When”i” is replaced by “we” — “illness” becomes “wellness”
Bud Romine was diagnosed with incurable cancer in 1994. He was given three years to live. In 1996 a newspaper article caught his eye.The article described the work of a local doctor, Brian Druker, who was testing a new kind of cancer drug. In 1997, months away from death, Bud Romine became the first patient ever to take Gleevec.
Within 17 days, Bud had returned to perfect health. Indeed, the drug seems to cure everyone with Bud’s disease — Chronic Myeloid Leukemia — by fixing the DNA that causes it. Today, the prospect of more drugs that work at the level of DNA is a real one. In 1990, Gleevec was the only one in development. There are currently hundreds of drugs in development that might work in the same revolutionary way on different kinds of cancer.
The final work for the DNA scientists is identifying all the damaged genes that cause cancer. But with the Human Genome Project finished, a single lab will be able to do this in just five years. Fifty years after Crick and Watson discovered the double helix, the secret of life may finally be living up to its name.
Preview YouTube video DNA – Episode 4 of 5 –
Curing.Cancer – PBS Documentary


Crazy Sexy Cancer is a documentary film created by actress/photographer Kris Carr. The film premiered on March 11, 2007, at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival, and had its US television premiere on August 29, 2007, on TLC. The film was edited by Pagan Harleman and Brian Fassett. The music was composed by Matthew Puckett.
Preview YouTube video Crazy Sexy Cancer

A new beginning is on your horizon but you must have the courage to push through. Declare your struggles over. Declare your enemies defeated. Declare yourself victorious. Do this with passion. Your own self-talk is a very powerful tool in cultivating your belief system and ultimately your results. If you are defeated in your thoughts you will be defeated in your life. If you are a champion in your thoughts – your success is inevitable. Living the Law of Attraction
As a cancer patient, you may have received a lot of information about your treatment and your journey to recovery. Chemotherapy and radiation cause many changes in the body as they destroy cancer cells. ‘Your Health’ with Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker Show. Dr. Blaylock M.D. discusses his book ‘Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients’ and offers crucial advice for those suffering from cancer and or going through chemotherapy and its side effects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i51V6ITdDohttps://www.amazon.com/Natural-Strategies-Patients-Russell-Blaylock/dp/0758202210
One major change is that these treatments weaken your immune system, which can increase your chances of getting an infection, including a fungal & candida, viral or bacterial infection and Lyme disease if heaven forbid a tick would bite you. https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/infections/cancer-patients.html
Graviola and its Role in Cancer Treatment
The anti-cancer properties of this fruit have been a topic of research over the past 40 years. Since the 1970s, more than 20 laboratory studies have been conducted on graviola-derived compounds. These studies have shown that graviola may have the potential of destroying malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer including prostate, breast, lung, colon and pancreatic cancers. Although test-tube and animal research demonstrates that graviola may be an anti-cancer agent, there have been no clinical trials or studies in humans, and therefore the use of graviola for cancer treatment remains a topic of debate.
In 1996, research published in the Journal of Natural Products showed that compound 1 (one of five extracted from the seed of the graviola fruit) was “selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29)” and “10,000 times stronger” in inhibiting cancer growth than the chemotherapy drug adriamycin. In 1997, a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry suggested that graviola showed better results in destroying breast cancer cells than chemotherapy. Studies conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have proved graviola extract to be effective against both breast cancer and liver cancer. A cell study in 1999 showed graviola had anti-prostate cancer and breast cancer activity; another 2002 cell study showed that graviola exhibited anti-hepatoma (liver cancer) activity. Studies performed at the University of Nebraska found that graviola inhibited the growth of pancreatic cancer cells.
In 2011, the journal Nutrition and Cancer revealed highly promising research on graviola and breast cancer. Researchers found that graviola fruit extract (GFE) suppressed expression of a breast-cancer causing oncogene known as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in animal models. According to the researchers, “a 5-wk dietary treatment of GFE (200 mg/kg diet) significantly reduced the protein expression of EGFR in breast tumors by 56%…. Overall, dietary GFE inhibited tumor growth, as measured by wet weight, by 32%.”
Perhaps the best finding from the studies is that graviola extract acts only upon cancer cells and does not harm the healthy growth of normal body cells. This finding is also supported by Leslie Taylor, author of The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, who stated that the inhibitory action of graviola was found to be effective only in the cancerous cell membranes and not on the healthy ones.
Many of the health benefits of graviola are thought to be derived from its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects; however, before you go out and buy the product, keep in mind that consumption of graviola has also been associated with adverse effects. Because the plant has not yet been researched in humans, we don’t know much about how graviola affects the body. Graviola is a very strong natural fruit that should be ingested with care.
If you are considering taking graviola, be aware that the plant can dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, so those whose blood pressure is already low, or are already on medication to reduce hypertension, should consult their physician before taking graviola. Laboratory research has found that some substances in graviola can cause nerve damage and that these substances can cross into the brain from the bloodstream. Alkaloids extracted from graviola may cause nerve dysfunction and degeneration, leading to symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease. Graviola may also lower platelet counts and decrease the uptake of radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear imaging. While eating the fruit may be okay in moderation, until we learn more, we caution especially against taking a concentrated graviola supplement.
The use of graviola to fight cancer has been strongly debated. Medical experts have warned about the use of the fruit to treat cancer while scientific researchers have been trying to prove its efficiency in cancer treatment. Though graviola research is still in the nascent stage, its promising anti-cancer properties cannot be neglected and will hopefully encourage pharmaceutical companies to conduct more research to prove its worth and efficacy.
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[1] Coothankandaswamy V, Liu Y, Mao SC, Morgan JB et al. The alternative medicine pawpaw and its acetogenin constituents suppress tumor angiogenesis via the HIF-1/VEGF pathway. J. Nat. Prod., 2010, 73 (5), 956–961, April 27, 2010
[2] http://www.hope4cancer.com/
[3] http://www.cancercenter.com/
[4] https://www.collective-
[5] http://hsionline.com/2004/09/
[7] http://naturalsociety.com/
[8] http://csglobe.com/graviola-
[9] https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-
[10] http://www.greenmedinfo.com/
Therefore You Must Activate YourWithin: These range from getting sleep to fixing and getting rid of underlying infections like Lyme, yeast, or viruses.
In this article I describe the basic steps you should take to fix these problems.
Take These Steps From The Beginning to The End!!!!
1. Sleep
(Use either a natural medicine or prescription medicine. Do not mix natural medicines and prescription medicines together as a first treatment but you can do so later.)
Natural medicines:
(You can mix these two together or use in combination with the prescriptions medicines if needed.)
- L-Theanine 100mg 1 to 6 pills a night 1 hour before bed. Do not exceed 1200 mg a day if using for nerve pain or anxiety during the day too. Excessive amounts in the day are very sedating, AND/OR
- Herbal Combinations. 1 to 4 pills 1 hour before bed. (Common herbs in sleep combination pills include valerian root, hops, yams, wild lettuce, l -theanine, and others.)
Prescription medicines:
- Zolpidem (Ambien) 10 mg 1 pill 30 min before bed (Use if your primary problem is getting to sleep. It is short acting.) AND/OR
- Clonazepam (Klonopin) 1 mg .5 to 2 pills 30 min to 1 hour before bed. (Use if your primary problem is staying asleep. If you have both a falling and staying asleep problem try Ambien first.)
- Atarax or Vistaril hydroxyzine (Hcl) Symptomatic relief of anxiety associated with psychoneurosis and as adjunct in organic disease states. 50-100 mg divided q4-6hr. Unlike benzodiazepines, hydroxyzine is non-habit forming and does not cause tolerance, withdrawal, or memory impairment. https://www.psychologytoday.
com/blog/anxiety-help/201111/ anti-anxiety-medications- explained
Additional Options:
See Sleep 101: The Basics for more information about sleep hygiene and additional herbal and/or prescription options.
Sleep is often disturbed in chronic Lyme disease. Lack of adequate sleep worsens pain, increases fatigue, and suppresses the immune system. It appears that in response to infection, the excess inflammatory cytokines produced by the immune system decrease the output of sleep inducing hormones to the sleep centers of the brain. A restorative amount of sleep is 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Sleep in the few hours before midnight is most restorative.
Part 2. Cytokine Control
Natural medicine:
- Curcumin 500mg 1 pill 3 times a day.
Antioxidant activity
Curcumin is an effective scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species in the test tube (18, 19). However, it is not clear whether curcumin acts as a direct antioxidant in vivo. Due to its limited oral bioavailability in humans (see Metabolism and Bioavailability), plasma and tissue curcumin concentrations are likely to be much lower than those of other fat-soluble antioxidants like α-tocopherol (vitamin E). Yet, curcumin taken orally may reach sufficient concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract and protect the intestinal mucosa against oxidative DNA damage (11). In addition to a potentially direct antioxidant activity, curcumin can induce the expression of phase II antioxidant enzymes, including glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione synthesis. Glutathione (GSH) is an important intracellular antioxidant that plays a critical role in cellular adaptation to stress (20). Curcumin was found to upregulate the expression of GCL through the activation of different signaling pathways (21). In particular, curcumin increases the expression of GCL and other detoxifying enzymes via the activation of the nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)-dependent pathway. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/
Prescription medicine:
(There are no effective and safe options.)
Cytokines are inflammatory chemicals made by the immune system in chronic Lyme disease. Lowering them with curcumin and antioxidants found in a good multivitamin (Part 5.) will help correct many problems and limit Herxheimer die-off reactions. See Herxheimer Die-off Reactions: Inflammation Run Amok for more information and additional herbal medicine options.
On the one hand cytokines are good because they turn on the immune system. They perform a number of functions that include:
- making antibodies work more effectively,
- increasing active white blood cells to fight infections,
- recruiting white blood cells to the location of an infection,
- turning on white blood cells to fight infections, and
- decreasing viral and bacterial replication.
On the other hand in chronic Lyme disease the immune system makes too many cytokines which is bad. Too many cytokines:
- suppress the immune system,
- cause pain,
- decrease hormone production from organs like the thyroid and the adrenal glands,
- disturb sleep,
- decrease brain function,
- increase fatigue and tiredness,
- waste muscles, cause depression, and
- decrease the function of various organs throughout the body resulting in many other symptoms and medical problems.
At the beginning of treatment or when antibiotics are changed the cytokines are made in even greater amounts causing a person to feel much worse. This is called a Herxheimer die-off reaction.
Part 3. Adaptogen
Natural medicine:
In an interview I found with Dr. Vetvicka on his website, he was asked: “So if I had cancer, or if I wanted to avoid it, which beta glucan should I buy?”
Dr. Vetvicka answered: “We asked ourselves the same question! So we carried out a study called B-1-3 Glucans, Silver Bullet or Hot Air? An evaluation of the immunological activities of commercially available beta glucan. We found that Glucan #300 from Transfer Point in the USA was the most effective one against cancer.”
Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka, Ph.D.
Dr. Vetvicka has more than 20 years of research, 200 peer-reviewed publications, seven books, and five international patents. Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka is the world’s leading researchers on beta glucan and s member of the American Association of Immunologists. He is currently the head of the pathology department at the University of Louisville and researcher at the James Graham Brown Cancer Center. Dr. Vetvicka research and books are mostly focused on the topics of the immune system, cancer, and beta glucan.
You can read more about him here.
In a nutshell, an Adaptogen is an herbal substance that helps adjust the body’s response on the cellular level to various stresses put upon it. This results in a regulating effect on many of the body’s systems, including the immune system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system and mental functions.
Reported effects of Adaptogens are an increase in mental clarity and physical energy, enhanced immunity and resistance to disease, and reduced recovery time after exercise. Other reported effects are an improved metabolism and more restful sleep.
Because Adaptogens help the body adapt to difficult circumstances, they are beneficial in reducing anxiety and tension, helping a person feel more relaxed and focused in stressful situations. Adaptogens are not taken to correct a specific health problem; their purpose is to assist in improving overall health and well being.
Adaptogens (also known as are herbal tonics) are claimed to have the most broad-spectrum healing properties of any herbal medicines, and have the ability to increase the body’s non-specific resistance to illness arising from stress to the neuro-endocrine system.
Maca root (lepidium meyenii) is an adaptogen and a member of the cruciferous family, like broccoli and cabbage, but due to it’s unique properties it considered one of the world’s natural “super foods.” Maca is grown high in the mountains of South America, mainly in high altitude regions of Peru. https://draxe.com/top-5-maca-root-benefits-and-nutrition/
Adaptogens are unique and help the body adapt and deal with many stressors. Maca is grown in the mountains of South America and has been used in history for balancing hormones and improving libido.
Maca Benefits:
1) Naturally balance hormones • Issues relating to hormones ⁃ PMS, menopause and PCOS • Helps lower cortisol (high stress hormone)
2) Infertility • Balances hormones & helps reproductive organs of men and women
3) Naturally improve testosterone in men • Other resources about increasing testosterone: http://draxe.com/7-steps-increase-tes…
4) Boost energy levels • Issues relating to decreased energy ⁃ Chronic fatigue or adrenal fatigue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwBq2FVL–8
An adaptogen is a substance that helps the body deal with the harmful medical and emotional stress of being ill. Adaptogens have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine with great observed benefit. Based on animal experiments ashwagandha improves energy, immune function, and adrenal and thyroid function. It likely has additional beneficial effects that have not been researched.
Part 4. Hormones
(Read the Rationale section below in this part to determine on your own if you have low hormones. For more information see Heat Up. Speed Up. About Thyroid & Adrenals.)
A. Adrenal Insufficiency
(Start with the natural medicine or prescription medicine. Do not use both together in the first treatment, but you can do so later if the symptoms of low adrenals persist.)
Natural medicine:
- Ashwagandha 400mg 1-2 pills in am and 1-2 pills between 1 to 2 pm. Taking late in the day may disturb sleep.
Prescription medicine:
(We rarely use this because there is a very small risk of immune suppression using prescription hydrocortisone. However, the doses we recommend are the normal amounts the adrenal glands should make. On the other hand, ashwagandha is a supportive herb that does not suppress the immune system but helps the adrenals work better.)
- Cortef 5 mg 1 to 2 pills in am and 1 to 2 pills between 1 to 2 pm. Taking late in the day may disturb sleep.
B. Low Thyroid
Natural medicines:
(Some recommend iodine but too much can make thyroid conditions worse. Rather than taking iodine use a good multivitamin recommended in Part 5 to provide the essential micronutrients the thyroid requires.)
Prescription medicine:
- Dessicated Thyroid 1⁄2 grain or Armour Thyroid 1⁄2 grain 1 pill in the morning 30 min before anything else and on an empty stomach with water only. Increase every 3 to 4 weeks by 1⁄2 grain if low thyroid symptoms persist.
A person could have normal range testing for each of the hormones but still have clinically low hormones. Because of the unreliability of testing, treatment for low hormones should occur if there are clinical symptoms of low hormones as long as treatment does not increase hormone levels above the upper end of normal. Hormones provide many functions in the body. Proper levels improve energy and help the immune system to work more effectively.
Low hormones occur often in chronic Lyme disease. Inflammatory cytokines made by white blood cells to fight Lyme decrease the effective functioning of an area of the brain called the hypothalamus and pituitary. This part of the brain produces chemicals that induce sleep and that regulate hormonal systems. Normally this part of the brain releases messengers such as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to stimulate the thyroid, adrenal glands, and sex hormone organs respectively. Because of the dysfunction caused by the cytokines, these regulatory messengers are released based on an incorrect interpretation by the brain of the hormone environment. Thus measurements of these messengers is an unreliable way to determine the hormone status. Another way to check hormone status is to measure the actual hormone levels like T4/T3 (thyroid), or cortisol/dhea (adrenals), or estrogen/progesterone/testosterone (sex hormones). These tests give a broad range of normal however.
Adrenal Insufficiency: fatigue, recurrent infections, poor recovery from infections, low blood sugar with shakiness and irritability relieved by eating, low blood pressure and dizziness on standing, afternoon crashing, and sugar cravings.
Low thyroid: fatigue, achiness, low body temperatures averaging below 98.0 F, cold intolerance, weight gain, constipation, and changes in menstrual periods.
Understanding the causes of hormone imbalance will empower us to prevent them, and at the same time, feel better, think better, and better prevent breast cancer. Normal breast cells and some breast cancer cells contain receptors that attach to estrogen and progesterone. These 2 hormones often fuel the growth of breast cancer cells. … Cancer cells may have neither, one, or both of these receptors. Hormone balance with adequate bioidentical progesterone may save your life.
Part 5. Essential Micronutrients
Natural medicine:
- Multivitamin. Use a vitamin that has numerous amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, and various vitamin Bs including b12 and folate. We prefer vitamin powders from Thorne and Integrative Therapeutics. See the multi-vitamins our patients use at Marty Ross MD – Tara Brooke ND Supplements.
To heal and feel better requires a multivitamin with an essential set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. A good multivitamin improves functioning of the immune system, muscles, brain and nerves, hormones, organs including the kidney and liver, detoxification, and decreases inflammation. It also protects the body from the toxic effect of prescriptive antibiotics.
We now know that this Calcium Paradox is not a paradox at all.
It is simply based upon ignorance of the way in which calcium is utilized in the body. Calcium’s actions are not at all paradoxical. It is a team player. Calcium cannot do the many essential jobs that it does to keep virtually every cell in our bodies, not just our bones, functioning healthfully, unless calcium has the help of two team players, two vitamins: vitamin D and vitamin K2. We absorb calcium actively with the help of vitamin D. When we don’t have enough vitamin D present, we absorb less than 15% of the calcium either from food or supplements. But vitamin D only helps us absorb calcium. That’s only half the story. Vitamin D does nothing to regulate where the calcium we absorb from our intestine goes once it gets inside the bloodstream. And for that we have to have vitamin K and specifically vitamin K2.
Vitamin K2‘s job is to activate the proteins that escort calcium into our bones and keep it out of soft tissues like our blood vessels and heart. The vitamin K2 activated protein that puts calcium into our bones is called osteocalcin.
And the vitamin K2 activated protein that keeps calcium out of our blood vessels is called matrix Gla protein.
So you need both vitamin D to help you absorb calcium and you also have to have enough vitamin K2 around to make sure that that calcium you’ve absorbed goes into your bones where you want it and is kept out of your arteries where you don’t want it. If you just take supplements that contain only calcium all by itself or even contain calcium and vitamin D, the end result, when you don’t have K2 around, is that you are going to lose bone, promoting the development of osteoporosis, and calcium is going to be deposited in your blood vessels, causing them to harden or calcify. And this will greatly increase your risk for a heart attack or stroke. But it’s not a paradox. https://www.algaecal.com/expert-insights/calcium-paradox-its-history-and-what-it-really-means/
Preview YouTube video Probiotic Enzyme Salad Recipe – The Beauty Detox by Kimberly Snyder

Enzyme & Probiotics http://kimberlysnyder.com/blog/2011/09/11/get-better-skin-and-more-energy-through-probiotics/
Glutathione and Milk Thistle with Alpha Lipoic Acid https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&source=hp&q=glutathione+and+milk+thistle+and+alpha+lipoic+acid&oq=Glutathione+%26+Milk+Thistle+&gs_l=hp.1.1.0i13k1l2j0i22i30k1l6.4208.4208.0.9131.….0…1.2.64.hp..1.2.442.6..35i39k1.aVB4OgPUNcs
Carrot Juice and Omega-3: How excessive Omega-6 in cell walls causes and sustains cancer by slowing metabolism, and how to get rid of it.
Of those 122 types of cancer, there are 5 that are known to be associated with high calcium levels in the blood– Is there evidence that calcium can help reduce the risk of other cancers? https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&source=hp&q=cancer+and+calcium+levels&oq=cancer+and+calcium&gs_l=hp.1.2.0l4j0i22i30k1l6.1802.7855.0.16414.….0…1.1.64.hp..8.12.2386.6..35i39k1j0i131k1j0i20k1j0i10k1.upnJeibrVBQ
Calcifediol, also known as calcidiol, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, or 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is a prehormone that is produced in the liver by hydroxylation of vitamin D₃ by the enzyme cholecalciferol … Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, and a lack of it can lead to health problems, including cardiovascular disease. Learn more: https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&source=hp&q=vitamin+d+25-hydroxy&oq=Vitamin+D+&gs_l=hp.1.2.35i39k1j0i20k1j0i67k1j0l2j0i20k1j0l4.2781.2781.0.10545.….0…1.2.64.hp..1.2.1155.6.Fa4UQ8ucBsM
The proper balance between the two trace minerals is critical to maintaining health. Ideally, nutritional biochemist Dr. Paul Eck recommends that the proper intake of copper to zinc should be a 1:8 ratio When it comes to mineral supplementation, a very important aspect tends to get overlooked: how a mineral balances with other supplements. https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&source=hp&q=zinc+copper+ratio&oq=zinc+-+copper&gs_l=hp.1.0.0i22i30k1l10.2136.2136.0.4624.….0…1.2.64.hp..1.2.677.6..35i39k1.Nq72-0KRFtU
Selenium works as an antioxidant, especially when combined with vitamin E. Antioxidants like selenium help fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals. Free radicals can damage cell membranes and DNA, may contribute to aging and health conditions, including heart disease and cancer. https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&source=hp&q=selenium+foods&oq=Selenium&gs_l=hp.1.2.0i67k1l2j0i20k1j0i67k1j0i20k1j0i67k1j0l4.2829.2829.0.4479.….0…1.2.64.hp..1.2.990.6..35i39k1.rtcUS0zyiH0
Green Tea
Since ancient times, tea has been used as both beverage and medicine. Both black and green teas contain numerous active ingredients, including polyphenols and flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants.
One class of flavonoids called catechins has recently become the focus of widespread study for their anti-cancer potential. Tea is the best source of catechins in the human diet, and green tea contains about three times the quantity of catechins found in black tea.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), also known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate, is the ester of epigallocatechin and gallic acid, and is a type of catechin. EGCG, the most abundant catechin in tea, is a polyphenol under basic research for its potential to affect human health and disease.
In laboratory studies, green tea has been shown to slow or completely prevent cancer developent in colon, liver, breast and prostate cells. Other studies involving green tea have shown similar protective effects in tissues of the lung, skin and digestive tract.
Studies that track the diets of human subjects over several years (particularly studies conducted in Asia, where green tea consumption is common) have also associated regular usage of green tea with lower risk for bladder, colon, stomach, pancreatic and esophageal cancers.
High doses of vitamin C can help treat cancer, scientists find
Injecting patients with a dose 1,000 times higher than the recommended level could target tumour cells and make radiation and chemotherapy more effective.
Scientists gave eleven brain cancer sufferers regular dosages of vitamin C every week for nine months while receiving typical radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
The research, published in the journal Cancer Cell, showed that iron in the tumours reacted with the vitamin to form destructive “free radical” molecules which selectively caused only cancerous cells to die.
The safety study sets the stage for larger Phase II trials investigating whether high-dose vitamin C injections can extend the lifespan of cancer patients.
US researcher Dr Garry Buettner, from the University of Iowa, said: “This paper reveals a metabolic frailty in cancer cells that is based on their own production of oxidizing agents that allows us to utilise existing redox active compounds, like vitamin C, to sensitise cancer cells to radiation and chemotherapy.”
Diet changes are quickly reflected in the colon when your butyrate production is high your cancer risk is low…
The idea that diet can influence colon cancer risk isn’t new. What’s surprising in this study is how quickly a change in diet altered conditions in the colon.
Colon cancer is the fourth leading cause of death from cancer around the world. It claims more than 600,000 lives each year. It is more common in some areas and less common in others. These differences reflect the influence of race, ethnicity, diet, physical activity, and other factors on the development of colon cancer.
In rural Africa, 5 out of 100,000 blacks develop colon. In the United States, 65 out of every 100,000 blacks develop the disease. That 13-fold increase isn’t likely to be explained by genetic differences.
You don’t need to follow a traditional African diet to help prevent colon cancer. Here are some dietary changes that can help:
- Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
- Choose whole grains, and foods made from them, instead of highly refined grains.
- Eat more beans and less red and processed meat.
- Get enough vitamin D through sunlight, diet, pills or all of these.
Posted by Galen Bosley on
High-protein, low-carb diets reduce the production of prime fuel needed for healthy colon cells.
Butyrate is a prime fuel for colon cells. Recent research shows that high protein-low carbohydrate weight loss diets substantially reduce bacterial populations that produce butyrate. In this study, butyrate production in the colon dropped by more than 75% in people on these diets. The end result is that low carb diets can lead to poor colon health and a greater risk of colon cancer.
PositiveTip: Unrefined carbohydrates in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide the major nutrients your body needs, aid in weight loss, and promote colon health.
Stephen O’Keefe, a professor at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, had noticed during his medical practice in South Africa that his patients’ colon health was chronically excellent: They rarely had polyps upon colonoscopy, and they rarely had colon cancer at all. In contrast, in the U.S., colon cancer is the second leading killer of all cancers, and African-Americans have the greatest risk of all groups in the U.S. Previous studies have shown that it takes just one generation for people who immigrate from non-Western countries to assume the cancer risk of America. Though the culprit is strongly believed to be the change in diet, it could theoretically be other things, like cigarettes, chemicals, infections, and antibiotics. Therefore, O’Keefe and his team wanted to see what would happen if South Africans and African-Americans switched diets for just two weeks.
So they had 20 people in each country, aged 50-65, assume the diet of the other. The Americans ate the typical low-fat, high fiber diet of South Africa: Foods included hi-maize corn fritters, salmon croquettes, and spinach, red pepper and onions for breakfast; hi-maize corn dogs or veggie dogs, homemade tater tots, and mango slices for lunch; and okra, tomatoes, and hi-maize meal; corn muffins, black-eyed peas, pineapple and black tea for dinner. Meanwhile, people in South Africa ate an “American” high-fat, low-fiber diet: Foods included beef sausage links and pancakes for breakfast; hamburger and French fries for lunch; and meatloaf and rice for dinner.
For example, butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid created when microbes ferment dietary fiber in your gut, has been shown to induce programmed cell death of colon cancer cells. https://www.organicconsumers.o
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A compound found naturally in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may reduce some of the harmful effects of Type II diabetes in overweight adults, according to new research by Jed Fahey, a nutritional biochemist and an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and a team of researchers in Europe and the United States.
An article on the findings appeared in the journal Science Translational Medicine in June.
Fahey, who is director of the Cullman Chemoprotection Center at the medical school, served as an author of the study along with colleagues based in Sweden, Switzerland and elsewhere in the United States.
Fahey’s predecessor as director of the research center, the renowned pharmacology professor and experimental generalist Paul Talalay, isolated the compound sulforaphane as a phytochemical (a chemical produced by plants) in the early 1990s.
Two years later, Talalay made international headlines — and sparked broccoli sales around the world — by demonstrating the compound’s effectiveness in boosting the body’s ability to resist cancer.
He and Fahey also showed that broccoli sprouts — three- to four-day-old broccoli plants — have 50 to 100 times the cancer-fighting power as the mature stalks typically sold in grocery stores.
Popular Science called the findings among the top 100 scientific discoveries of the 20th century, and researchers at Hopkins and elsewhere have since tested the chemical’s effectiveness in helping the body fend off pathologies from autism and osteoarthritis to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
Research has shown that sulforaphane, by its very molecular makeup, has an unusual effect: it accelerates the body’s production of a common but important protein known as Nrf2.
The job of Nrf2, in essence, is to regulate the creation of antioxidants that repair stressed, damaged or decaying cells.
A shot of sulforaphane kicks the creation of those antioxidants into overdrive, bolstering at the cellular level the body’s capacity to resist a wide range of malfunctions.
“This molecule [Nrf2] is responsible for shouting out to cells, ‘You’re in trouble; you’re being attacked by sunlight, by ultraviolet light, by toxins. You’ve got to up your game, you’ve got to enhance your protective strategy,'” Fahey said. “Nrf2 is a crucial regulator, and sulforaphane is one of the most potent inducers of that regulator.”
Though the study was comparatively small and short-term, the results are tentatively promising for the treatment of diabetes.
“This shows that sulforaphane is useful not only for cancer prevention, however, but it demonstrates anti-diabetes and many other activities,” said Fahey, who spent 15 years in the biotechnology industry before joining the Hopkins faculty at Talalay’s invitation in 1993.
Iron: The Double-Edged Sword
Iron encourages the formation of cancer-causing free radicals. Of course, the body needs a certain amount of iron for healthy blood cells. But beyond this rather small amount, iron becomes a dangerous substance, acting as a catalyst for the formation of free radicals. Because of this, research studies have shown that higher amounts of iron in the blood mean higher cancer risk.
Once excess iron is absorbed by the digestive tract, the body stores it.
Most of us accumulate much more iron than we need. In spite of the advertising from iron supplement manufacturers, “iron overload” is much more common in America than iron deficiency. Studies have shown that major contributors to iron excess are taking vitamin and mineral supplements that contain iron, excess consumption of red meat, and, to some extent, eating manufactured foods that have had iron added artificially. The iron present in these sources is highly absorbable.
The iron in red meat, in particular, is a highly absorbable form (heme iron); however, iron from vegetarian food sources (nonheme iron) may prove to be a better choice because, while it isn’t absorbed as well as heme iron, it is sufficient to promote adequate iron levels without encouraging iron stores above the recommended range. A diet of grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans provides adequate iron, without the risk of overload.
In a recent six-year study of 1,277 Veterans Administration Hospital patients with vascular disease, but no history of cancer, half the patients were randomly assigned to standard of care and half to the same care plus measured blood drawing to reduce iron levels to those present normally in premenopausal women and children. Analysis showed a 37 percent reduction in overall cancer incidence with iron reduction and reduced cancer-specific and all-cause mortality among patients who developed cancer in the iron-reduction arm compared with those in the control arm.2
Unfortunately, the body has no way to rid itself of excess iron. However, iron accumulation to levels that produce cancer can be prevented by avoiding excess iron in the diet (as indicated above) and by giving blood. This altruistic act of giving blood can have health benefits for the donor as well. Menstruating women lose iron-rich blood monthly and have ferritin levels that average about 25 mcg/l. Delayed iron accumulation because of menstruation is believed to explain why women generally live longer than men. It also explains why cancer risk is lower in premenopausal women compared to men of similar age and why cancer risk soars in women following menopause when iron levels rise dramatically. Men and women who live to very old age characteristically have body iron levels closer to those in menstruating women, presumably because of lifelong, relatively low dietary iron intake.
Part 6. TreatYourInfections.
Ultimately to get rid of fatigue, you have to get rid of your infections.
- At the beginning of treatment this means treating Lyme (borrelia), babesia, bartonella, and intestinal yeast.
- Later in treatment at 6 months and beyond this can include viral infections. For more information see our chapters How to Diagnose and Infection Treatment Plans.
Next Steps: Six Months and Beyond
If energy and fatigue do not greatly improve by six months, it is time to fix the energy factories found in every cell. These are called mitochondria.
- In chronic infections, the outer covering of the mitochondria get damaged. To fix this problem see Power Up! Energy and Mitochondria.
- One other problem that cause mitochondria dysfunction is heavy metal toxins like lead and mercury. Read more in Heavy Metals: The Problem & The Best Test.
Marty Ross MD Discusses Basic Steps to Fix Fatigue and Boost Energy
The Body and Detoxification
I try my best to educate people that the human body has a natural ability to detoxify itself. In fact, the body has several systems in place for removing waste. The excretory system plays the largest role in detoxification. The most obvious job of this system is defecation and urination. The main organs that compose the excretory system are the skin, liver, lungs, large intestine, and kidneys.
You may be surprised to learn that your skin is part of your excretory system, but it’s true—the skin aids in elimination through the sweat glands. The purpose of sweat is to regulate body temperature, but it’s a multifunctional system. When sweat passes through your sweat glands, it takes toxins with it.
The roles of the other organs are just as important. It’s the liver’s job to filter and excrete waste, hormones, drugs, and other foreign substances. The lungs help remove carbon dioxide (the waste gas resulting from breathing). The large intestine has several important jobs. It absorbs water and remaining nutrients from food. It also converts waste into stool to be expelled from the body through defecation. The kidneys filter the blood and help remove waste from the body through urination.
The entire body relies on this system to live a healthy life. Your body is detoxifying itself all the time, around the clock, 24/7. Even your brain flushes out toxins while you sleep. It’s essential to take care of these organs and allow them to do their job. https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/6-ways-to-body-detox/
Why Are We Missing Trace Minerals?
Obtaining the necessary nutrients and minerals from the typical modern diet is nearly impossible. Over the past generation, the quality of our food and its production methods has dramatically reduced the once ideal and complete balance of nutrition we need to thrive. One of the important, yet small components to that healthy balance is the spectrum of trace minerals our cells need to function and flourish.
Perhaps you recall an elementary science lesson where your teacher explained how the universe contained all the matter it ever would—no more and no less matter exists today than at the beginning of time. In the natural order of our planet, resources are transferred in many ways. Like the typical water cycle transfers water from sky, to ground, and up to the sky again, the trace minerals that once enriched the soils around the planet have also moved. But trace minerals do not have the unique properties of water. Once they leave the soil, there is no natural mechanism for returning them back to their native location.
Over many years weather, natural disasters, and human farming techniques have brought the majority of deeply embedded trace nutrients to the soil’s surface. The result is that rain, floods and other transfer methods have washed away the nutrients. Since we know they did not disappear, it is simply a matter of knowing where to look to retrieve them once again. Select regions containing the run off of washed away surface soil are now collective storehouses of trace minerals that all creatures require for maximum health and longevity.
Preview YouTube video Fluid and Electrolytes – Introduction

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Health Basics: How do food preservatives cause cancer?
(NaturalNews) The term food preservatives sounds quite positive, and if you don’t look any deeper than the surface, it’s a good thing. It means the food that’s packaged in boxes, bags, jars and cans has a longer shelf life, before mold, mildew, bacteria and fungi kick into high gear and start breaking down the food, changing it’s structure, color and, most of all, its nutritional value. But look deeper, into the science of “preservatives,” and you will find some quite ominous information, and you will forever see the term as something that can affect your life expectancy and lead to something that starts with the letter “c” from which one in every three people suffer.
The same “preservatives” that prolong the shelf life of food also shorten human life. How? Human cells need oxygen. Certain preservatives choke your mitochondria, depriving them of oxygen.
Chemical food attack
There are over 20 “cousins” of MSG, including hydrolyzed soy protein, autolyzed yeast extract, soy protein isolates and maltodextrin. They are all glutamate blockers. There are many drugs on the market that claim to treat LTD, long term depression, that block glutamate as well. The great contradiction lies in the fact that what is being treated is triggered by glutamate and aspartic acid found in aspartame. Do you think some evil pharmaceutical company came up with the idea to poison the public with a synthetic sweetener and then treat that poisoning with more chemicals? Well they did. That company was called “Searle,” and Donald Rumsfeld can tell you the story, or Google.
MSG and depression
MSG increases blood levels of free glutamic acid, which lowers dopamine levels, affecting depression on many levels. Until recently, U.S. troops were fed MSG in MREs — the meal rations of every single meal. It was required. Perhaps all those suicides should be investigated under this light.
Sodium benzoate causes DNA damage!
Sodium benzoate is a mold inhibitor found in soft drinks like Pepsi and Coke and most jarred goods like pickles and sauces. It deprives human cells of oxygen, breaking down the immune system and fueling cancerous cells to multiply and begin their “takeover.”
This can be found in products that are labeled “All Natural.” Though benzoic acid is found in low levels in fruits, the kind you find in the ingredients lists that’s used as a preservative is synthesized in a lab and is carcinogenic. This additive is derived from a reaction with sodium hydroxide and gets transported to the liver, but the liver struggles to handle it. This “preservative” can completely shut down your mitochondria, invoking DNA cellular damage in this lifetime, contrary to what science believed for nearly a century. Sodium benzoate combined with vitamin C or E can cause benzene to form. That’s a whole other research paper on cancer. Some scientists believe that sodium benzoate can be tied to Parkinson’s disease. (http://www.naturalnews.com)
You see, although sodium benzoate occurs naturally in cranberries, apples and cloves, that’s only about 40 mg/kg. Used as a preservative though, you’re getting around 2,000 mg/kg. The tests that the FDA supposedly ran on the safety of sodium benzoate date back to the 1960s and 1980s — so it must all still be true, right?
The silent evil – cancer food
Industrial food preparation and processing is the silent evil causing most human health detriment known in the USA right now. Preservative and additive are nasty, cruel words that translate into cancer for humans. Watch out for sucralose and sorbitol, both artificial sweeteners used to keep products soft longer and as emulsifiers. They cause IBS and cancer as side effects! Also watch out for BHT and BHA, as well as Big Food industry slogans like “For added freshness” and “As a preservative” — which mean your cells will be choking. Don’t choke your cells. Don’t eat cancer and it won’t eat you.
Go 100% organic and filter food toxins from your daily intake, starting right now!!!
Because the soil where our food is grown no longer contains these minerals, the extraction and formulation of trace mineral supplements has become crucial.
Benefits of Trace Minerals
Yet another school lesson involved memorizing the Periodic Table—the complete list of known elements—includes the trace and ionic minerals necessary for life to exist. Since our bodies use these elements daily, it is vital that we regularly replenish the supply in order for all our body systems and responses to function properly. The regular intake of trace minerals supports the body in proper physiological function and can ward off health problems. Trace minerals are required for numerous body functions and processes including enzyme function, thyroid regulation, glucose absorption, blood clotting, tissue formation, the transportation of oxygen in red blood cells, detoxification and much more. A deficiency in any single trace mineral can result in an imbalance of other minerals and halt the benefits, making the body vulnerable.
An example of imbalance is an overly acidic environment – the conditions where harmful organisms thrive and duplicate and can cause a variety of health issues from fatigue to chronic health conditions. However, the proper amount and balance of trace minerals encourages a healthy pH balance or alkaline environment, where only healthy cells and bodily functions can thrive.
The Essential Trace Elements1
There are over seventy known trace minerals, yet the scientific community has just begun learning about the importance of trace minerals—and how they interact with human systems. Researchers are learning more every day about which trace elements are needed to establish and keep a healthy balance, and what health issues could result from a mineral imbalance. We know that a huge percentage of Americans have some level of mineral deficiency and that this imbalance can manifest itself in symptoms as simple as food cravings or as debilitating as ongoing fatigue.
Here is a glimpse at the important roles played by just a few of the trace minerals we require to function and maintain a healthy and long life.
Boron — helps to reduce inflammation and degeneration, improves bone growth and maintenance, assists with central nervous system function, promotes healthy cell growth, contributes to hormone facilitation, and supports immune response and oxidative stress modulation.2
Chromium — enhances the cells’ ability to absorb glucose, stimulates fatty acids, and synthesizes cholesterol3
Cobalt — promotes the formulation of red blood cells and serves as part of B-12
Copper — supports red blood cell and connective tissue formation, stores and releases iron to form hemoglobin, and contributes to central nervous system functions
Iodine — assists with thyroid function, controls how quickly the body uses energy and makes proteins
Iron — transports oxygen in red blood cells
Manganese — key to enzyme systems; supports brain function
Molybdenum — part of enzyme systems; detoxification processes
Selenium — an antioxidant that combines with Vitamin E and protects cells from free radicals
Zinc — provides enzyme functions such as nucleic acid synthesis, helps immune function, and promotes insulin storage
The Importance of Ionic Minerals
Every second of every day your body relies on ionic minerals, minerals with a positive or negative electric charge which allows them to bond with water and be absorbed by the body. Ionic minerals conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses that are a vital part of muscle function—including that of the heart. These minerals help your brain to function and the cells to use osmosis to balance your water pressure and absorb nutrients. To ensure you are getting the ionic minerals and electrolytes your body needs, only choose ionic mineral supplements or supplements that contain ionic minerals. Due to the previously discussed depletion of many of these nutrients in the soils used for farming, we can no longer rely on a healthy diet to ensure consumption of each of these trace minerals. This is where adding a quality supplement comes into play.
Want to Learn More? Check out this Video by Trace Minerals Research on Ionic Trace Minerals
Potassium is an essential mineral micronutrient and is the main intracellularion for all types of cells. It is important in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the bodies of humans and animals. Potassium is necessary for the function of all living cells, and is thus present in all plant and animal tissues. It is found in especially high concentrations within plant cells, and in a mixed diet, it is most highly concentrated in fruits. The high concentration of potassium in plants, associated with comparatively very low amounts of sodium there, historically resulted in potassium first being isolated from the ashes of plants (potash), which in turn gave the element its modern name. The high concentration of potassium in plants means that heavy crop production rapidly depletes soils of potassium, and agricultural fertilizers consume 93% of the potassium chemical production of the modern world economy.
The functions of potassium and sodium in living organisms are quite different. Animals, in particular, employ sodium and potassium differentially to generate electrical potentials in animal cells, especially in nervous tissue. Potassium depletion in animals, including humans, results in various neurological dysfunctions. Characteristic concentrations of potassium in model organisms are: 30-300mM in E. coli, 300mM in budding yeast, 100mM in mammalian cell and 4mM in blood plasma. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_in_biology
Normal ion channels perform vital cellular functions such as electrical and chemical signaling, regulation of cytoplasmic or vesicular ion concentration and pH, and cell volume regulation. They also maintain mitochondrial polarization, which is essential to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule that acts as the medium of energy exchange for all cells. Dysfunctional ion channels are known to be key elements in a panoply of diseases, including epilepsy, cardiac arrhythmia, cystic fibrosis, kidney stones, hypertension, and various retinal, hearing, and skeletal-muscle diseases.4
Further investigation by the team revealed that the substances involved in the ion channel damage contained various mixtures of two size classes of peptaibols—one 11-residue peptaibol and eight 20-residue peptaibols. Peptaibols are secondary metabolites formed by certain fungi that have been generally known for many years to alter ion channels in membranes.5
After culturing T. longibrachiatum for 5 days at 37˚C (top left), a fluorescence micrograph of cells (top right) shows oval spores separating from the branching hyphae; the spore nuclei are visible as bright blue spots, while the red fluorescence indicates diffusely spread nucleic acids. A field-emission scanning electron microscopic image (bottom) shows ultrastructural details of the fungal hyphae and two raisin-like spores.
Courtesy of Maria A. Andersson, Mari Raulio, and Mirja Salkinoja-Salonen
The team discovered that the peptaibols acted synergistically, with greater damage caused by isolates in which the two classes were combined. In toxicity tests, the half-maximal effective concentration of combined peptaibol classes was 5–25 times lower than that of single classes. Channels remained open about twice as long after exposure to combined classes, compared with exposure to a single class.
Salkinoja-Salonen says her team coined the term “trilongins” (“trilong-” is from “Trichoderma longibrachiatum,” and “-in” is the suffix for any peptaibol toxin) for the specific sets of peptaibols they identified to distinguish the unique group effect from that of single peptaibols. She says she and colleagues are working on additional studies investigating other fungal species, health end points, and toxins.
Boar sperm cells are good for studying mitochondria and mitochondrial toxins because the tail of the sperm contains many mitochondria that produce ATP, which is thought to power the flagellum, says Harriet Ammann, a toxicologist in Olympia, Washington, and a member of the committee that produced the 2004 U.S. Institute of Medicine publication Damp Indoor Spaces and Health.6“Inhibition of motility is a sign of decreased or abolished mitochondrial function,” she explains.
Ammann points out that the documented mitochondrial effect could be critical since it indicates that a key function, energy production, could be significantly impaired. “Disabling of mitochondria could have widespread deleterious effects across systems, leading to greater susceptibility to infectious disease, an effect of this fungus already documented,” she says. In addition, she says, Trichoderma species produce other toxins with different mechanisms, which in all likelihood also work either additively or synergistically with peptaibols.
Identifying the ion channel damage pathway is important because there is little in the way of effective remedies for human trichodermal infections. “To my knowledge, treatment of [fungal-related] ion channel effects has not been developed,” Amman says. The only viable recourse for now, she adds, is to avoid exposure, saying that the new findings provide greater impetus to keep indoor environments dry and clean.
Metabolism: It’sthesetoflife-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. It’s such a big concept that it’s understandable to feel as if it’s beyond your control. Not true! There are a bunch of quick and easy diet and lifestyle changes you can make to boost your metabolism, make your body run more efficiently, and reach your weight-loss and fitness goals faster. Just follow this checklist. https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/55-best-ways-boost-metabolism-005651282.html

The Gut Brain Connection
Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Do certain situations make you “feel nauseous”? Have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach? We use these expressions for a reason. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation – all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the gut.
The brain has a direct effect on the stomach. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach’s juices before food gets there. You remember drooling over something that looked amazing like a birthday cake or a nice plate of food. This connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression.
This is especially true in cases where a person experiences gastrointestinal upset with no obvious physical cause. For such functional GI disorders, it is difficult to try to heal a distressed gut without considering the role of stress and emotion.
That’s because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected.
Scientists call this little brain the enteric nervous system (ENS) as mentioned above. And it’s not so little. The ENS is two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to rectum.
Researchers are finding evidence that irritation in the gastrointestinal system may send signals to the central nervous system (CNS) that trigger mood changes.
These new findings may explain why a higher-than-normal percentage of people with IBS and functional bowel problems develop depression and anxiety. That’s important, because up to 30 to 40 percent of the population has functional bowel problems at some point.
Research suggests that digestive-system activity may affect cognition (thinking skills and memory), too.
Another area of interest: Discovering how signals from the digestive system affect metabolism, raising or reducing risk for health conditions like type 2 diabetes. This involves interactions between nerve signals, gut hormones and microbiota-the bacteria that live in the digestive system which is a fascinating subject in itself.
Stress and the functional GI disorders
Given how closely the gut and brain interact, it becomes easier to understand why you might feel nauseated before giving a presentation, or feel intestinal pain during times of stress. That doesn’t mean, however, that functional gastrointestinal illnesses are imagined or “all in your head.” Psychology combines with physical factors to cause pain and other bowel symptoms. Psychosocial factors influence the actual physiology of the gut, as well as symptoms. In other words, stress (or depression or other psychological factors) can affect movement and contractions of the GI tract, make inflammation worse, or perhaps make you more susceptible to infection.
In addition, research suggests that some people with functional GI disorders perceive pain more acutely than other people do because their brains do not properly regulate pain signals from the GI tract. Stress can make the existing pain seem even worse. If you carry stress in your gut it’s important to keep stress managed.
With this in mind, you might expect that at least some people with functional GI conditions might improve with therapy to reduce stress or treat anxiety or depression. And sure enough, a review of 13 studies showed that patients who tried psychologically based approaches had greater improvement in their digestive symptoms compared with patients who received only conventional medical treatment.
This is interesting because in Holistic Medicine we look at the “whole person” including emotions as they do play a key role in the healing process. If your mind is not at peace you know your body is not balanced.
Is stress causing your symptoms?
Are your stomach problems – such as heartburn, abdominal cramps, or loose stools – related to stress? Watch for these other common symptoms of stress and discuss them with your practitioner. Together you can come up with strategies to help you deal with the stressors in your life, and also ease your digestive discomforts.
Physical symptoms
Behavioral symptoms
Emotional symptoms
Source: health.harvard.edu, Johns Hopkins Research
Tips for Reducing Stress
We may not be able to control stress, but we can manage it. Here are some stress-management tips that may help you feel better – and less stressed – every day:
10 Steps to a Healthy Immune System
1. Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. Giving your body the nutrition it needs to fight infection is one of the best things you can do. Eat organic!
2. Protect yourself from mold. Household mold is a hidden invader that can weaken the immune system and cause respiratory illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and other diseases. If you suspect mold, have a professional evaluate your home. And wash or replace pillows and mattresses to remove any hidden mold that you may be inhaling during sleep.
4. Exercise & Detox. Physical activity is not only good for stress as it releases the stress hormone cortisol, it also detoxes the body through urine and sweat.
5. Build up healthy intestinal bacteria. Increase your good bacteria by drinking kefir with live, active cultures and take a good probiotic. Also eat prebiotic foods: root vegetables and beans (fiber), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Bok choy, Brussel sprouts, etc., ), garlic, onion (anti-fungal).
6. Add quality herbs and antioxidants to your diet. Many herbs-including garlic, cinnamon, ginger root, mint leaves, oregano, thyme, turmeric all have the potential to kill off foreign invaders and boost the immune system. Berries and greens are fantastic anti-oxidants. Local bee products (pollen, Propolis and honey) are great to help build the immune system.
7. Reduce Stress – Stress hormones reduce effectiveness of the immune system. Body work is excellent in reducing stress. Massage, acupuncture, etc., Prayer is very effective.
8. Stay Hydrated – Decrease caffeine intake and drink more water. Drink half your body weight in ounces per day especially with the summer heat and exercise.
9. Eat less sugar – Elevated blood sugar levels reduce the effectiveness of the immune system. Try to stay within 25-40 grams of sugar per day.
10. Maintain a healthy weight and waist circumference.
Bonus – Play – Laugh – Love More |
If the lack of self-worth had been due to a failure in sportsmanship rather than being sexually related, then the problem would have arisen in an arm or leg instead or possibly in the fingers or shoulder.
Other typical situations that may lead to biological conflicts are loss situations, loss of a loved one, of a job, a valued possession or a territory.
Dr Hamer believes that most metastases or secondary tumors are caused by the cancer-fear or death-fear resulting from the patient given the cancer diagnosis or a negative prognosis. However, also in this case the resulting conflict shock may not be fear of death but rather anger, resentment or a separation conflict from partner or children and then tumors would appear in different places. Also a diagnosis of colon cancer commonly leads to liver cancer because of a subconscious fear of starvation.
Generally hopelessness, despair and meaninglessness create chronic stress, which prevent the healing from cancer and other diseases but they are not the cause. According to Hamer the real cause of cancer and other diseases is an unexpected traumatic shock for which we are emotionally unprepared. The following list shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs.
- Adrenal cortex – Wrong direction, gone astray
- Bladder – Ugly conflict, dirty tricks
- Bone – Lack of self-worth, inferiority feeling
- Breast milk gland – Involving care or disharmony
- Breast milk duct – Separation conflict
- Breast, left (right-handed) – Conflict concerning child, home, mother
- Breast, right (right-handed) – Conflict with partner or others
- Bronchials – Territorial conflict
- Cervix – Severe frustration
- Colon – Ugly indigestible conflict
- Esophagus – Cannot have it or swallow it
- Gall Bladder – Rivalry conflict
- Heart – Perpetual conflict
- Intestines – Indigestible chunk of anger
- Kidneys – Not wanting to live, water or fluid conflict
- Larynx – Conflict of fear and fright
- Liver – Fear of starvation
- Lung – Fear of dying or suffocation, including fear for someone else
- Lymph glands – Loss of self-worth associated with the location
- Melanoma – feeling dirty, soiled, defiled
- Middle ear – Not being able to get some vital information
- Mouth – Cannot chew or hold it
- Pancreas – Anxiety-anger conflict with family members, inheritance
- Prostate – Ugly conflict with sexual connections or connotations
- Rectum – Fear of being useless
- Skin – Loss of integrity
- Spleen – Shock of being physically or emotionally wounded
- Stomach – Indigestible anger, swallowed too much
- Testes and Ovaries – Loss conflict
- Thyroid – Feeling powerless
- Uterus – Sexual conflict
Dr Hamer started his cancer research when he developed testicle cancer after his son was shot dead. He wondered if his son�s death was the cause of his cancer. Subsequently he investigated and documented over 15,000 cases of cancer and always found the following characteristics to be present, which he termed the Iron Rules of Cancer.
The Iron Rules of Cancer
- Every cancer and related disease starts as a DHS that is a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, which is a serious, acute-dramatic and isolating conflict-shock-experience. It manifests simultaneously on three levels, psyche, brain and organ.
- The theme of the psychic conflict determines the location of the focus or HAMER Herd in the brain, and the location of the cancer in the organ.
- The course of the psychic conflict correlates with the development of the HAMER Herd in the brain, and the course of the cancer in the organ.
- At the moment of the conflict-shock a short circuit occurs in a pre-determined place of the brain. This can be photographed with computed-tomography (CT) and looks like concentric rings on a shooting target or like the surface of water after a stone has been dropped into it. Later on, if the conflict becomes resolved, the CT image changes, an edema develop, and finally scar tissue.
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A Powerful Prayer For Healing