♥️🙏♥️ It’s A God Thing ♥️🙏♥️

Ken, I am Tammy Rushing Dunaway: The Dunaway’s Music.

Because you care more about people going through this than anyone I know

y…ou are  a personal Hero of mine.  🙄    

I was dying… I did not know anything at all about what was happening to me. I went         at least 6 times with tears rolling down my face begging for help. I was turned away.

Further into it when I knew what I was dealing with, I took the list of symptoms,      pictures of Stachybotrys from my house etc.

Preview YouTube video Stachybotrys in My Home: Now What?

 I was thinking that doctors…. they will be able to know how to help me now.
Instead, I felt like they didn’t believe me. Nothing was done, no questions nothing just silence and moved on. In the third and final stage of Mycotoxicosis… I made one last try… I knew I was dying.
While at the Drs office I contracted Strep. SO I called them back… I was so sick,                but I felt like it was still thought to be my overactive imagination.
It is a horrible thing to go through. Zero support, I could not find help.                                       I had family members who thought I was making it up too.
When I found your group, Just knowing someone out there cared and I was not the only one kept me from totally falling into despair. May 2, God gave me divine intervention. I have improved to an almost normal life. I just have to detox, probiotics like you told me and a few supplements.
Image result for my ionic foot detox machine
MY Ionic Foot Detox is the bombdiggity. Some of us just don’t detox. I had fibromyalgia and other symptoms for years… it turns out it is because I’ve been toxic the whole time.       I apply Oregano Oil on bottom of feet every night! I use Frankincense. Drops under the tongue… plus B12 and I just get the GNC brand of probiotics. Treatment-Resistant Fungal Infections.
Probiotic Complex Daily Need - 1 Billion CFUs | GNC
Another item one might want to consider is testing

How does the ERMI mold test work?  What will the results tell you about the safety of          your environment?  We offer helpful information for determining your next step when toxic mold is suspected in your home, school, or workplace.

Ken my whole Life has been of a survivor that’s all I know,
this is my story and I’m gonna be honest. ♥️🙏♥️
I started this music thing at the age of 4.
It is all I’ve ever known or done. 💕💕💕
When I reached my 20s, I was beating my head against the wall trying to “make it”….
I did not know God at the time but it was so hard I got frustrated and began to be angry with Him … because I had given my life…. and I could not get any help…  So I moved to Nashville in 1989 and became the “starving musician”. Fail… fail…  wound up coming        full circle.
There is a lot more to this story….. but it will have to be in a book 😜
Because of that pursuit of a dream for so many years and so many disappointments. So many bands, contests, more banging my head against the wall, tears, downward spiral…and the mess it brought into my life…. in 1992 I gave up. I was spent and empty and lost.
SO I went into a bathroom with a loaded gun. I was done. But at that moment God spoke to my thoughts… He said ” If you are really done with that life, why don’t you give it to me.”

That was my turning point. I repented and turned my dream over to God. I meant business and I started getting rid of everything in my life that was not pleasing to Him. He knew the desires of my heart, but the only way that was acceptable to God was to let Him do it, or not do it. I just went back to the little things… faithful to church, faithful to use my talent in a small way, faithful in every thought and deed that I could be.

Little by little ….  as I walked with God,  He was faithful too.  It was a journey with lots of twists turns valleys and hills…. In 2002, now along with daughter and husband. A national network put our music on the air for the first time. The song was He Kissed My Heartache. It went straight to #1 on that network. We got picked up by a national distributor and then our product went in Christian bookstores nationwide.

Not for the sake of saying look at me, but I’m going to leave a look back at the LOOK AT WHAT GOD DID years…. This is the only way I know to tell someone how to have true success. The Bible says if you lose your life, then you will find it. The star belongs to Him. When you lay that at His feet, he does great things with your life, and the talent HE gave you….

This is my advice. Being honest, I do know people, but that door is sealed. Only God can open that door.  I just gave you the only key to it.   ♥️  After my dream died and I allowed Gods dream to be born in my life… here are some of the things… He did. It’s Proof that it works! The real blessings of life are people, family, friends, and our relationship with God. When God chooses to allow us to accomplish things in our lives, the key is HE always gets the glory.
 We could never do anything on our own apart from Jesus making it possible. Thanks to whoever was responsible for giving us these memories. Most are nominations, but to us that is a great honor. Thank you for these trophies Lord, but we lay them at your precious feet.
  If the source of my ambition is the treasure I obtain, If I measure my successes on a scale of earthly gain; If the focus of my vision is the status I attain, My accomplishments are worthless and my efforts are in vain.

So I lay aside these trophies to pursue a higher crown,
And should You choose somehow to use the life I willingly lay down;
I surrender all the triumph for it’s only by Your grace,
I relinquish all the glory, I surrender all the praise.

Writers: David Moffit and Reggie Hamm

2015 AGM Country Recorded Album of the Year “Church In The Kitchen”

Preview YouTube video GMS The Dunaways “Church In The Kitchen”

2013 Top 10 SN Didn’t I Walk On The Water
“Making three genre top seller lists at Amazon.com”

2012 “It’s A God Thing” Top 20 in national sales

2011 AGM Country Song of The Year​ When There’s No Hope, There Is Grace​​

2011 Nominated Song Of The Year Absolutley Gospel​​

2011 #1 Song Singing News Mag When There’s No Hope There is Grace​​

2011 #1 Song Absolutely Gospel When There’s No Hope There is Grace​

2007 Nominated Bluegrass/Country Album of the Year Sogospel News Awards

2005 Nominated Favorite Mixed Group Sogo

2005 Nominated Top 5 Sunrise Award Diamond Awards

2004 Nominated Favorite Alto Tammy Dunaway Sogo

2004 Nominated Favorite Soprano Kanah Dunaway Sogo

2004 Nominated Favorite Mixed Group Sogo

2004 Nominated SGMG New Artist of The Year

2004 Nominated Horizon Award/Diamond Award

2004 Top 5 Horizon Group Singing News

2004 Top 10 Horizon Individual Kanah Dunaway

2003 Nominated Album of The Year Sogospelnews Awards

2003 Nominated Country Bluegrass Song of The Year (Beautiful Day)                       Sogospel News Awards

2003 Nominated Country Bluegrass Album of The Year (Beautiful Day)                     Sogospel News Awards

2003 Nominated Female Vocalist of The Year (Kanah Dunaway)                                  Sogospel News Awards

2003 Breakthough Artist of The Year Sogospelnews Awards

2003 Nominated Mixed Group of The Year Sogospelnews Awards

2003 Mixed Group of The Year Sogospel Awards

​2002 Nominated Horizon Award/Diamond Award

2002 Nominated SGMG New Artist of The Year

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