D I S E A S E: Never counting your own blessings, wallowing in your own self pity, thinking only of oneself me~ me ~me… Take a look around you seeing others are worse off than you … Every breath she takes spews negativity …such sadness in this world.
NRT = Nutrition Response Testing
Human anatomy has not changed significantly in thousands of years. Over this time Chinese physicians have, as part of their acupuncture treatment, mapped out the body points that refer to all the organs, tissues, functions and systems of the body. Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) is a form of applied kinesiology.
It is an example: of how those reflexes on the body relate to the state of health and the flow of energy in every organ and system in the human body. Testing these reflexes gives me a system of examining and monitoring your body initially and at each visit that has proven to be extremely accurate clinically. This helps me to identify the nutritional needs of the body and how well they are being met. It even allows me to prioritize what weakness is most significant.
Do you know someone this way and how does this person make you feel when you are around them. WE all crave positive energy to be around
Channeling life-force energy
Many in the area of alternative energy therapy or bio Energy therapy describe this method as “channeling” life-force energy to the client to help balance, clear, charge, and energise the client’s energy field.
Bio Energy healing as a therapy is based on re-balancing the body’s energy field. The human body is comprised of bone and tissue with billions of cells making up our organs, skeletal system and body parts. We also have a “Life-Force” field of energy pulsing not only through our nervous system but throughout every cell that forms our overall organism.
A Bio Energy therapist or practitioner learns the many simple techniques which are used to tune in with and balance this life-force energy field, unblock any blockages which may be causing illness or disease, and help boost the immune system. The practitioner acts as a channel or conduit for universal energy. This universal energy field contains all the information required to bring about the necessary conditions for the client’s own natural healing abilities to kick into action.
Scientifically accepted that we are made of energy
It has been scientifically established that we are all basically made of energy. This is our primal life force which holds us together and gives us life. A field of energy surrounds the body called the etheric field and it is thought that disease and illness first originates in this field long before manifesting in the physical body.
This field also referred to as the “Aura” is believed to be our protective layer providing defence against all forms of attack viral and bacterial. Our immune system also helps to protect us. It also eliminates tired, unhealthy and unwanted cells from our body. When our immune system is working efficiently and our energy field is clear and in balance we are well and healthy.
Everything is made of vibrating energy fields.
Science now confirms that when you begin to look deeper into the physical form and what we perceive as “matter” we find ourselves at the sub-atomic quantum world of creation.
Consequently we are influenced by the energy fields of other people; by their thoughts, feelings and by their vibrations (vibes).
We can influence not only our own energy fields by our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes, but we can also bring this influence to bear on those around us – the people with whom ….we live or work…. plus those who pass through our energy fields each day. We have our own energy fields surrounding us and at the same time we have a universal energy field of which we are all an integral part.
We are like peas in a gigantic pot of soup – separate but at the same time connected. This is what’s meant by “We are all one.” We are all part of the one field of energy – The Universal Energy Field – Consciousness.
We “tune in” to the Universal Energy Field
However bearing in mind that since the client is the one who may be sick or unwell,- their biofield or energy field can be influenced more easily by yours. Consequently a therapist / healer / practitioner learns how to “tune in” to the Universal Energy Field, and move, clear and influence the energy field of the other person to bring about a state of homeostasis.
The therapist will have learned the Bio Energy protocols and techniques which enable them to influence and use this encompassing field of energy to bring about balance and harmony not only in their own body’s energy field but also how to help bring about harmony and balance throughout the other person’s energy field.
THINK ABOUT IT explores an innovative solution for healthcare by introducing and examining the effects, results and the future of bioenergy healing.
Although bioenergy still cannot be defined, this film demystifies the “miracle” of energy healing, showing that curing a serious illness, can be an innate ability which lies dormant in each one of us. THINK ABOUT IT, counterbalances this seemingly esoteric subject with a thoughtful, straight forward treatment of real-life experiences and impressions of patients, cutting edge scientists, medical doctors, bioenergy students and healers.
Filled with insight about a new and unusual way of perceiving and understanding healing, THINK ABOUT IT invites the viewer to contemplate and reassess their own beliefs about health and medicine.
This Independent TV documentary made by Zoran Hochstatter and Stephanie Cote features leading scientists such as Dean Radin and Marilyn Schlitz from the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
In 2004
Filmmakers Zoran Hochstatter and Stephanie Cote directed and produced the independent film, THINK ABOUT IT –a healing documentary shown on national TV stations throughout Europe. Their groundbreaking film about energy healing featured Zdenko Domancic along with cutting edge leading scientists and experts on human consciousness, including Dean Radin, the author of “The Conscious Universe” and “Entangled Minds”.
Focusing on a solution, rather than a problem, Think About it created a strong positive reaction on European national TV and on the Internet, stirring an incredible interest in energy modalities worldwide.
To watch Think About It CLICK HERE.
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Bioenergetic Therapy
“Symptoms of disease are the outward signs of imbalances in your body’s energy field,” according to Bärbel Aldridge, ND. This field, in bioenergetic theory, consists of a range of energy frequencies that correspond to the individual vibrations of all your body’s organs and systems. As in a symphony orchestra, each instrument in the ensemble of the human organism must interact harmoniously with the whole, or else disharmony and dis-ease result.In our view, disease expresses disharmony in your body on the primary, bioenergetic level of health.
Bioenergetic testing and therapies address the energetic causes of problems, naturally helping your immune system to work more effectively by “tuning in” healthy, harmonious energy, “toning down” inharmonious frequencies, and “tuning out” negative, pathogenic vibrations. At Healing Ways, we believe that bioenergetic assessment and therapy will become a major component of health care in the future. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to bring it to you today.
Naturopathy supports your immune system with wholesome, natural therapy. Suppressing symptoms makes energy disturbances worse by increasing tissue toxicity and energetic blockage and imbalance. In our view this approach furthers degeneration that is often mistaken for “normal aging.” WE apply bioenergetic therapies using bioresonance technologies in combination with highly effective traditional naturopathic means of evaluation and therapy.
Bioresonance technologies including therapies that enable us to tap directly into your body’s internal information system of energy meridians to detect and correct energetic disturbances. These approaches, combined with therapeutic applications of the ONDAMED® Biofeedback System, make Healing Ways Holistic Health one of America’s leading centers for bioenergetic evaluation and therapy.
Bioresonance and pulsed electromagnetic biofeedback technologies are the result of over 50 years of international research into the applications of frequencies from the electromagnetic spectrum, including sources like light, sound, and magnetism, in health assessment and therapy.
This research has led to the development of techniques that enlist these forces of nature to strengthen your immune system. Biofeedback, also your body’s reflexive response to information, tells our trained, experienced practitioners when something is good or bad for you.
Combining bioenergetic therapies with biofeedback techniques enables practitioners at Healing Ways to determine what therapy is most beneficial for you and to administer it efficiently. Our clients have been delighted with their results, and you too can find real health care that is not based on invasive tests and toxic therapy at Healing Ways Holistic Health. http://healingwaysnc.com/bioen
Bioenergy Healing
Healing with bioenergy has been around for thousands of years and is known around the world. Therapy is based on balancing the energy body, our matrix, which is capable of reflecting an imbalance long before the physical body shows any signs of illness or disease. This matrix, our Aura, our defence or immune system, has all the information about our sickness or health. When our energy body is balanced, and surrounds our physical body evenly, we are healthy, but when our energy body is unevenly distributed, we become sick.
The balancing of the energy body by the practitioner is made possible by the fact that the stronger potential influences the weaker potential. The practitioner does not use his or her own energy, rather acts as a facilitator or conduit directing bioenergy to the part of the body where it is needed, or takes excess energy away from the part where there is too much. As such the practitioner supply’s the body with information, contained in the bioenergy, which is necessary for proper functioning of the immune system, so the body begins to heal itself.
This safe, simple and incredibly successful healing method is a phenomenon has helped over a million people worldwide. There are many documented cases of successful healing including the 1985 case study where also the leading medical establishment of Yugoslavia documented Zdenko’s Domančić treatment of 300 people with advanced stages of gangrene. After receiving treatment, the patients were cured of gangrene and no extremities were amputated. This medical evaluation lasted for almost half a year and is documented in a book entitled, “Healer Domančić” by D. Jakcin.
The thing about second winds is that they can’t be counted on when you need them. They’re a real phenomenon, yes, but what they are not is a predictable phenomenon.
Second winds depend on a number of factors, including everything from exercise intensity and frequency to what kind of shape you’re in. But although physiologists know they happen, they don’t all agree what’s going on behind the scenes to cause it. Some theorize that your second wind, also known as a runner’s high, may be caused by the body’s release of pain-relieving endorphins.
However, that doesn’t explain the whole thing. More commonly that “high” is believed to happen as the body’s systems come back into balance: Your respiration is regulated; your oxygen intake is fast, deep and plenty; and your body is operating at a slightly elevated temperature, covering you in a light sweat.
Scientists have longer credited second wind to endorphins, the family of opioid hormones that kill pain signals and help us deal with difficult, physically-taxing activities.
Endorphins are also responsible for many other kinds of exercise-related euphorias, so that it makes sense that they would play a role in second wind. Endorphins are already well-connected to runner’s high — the feelings of elation and well-being that runners experience after a race is over. Most experts who believe endorphins are the cause of second wind think of it and runner’s high as interchangeable phenomena that simply manifest at different times.
But there isn’t scientific consensus on second wind. Many researchers caution against conflating it with runner’s high, after all, one of them is a physiological, not psychological, reaction. The mechanisms must be different since the body is under stress, the mind isn’t experiencing things in the same way. While it’s still unclear what exactly is responsible for this sudden fit of momentum, scientists have a few suspects in mind.
One of them is shifting metabolic activity. Our body stores energy in several different ways. Glycogen is the most readily usable form — the body simply breaks it down into its sugary constituents (a.k.a. glucose) and gets on with life. But in patients with McArdle’s disease, the body cannot readily break down glycogen due to a lack of a necessary enzyme — it has to instead pull energy from alternative stores, like fatty acids or proteins.
Individuals with McArdle’s disease, after exercising for a few minutes, report experiencing very similar symptoms to second wind — presumably because their bodies shift quickly to alternative energy sources. In healthy individuals, this wouldn’t normally happen unless the body has run out of glycogen or needs to tap into multiple energy stores during unusually intense activities, like, say, distance running.
Another theory is tied to lactic acid production. As evolved organisms, our bodies use oxygen to breakdown energy sources and function normally. But we also retain an old evolutionary mechanism for producing energy during times of heavy physical activity, sans oxygen. This “anaerobic metabolism” provides a short boost in energy, but creates a lactic acid byproduct. If the body doesn’t rest or if higher oxygen demands aren’t met soon enough, lactic acid could build up and cause muscle cell damage as a result of inflammation.
What does this have to do with second wind? The thinking goes that eventually, during a distance race, the body has acclimated well enough to current conditions that it starts to use oxygen more efficiently, eliminating the need to rely on anaerobic respiration as an energy source. Second wind is the “flush of relief” when your muscles finally get the oxygen they need.
Increased oxygen utilization combined with a decrease in lactic acid production creates euphoria in the middle of the race, and could be what we call second wind. Under this theory, a more seasoned athlete who runs professionally would be much less likely to experience second wind, since their bodies are better trained to utilize oxygen more effectively. They’ve got the wind all along.
Lastly, second wind could actually just be an entirely psychological phenomenon.
Your body might actually just be responding to a suddenly profound sense of confidence or willpower. You just become The Little Engine that Could and subsequently can.
An energy-carrying molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) fuels every living thing — you, me, plants, animals, all of it — and, when you get right down to it, it’s what fuels your second wind.
Adenosine nucleotides are part of the energy production systems of your body, specifically the energy metabolism of your cells. ATP is created from the process of metabolizing the carbohydrates, fats and proteins you consume. It’s formed by a high-energy bond between lower-energy phosphates, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inactive phosphate (Pi).
The body makes an ongoing supply of ATP, and it starts with the breakdown of sugars from food. First, a reactive process called glycolysis traps and converts glucose, a monosaccharide, and converts it into fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. Next, that fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is split into two molecules of three-carbon pyruvic acid (CH3COCOOH); that’s important, because ATP energy is produced when those three-carbon molecules are oxidized into pyruvate, the final product of the glycolysis energy-conversion process. In short, your body is constantly breaking down the food you eat and converting it to stored energy, which can fuel that second wind.
The human body fuels itself through three types of energy production methods, depending on how intense and how long you engage in that physical activity: phosphagen, anaerobic and aerobic energy production.
When energy is needed in a hurry, it’s the phosphagen system that gives the body immediate energy, lasting only for seconds; ATP is able to fuel some pretty intense muscle contractions, but not for very long. Because the supply of ATP stored in the muscles is limited, the body can only sustain short bursts of energy, like sprinting for no more than five to six seconds [source: Berg]. During intense, short periods of exercise, ATP is rapidly replenished by creatine phosphate, which is stored in the body’s skeletal muscles.
Most of the body’s energy needs, though, are produced through a process called aerobic metabolism, also known as mitochondrial respiration. During aerobic endurance exercise, oxygen is required to generate energy from carbohydrates and fats — and to keep up the production of ATP, although its synthesis is low when the aerobic metabolism has kicked in.
When the measure of your oxygen consumption (V02) reaches the maximum volume of oxygen your body can use (V02max), you’ve arrived at your second wind. You’re what some refer to as “in the zone” — you’re focused, you’re not in pain, and your breathing deepens to provide maximum levels of oxygen to your working muscles and maximum ATP regeneration.
As your body gets accustomed to exercising and regulating its energy needs, the odds increase that you’ll see your second wind kick in more frequently because your muscles, including your heart, will be more efficient.
“I know I’m going to have a number of highs and lows over the course of an ultra, to the extent that I don’t really think of it as a ‘second wind’ anymore,” says Rob Colenso, ultra-marathoner and RRCA-certified running coach. “It’s more like, I was able to properly eat and hydrate over the last hour, and so now I feel better and have gotten a burst of energy.”
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