Hey Ken:
I have always been afraid and think it’s not safe to talk about certain things.
I got a product and my health is actually went downhill since I got it and I wondered if anybody else you knew has complained or mentioned it. The product Cannabis Oil and suppositories two different times extremely expensive has glycerin in it and I don’t know if I’m just sensitive to the glycerin or I’ve been scammed. I really don’t know, however, I got seriously sick and since I’ve been using it. As I gave it many months of keep trying it in different ways. Maybe it’s a reaction from the all the antibiotics that I have taken to the cannabis oil. Idk 
THE oil was expensive First time was $270 for oil and the second time was $250 for the 40 suppositories!!!
So I only got half an order for the first time because I couldn’t afford the price that she wanted she wanted 500.
I have a systemic infection I’ve had for years that just moves from one place to the other. I also saw a infectious disease doctor that told me I would have severe sepsis someday because of all the antibiotics but the antibiotics is saved my life at this point. However, my stomach and my intestines are really bad. They told me I had a mass in my kidney and I have pain on that side …but I now suspect… that it’s also in my colon right there because they told me I had a bowel Loop. I just have way too much going on and it’s so hard to keep up with all of it. And now I have a colon infection. I can barely keep ahead of it
Maybe there’s just an additive or something in it that my body can’t tolerate. I’ve got a serious colon infection since using the suppositories. I thought at first it was just because I was healing in reverse. I was taught that when you start healing everything doesn’t just magically go away you will heal going backwards in other words all your symptoms will reappear but in reverse.
Maybe I’m allergic to the glycerin :But each time I took the oil my ears ring and I didn’t feel well. I’m scared Ken. But I’m really really sick. I’m trying to do better and eat better again I’m doing juicing everyday and coffee enemas. However, I’m really scared. I’m really sick I can’t digest anything very well and it’s so extremely painful. And I really don’t talk to anyone at all about it. It is so hard some days. I’m really private and don’t like to blurt it out for the rest of the world to see.
Yes there has to be an answer somewhere Ken. I just keep trying all the time.
But there’s something in the oil that I’m having a reaction to. Because it makes my ears ring 2. The only thing that makes my ears ring is when I used to take Tylenol I will get a rash tonight my ears would ring so it’s some kind of filler or something that I’m reacting to. But I am not sure !!!
I’m so tired it’s so hard to keep ahead of everything. I’m allergic to everything and it’s getting so very very hard for my body to accept anything. I’m trying really hard to get back to eating organic fruits and vegetables only. I live in an area of it doesn’t have the greatest access I have to drive an hour to go to the health food store so sometimes I buy things that aren’t organic.
Ken I would die before I would ever do chemo I don’t believe in it I could tell you the one thing that I probably would not have survived to now without and that’s the coffee enemas my pain level is extremely high without it I can’t get up and walk very well without it. Also the antibiotics that I have taken in my life was enough.
They are killing me at the same time saving me along with trying all different kinds of natural healing along with it. Can’t get the doctors to focus on what they need to focus on to help me. They always have their own agenda. Also my problems started many many years ago. I was shaving my underarms and nicked a mole. That was what started the downfall of my health.
The first doctor I saw said that it would either come out like a boil or it would go like feelers throughout the whole body. And that’s what happened and I never could get any doctor to help me in the beginning to room remove the mold or the infection they kept putting me off. Now it’s so deep in my body I can’t keep control of it.
I know that this is probably what’s going to end my life is infections
I’ve tried so many different things throughout the years and I can just keep it at Bay.
As I never have been able to totally heal it.
I had luck with Gerson’s but I had such a hard time by myself staying on it being able to afford it and work full-time and take care of my family and survive and little by little.
So I came off of it. Keep me in your prayers can and I will do the same for you. You don’t have any idea what a blessing you are to all of us.
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Also I have had many many many traumas in my life. Physical and emotional. I usually live one minute at a time now. I don’t look forward too much. I have had more things than I want to share with anybody ever. I don’t want to put the burden on anyone else. I have wanted to j journal my feelings like you did in 2006. I did start doing a video kind of as proof of something else that was going on. Then I got scared that someone else would find it and hurt me so I deleted everything. I used to be a writer but I stopped writing because of fear. I keep a bubble around myself a lot.
I think I’ve had PTSD since 1980 and I didn’t know it. My husband at the time beat the living crap out of me and I hid it from everyone but I completely shut down I didn’t even know how to show love for two or three years. I went through the motions but didn’t really do anything or know how to do anything I just existed through my day. Eventually I found it shirts and started changing for myself. But I’ve always had protection of myself since then. That is only one of a hundred things that’s ever happened.
Today I love to enjoy being around people and making them happy and smile too.
It’s very difficult right now because I’m so sick. I have recently found a new church that I love I’ve missed for 2 weeks because I’ve been sick.
Usually when I start talking about things it’s like a flood gate opening I can’t stop it once it starts
Be blessed Ken. Have a super great day.
Note: After talking to you this morning and getting outside and going swimming I feel better tonight !!!! 
Living Really is Healing
Thank you very very much and also thank you for all you do to help.