As I leave Brannenburg in Oberbayern – Germany today.
I have never felt so much peace, happiness, healing and excitement about my life!
This place really does heal your soul as well as your body it’s like nowhere else. I’ve ever been! Thank you Dr. Axel Weber!
One thing I know is that I am meant to live in the countryside with nature and animals possibly maybe humans if your nice
There’s so much I am passionate about on my soul path now and I have been fasting and in deep prayer while I’ve been here so I feel on such a high and deep awareness that I am already healed energetically my physical body just needs to catch up!
So it’s time for me to step up and get on with my life!! I am so grateful to you all for donating and supporting me on this huge journey!!
I have faced death many times on this path but I feel as humans we are more afraid to truly live from our hearts and authentically than dying and I feel so grateful that I am doing just that!
Today I celebrate who I am and I love what I see back at me in the mirror! One amazing sensitive beautiful kind wise kick ass independent woman on a mission! Thank you cancer!
I love my life and I love my cancer journey it’s been tough as you know but I know my soul needed this! No more suffering now just an open road! A blank canvas! I am ready to shine!
I couldn’t be here in this wise wonderful place without all of you so thank you! If anyone could donate or share my fund I still owe money to Dr Weber but I am trusting it will all unfold!
If anyone has faith it’s me as you all know!
Here’s to love too as I may even be open to fall in love who knows (form an orderly queue but what I do know is that I am so happy and whole and I am enjoying the best love affair of my life… unconditionally loving myself! Best medicine in the world
Love you all and thank you! I plan to come back here in August a year to the day I first arrived! I also plan to be cancer free by then!
Then my book finally sharing everything with you all! Anyone want to guess the title?
Its time to say goodbye to her
My amazing incredible breast tumour
Its been a pain in the ass a total blast!
So long! Adios! It’s the end at last!
Thank you for waking & shaking me up
Allowing me to feel unconditional love
Thank you for the heart stopping fear
The huge lessons I will hold forever dear
From the very start I knew it was a lesson from my soul to my heart
A wake up call to help me stand tall
Wipe the tears away no more hitting brick walls
Now only love can shine through
Thank you cancer a beautiful gift from you!
You see its all a cosmic giggle
I’ve a glide in my stride with a sazzy wiggle
What was supposed to bring death and fear
Just opened up love, living life in top gear.
I found some humour in my tumour
She has done her job so well
Its been so undeniably swell
All I can say is in surrendering to love
Has showered me with gifts from God above
So much healing in my life, body, mind and soul
Has brought about miracles that I cherish and forever hold
For with my tumour she has given me self power
With faith & heavens love it’s a blessed shower
No more tears and crying in pain
No more hurt, sorrow and utter shame
All has been released because I had faith
So can all women its never too late
Trust in yourself and know you can do it
When your body gives you pain you can see through it
The lessons its brought me has made me empowered
Self love and juicing gave me time to recharge
No more meeting for coffee with chums
Us natural girls have coffee up our bums!
Enemas and juicing everyday
Gratitude and love every time I pray
Its time to say thank you and a huge goodbye
Its been emotional I know but I wont cry
For everything you showed me has been healing and miracles
Not what most people expected
Probably me to be hysterical!
Cancer is not a battle or a victim’s tale
Or a journey when you take chemo and end up frail
It’s a magnificent healing of anger and resentment
Saying goodbye to the past and living in contentment
Opening up to loving your day
To smile and be happy with gratitude keeps fear at bay
To thank God for all of life’s wonders
Not a time to be depressed and go under
If only we can see the love that surrounds us
It would make our journey graceful and full of trust
So i thank my tumour for the beautiful humour
For bringing me here on this magical tour
As the journey is getting ready to come to a wonderful stop
I’ve managed to get it, the whole bloody lot!
So time for a new chapter where love is the best
I am happy and joyful I had courage to stand out from the rest
This tumour has given me my life’s purpose now
I am beaming with pride and so proud
Time to share this amazing time
With women worldwide I’ve got my life back in line
Everything I could ever wish for is happening to me
This tumour dance has set us both free
We both have shared our time in this lesson
But now time for living life its gonna be one happy session
Taking the darkness trip that cancer can bring
It has thought my heart and soul to sing
I am flying high and ready to soar
So now that life is not a meaningless chore
Life is what you make it each day as you rise
Fill your life with joy and laughter with lots of surprise
Letting the darkness go and embracing love
Heaven will shower you with your wishes from above
Being conscious of our thoughts & emotions as they create our disease
I get it all now my body mind & spirit are so pleased
Its time to say goodbye to her
My amazing incredible tumour
Its been a pain in the ass a total blast
Thank you God i can see the end at last!
SO…. Open your life up to healing
Your life will have new meaning
I am sending out so much love with this
God bless, I love you
Everything is a gift
Now go enjoy a life of bliss
Darryl I knew you came into my life for a reason

Preview Holistic Cancer Treatment : Klinik Marinus

Amazing version of the REM Song