Chronic stress accelerates the spread of cancer, Australian researchers have revealed
in a study that could dramatically change the way people with the disease are treated.
The Surprising Relationship Between Emotions And Brainwaves
Many people are prone to marveling whether emotions and brainwaves have a relationship with each other. The answer to this is yes! This is because the brain is the central point for all the emotional communication with the body. It is also the main producer of most of the current in the basic neural pathway. It does this with the use of different frequencies such as Delta, Alpha, Theta, Beta and Gamma. All these frequencies have a major say in the body and usually determine the emotional state of the body at any given time.
These brainwaves provide different frequencies each responsible for providing a trace for the brain activities. This means, you will have a different kind of behavior with every frequency produced by the brain. This is to say, an angry person will display a different level of brain wave compared to the same person when he is in a happier mood.
Therefore, researchers who have been interested in the difference between emotions and brainwaves have come up with a remedy to determine how one is reacting to certain conditions around him. This is through altering the specific kind of waves available at a certain time. If you are stressed up at times, you need to change this frequency from Beta to Alpha.
The beta state is where the brain is transmitting waves which makes one feel anger as well as hunger. For you to achieve a relaxed and serene kind of atmosphere, you need to find a way to get the positive vibes associated with the Alpha frequencies. These will get rid of too much stress in your body giving you an aura of freshness and positivity.
Being able to control the brainwaves, you have been able to crack the instances for poor emotional state. With this, you have managed to see the similarity of emotions and brainwaves.
The best way to have the best emotions and brainwaves relationship using Alpha is through downloading the Binaural beats. This is a recording that helps the brain get back to the state of relaxation and happiness. This is because it produces an amount of frequency that translates to the body as relaxation and less worry. These are well engineered recordings that are played back through the normal stereo headphones.
The main task for this is to provide you with the ability for your brain to determine the kind of frequency should be used to achieve relaxation. Through this, the music is recorded on different frequencies for each ear.
The difference between the two frequencies is what has been designed to gain access to the brain. The relationship between the emotions and brainwaves is clearly seen here because none of the two can function on its own.
Light is used to symbolize God, faith or holiness throughout scripture. Use Bible verses to gain a better understanding and interpretation of the positive notion light has in the Bible. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.
“There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
If you change your thinking, you change your life.
Your life is also a reflection of your thoughts.
What is one blessing you’re thankful for?
Lisa Park does not have telekinesis—you can tell by the EEG headset affixed to her skull. But if you ignore the black sensors wrapped around her head and watch the pools of water below, it looks as though she’s pulling off some serious Carrie-style mind manipulation.
In Eunoia II, Park controls 48 pools of water using just her brainwaves. The rippling water appears to move through sheer will, but it’s actually the result 14 EEG sensors capturing Park’s emotions and translating them into sound waves.
The music pipes through speakers attached to the bottom of each plate and causes the water to vibrate. On command Park can increase the volume of music or change the intensity of vibrations in the pools of water. Think of it as a direct visualization of what Park is feeling at any given moment.
Eunoia II is a continuation (and expansion) of Eunoia, a similar installation Park created last year while a student at New York University’s ITP program. In the previous iteration of the installation, Lisa Park also controlled five pools of water, each of which had speakers underneath to induce the vibrating. The goal in the original Euonia project …. was to make her mind as still as possible—any motion you saw in the water was evidence of Park’s mind beginning to wander. Euonia II is all about expressing emotion. The 48 speakers are a nod to the 48 emotions the philosopher Baruch Spinoza described in his book Ethics.
Helen Glover has been ranked the number one female rower since 2015. This summer in Rio she won Gold in the Coxless pairs with partner Heather Stanning – repeating their success of 2012. So How does she prepare for an event, how integral are emotions to her training process and how does she channel the paranoia she feels before a big event?
For most of us, our dominant brain wave is Beta, as we use this frequency when we’re awake and focused. The Beta brain wave … helps us get through the day and logically make decisions. You can be in different stages of Beta depending on your actions, for example, if you’re teaching or in a deep conversation, you would be in Beta, however if you were giving a speech, you would be in high Beta.
If we spend all day being in Beta, going from one highly focused situation to the next, this can cause problems as you’re in a continual state of concentration, leading to muscle tension, high blood pressure, anxiety and exhaustion. Being in Beta Wave for too long also doesn’t give you an opportunity to produce the all-important Alpha brain waves.
Alpha occurs in deep relaxation and these brain waves incidentally reduce anxiety and stress, therefore by operating largely in Beta, we’re not only stressing ourselves out, but also decreasing our minds natural capacity to deal with stress and anxiety. During Alpha, we’re relaxed, yet alert, and emotionally we feel pleasure and tranquility.
Alpha gives your mind and body a chance to relax, meaning it’s a great time to recharge your mind. It gives you the strength to deal with stress. Listening to meditation or learning audios during the Alpha states allows for deeper learning and is a time where you can come up with powerful and enlightened ideas.
Moving beyond consciousness and delving deeply into the subconscious mind is Theta brain waves, which are present while you’re dreaming and in deep meditation. While operating in Theta, you experience increased creativity, inspiration and have a connection to truth, inner strength and experience visualizations.
How emotions cause disease and illness – Enlightened Feelings
How to safely and effortlessly release negative emotions to heal your illness and heal yourself … Meditation slows your brain waves to an alpha stste of 7.8-11htz.

Preview -How to Meditate to see your dreams come true(new)

Theta is an important wave, not only because because it facilitates the ideal mental/ physiological state for healing, it also enables us to access the power and wisdom of our unconscious mind, that is normally inaccessible in more alert states.
Benefits of stimulating our brain with theta brainwaves:
Mind and body healing
During theta brainwave activity, both the body and mind experience enhanced rejuvenation, growth, and healing. Due to the deep levels of relaxation that theta brainwaves facilitate, the body, mind, spirit are easily able to restore themselves during and after illness, as well as after mental burnout and physical exertion.
Boosted immune system
Increasing your theta brainwaves helps to optimise your immune system’s function due to the fact that theta brainwaves are associated with vitality and the elimination of stress. Stress and anxiety can do harm to the immune system by releasing a surplus of harmful chemicals such as adrenaline, including the hormone cortisol, which in oversupply are damaging to the immune system. Theta brainwaves activate …. the release of pleasant chemicals and neurotransmitters to help keep your immune system at its peak.
Deep levels of relaxation
Theta brainwaves are most common during sleep, deep meditation, self hypnosis and amongst young children. Through entraining your brain to theta rhythm, you can access pleasantly relaxed states that are rare amongst adults during daily routines.
Stress and anxiety reduction
Theta brainwave entrainment causes deep mental and physical relaxation, which in turn reduces stress and anxiety levels.
Intuition increase
Through accessing theta brainwaves, your intuition will increase as well as your ability to identify “gut” feelings. In other words, your ability to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ outside the borders of the physical senses expands, and therefore your perception of reality expands too. Through training your brain with meditation, self hypnosis or brain entrainment, you awaken your deeper intelligence, also known as the ‘inner genius’.
Subconscious connection
Theta brainwaves allow you to connect deeply with your unconscious mind (subconscious). Your unconscious mind is the collective intelligence of all cells in your body. It regulates all your autonomic body functions. It houses your emotions, imagination, memory, habits, intuition, and is your personal pathway to even more subtle levels of consciousness.
Ability to program your unconscious mind (subconscious)
Meaningful personal transformation results from a shift in the unconscious mind.
The only way to reach and change major set beliefs and emotional responses of the unconscious mind is through hypnosis or theta brainwave entrainment.
Through self hypnosis or theta brain entrainment, you can access the unconscious mind for the purpose of facilitating core healing and change. Therefore theta brainwave entrainment is a great resource for both Hypnotherapists, as – well – as those using self hypnosis.
The use of affirmations, mental imagery and hypnotic suggestion is far more effective when your brain is in theta rhythm. In this state you bypass your conscious mind that often acts as a “filter” and prevents you from changing your unwanted thought and behaviour patterns.
Through being deeply relaxed, your unconscious mind accepts any healing related statements or mental pictures that you give it, without question, and begins to act on it immediately. Therefore it’s easier to clear any thought and behaviour patterns that you may want to change, and to install new, desirable thinking and attitudes as part of your personal development and growth.
High levels of creativity
Theta brainwave dominance is often found in highly creative individuals. Many talented musicians, inventors, and artists are found to have extremely higher than average amounts of theta brainwaves. Through entraining theta brainwaves your creativity will be enhanced.
Advanced problem solving skills
Theta brain waves help you to overcome “mental blocks” and enable you to access the FLOW state. The inability to solve problems is related to your inability to change your mental state. Inducing theta brainwaves changes your mental state and thereby offers new levels of thought and perception that enable you to approach any problem with greater resourcefulness. Theta brainwaves have also been associated with the ability to “hyperfocus” which means staying intensely focused and motivated with one idea.
Increase of the learning ability
It has been said that as your brain enters the frequencies of the theta range, you will be able to retain over 300% more information than you can while in your normal daily (beta brainwave) state. Theta brainwaves allow people to learn large amounts of information in a much quicker time than beta brainwave state.
Research has been done on language learning and development, claiming that the reason why children are able to pick up new languages so quickly is because of their increased amount of theta brainwaves. Adults and students of a new foreign language may greatly benefit from shifting their brainwaves to the theta range.
Improve long-term memory
As theta brainwaves increase, the ability of the brain to recall and store long-term memories increases. The hippocampus, is a part of the brain involved in storing and processing memories, normally has a theta brainwave rhythm. With increasing levels of stress, beta brainwaves ‘disrupt’ the hippocampus. This is why stressed people often have a poor ability to recall long-term memories. One of the reasons why Hypnotherapy is effective is because clients, through having theta brainwaves induced, are able to recall “forgotten memories” as part of certain healing processes.
Emotional connection
Theta brainwaves are associated with your ability to feel emotions. Blocked or suppressed emotions can be experienced when theta brainwaves are stimulated. In this way you can learn to feel and understand your emotions better.
Bridges the spiritual connection
Many consider the peaceful and blissful state associated with theta brainwaves to be the bridge between the physical body and the spiritual realms. In the theta brainwave rhythm people sense a deep spiritual connection. According to some, the theta brainwave range provides enhanced spiritual awareness and profound insight. Many spiritual experiences and phenomena are commonly experienced in the theta brainwave state.
Paranormal experiences
For those who are open to it, theta brainwaves are also associated with psychic experiences, such as Out Of Body Experiences, remote vision, ESP, and other phenomena. Even though most paranormal and psychic experiences can be argued to be real or fake, there is evidence that most people tend to have them when their mind has theta brainwave dominance. Some psychics are apparently able to access theta brainwaves in order to connect with non-physical beings and subtle realms of consciousness.
Technically, theta brainwaves are patterns of electrical activity of the brain ranging from 4 to 8 Hz. Here are the typical qualities of the entire theta range:
4.5 Hz – Brings about Shamanic/Tibetan state of consciousness, Tibetan chants.
4.9 Hz – Induce relaxation and deeper sleep
4.9 Hz – Introspection. Relaxation, meditation
5 Hz – Reduces sleep required. Theta replaces need for extensive dreaming
5.35 Hz – Allows relaxing breathing, free and efficient
5.5 Hz – Inner guidance, intuition
6.5 Hz – Centre of Theta frequency. Activates creative frontal lobe
7.5 Hz – Activates creative thought for art, invention, music. Problem solving
7.5 Hz – Ease of overcoming troublesome issues
7.83 Hz – Schumann earth resonance. Grounding, meditative, Leaves you revitalized
3 – 8 Hz – Deep relaxation, meditation. Lucid dreaming
3 – 8 Hz – Increased memory, focus, creativity
4 – 7 Hz – Profound inner peace, emotional healing. Lowers mental fatigue
4 – 7 Hz – Deep meditation, near-sleep brainwaves.
Interestingly, the planet Earth resonates at a Theta frequency of 7.83 Hz, a frequency known as Schumann Resonance.
The Healing Trance-Formations recording entrains your brainwaves to 7Hz, for almost the full duration of the one hour track, and increases to 12Hz in the final 6 minutes, to leave you in alpha state (relaxed body and alert mind) at the end of the track.
Important Medical Warning
If you are using a pacemaker, or if you have had or are prone to seizures, or are epileptic, then brain entrainment technologies (included in many of the recordings available on this website), should only be used with permission from your Medical Doctor.
Theta brainwaves are typically more predominant amongst those with ADD, therefore using products that stimulate theta brainwaves is not recommended for people with ADD. If you have been diagnosed with ADD or think that you may have this disposition, please only use our theta brainwave producing recordings* with the permission and care of your Medical Doctor.
Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study
The EEG (electroencephalograph) measures brainwaves of different frequencies within the brain. Electrodes are placed on specific sites on the scalp to detect and record the electrical impulses within the brain. A frequency is the number of times a wave repeats itself within a second. It can be compared to the frequencies that you tune into on your radio. If any of these frequencies are deficient, excessive, or difficult to access, our mental performance can suffer.
The raw EEG has usually been described in terms of frequency bands: Gamma greater than 30(Hz) BETA (13-30Hz), ALPHA (8-12 Hz), THETA (4-8 Hz), and DELTA (less than 4 Hz).
For example: Our brain uses 13Hz (high alpha or low beta) for “active” intelligence. Often we find individuals who exhibit learning disabilities and attention problems having a deficiency of 13Hz activity in certain brain regions that affects the ability to easily perform sequencing tasks and math calculations.
Do you, like most people, often suffer from a vague sense that something is not OK, fleeting, disturbing emotions and memories, vague aches and pains, sleeplessness, anxiety? Where do these feelings and memories come from? And what can you do to ease the pain? Is it really just “all in your head?”
Theta brainwaves are the rhythm of REM sleep, the source of lucid dreams, the dreamy consciousness, just before sleep, and just upon awakening. Theta brainwaves, measured at 4-7 Hz, are the doorway to the subconscious world; while we are in the Theta state, the mind and body is capable of deep and profound healing and learning; the Theta brainwave is where our minds connect to the Soul, and the Divine. It seems, that while we stand upon the threshold of the conscious, and the unconscious, miracles can happen, spontaneous healings, of mind, body and soul.
We access the miraculous Theta brainwave state not only during our night time dreams, but during our day dreams, when we are gifted with inspiration and insights, fanciful ideas, and beautiful imaginings, when we seem to see the world in Technicolor.
It is a state of deep peace, and centered calm. Often, while meditating in a Theta state, we can access the hidden reasons for not only our emotional and mental attitudes, but also, for our physical ailments as well.
Traditional meditation techniques, which often take years to learn, aim at achieving a Theta brainwave state consciously; there are also new methods of meditation, such as binaural beats and isochronic tones, which use sound therapy techniques to externally manipulate the brainwaves. This can be very effective; within minutes, the user can achieve the desired brainwave state, with precision and ease, accessing the peace of mind, that facilitates physical and emotional healing, and enlightens the mind.
The Chakras are the energy centers of the body; there are seven main Chakras, each centered within a nerve plexus, and endocrine gland, and each governing not only various parts of the human body, but also, different aspects of the human consciousness.
The energy, the attitudes and emotions, withheld within the chakras, blocks the flow of energy throughout the body, causing discomfort, and disease, not only mentally and emotionally, but also physically. By releasing this stagnant energy, we can release our natural ability to heal, on all levels.
Each Chakra has a sound; traditionally, these Chakra sounds have been chanted, with deep intonations, vibrating throughout the body. Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, attuned to these Chakra tones, have also been traditionally used to access and release the energies bound within the Chakras. A deep, meditative state is also necessary for these traditional methods to work. When energy is released from the Chakras through meditation, often, a flood of emotions and memories will flow, followed almost instantly, by a deep sense of peace and calm.
By combining the use of deep, Theta level sound healing techniques, such as binaural beats and isochronic tones, with the traditional sounds and tones associated with the Chakras, modern day miracles can happen; an almost instantaneous release of energy, washing throughout the body, and relief from physical, emotional and mental pain can be achieved.
Brain Wave Frequencies:
DELTA (0.1 to 3.5 Hz)
The lowest frequencies are delta. These are less than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep and in some abnormal processes. It is the dominant rhythm in infants up to one year of age and it is present in stages 3 and 4 of sleep. It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. We increase Delta waves in order to decrease our awareness of the physical world. We also access information in our unconscious mind through Delta. Peak performers decrease Delta waves when high focus and peak performance are required.
However, most individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, naturally increase rather than decrease Delta activity when trying to focus. The inappropriate Delta response often severely restricts the ability to focus and maintain attention. It is as if the brain is locked into a perpetual drowsy state.Another way to look at Delta is to imagine you are driving in a car and you shift into 1st gear….you’re not going to get anywhere very fast. So Delta would represent 1st gear.
DELTA (0.1-3 Hz): Distribution: generally broad or diffuse; may be bilateral, widespread
Subjective feeling states: deep, dreamless sleep, non-REM sleep, trance, unconscious
Associated tasks & behaviors: lethargic, not moving, not attentive
Physiological correlates: not moving, low-level of arousal
Effects of training: can induce drowsiness, trance, deeply relaxed states
THETA (4-8 Hz)
The next brainwave is theta. Theta activity has a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and is classed as “slow” activity. It is seen in connection with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and fantasizing and is a repository for memories, emotions, sensations.
Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness. It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind.
It is abnormal in awake adults but is perfectly normal in children up to 13 years old. It is also normal during sleep. Theta is believed to reflect activity from the limbic system and hippocampal regions. Theta is observed in anxiety, behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition.
When the theta rhythm appears to function normally it mediates and/or promotes adaptive, complex behaviors such as learning and memory. Under unusual emotional circumstances, such as stress or disease states, there may be an imbalance of three major transmitter systems, which results in aberrant behavior. Back to our car example, Theta would be considered 2nd gear. Not as slow as 1st gear (Delta) but still not very fast.
THETA (3.5-7.5 Hz): Distribution: usually regional, may involve many lobes, can be lateralized or diffuse;
Subjective feeling states: intuitive, creative, recall, fantasy, imagery, creative, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsy; “oneness”, “knowing”
Associated tasks & behaviors: creative, intuitive; but may also be distracted, unfocused
Physiological correlates: healing, integration of mind/body
Effects of Training: if enhanced, can induce drifting, trance-like state. If suppressed, can improve concentration, ability to focus attention
ALPHA (8-12 Hz)
Alpha waves are those between 8 and 12(Hz). Alpha waves will peak around 10Hz. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate, enhances overall sense of relaxation and fatigue. In this state you can move quickly and efficiently to accomplish whatever task is at hand. When Alpha predominates most people feel at ease and calm.
Alpha appears to bridge the conscious to the subconscious. It is the major rhythm seen in normal relaxed adults – it is present during most of life especially beyond the thirteenth year when it dominates the resting tracing. Alpha rhythms are reported to be derived from the white matter of the brain. The white matter can be considered the part of the brain that connects all parts with each other.
Alpha is a common state for the brain and occurs whenever a person is alert (it is a marker for alertness and sleep), but not actively processing information. They are strongest over the occipital (back of the head) cortex and also over frontal cortex. Alpha has been linked to extroversion (introverts show less), creativity (creative subjects show alpha when listening and coming to a solution for creative problems), and mental work.
When your alpha is within normal ranges we tend to also experience good moods, see the world truthfully, and have a sense of calmness. Alpha is one of the brain’s most important frequency to learn and use information taught in the classroom and on the job. You can increase alpha by closing your eyes or deep breathing or decrease alpha by thinking or calculating. Alpha-Theta training can create an increase in sensation, abstract thinking and self-control. In our car scenario, Alpha would represent neutral or idle. Alpha allows us to shift easily from one task to another.
ALPHA (8-12 Hz): Distribution: regional, usually involves entire lobe; strong occipital w/eyes closed
Subjective feeling states: relaxed, not agitated, but not drowsy; tranquil, conscious
Associated tasks & behaviors: meditation, no action
Physiological correlates: relaxed, healing
Effects of Training: can produce relaxation
Sub band low alpha: 8-10: inner-awareness of self, mind/body integration, balance
Sub band high alpha: 10-12: centering, healing, mind/body connection
BETA (above 12 Hz)
Beta activity is ‘fast’ activity. It has a frequency of 14 and greater Hz. It reflects desynchronized active brain tissue. It is usually seen on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally. It may be absent or reduced in areas of cortical damage.
It is generally regarded as a normal rhythm and is the dominant rhythm in those who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open.
It is the state that most of brain is in when we have our eyes open and are listening and thinking during analytical problem solving, judgment, decision making, processing information about the world around us.
Beta would represent overdrive or hyperdrive in our car scenario.
The beta band has a relatively large range, and has been divided into low, midrange and high.
LOW BETA (12-15HZ): Distribution: localized by side and by lobe (frontal, occipital, etc)
Subjective feeling states: relaxed yet focused, integrated
Associated tasks & behaviors: low SMR can reflect “ADD”, lack of focused attention
Physiological correlates: is inhibited by motion; restraining body may increase SMR
Effects of Training: increasing SMR can produce relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities,
MID BETA (15-18hz): Distribution: localized, over various areas. May be focused on one electrode.
Subjective feeling states: thinking, aware of self & surroundings
Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity
Physiological correlates: alert, active, but not agitated
Effects of Training: can increase mental ability, focus, alertness
HIGH BETA (above 18hz): Distribution: localized, may be very focused.
Subjective feeling states: alertness, agitation
Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity, e.g. math, planning
Physiological correlates: general activation of mind & body functions.
Effects of Training: can induce alertness, but may also produce agitation
GAMMA (above 30 Hz)
GAMMA (above 30hz Hz): Distribution: very localized
Subjective feeling states: thinking; integrated thoughts
Associated tasks & behaviors: high-level information processing, “binding”
Physiological correlates: associated with information-rich task processing
Effects of Training: not known