7 Negative Emotions That Actually Have Really Positive Effects On Your Life..
This emotional pain chart will show you how your body reacts to your negative emotions.
We experience an array of emotions every day – anything from happiness to sadness to extreme joy and even depression.
Our body responds to the way we think, feel, and act. This is one type of “mind/body connection.” Each emotion creates a different feeling within the body: it also releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy or upset. Each chemical works to create a different environment within the body.
For example, when your brain releases serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin. You will feel good and happy. Conversely, when your body releases cortisol while you are stressed, you will have a totally different feeling. Let’s take a closer look and see what our emotions can actually do to us.
Our brain is extremely powerful and complex
It affects our body based on what it is feeling.The mind and the body are linked, which can’t be seen, but only felt. The quality of the emotional signal that ‘the heart’ sends to the brain determines what kind of chemicals are released into our bodies and when we experience negative emotions, the signal sent to the brain mirrors our feelings.
While negative emotions are completely natural, they are still some of the most toxic emotions that we can have. Feelings of rage and hatred build up in the mind, body and soul, affecting the body’s organs and natural processes and breeding more negative emotions and leading to depression.
Prolonged bouts of anger and negativity can take the toll on the body in the form of high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, headaches and poor blood circulation. Some researches also show that even one five-minute episode of anger is so stressful that it can damage your immune system for more than six hours! In turn, all of the health issues mentioned above can lead to even more serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes.
One scientific study said that the molecules accumulated and exhaled while you verbally express anger, hatred or jealousy, contain toxins that, when collected for about an hour, are enough to kill eighty guinea pigs… Also, when we are feeling stressed, anxious, or upset, we may not take care of our health as well as we should. We often do not feel like exercising, eating nutritious foods or even taking prescribed medications. Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs may also be a sign of poor emotional health.
The 10 most common negative emotions are:
- Anger
- Sadness
- Jealousy
- Hatred
- Grief
- Isolation
- Humiliation
- Worthlessness
- Anxiety
- Conflict
See this emotional pain chart (infographic) from cforcestudio.com:

So, how do you overcome all the negative emotions and stay happy and healthy?
There are many techniques to help us deal with negative emotions and a lot of books, articles, seminars and films have been created to explain the importance of this issue.
Here are 5 tips that are most effective under any circumstances.
- Cutting perceptions as much as possible. After thinking about the negative for a moment you might realize that there are in fact no positive or negative experiences other than what we define as such. Therefore, our perception of an experience or the situation has the ultimate power as to how we will feel when it’s happening and how our bodies will be affected.
- Acknowledging anger. Instead of pushing your anger into the recesses of your mind or refusing to admit it is there, be mindful of what you are feeling. If you can admit that you are angry, then you can begin to tackle those emotions and find a solution to the problem.
- Taking control of your thoughts. It can be difficult to change your way of thinking from negative to positive. A lifetime of habits is a massive obstacle to overcome. Does that mean it’s impossible? Absolutely not! Whether you are 20, 50, or 90 years old, it is never too late to change how you think.
- Living a balanced life. Try not to obsess about the problems at work, school, or home that lead to negative feelings. This doesn’t mean you have to pretend to be happy when you feel stressed, anxious, or upset. It’s important to deal with these negative feelings, but try to focus on the positive things in your life too. You may want to use a journal to keep track of things that make you feel happy or peaceful.
- Being grateful. Acknowledging the good aspects of life and giving thanks have a powerful impact on emotional wellbeing. In a landmark study, people who were asked to count their blessings felt happier, exercised more, had fewer physical complaints, and slept better than those who created lists of hassles.
We hope this article and the emotional pain chart helped you realize how important it is to cultivate a more positive mentality.
- http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/04/11/the-effects-of-negative-emotions-on-our-health/
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-cynthia-thaik/emotional-wellness_b_4612392.html
- http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/negative-emotions-affect-your-health/
- http://dailysuperfoodlove.com/4871/how-negative-emotions-affect-your-health/
- http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/prevention-wellness/emotional-wellbeing/mental-health/mind-body-connection-how-your-emotions-affect-your-health.html
- http://www.greggbraden.com/blog/how-our-emotions-affect-our-health/
- http://fractalenlightenment.com/15116/life/the-effect-of-negative-emotions-on-our-health
- http://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/enhance-your-wellbeing/health/thoughts-emotions/how-do-thoughts-emotions-impact-health
By Anastasia T.
Also one must Love Teal Swan In this episode, Teal explains that your feeling body (what most people call the emotional body) is the truth of who you are at a feeling level. This layer of you contains the imprints of the emotional aspect of your memories as well as your current emotional state. It is the bridge between your physical self and our thinking self. The feeling body interprets and translates the thoughts projected forth by your eternal consciousness perspective and also by your human perspective into feeling states or “feeling signatures”.
This translation is the first step that takes place in order to enable a being to have a first hand experience of a thought. This enables the thought to be actualized instead of remain abstract. This actualization of thoughts enables us to learn and gain awareness better and faster and this in turn enables personal and universal expansion. Because of the emotional body, man is able to experience their own thoughts. The thoughts are converted into feeling impressions.
The physical body interprets those feeling impressions and as if translating the message, converts those feeling states into the neuropeptides and hormones that cause the physical reactions in our body that we call “emotions”; emotions ranging from fear, anger and stress to love, compassion and happiness.
The feeling body is not an actual body. It is etheric in nature. But it can be understood and visualized symbolically like an actual body (in fact it often is both out of body and in dream time). You can ask to be shown the visual representation of your feeling body in meditation of you like.
With practice, you will no longer need to facilitate an altered state of consciousness like meditation to switch your perspective in order to see the layer of a person’s emotional/feeling body at will. You could observe it as energy, or you could observe it as the representation of an actual body.
In the second half of this episode, Teal explains how to facilitate “integration” of the emotional body.
Teal’s web page: http://tealswan.com/

We’ll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. However, we don’t have to. He makes a compelling case to practice emotional hygiene — taking care of our emotions, our minds, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies.
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