A Champion has a sacred agreement within themselves, deep down, that will not allow them to give up on something that they truly feel connected or drawn to. Do you have that agreement with yourself? I love Howard Thurman’s thought on this matter: “The spirit of a human being is not easily vanquished. It is fragile and tough. You may fail again and again and yet something will not let you give up”. -Howard Thurman
This is called hiding! You may rise but the shine is absent. Champion Up to rise to get your shine on! Don’t be afraid of you, the light you bring. Plato said that “we can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark but the real tragedy of life is when men or women are afraid of the light”. Don’t be afraid. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Don’t pass up on opportunities! We all want it to be the perfect time or the ideal situation. Listen up, it will never be! Things are always changing so if you miss this opportunity, trust me, there may not and probably will not be another one like that one. There is a saying that one cannot not step in the same river twice. Why? Well that river is constantly flowing and that river believe it or not has moved on although the water may look the same to you. Take on your moment of opportunities and don’t back away from that river. That one step in right then and there could land you upon a golden moment and a diamond opportunity. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Surrender. Don’t hold yourself hostage any longer. It’s time to stop beating yourself up with the repetitive internal dialogue of “I’m just not qualified or good enough”. This goes for personal, business and financial. You are always qualified. But the excuses will automatically disqualify you. We seem to find the excuses for what we can’t do all while losing the reasons to search for what we can do.
We all want a better life, better relationships, more money, to be happier and more options. Nothing wrong with that. But life wants something from you. A different result. How do we get different results? To change whatever we are doing that is not working. You don’t have to quit. No! But be flexible to adjust and bend with the challenging winds.
Surrender to the powerful you. Doubt is not you. Anger is not you. Pain is not you. Creativity is you. Change is you. Winning is you. Get up! Attempt something from a different perspective. There is nothing holding you back except you. Make a move. Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks
Get back into the ring of your life because you are the Champion. Take one day and one jab at a time and you will find yourself standing victorious no matter what life brings. You are the greatest Champion to ever live. Keep smiling because you are already winning. “Believe in the Champion in you”. ~Adrian Starks
Change this phrase. “This person makes me happy”. Replace it with “they provide or share more happiness or excitement in my life”. I had to learn this. If someone can make you happy, they can also make you sad, make you angry, make you upset and the list goes on. You are not clay. Don’t let anyone mold or make you into anything you don’t want. Can I get a yes! Appreciate people for what they can provide because provide means you “allow” it into your personal space. You are too much of an extraordinary creation to let someone have complete control of how you feel. Believe the Champion in You!-Adrian Starks
Stay strong Champions. Do not let the darkness in this world back you into a corner to be afraid of life. Your light is far more powerful. Stand your ground through the storms of your deepest fears. The human spirit is fragile but also tough. Nothing can take that away.
You should never let the word “impossible” resonate with you. Don’t even accept it into your treasures of self building vocabulary. It doesn’t belong there because it will only erode your self esteem leading you down the slippery slopes to join those who were unwilling to keep climbing until they make it! You are always possible. Don’t shy away from an attempt just because it didn’t work for someone else. Never let anyone casually deny you of your purpose and ability to do what they were unwilling to do or continue trying until they saw better results. This is your life but you will need to own it and claim your space. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
“Put a ding in the Universe”. Powerful phrase spoken by the Champion Steve Jobs. Here is a man who left a legacy by changing the world with the iPhone. No offense to the android users out there. But think about what you could do with a powerful idea or vision that you can throw your whole self into. I am sure you can create a ding out here in the Universe as well. Today there are over 715 million iPhone users because Steve knew a phone could be improved and was willing to do …what others said would be impossible.
Steve Jobs did not care about the doubts and opinions from others as he dared to be extra-ordinary. He had a vision and belief in himself. Dare to do the same. Dare to be different. Dare to be misunderstood because you are unwilling to be a chameleon blending in to everyone and everything. Dare to find your passion in something. Dare to pursue it! Each day you have another opportunity to put your own personal ding out here in the world! Everyone wants greatness and there is nothing wrong with that. But to be great you must first seek the truth. What is your truth? Steve knew his. Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks