Based on 2014 data, lung cancer deaths bunched across the state of Kentucky, though Union County, Florida, had the highest in the nation with 231 deaths per 100,000 people that year. Breast cancer, on the other hand, lit up the map along the Mississippi River and Southern belt. It was highest in Madison County, Mississippi, with 52 deaths per 100,000 people.
Although these numbers can be misleading. Summit County, Colorado, which has fewer than 30,000 residents, had the lowest incidences of both lung and breast cancers, at 11 deaths per 100,000 people for each cancer. Summit County also has a transient population of newcomers that will go home when a disease occurs.
Liver cancer increased by almost 88% nationwide over the 24 years, from 3.6 to 6.8 deaths per 100,000 people. The authors pointed out clusters along Texas’ border with Mexico and in several counties in states with large Native American populations: New Mexico, Alaska and South Dakota. As we see incline …in the Amish populations disease rates as they drift away from traditional lifestyle and sell off their farm land to mega farmers and the farm practices they bring with them.
(1) Free from electromagnetic waves (no tv, no smart phone, no electric lights, no microwave cooking, etc);
(2) near-organic food;
(3) alcohol and smoking rare;
(4) active lifestyle.
Native American disease and epidemics
The six leading causes of death (with mortality rates per 100,000 population) amongst all Native American males are from accidents (127.3), heart disease (126.8), cancer (63.0) and cerebrovascular disease and homicide (both 22.9).
Among Native American females, the six leading causes of death (with mortality rates per 100,000 population) are also from heart disease (87.9), cancer (55.6), accidents (42.6), cerebrovascular disease (23.6), chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (20.8) and diabetes (17.2).
A video about Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. This project is for the ‘Global Health and Human Rights’ course at Duke University….. 
Preview video Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
“A Hidden America: Children of the Mountains” is a continuation of Diane Sawyer’s reporting on America’s forgotten children. Sawyer won an Emmy for outstanding feature story in a news magazine for “Waiting on the World to Change,” a firsthand account of poverty among children in America, which aired in 2007. The yearlong reporting followed the lives of children in one of the poorest cities in America who struggle daily to succeed despite horrendous odds.- ABC NEWS 20/20
However, the researchers did not examine the reasons for the increase.
Overall, the counties with the cancer highest mortality rates were in Kentucky and the South (per 100,000 people):
- Union County, Florida 503.05
- Madison County, Mississippi 363.03
- Powell County, Kentucky 337.43
- Breathitt County, Kentucky 329.07
- Marlboro County, South Carolina 324.02
- Owsley County, Kentucky 323.30
- Anderson County, Texas 323.22
- Perry County, Kentucky 322.75
- Harlan County, Kentucky 319.82
- Lee County, Kentucky 317.33
The lowest rates of all cancers were seen in these counties (per 100,000 people):
- Summit County, Colorado 70.71
- Pitkin County, Colorado 81.86
- Eagle County, Colorado 94.29
- Presidio County, Texas 103.51
- Hinsdale County, Colorado 110.26
- San Miguel County, Colorado 113.58
- Aleutians East Borough, Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska 116.05
- Los Alamos County, New Mexico 118.42
- Billings County, North Dakota 120.27
- Grand County, Colorado 121.34
Because the data end at 2014, Mokdad said, the numbers do not show how the Affordable Care Act, which expanded coverage to millions of Americans, might have impacted these disparities. Other recent studies have described an
increase in mammograms among older women and
coverage for the chronically ill under the act.
With one of my favorite Facebook friends growing up not to far from cancer alley.
In 1987 some residents in the tiny community of St. Gabriel, Louisiana, called Jacobs Drive, the street on which they lived, “cancer alley” because there were fifteen cancer victims in a two-block stretch. Half a mile away, there were seven cancer victims living on one block. The eighty-five-mile stretch of the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to New Orleans was formerly referred to as the “petrochemical corridor” but after reports of numerous cases of cancer occurring in the small rural communities on both sides of the river, the entire area became known as cancer alley.
Preview YouTube video Cancer Alley
Clusters can consist of various conditions: cancer, birth defects and other chronic illnesses. The exact cause of these high-density, at-risk areas is unknown, but
the NRDC reports they “have sometimes been linked to chemicals or other
toxic pollutants in local communities.” However, the organization admits that “these links can be controversial.”
The disease clusters spotlighted in the NRDC report are not a complete list. In order to shed light on the issue, the council zeroed in on 13 states in the U.S. with known clusters that occurred after 1976 and that have been confirmed by federal, state or local authorities, or had been covered in a peer-reviewed journal. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3408895/
Cancer being genetics 3% of the time what really causes cancer can be found in cancer cluster and the chemicals that we come in direct contact with, consume in our food, iron & chloride in our water and also the air breath. With todays technology I think we should heed our own advice which include EMF smog …WiFi signals, dirty electricity, Bluetooth and ubiquitous WiFi signals around us, cellphone use, pylons and cell towers. There’s also a study in Germany that links EMF with the incidence of Childhood Leukemia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOSbSurf6DU
Factors that cause cancer clusters. This is a video clip from the fabulous documentary by James Russell, “Resonance – Beings of Frequency”. This incredible film can be seen free online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FttrOK1ec4Q

Finding the root causes
“At the county level, you see huge disparities,” Mokdad said. “Many counties are falling behind while the rest of the country benefits.” These disparities may exist for any number of reasons, he said. For one, risk factors for cancer, such as smoking and obesity, might be more prevalent in certain places. Also we all must all beware of vitamin, mineral deficits and good fat to bad ratios.
Prevention and screening in some counties can lag behind others, which may cause fatal cases of cancers that are normally easily detected and treated. Low awareness of cancer risks and symptoms, as well as poor access to health care, can impact the quality of cancer treatment and how soon patients receive it.
Even in cancer research,
multiple studies have showed that participants are largely white and male, which may impact how effective treatments are for all populations.
“There is an added element of difficulty in engaging in research and education from folks who are considered to be from the outside,” said Dr. LeeAnn Bailey, who develops diversity training and community outreach programs with the
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities. She was not involved in the study.
According to Bailey, going out into the community is key. One of these programs, the
Geographic Management of Cancer Health Disparities Program, organizes the country into six “hubs,” each served by a major cancer center, that sends health workers into communities.
“Those are our feet on the ground,” Bailey said.