethics and an excellent patient-doctor relationship he keeps with all of us after we go home!
It was because of her courage and willingness to go on searching for alternative cancer treatment that she is alive today. She survived! The death sentence hanging over her head has been removed for six years. Shannon is now a cancer advocate and certified life coach who has assisted many survivors who struggle with the emotional issues connected with cancer. She has been a guest on radio shows and featured in documentaries.
Shannon is now a cancer advocate and certified life coach who has assisted many survivors who struggle with the emotional issues connected with cancer. She has been a guest on radio shows and featured in documentaries.
She has deep empathy and compassion for all cancer warriors and understands what an individual goes through once they learn of a cancer diagnosis. She can relate with having to choose treatment and how difficult it is deciding how to save your own life, especially if your doctor has given you only so much time to live.
Preview How Shannon healed stage 4 breast cancer
-Her first breast cancer diagnosis [1:07]
-The treatment suggested by her doctors [3:08]
-How complications from surgery turned out to be a blessing in disguise [3:20]
-How multiple surgeries inhibited the healing process [5:05]
-Therapies she chose instead of chemo [7:30]
-The connection between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer [8:37]
-How her cancer recurrence was misdiagnosed [9:00]
-How tumor markers can be unreliable [11:04]
-The importance of studying your medical records [11:53]
-Her second diagnosis (stage 4) [13:18]
-The damaging effects caused by radiation [15:41]
-Therapies she chose to heal stage 4 [20:09]
-How long it took her to get well [24:21]
-Her oncologist’s response to her clean pet scan [24:45]
-Traumatic events in her personal life that made her vulnerable to cancer [27:37]
-The importance of forgiveness [32:54]
-Her current projects: Angels For Shannon & Diagnosed TV [34:10]
-How she ended up in my living room [40:20]
-How survival statistics are skewed and misleading [42:50]
-The most powerful question a cancer patient can ask [44:30]
Selected links
–Shannon’s website
–Angels for Shannon
–The Truth About Cancer Series
–Dr. Nicholas Gonzolas
–Dendritic Cell Therapy
–High Dose Vitamin C therapy
–Laetrile (B-17)
–Ozone Therapy
–Enzyme Therapy
–Coffee Enemas