Our Spiritual Evolution

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We have a symbiotic and dynamic relationship with Mother Earth that goes far beyond the air that we breathe,  the water that we drink  and  the food we eat.  Thanks to Mother Earth we live in a sea of energy  and the essences that nurture our subtle body,  or energy body.  Our subtle body is responsible for maintaining our physical body  and if- it- is deprived of sufficient energy our well being suffers. Conversely if we absorb more than a sufficient amount of energy, we perk up and healing may be facilitated.  http://www.jubileeinitiative.org/makingheavenmother.html 

Something new and miraculous is happening in my life these days. I feel I’m entering the next phase of my spiritual evolution.  It has to do with what Patricia Albere  calls Mutual Awakening, and what my sister,  Barbara Marx Hubbard, calls ‘Connecting with the Universal Self.’

Recently, and much to our shared delight,  my sister introduced me to Patricia.  During   our first meeting, Patricia spoke of her mutual awakening with Peter, the great lost love of her life. After losing him in a tragic car accident, she had gone on to find ways to teach and share the incredible states of awakened consciousness and ecstatic presence that they had explored together. I knew then that I had to be part of the year-long intensive that she offers – the Evolutionary Collective.

Part of why I felt so strongly drawn to Patricia’s story  and  her offering is that much of     my life I have been seeking a lost love. On the eve of my sixth birthday, my beloved mother died of breast cancer, and ever since then I have been searching for the unconditional love that so cruelly and suddenly disappeared.

Like so many, I have explored many spiritual traditions, experienced expanded states of conscious and attended countless workshops, as well as taught many classes and seminars. I am happy to say that in recent years I have found the Beloved Within, and have myself become a source of the love that I was seeking.

This sense of a living, loving presence within me has deepened and strengthened as I’ve absorbed and taught The Emergence Process, based on a book by my sister, Barbara, entitled Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence. This process guides us to incarnate our Essential Self and become one with our Essence, the Inner Beloved.

Making the shift from ego to Essence is a prerequisite not just for personal evolution but also for mutual awakening, which can happen only when we can communicate with each other from Essence to Essence, and move to spiritual union, Beloved with Beloved in Divine Love.

While this may sound esoteric, shared awakening is actually natural and easy when      two   or more are in resonance, fully present to and communicating their experience of   the present moment. This can take place face to face, when looking in to each other eyes and seeing each other’s souls.  More amazingly, it can be as powerful long distance, over the phone, when two or more communicate their authentic experience together out of a fertile and mysterious silence.  We move beyond the I-thou relationship to a “We space”, build on each other’s sharing and begin to explore territory that we could not travel alone.

We also often experience a “natural high”. There frequently is playfulness, laughter        and shared delight. Boundaries dissolve and consciousness expands; and the dark Void becomes alive,  filled with light,  love and  joy. The present moment becomes luminous,      multi-dimensional, and revelatory. We experience a loving resonant field lifting us into unexpected dimensions of communion and a sense that consciousness is evolving itself through us.

I find that with both the Emergence Process and Mutual Awakening practices, I often feel that I’m falling in love. My body fills with soft bliss. I have orgasms of the heart. It is a Big Love that completely transcends the possessiveness that comes with sexual relationships. The Inner Beloved is ecstatic as it meets itself in many beautiful hearts and souls. I’ve called this “spiritual polyamory”.

While I have been engaged in Mutual Awakening only since November, I recently told my practice partner from this training, “I believe I will never feel alone again.” “I feel the same way,” was her immediate reply.

After searching a lifetime to find the love I lost when my mother died, I know the ache of longing for that love, and the profound and lasting joy that comes with finding it.  I am devoted to supporting others in finding their own Beloved within, and with that in mind, am thrilled to be teaching a twenty-four week Emergence Process Teaching Intensive on Shift Network starting this April (See the bio below)

Divine Eros truly is alive and well. It is what our separated selves and our precious world most urgently need so that we become whole, whole-hearted and together create Heaven on earth. It is the next step in our collective evolution.

Patricia Ellsberg

Beginning in early April, Patricia will teach a six month course on The Shift Network entitled The Emergence Process Teaching Intensive: Embodying Love, Living from Essence. To learn more about her spiritual journey and this course, click here to register for her free call, Incarnating the Beloved: Becoming the Source of the Love You Seek,

Patricia Albere

Patricia Albere …. is at ground zero of an evolutionary stream of spiritual awakening.  She is the  founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective and an internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and author.


The Spiritual Heart — is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to         a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things.

The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person’s heart contributes     to a ‘collective field environment.’ This video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdneZ4fIIHE

The best way to experience what Patricia teaches is through 5GATEWAYS,  the popular documentary below. The film …. which has been remastered in 2015. SO here’s the 93 minute full feature film. I feel that its meant to reach many people, so please share widely.

  • 5GATEWAYS is a profound route map for spiritual evolution, handed down through the eons by the masters, which is only now making its way into humanity’s collective consciousness.
  • It helps you perceive your life as a journey of Enlightenment, expanding greatly your sense of inner peace, unfolding authentic beingness, bringing great success and fulfillment.
  • In understanding and applying it to your life, helps remove uncertainty, clarifies your true destiny, and helps you unfold that. It can catalyse your next evolutionary leap.


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