Recently during my boycott watching the Neatherthal Football League and watching all that showboating that league portrays after a meaningless quick six. I spend pretty much every weekend been watching (super dyslexic) hours and hours of “stuff” about quantum, form quantum biology to astro physics …. there are some good ones around (humans in the universe. So this is my brief history lesson to the NFL Football Players that are recent college dropouts and I feel it right to have more white players playing in the NFL to make it racially right
If you suppose other human beings “football players” feel the way you do. I feel, that I can voice my opinion and a stance to call them out and urge them to stand during our National Anthem for the LVPD and First Responders that saved lives!!
It’s my opinion today at 57 years old that all a NFL Football Player does is score a meaningless touchdown in a meaningless game for the betterment of what!!!
I’m seeing a lot of talk about the national anthem and it seems there’s some clarification needed regarding the term “slave” during the battle of Baltimore and is not what our nation’s confused football players think.
“SLAVE, noun…
1. A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no will of his own, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. In the early state of the world, and to this day among some barbarous nations, * PRI…SONERS OF WAR * are considered and treated as slaves. The slaves of modern times are also more generally purchased, like horses and oxen”
In the star spangled banner Francis Scott Key was referring to PRISONERS OF WAR. This was one of the reasons for a battle in the war of 1812.
On September 3, 1814, Francis Scott Key was asked to help secure the release of his friend and slave Dr. William Beanes, a military doctor who had been captured by British troops and was being held prisoner on British military ships in the Chesapeake Bay. Accompanied by John Stuart Skinner, a prisoner exchange officer, these are the “slaves” Key is referring to …they were Prisoners of war being held captive on the ship.
Key sailed toward the British fleet gathering in the Chesapeake Bay, little knowing that the harbor would become a battleground in a matter of days. Key and Skinner were eventually successful in convincing the British to release the doctor. Unfortunately, during the time that Key, Skinner, and Beane were aboard the ship, they overheard important strategic discussions about an upcoming attack on Fort McHenry and Baltimore. In order to keep this information safe, the British officers sent the Americans back to their vessel with a guard of British troops to prevent them from going ashore. They were not to be released until the attack on Baltimore was over.
Can someone let our nation’s football players know?
I hope this helps clear things up and helps heal some hearts.
United We Stand
Have a listen. Still one of the best. Enjoy!
Preview Whitney Houston – Star Spangled Banner


GoPro was honored to be a part of this epic achievement, with seven HERO2 cameras documenting every moment. From the airless freeze of outer space, to the record-breaking free fall and momentous return to ground—see it all through Felix’s eyes as captured by GoPro, and experience this incredible mission like never before. No one gets you closer than this.
The Amazing Science Behind Pets That Find Their Way Home
Animal navigation has long been something of a black box for scientists. The mystery of how nonhumans—without benefit of maps, language or GPS—manage to find their way from place to place, often over very great distances, presented itself anew recently when a dog walked 11 miles from its new home to return to a former foster owner. The feat was especially remarkable because the dog had been taken to its new location by car and had to find its way back on foot—meaning it hadn’t had a chance to learn the route.
Even more impressive was the 2013 tale of the geolocating cat that had been lost and found its way home after a journey of two months and 200 miles. So how do animals manage such prodigious—and precise—feats of travel?
The kind of natural map any animal follows depends largely on the species. As TIME has reported, seabirds are believed to steer mostly by the sun and the stars, since if the animals are ever going to get lost, it tends to happen when the skies are overcast. The same is true of the unglamorous dung beetle. While naturalists have not extensively tracked the species’ perambulations in the wild, they’ve studied them in—yes—planetariums. As long as the artificial Milky Way was in view, the beetle and its dung ball rolled right along. Throw the switch and change the stars, however, and the little critter was completely flummoxed.
Many more animals navigate via magnetism—orienting themselves along the north- south lines of Earth’s magnetic fields. In one study of baby sea sea turtles, which typically migrate east after hatching, changing the orientation of magnetic generators around a swimming pool changed the direction in which the hatchlings swam too. Pigeons were thought to navigate the same way, especially since they have cells in their beaks that are heavy in iron. Later studies, however, found that those cells were related to the immune system, not navigation.
Mammals—and particularly two of the species of mammals that humans love best: dogs and cats—have a range of ways to get around. Dogs, no surprise, are very big on scent, and that can take them a very long way.
“An eleven-mile distance is actually not terribly long for a dog,” says Bonnie Beaver, the executive director of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and a professor at Texas A&M University. “If the dog had walked both from and back to his home he’d be following his own scent trail.” In this case, the dog was instead probably following an equally compelling smell: that of its owner, a type of navigation that is entirely possible over long distances as long as the wind is right.
Dogs extend their scent range by moving among overlapping circles of familiar scents—much the way cell phone coverage relies on interconnected footprints from different cell towers. A dog that wanders out of its own immediate range might pick up the scent of, say, a familiar dog in the next circle. That might point it to a circle that contains a familiar person or tree or restaurant trash can, and so on.
Cats, like other animals, might rely more on magnetic fields—a faculty that could turn out to be quite common in mammals. “There are some studies that show that the ears of most mammals contain iron, ” Beaver says. “That may cue them into the magnetic direction in the ground. There’s work showing that cattle, deer and voles tend to orient in a north-south direction.”
The overall temperament of an animal—or, more broadly, of the species—can play a role in navigation too. A dog that travels a great distance to get home is likely trying to return to its owner, since the dog-human bond is a powerful one. A cat that travels the same distance is—sorry cat owners—probably just tying to return to its territory.
No matter how well animals navigate, scientists caution against an observation bias that may make them seem better than they are. A dog or cat that finds its way halfway across the state makes news; the uncounted others that stay lost do not. What’s more, some cases of remarkable returns may turn out to be matters of mistaken identity, unless there’s a positive way to identify an animal like an implanted microchip that some owners use along with a collar.
“You hear these stories about a three-legged black cat that came home and jumped into its favorite chair,” says Beaver. “But it’s real hard to be sure because they’ve been gone a long time and they look scruffy. And heck, that chair would be a comfortable one for any cat.”
Still, we shouldn’t dismiss all the stories out of hand. That cat that traveled 200 miles in 2013? It did have an implanted microchip. So kudos to at least one kitty—and probably a whole lot more.
Hypothetically speaking:
I found surprising link between quantum objects and socks. Socks can be left, or right. They cannot be partially left, or partially right, but they can be left and right at same time! Trust me, I checked that.
Moreover, when nobody is watching, socks are spreading in the room in wave-like pattern. It demonstrates wave-particle duality of socks. However, if somebody watching, socks are demonstrating particle only behavior. Moreover, they are demonstrating particle only behavior even if somebody will watch them in future!
Socks can be entangled, so if one sock is the right sock, then other one is instantaneously collapses to the left sock via spooky action at distance. This feature of socks can be used for FTL communication.
I have theory, it’s called «string theory». In this theory, our Universe is made of little strings, which are creating space-time fabric, in which socks are living. In the process of entanglement, socks are somewhat connected by a string, which allows them to communicate via large distances.
If you follow current research in consciousness studies you’ve probably heard about an extraordinary series of experiments conducted by Dean Radin Ph.D. and his colleagues at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
These experiments, presented in the video below, suggest that human attention alone can reliably affect the wave distribution of photons traveling through an array.
Radin and his colleagues used a number of different experimental paradigms to explore the effect in various ways. They found that, even under highly controlled conditions, this strange mind over matter effect persisted.
Perhaps the most interesting finding was that certain individuals proved to be significantly more successful at influencing the photons’ behaviour. Also with the unique factor in these individuals was that almost all of them were highly experienced in either meditation or some kind of attentional training.
Since, Radin presented these findings at the Science of Consciousness conference they have gained quite a bit of attention. They seem to suggest that mind is continuous with the world in a way that poses a serious challenge to the assumption mind/consciousness is insignificant to the structure of reality.
The only problem was that the effect had not yet been replicated by independent scientists. That was, until now.
In recently published experiments, conducted by the physicist Gabriel Guerrer Ph.D. at the University of São Paulo, the apparent mind over matter effect has been observed once again, and with similarly high statistical significance.
Just as observed previously by Radin and his colleagues, Guerrer also found that participants are able reduce the wave distribution of photons in a double-slit system, simply by directing their attention towards it.
According to Guerrer, this effect points to
“a not yet mapped form of interaction between a conscious agent and a physical system”
Read Guerrer’s full published report on these experiments here.
Another concept:
>So what do the quantum superpositions add over mapping neural networks and simulating them?
When I read your comment I immediately recalled this article about an experiment that designed tone discrimination circuits on FPGAs by stochastic processes (genetic algorithm). The highlight is at the end of thousands of rounds of controlled evolution, the researchers obtained a circuit that achieved unexpected efficiency through mechanisms they initially failed to explain. There were closed circuits within the overall structure which only interacted with the main structure passively. Its design was the product of its unique electro-magnetic environment to the extent that results could not be replicated on another board of the same type.
In other words, a circuit appeared to originate with properties that would not have been arrived at by applying the conventional theory of circuit design.
Recently I went to Southern Indiana and watch a Facebook friend perform as she interviewed me as well. So I would like to congrat. Jessica and Raymond on the Union of Souls today in marriage.
Also I would like to credit Marv Stark on the final renderings of the videos!!!
Preview Jessica Lynne Performance fb Live @

Preview Jessica Lynne Interview fb Live

Are Space and Time An Illusion? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
The Geometry of Causality | Space Time
The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
Quantum Biology: An Introduction
Quantum Biology: The Hidden Nature of Nature
Consciousness: Explored and Explained
The Mind After Midnight: Where Do You Go When You Go to Sleep?
Rebooting the Cosmos: Is the Universe the Ultimate Computer?