The Secret Life of The Brain

Is cancer caused by negative emotions?

Better Understanding Your Brain May Lead to a Better Understanding of Your Disease!

Indian-born Dr. Shaji Kudiyat maintains that ‘when we have positive thoughts, the vibrations can modify the DNA constructively, resulting in a curative DNA’
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 10:07 PM August 26, 2013


A homeopathic doctor believes that cancer is caused by negative emotions. For instance, cancer in the left breast is born out of a loss, and femininity issues. Cancer in the right breast is spurred by conflicts with the opposite sex. Cancer in the small intestines is a result of prolonged depression. Anger, meanwhile, can result in cancer in the large intestine.

Indian-born Dr. Shaji Kudiyat maintains that the soul or life force, the mind and emotions, and bodily functions are all intimately linked. Positive and negative experiences and impressions can thus have an impact on physical functions. Feelings of anger, worry or sorrow can subsequently make the body more vulnerable.

On the other hand, when the patient awakens its spiritual identity or begins to understands itself as a life force and attunes itself to love and hope, healing can begin.

At the start of his medical practice, Kudiyat realized that cancer was being treated without understanding its root causes. “Today’s cancer treatments mainly focus on the identification and rectification of the tumor growth,” he says. “It is achieved by surgically removing the tumor or by destroying it by chemotherapy or radiation.”

He realize that the things he learned in medical school had their limitations. Science maintains that genes are responsible for life and that the body is made of material components and biochemical actions and reactions. However, they don’t have the ability to think, feel or express emotions.

Based on his researches, Kudiyat says he discovered that there is a nonmaterial element,    a living energy, that actually makes the body function.

“This energy can be easily identified as the wave which the doctors and nurses monitor     in all intensive care units,” he says. “My curious mind started searching for solutions by which we can overcome scientific limitations.”

‘Dynamic Science’

This led him to form what he calls “Dynamic Science,” which attempts to explain how      the mind, the vital force (soul) and DNA (which decides all physical functions) are interconnected.

“It answers many questions and helps solve some difficult problems including diseases  like cancer,” says Kudiyat.

“Dynamic Science can explain how our thoughts decide the genetic nature of our            own DNA. So when we have positive thoughts, the vibrations can modify the DNA constructively, resulting in a curative DNA.  Similarly, negative thoughts modify the   DNA, resulting in the unhealthy transformation of the DNA, and producing diseases including cancer.”

Kudiyat observes that cancer patients follow a certain pattern: They held deep-seated negative emotions and hurts before they developed cancer.

DR. KUDIYAT with organizer Rosanna Escudero. JOSEPH AGCAOILI

“Through Dynamic Science, we identify the root cause of cancer and chronic diseases as  negative mental states other than nutritional deficiency and lack of proper rest, sleep and exercise,” says Kudiyat.

Nonsurgical alternative

He offers a nonsurgical alternative. First, he makes a holistic case study of the patient by knowing the personality. Then the patient and family attend a group counseling session. This includes probing the psychological reasons for the cancer. He  helps the patient understand what is needed to be done to eliminate the causes.

He then prescribes homeopathic medicine and encourages yoga, meditation, prayer,  music therapy, laughter therapy and other techniques to let the mind be at peace.

Kudiyat shares a success story. A married lady had conflicts with her husband which remained unresolved for many years. This hardened her. She slowly developed a lump in the right breast which became malignant. After she consulted several doctors, her biopsy confirmed that she had invasive ductal carcinoma.

Although she underwent mastectomy, she also consulted Dr. Kudiyat for a lifestyle change. The patient realized that beneath the hardened heart was a wellspring of peace and happiness. She learned to forgive, let go, move on and trust again.

“That was in 1997; she’s still alive,” he says.

Dr. Shaji Kudiyat will hold a lecture on “Dynamic Science: Approach to Cancer Prevention & Treatment” on Sept. 5, from 6 to 9:30 p.m., at Santuario de San Antonio, Buffalo cor. Duke St., Greenhills. For details, call 0917-5275002.

Mental health treatment and emotional support

Cancer affects your body, but it affects your emotions and feelings, too. Mental health treatment that claims to alter tumor growth is not recommended as the only form of cancer treatment, nor should it be sought just because someone thinks it might prolong life. But mental health care and emotional support can help patients and their loved ones better manage cancer and its treatment. Talk to the members of your cancer care team about things you can do to help yourself through a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes it also helps to talk to other survivors who are going through the same things you are facing.

Your attitudes, emotions, and moods can change from day to day, and even from hour to hour. You may feel good one day and terrible the next. Know that this is normal and that, with time, most people are able to adjust to a cancer diagnosis and move forward with their lives. Some may need extra help from a support group or a mental health professional to learn to cope better. Find the strength and support you need to feel the best you can and have the best possible quality of life.

If you would like to visit a support group or talk to someone about your life changes and emotions, ask your health care team about the resources at your hospital, doctor’s office, or clinic. You can also contact your American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 to find out about sources of support offered near you.

“The blood froze in my veins” or “My blood curdled” — these common figures of speech can be taken literally, according to the latest studies. Indeed, more literally than some of us would like. For it turns out that intense fear and panic attacks can really make our blood clot and increase the risk of thrombosis or heart attack.
To explore the psychological consequences of experiencing symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE). Participants described having a PE as a life-changing experience comprising initial shock, followed by feeling of loss of self, life-changing decisions and behaviour modification. Features of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were described with flashbacks, hypervigilance and intrusive thoughts being most prevalent.
 Participants identified several areas of support needed for such patients including easier access to support through information giving and emotional support.  Long-term consequences of venous thromboembolism go beyond the physical alone. Patients describe experiencing symptomatic PE to be a life-changing distressing event leading to behaviour modification and in some PTSD. It is likely that earlier psychological intervention may reduce such long-term sequelae.

The Difference Between Life and Death: Vital Force/Chi

Signs of Vicarious Trauma

When we are experiencing overwhelming volumes of information—especially information that holds an emotional charge—our bodies, minds and spirit adapt to help us cope. At times, the way we cope may help in the moment but may have longer term negative results. For example, our bodies may give us an extra push of adrenaline to make it through a challenging time period. However the moment we go on vacation, we immediately get sick for the first three days. The adrenaline push that was needed in the moment eventually “catches up” with us and we feel the full effects of pushing ourselves beyond a healthy limit.

The following list is not meant to be an exhaustive catalog of symptoms, but rather information that may spark your own reflections on how your work may affect you in both personal and professional situations. We encourage you to read this list with no judgments attached to the information. We are all coping to the best of our ability. Understanding the costs associated with some coping strategies help us grow closer to solutions.

 If you notice any of your own experiences in the following list, please remember that solutions exist and there are ways engage in your work not only without harm to self or others, but in a way that actually amplifies our sense of resiliency and hope that are also associated with doing work in the field of trauma.

Exhaustion and physical ailments:

  • Constantly feeling tired, even after having time to rest
  • Physical tension in the body when its not needed, i.e., sitting at your desk or on your commute home.
  • Physical pain throughout the day such as headaches, back pain and wrist pain that you “push through”
  • Difficulty falling asleep or excessive sleeping
  • Falling sick the moment you are able to rest, such as on a vacation

Emotional shifts:

  • Hypersensitivity to emotionally charged material
  • Feeling disconnected from your emotions and / or your body
  • Guilt for having more resources/opportunities than those you serve
  • Feeling like no matter how much you give, it will never be enough
  • Feeling helpless or hopeless toward the future
  • Increased levels of anger, irritability, resentment or cynicism

Thought patterns:

  • Difficulty in seeing multiple perspectives or new solutions
  • Jumping to conclusions, rigid thinking, or difficulty being thoughtful and deliberate
  • Questioning, “Is any of this effective? Am I making any difference?”
  • Minimizing the suffering of others in comparison to the most severe incidents or situations
  • Intrusive thoughts and imagery related to the traumatic material you have heard / seen

Behavioral shifts:

  • Absenteeism and attrition
  • Avoidance of work, relationships, responsibilities
  • Dread of activities that used to be positive or neutral
  • Using behaviors to escape (eating, alcohol/drugs, caffeine, TV, shopping, work)

Relationship changes:

  • No separation of personal and professional time, being the helper in every relationship
  • Viewing other people as less important who are not involved in your same field
  • Difficulty relating to other peoples day to day experiences without comparing them to those your serve or yourself
  • Absence of a personal life that is not connected to your work
  • Seeing danger everywhere and hypervigilance to the safety of those you care about
  • Sense of persecution or martyrdom, holding external forces responsible for personal feelings and struggles
  • Isolated self completely from others or only interacting with people who are in your same field or can relate to your experiences

Emotional, Mental or Physical Trauma may cause a Thrombosis (Blockage.)

Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system. When a blood vessel is injured, the body uses platelets (thrombocytes) and fibrin to form a blood clot to prevent blood loss. Even when a blood vessel is not injured, blood clots may form in the body under certain conditions. A clot, or a piece of the clot, that breaks free and begins to travel around the body is known as an embolus.[1][2]

Thrombosis may occur in veins (venous thrombosis) or in arteries. Venous thrombosis leads to congestion of the affected part of the body, while arterial thrombosis (and rarely severe venous thrombosis) affects the blood supply and leads to damage of the tissue supplied by that artery (ischemia and necrosis). A piece of either an arterial or a venous thrombus can break off as an embolus which can travel through the circulation and lodge somewhere else as an embolism. This type of embolism is known as a thromboembolism. Complications can arise when a venous thromboembolism (commonly called a VTE) lodges in the lung as a pulmonary embolism. An arterial embolus may travel further down the affected blood vessel where it can lodge as an embolism.

What puts an individual at risk for deep vein thrombosis?

  • Damage to veins resulting from recent trauma or surgery
  • Slowing or obstruction of the flow of venous blood
  • Being in a hypercoagulable state (increased clotting)
  • History of previous injury or immobilization
  • Recent history of surgical procedure
  • Inherited blood disorder that makes blood thicker
  • Sedentary behavior
  • Pregnancy and first 6 weeks after giving birth
  • Recent or ongoing treatment for cancer
  • Smoking
  • Overweight / obesity
  • Elderly
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