A Body IN Balance

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A Wise Soul Once Said… https://www.facebook.com/SublimeTranquility/

We are limitless beings…turn off the mind and turn on your heart.

**You never know how STRONG you are….until

being STRONG is the ONLY choice you have**

However,  for others,  the power might go to their head.  They might dismiss your advice (cutting themselves off from source) and use their new found power to create      fear by speeding, causing harm to others and going off track!  They might develop a          big ego and feel they are superior to others and continue to maintain this superiority         by using control, criticism, bullying, manipulation, etc.  The illusion of power can be mesmerising!

This is just what happened in Atlantis. It became clear that humans with EGO will move deeper into an over — whelming concern  with the material world,  self-destruction  and move further away from their Divine connection.  When Some people move completely into their EGO and realized they could use fear and control to mould the world to suit their own desires without any consideration for others.

Therefore we misused the power and the whole civilisation ended! It was hugely traumatic for everyone there and these memories are within us.  It is so important now to release this trauma, because we are shifting into a 5D reality once more, that is the energies of the New Earth!

   Lemuria is a time of harmony, rhythm and grace and deep connection with the Earth.
I often think of it as paradise. Hawaii, has strong Lemurian energy. When you get off the plane you can feel this energy and is one of my favourite places to visit.
One of the secrets known by the Lemurians, taught by Jesus Christ and other great master teachers throughout the ages, was that the power of your intention could create whatever state you desire to create. When your soul is radiate …There is a light within that radiates throughout your being, bringing a quality of peace and serenity.
As they walked on the unbelievably green grass of the forests and meadows, there appeared to be a string of lights, bright white lights. On first glance it looked as though they were carrying lanterns in front of their chests. As you moved closer, you discovered that the lights were shining from within you as The light is coming from your  open heart and this illusion can be mesmerising!
Always remember While doing any healing, simply hold the strong intention of perfection. As you heal these wounds within your soul’s memory, you open dormant memories, gifts & talents, unlocking within you ancient wisdom that will help you to live your purpose more fully. 
Era Dimension Key Wounds Key Gifts
Lemuria 5D anchoring to 3D Separation, loneliness, fear of change, energy system issues, grief Harmony, rhythm, grace, earth connection, crystalline wisdom, understanding the energy body, Priest/ess gifts
Atlantis 5D on Earth Responsibility, grief, self sacrifice, powerlessness, fear of the shadow, Ego vs Soul (Polarity), anger, avoidance & fear of gifts and powers, Rescuer/Saviour Embracing heart-centered power, universal wisdom (alchemy etc), truth and light, unity consciousness, channelling gifts, multi-dimensional connection, Priest/ess gifts
Avalon 4D/5D through the mists Mistrust of humans, polarity – battle between good & bad, wounding of divine feminine Embracing Earth Magic and manifestation skills, alchemy, elemental connection, Goddess wisdom, Priest/ess gifts

Nothing is what is seems but is its all exactly how its supposed to be. How is this possible? Ego. With our consciousness we view life from the ego perspective therefore we do not see life or who we are in its real essence. We see through our eyes (I’s) not our heart. But we are all exactly were we are supposed to be?

Due to the fact that we are living a human experience from the ego perspective the end goal is to learn through our humanness who and what we really are. Evolution has never stopped. Our intellect excelled immensely over the last 2,000 years! But evolution hasn’t stopped. Our egos have grown and are in the process of gradually changing our consciousness from perceiving and creating life with eyes (I’s) to the perceiving and creating life from the soul heart level.

If you must go through the pain you are going through, the anger, the jealousy so you can continue evolution! Therefore life is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to be. We live in a grand divine order! Everything happens for a reason. All you have to do is wake up!

 So the next time you are in pain feel it from a different perspective. Know your pain is growing you! Learn from it! Feel it to its fullest move past it and love life! Life is changing as we speak it’s empowering to known it doesn’t end in pain. We are in the process of evolution and we are recognizing our divinity in us as one!
Love life!

Consciousness and vibrational frequency go hand in hand. When you’re in a low frequency, you’re in a decreased state of consciousness and your perception is limited. When you’re in a high frequency, you’re in an increased state of consciousness and your perception is heightened.

The lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to comprehend because       your ego is restricting the Flow of Life Force/source Energy and Intuition/Love through your mind and body. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you are able to comprehend because you are allowing a greater Flow of Life Force through your mind   and body.

In this episode, Teal explains that raising your frequency means move to a better feeling, more positive emotion. She explains that the trump card of all things that raise frequency is focus. . . .nothing is more important than the thoughts you are thinking  and whatever you’re paying attention to/focusing on. You can not focus on things that cause you to feel bad, and hold a high vibration.

Teal then goes on to describe eleven steps that you can take to increase your frequency. 🤔 

Yoga flow and meditation to flush out some of this overflow of energy was perfect ….
just remember if you’re feeling too heavy  to BREATHE …. inhale & exhale …. you will      get through this flow of energy …. just keep breathing 🌟💫 
This video uses a variety of vivid examples to show how homeostasis is essential for the survival of living things. Eye-catching graphics and computer animation clarify complex biological processes. Video first looks at negative feedback systems and ways that cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals regulate their internal temperatures. Program examines how the human excretory system maintains stable levels of water and important chemicals inside the body while getting rid of poisonous wastes. The video also describes how the pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon, which maintain levels of glucose in the blood within certain critical levels.  http://www.hrmvideo.com/catalog/homeostasis-the-body-in-balance 
We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnjJCs4YUCA 
Your thoughts become your reality. If anything in YOUR life is not working for YOU, change something within YOU.

Did you know that the key to the universe may be located at the very center of our brain? Deep within the human brain lies a pea-sized gland called the Pineal Gland!! Many people don’t realize how important this gland is! #3rd👁✨

Across cultures and throughout history, many believe that the third eye (also known as the pineal gland) is the window into our subconscious. This pine-shaped gland in the vertebrate of the brain can become blocked, but there are methods for opening it back up. 💧

In our rather toxic environment, the third eye can easily calcify. Learn steps to take to help the detox process. From fluoride to caffeine find out how to remove the buildup of calcium phosphate crystals.

Chemicals play a major role in blocking the pineal gland! Household cleaners, laundry detergents, soaps, perfumes etc……. and even If you changed them, most “natural” products on the market do not have the capability to detox or to activate your pineal gland – but we do with essential oils! That’s right… OIL ON! 💧#YLGuy 💪  

Yummy Binaural Beats. Always Helps!! RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY   https://youtu.be/4XSsqFDDV-s


https://www.youtube.com/user/leaellen1    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or2HGLV5cRE

Mind Over Genes – The New Biology By Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.

Earlier in my career as a research scientist and medical school professor, I actively supported the perspective that the human body was a ‘biochemical machine programmed by its genes.’ We scientists believed that human strengths, such as artistic or intellectual abilities, and human weaknesses, such as cardio-vascular disease, cancer or depression, represented traits that were preprogrammed into our genes. Hence I perceived life’s attributes and deficits, as well as our health and our frailties, as merely a reflection of our heredity expression.

Until recently, it was thought that genes were self-actualizing—that genes could ‘turn themselves on and off.’ Such behavior is required in order for genes to control biology.    But our understanding is evolving. Though the power of genes is still emphasized in current biology courses and textbooks, a radically new understanding has emerged at     the leading edge of cell science. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception (interpre-tation) of the environment directly controls the activity of our genes. Environ-ment controls gene activity through a process known           as epigenetic control.

This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical  device. Rather, it incorporates the role of a mind and spirit.  Also this breakthrough in     biology is fundamental in all healing, for it recognizes  when we change our  perception    or beliefs, we send totally different messages to our cells and thereby reprograms their expression. The new-biology reveals why people can have spontaneous remissions from disease or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.

The functional units of life are the individual cells that comprise our bodies. Though   every cell is innately intelligent and can survive on its own when removed from the body, in the body, each cell foregoes its individuality and becomes a member of a multi-cellular community. The human body really represents the cooperative effort of a community of fifty trillion single cells. Also By definition, a community is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision.  Consequently,  while every cell is a free-living entity, the body’s community accommodates the wishes and intents of its ‘central voice,’    a character we perceive as the mind and spirit.

When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells are preoccupied with the growth and maintenance of the body. In stressful situations, cells forego their normal growth functions and adopt a defensive ‘protection’ posture. The body’s energy resources—normally used to sustain growth—are diverted to systems that provide protection during periods of stress. Simply put, growth processes are restricted   or suspended in a stressed system. While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating for its energy demands interfere with the required maintenance of the body, and as a consequence, leads to dysfunction and disease.

The principle source of stress is the system’s ‘central voice,’ the mind. The mind is like    the driver of a vehicle. With good driving skills, a vehicle can be maintained and provide good performance throughout its life. Bad driving skills generate most of the wrecks that litter the roadside or are stacked in junkyards.  If we also employ good  ‘driving skills’  in managing our behaviors and dealing with our emotions, then we should anticipate a long, happy and productive life.  ALSO In contrast, inappropriate behaviors and dysfunctional emotional management, like a bad driver, stress the cellular ‘vehicle,’ interfering with its performance and provoking a breakdown.

Are you a good driver or a bad driver? Before you answer that question, realize that     there are two separate minds that create the body’s controlling ‘central voice.’ The (self) conscious mind is the thinking ‘you,’ it is the creative mind that expresses free-will. Its supporting partner is the subconscious mind, a super computer loaded with a database    of programmed behaviors.   Some programs are derived from genetics—these are our instincts and they represent nature. But the vast majority of the subconscious programs are acquired through our developmental learning experiences, and they represent nurture.

The subconscious mind is not a seat of reasoning or creative consciousness; it is strictly a stimulus-response device. When an environmental signal is perceived, the subconscious mind reflexively activates a previously stored behavioral response—no thinking required. The subconscious mind is a programmable autopilot that can navigate the vehicle without the observation or awareness of the pilot—the conscious mind. When the subconscious autopilot is controlling behavior, consciousness is free to dream into the future or review the past.  https://vimeo.com/146714061

Watch Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D explain how our thoughts, whether they’re right or they’re wrong, are actually changing our biology. The Buddha said, “What we think,      we become.” Epigenetics is now saying, “What you are thinking is translated into chemistry, which will determine what you will become.”

Only 1% of disease is due to genetic defects, while the remaining 99% is directly attributable to the environment and our nervous system’s perception of the environment. What it represents is this: the influences of our thoughts are translated into chemistry, which leads to inappropriate behavior and to what we call disease.

Watch for Free now at gowsim.com/dr-lipton/        #WSIM2017

I remember seeing Dr. Lipton talking about the cells and the relationship to energy.         He explained it very well. I came out of that talk a different person. I realized at that moment, my thoughts rule my body. I started changing my thought patterns. He is      right, think positive, life is positive. Nothing positive comes from being negative.

Confirmed by science: You really can change    your DNA – and here’s how

Saturday, September 21, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright
(NaturalNews) If you believe that you are at the mercy of your genetic code, great news, you’re not. According to the science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes in gene expression), stem cells and even DNA can be altered through magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states and intention. Top scientists around the world agree: genetic determinism is a flawed theory.

Curbing the genetic victim mentality

The DNA we are born with is not the sole determinant for our health and well-being. Stem cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., discusses the important difference between genetic determinism and epigenetics in an interview with SuperConsciousness magazine:

“The difference between these two is significant because this fundamental belief called genetic determinism literally means that our lives, which are defined as our physical, physiological and emotional behavioral traits, are controlled by the genetic code. This kind of belief system provides a visual picture of people being victims: If the genes control our life function, then our lives are being controlled by things outside of our ability to change them. This leads to victimization that the illnesses and diseases that run in families are propagated through the passing of genes associated with those attributes. Laboratory evidence shows this is not true.”

Lipton’s theory is confirmed by Carlo Ventura, M.D., Ph.D., professor and researcher at the University of Bologna in Italy. Dr. Ventura has shown through lab testing that the DNA of stem cells can be altered using magnetic field frequencies.

“It’s like a time machine. You’re reprogramming somehow backward with these cells to an uncertain state in which any kind of decision is somehow possible; even the decision to become virtually any kind of cell of the organism. And just think about the tremendous potential of this discovery.”

He adds that two Nobel Prize-winning scientists discovered even “nonstem adult cells can be epigenetically reprogrammed backward to a state where they can eventually give rise to neural cells, cardiac cells, skeletal muscle cells or insulin-producing cells.”

Changing DNA through intention

According to the Institute of HeartMath in Boulder Creek, California, epigenetics encompasses far more than just DNA, our environment and life experience. After two decades of study, the researchers discovered factors like love and appreciation or anxiety and anger also influence a person’s blueprint. In one experiment, select participants were able to change DNA with positive mental states.

“An individual holding three DNA samples was directed to generate heart coherence – a beneficial state of mental, emotional and physical balance and harmony – with the aid of     a HeartMath technique that utilizes heart breathing and intentional positive emotions. The individual succeeded, as instructed, to intentionally and simultaneously unwind two of the DNA samples to different extents and leave the third unchanged.”

Control group volunteers who had low heart coherence were unable to alter the DNA.

Healthy cell expression and a quantum nutrient diet

If we want to nourish our bodies at a cellular level (and not promote disease), the institute recommends an abundant diet of quantum nutrients. When we are stressed or negative, our biological energy reserves are diverted from the important task of regenerating and repairing the body. We can counteract this cellular starvation by focusing on genuine states of care, appreciation and love. These positive emotions enhance our energy system and feed the body, even down to the level of DNA. HeartMath calls such positive feelings “quantum nutrients.”

The institute offers several free tools that assist in creating a coherent state quickly and easily. Two examples can be found here and here.







About the author:
Carolanne believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, wellness coach and natural foods chef, she has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of green living for over 13 years. Through her website
www.Thrive-Living.net she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision.

Your mind is the most powerful tool you will ever be given. How you use it is entirely up to you. The world today is full of brainwashing, indoctrination, and belittling. These are the ways the “super powers” of today keep us enslaved. You and only you can break free of their hold. You have the ability to do it. If you lack the will power their are tools that can assist you. Like inspirational quotes. But those other tools and can only assist you as far as your willing to let them. And relying on them is a mistake many of us make. Break the cycle. Break free of the enslavement. Fight for the freedom of your mind and you shall be free.   http://thoughtmedicine.com/2011/06/brain-wave-basics-what-you-need-to-know-about-states-of-consciousness/
Blessed be.
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